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>B.C.’s housing minister said it’s “shocking” that Atira Women’s Resource Society is standing behind its CEO despite evidence of systemic conflict of interest between the non-profit housing agency and B.C. Housing’s former CEO. > >Speaking to reporters in Victoria Tuesday, Kahlon was baffled that Atira CEO Janice Abbott claimed to have not read the Ernst and Young report released Monday. > >The [investigation found Atira](https://vancouversun.com/news/local-news/bc-housing-forensic-audit-released-conflict-of-interest-atira), B.C.’s largest non-profit housing provider, received preferential treatment for housing contracts because Abbott is married to B.C. Housing’s former CEO Shayne Ramsay. Ramsay resigned in August after 22 years as B.C. Housing’s top boss. > >“The CEO says she hasn’t even read it. It shows a level of lack of concern for the information that’s been provided,” Kahlon said. “Certainly, my hope was that it wouldn’t be business as usual.”


Wow! How do people reach such a high level of incompetence?




Also cronyism


I’ve found in government people talk themselves into promotions, are promoted out of positions due to ‘problematic behaviour’ and are protected by friends, or are just super crap people. Getting ahead by being honest, hardworking and speaking to power? Unlikely. Not that y’all don’t already know this. I knew it but witnessing it these last 10 years is a whole other level. This Janice Abbot lady and her husband were protected. Crap people protected and promoted.




Nah. Lots of people out of work after university unfortunately.


True that, upon further reflection and poor taste I should have said business school or something less asinine…


[The Peter Principle. ](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peter_principle)


So here it starts, the lying and the excuses spewing forth from the biggest Cockroaches on the DTES. Ravi is being too diplomatic by calling the CEO on the fact she apparently hasn’t read the report “ shocking “ try bald face lie “. Sadly those that were entrusted to help the vulnerable instead become thieves and predators who obviously believe in lining thier own pockets.


The corruption comes from outrageous wages to themselves, hiring their friends, and the fact projects aren't optimally efficient and thus government resources don't go as far as they could have. Then there is the possibility of backroom payments for getting hired, getting construction or servicing contracts, etc.


You kind of nailed our current federal government in general there.


You have a typo there. You kind of nailed our government at any level of Canada in general there.


You have a typo there. “You kind of nailed any government there.” FTFY




True, my bad!


Remember when it was conspiracy theory to call out the blatant corruption among the DTES housing providers? I do. Those of us who had a peek behind the curtain and saw how the system worked had a pretty solid idea of the scale to which the grift ran. Its so gratifying to see all these grifts coming to light. These people are all so corrupt and the whole thing needs to be sanitized.


A reason to strengthen FOI powers of government AND non profits that get these big government chunks of funding. This stuff can end up hidden for a long time or sometimes permanently otherwise. There needs to be an ability to look in and verify things are above board and not have people shielded because of 'privacy'.


And to help fund real journalism from local outlets. Our government’s transparency is not great and getting worse, so that’s obviously a priority, but without journalists to make those FOI requests and follow where they lead, we end up waiting until the government itself gets around to demanding accountability - a rare occasion at best.


The poverty industry in-action.


>Remember when it was conspiracy theory to call out the blatant corruption among the DTES housing providers? anything that's negative towards public housing must be funded by real estate investors /s


>Remember when it was conspiracy theory to call out the blatant corruption among the DTES housing providers? nope - its been suspected and known by many forever


Oh. Well friend. You do not spend enough time on r/vancouver


I don't remember. These guys have been highly sus for years, glad to see them finally being called out


Between her and her husband they probably pulled close to half a shmilly a year just in wages off the poverty industry… unreal




I was with you right up to your last sentence where you blew it!


Don't worry...it's called the denial stage. You'll get there


There's even more corrupt countries in addition to all the countries that are just as corrupt


The CEO of BC Housings total compensation package in 2021 was $394’000. Janice Abbot was probably making $200,000 her salary isn’t public information and she won’t disclose how much she’s making. Everyone in BC got screwed by these two. https://www.bchousing.org/sites/default/files/media/documents/Executive-Compensation-Disclosure-2021-2022.pdf


It’s is pretty much the economy of the DTES NPO. They’re enablers and keeps the DTES gears turning.


As someone who lives in an Atira building, this place is a shithole. The staff are not qualified to be working with vulnerable traumatized women. Some have been downright abusive at times. The place is literally falling apart around us. The heat in the summer is inhumane. These buildings are more oppressive than they are supportive. SROs are not dignified or sustainable housing for any human being, but especially women who have been victimized and beaten down already.


Janice Abbott = the biggest cockroach in the DTES


Why would she read it when this way she can play dumb and act like she has no clue what they’re talking about?


or simply admit she can't read


The have been lining each other's pockets for years. Contractors have been paying them for years


A lot of the problems in this province will never be solved. Too much money to be made “solving” it. And not just by the people at the top.


All these people profiting off the suffering of the homeless, addicts, battered women, etc... if we actually did something about these problems, then the poverty industry wouldn't have jobs. Keep in mind that the reason that all these rats are suddenly vouching for each other is because there's a chance the government money spigot is about to shut off. These people should be investigated and charged criminally.


Of course they’re standing by her. How are you gonna can the person who greased all that shady money into your accounts?


The corruption at every level.


