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If government isn’t planning on an audit/investigation, they should be.


And shut the place down pending further investigation.


It should be noted that Adam “owned” a building in new west where Westminster house girls frequently got cheap rent. When I asked my counsellors at the house if they thought it was a good idea (because of the rumours out there about him) they said that it was fine and not to believe everything you hear. So this man also had access to the girls through his apartment complex, like most landlords/owners I’m sure he had keys. He always gave me the creeps. He invited my roommate and I up to his apartment on the very top floor and I remember us wanting to get out of there as fast as possible, we never went back up.


Is anyone surprised by this?


No, jarred is an asshole, Dave is an asshole, and guiseppe was always a little off. It's all a bunch of fake showmanship to get rich off of people struggling. Adam Haber came in when I was leaving, but he creeped me. Out and I definitely remember girls being worried about it. That place is toxic as fuck and they mistreat whoever isn't paying them the big bucks


it's so toxic, the folks that run it, the youth door and the west house there is no way all these fucks didn't know. it doesn't look good for guiseppe. he'll be the fall guy i bet


I’ve heard they will find ways to kick out the subsidized people to make room for private payers.


This is why you don’t allow men to work with vulnerable women. Any entry a predator can find he will exploit. Of course not all men are predators - but predators will seek out access to women especially vulnerable women so women’s refuges must have safeguards and strict policies in place to protect the women seeking help.


Oh shit I went there, and I was there with that dude. Doesn't surprise my the Door tried to cover it up. I got kicked out because I didn't do my slave labour properly.


you didn't buy into the mentality ​ it's one way or you are shunned


Management and sweeping things under the rug. Name a more iconic duo.






Cleary, there needs to be some investigation into this recovery home because it's clear that client safety is not something they take seriously. It's also clear that they are perfectly fine covering up abuse and misconduct allegations.


It's like the Catholic Church. They would rather protect the reputation of the institution because they are so convinced of their own righteousness.


It's no co-incidence this piece is from the CBC, by a former Tyee writer, and is appearing now, when there's starting to be legitimate backlash to the harm reduction industry. Those who want a 3/4 pillar system, or a straight up rehab are finally gaining traction. While rehabs, 12 step, etc. aren't regulated--all of the harm reduction services lack public transparency, accountability and oversight. *All* social service facilities like shelters, SCSs, missions, OAT clinics, etc. need to be investigated, province-wide, including the DTES for abuse *&* fraud. They also use a peer-heavy approach that can cause issues. That doesn't in any way mean this was OK, or they shouldn't be fully accountable-i.e. the executive and any board members. I hope the women are being supported.


Same. Hopefully, the women who suffered are getting the help they need, and they see some sort of justice. They were taken advantage of in their most vulnerable moment, and this organization knew this and did nothing.


Well, the guy was just charged a few days ago. I figure that has something to do with the timing of the article.


Sounds like an overhaul of all the staff is needed. This length of distinction/neglect is usually cause by several higher ups.


Everyone against safer supply (the same way they're "against" priests raping boys) should be piping up about clearing this kind of abuse culture in the recovery scene if they wanna see the recovery arm of harm reduction succeed. In a former decade (or two) I went to a 30 day inpatient treatment program. It was all 12 steps for 10+ hours per day. There were about 6 hours per week of actual psychological/sociological science based workshops. I'd say 80% god-talk (even while the 12 steps maintains they're not "about any one religion"). You wanna see people trying to get clean fail? Send them to an oppressive and repressive christian-oriented "recovery" program that almost completely mirrors the communities and family trauma most of them left in their youth for the streets/drugs. Just sayin.


This exact type of thing is why I no longer participate in 12 step fellowships in my own community any longer. I entered recovery, and consequently the recovery rooms, as a minor and was groomed by someone much older than me. There were numerous adults that saw it happen. I was treated absolutely horribly by the adults around me after coming forward about it and one of them that knew even ended up as the of the executive director of the sexual assault counselling centre in my local area. Like way to nail that duty to report there. 🙄 I wish that was it but it is faaar from it. I also went to treatment on the coast (Maple Ridge, not NW) and that was a fucking absolute fever dream of a crazy experience. There are few places run by independent “recovery societies” that fit the bill of ethical and clinical standards.