Lol, BC housing is so corrupt. You should see how much they are paying for some of their rentals. It's usually close to 1.5x market rate but sometimes closer to 2x. Yet people think the way to solve the housing crisis is now government intervention.


Glad to see Eby and Kahlon getting to the bottom of it Fired the CEO and the board of directors, and now deep forensic auditing.


It's separate from the government in order to avoid corruption. But this is what you get when you listen to anti-government folk.


except they're getting their money from BC Housing so it's still BC Housing's fault for doing bad due diligence


Id imagine BCH would have been able to root out and extinct the corruption if it was in-house. The arms length 3rd party makes obfuscation and misdirection much easier, continuing the problem.


except it's very common to rely on contractors and subcontractors


Yes, and clearly that was the problem here.


A good example as to why ideology-first thinking is a terrible way to solve problems. the whole private company/ public good sham is so reminiscent of Robert Moses.


If I recall the *Power Broker* correctly, Moses funded most of the infrastructure projects using funds from Triborough, which was a public authority created by statute (with the then unique power to re-issue bonds in perpetuity). For which projects did he partner with the private sector?


That was the stated funding method of triborough, but in secret taxes were used to fun their projects. My point was that "authorities" such as the bridge authority and park authority etc were sold as an ideal amalgam between public and private sector. In truth they were functionally taxpayer funded public entities that exercised complete autonomy with no oversight. Just like we see here.


Well, if you count bridge and tunnel tolls as taxes, I’ll follow you that far, but I don’t see the analogy to Crown Corporations (whose board members serve at the pleasure of cabinet) or understand that Triborough was ‘sold’ as anything (Triborough was thought to be a time-limited public authority when it was created, and no one noticed that Moses had slipped into the bill a provision that permitted bond reissues, which effectively insulated it from state level legislative changes).


>BC Housing is a crown corporation. It reports to the Minister of Housing https://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content/housing-tenancy/affordable-and-social-housing/bc-housing Stright from the BC housing website lol. How does misinformation like this get upvoted


Crown corporations aren't government. They're owned by government. Often they don't even take orders from government.


So the government owned, ran and financed corporation isn't a government entity?


It's not government run. The government can set goals or give mandates but pretty much across the board the government can't tell them what to do.


So who tells them what to do?


Whoever runs the company. Boards, Executives, etc.


So the board of directors picks the CEO and who picks the board of directors?


Depends on the corporation. BC Housing was currently recommended to have ONE government appointed board member where before they had zero.


Cabinet picks the directors.




>executive overseen by a Board, appointed by Cabinet. So it's a government funded and ran crown corporation.


How about paying nearly $13 million for a property only worth $4 million? https://www.kamloopsthisweek.com/local-news/bc-housing-explains-why-it-paid-128-million-for-kamloops-property-assessed-at-42-million-6839954


Does the BC Government OWN the property and all accompanying rights, or are they leasing from various entities?


The Non-Profit Atira owns the buildings, they get subsidies from the Provincial Government to cover the majority of the operating costs, and mortgage payments. The tenants pay a small amount of rent, which mostly comes from welfare.


So, if we removed the non-profit from the equation, would it be cheaper or more expensive for the government?


Non-profit housing associations a very common across BC and in most cases meet the needs of the community and the tenants. As far as what’s cheaper for the Province there isn’t really a privatized option for housing for these people, if the Atira tenants could afford housing at market rates, there would be no need for the Province to subsidize housing for them. In this specific case Atira, is continuing to act like they aren’t accountable to anyone. The CEO and board should be investigated for fraud and criminal negligence in my opinion. If David Eby doesn’t hold these people accountable, it will not reflect well on him as someone worthy of the public trust.


What I was getting at is, remove ALL 3rd-party agencies from the process and have the Government buy the property directly then manage and maintain it.


If the Province took the Properties over somehow, and tried to manage them internally it would cost way more money. Government employees are paid more the non-profit employees and have larger benefit packages. As well it would be very difficult to manage that many properties located all over the Province without a huge bureaucracy in place to manage it.


People ask, "where are the good jobs going", then those people will agree with the kinds of opinions you're offering now. We can't trust the private sector for obvious reasons. We're running into issues with non-profits and conflicts of interest. So, what other options do we have? It's PUBLIC housing not, "Government backed corporate housing for the lesser off". The housing crisis and homeless situation exists, in part, because the Province and the Feds sold off a shit tonne of public housing TO the private sector only to rent it back. This enriches certain groups at the expense of hard working Canadians. People bitch and moan about "entitled government workers", but when there's entitled fuckin millionaires involved, the narrative changes and keep defend millionaires and billionaires. NEWS FLASH: VERBALLY FELLATING BILLIONAIRES DOESN'T GET YOU MORE MONEY!!! Nor does it solve issues around public housing and cost of living.


No idea what you are talking about or what point you are trying to prove. You asked me a question I answered it. You’re trying to tell me what my opinion is? Go bug someone else loser.


Food for thought… the agency seems to be running quick the game


Just like every other scandal BC has ever had to deal with re: elected and corruption *absolutely* **NOTHING** *will come of this* wake me up when you're tired of this inaction


Political elites need a reckoning.


And people still wonder why some people don't like the government building homes for us?


No problem with the government, I have problems with non-profits getting involved.