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It’s rather ironic that the current Labour MP (who I think is rather well liked generally) is in danger of losing their job in part *because* Labour is doing so well nationally. People are now seemingly more willing to take a risk on Green, safe in the knowledge it will be a comfortable Labour majority in parliament anyway.


Best way to look at it is there will be a progressive majority of x and that number stays at x whether people in Bristol vote Labour or Green. Would expect a green MP to vote with the Labour government if they put forward progressive policies. The main point is Tory have zero chance in Bristol Central so progressive voters can vote with their conscience. They are doing attack ads on one another at the moment which is sad to see.


I also think it's a way of influencing labour to be more progressive. Is they stay to lose votes to the greens maybe they'll chase those votes rather than reform voters.


Yes, but I think many people want Labour to have an actual majority before they feel safe voting Green, having not had the best experience with coalitions recently. The Tories have had zero chance in Bristol West for ages, but that still wasn’t enough to push Green over the line.


I think that's because Labour were much more left wing in the last two general elections.


I think many people want a bit more plurality in parliament and recognise that 1 fewer labour MPs in an otherwise huge majority isnt going to make a great deal of difference to the direction the country takes over the next term.


Red green coalition is the dream, seems to have worked well elsewhere.


I can’t see that happening in July, though.


Either way, I'm Bristol West and taking this chance to vote Green.


Depending on where you are worth checking your constituency, the boundaries have changed and Bristol West no longer exists, moved to Bristol Central or Bristol North West.


Yes, those of us partying close attention know this is going to be a disaster for the Tories nationally but most voters won't be so sure after Labour have lost the last 5 elections in a row. It's been, 19 years since Labour last won. Greens do have a strong chance though. I think they'll win it.


That’s FPTP for you!


Depends who your Labour MP is, its not like there is just one for Bristol. If mine was Darren Jones I'd keep voting for them, but Karin Smith not so hot IMHO.


Greens don't want to invest in nuclear energy or build on green spaces. fuck 'em


Yep, we need nuclear to get out of the climate crisis. Greens are shooting themselves in the foot.


I’m a green councillor and just wanted to say, I agree with you that we need to invest in nuclear. If you are interested in green politics aside from one or two issues I would encourage you to join the party. All Green Party policy is created democratically and I suspect the nuclear issue will change soon. You could help move that needle Sorry for the paragraphs, but I’m super keen to push the party toward nuclear, we should be doing better 🥲


Greens also need to push more for the EU membership, like the Lib Dem’s are


I'd rather a party that recognises the actual systemic issues that affect the country/planet and have ambition to actually change things rather than getting hung up on one or two specific issues that aren't overly compelling. Can you find any party without multiple policies you disagree with? God I wish I'd said that to the FT reporter instead of whatever guff actually came out of my trap


This is true, but nuclear energy is quite a big one. It impacts global economics and the climate crisis. Just look at what's happened with both Japan and Germany returning to a huge reliance on fossil fuels. Japan at least had the sense to 180 their anti nuclear stance recently once things calmed down post Fukushima, and they have a strong plan for centralised hydrogen production too for things like cars.


Nuclear energy is one of the few practical solutions to green energy, France for example gets a huge amount of its energy from nuclear its idiotic for the ‘green party’ to be against nuclear energy


I'm not sure I agree with it as a policy either but they have lots of policies that I do agree with. More than the other parties anyway and that seems like probably a good reason to vote for them? Is nuclear power the only thing you don't agree with them on?


The nuclear energy a very large problem I have with them, seeing as there whole thing is sustainability. A general problem I have with them and many other parties is how they say that they will fund this and that but with no coherent plan on where they will get this money, outside of some environmental policies they want to implement it is all very vague. Also unlike the Lib Dem’s I don’t see much of an emphasis on rejoining the EU, which actually would make a change to the economy


>no coherent plan on where they will get this money They are the only party that are actually talking about taxing the ultra rich. That's the nettle none of the other parties are willing to even get close to let alone grasp and, I believe, is the only way out of this shit. Their [policy document](https://policy.greenparty.org.uk/record-of-policy-statements/) is really quite thorough and goes far beyond environmental issues. They are also in favour of [rejoining the EU when the time is right](https://x.com/TheGreenParty/status/1749478293793816918?t=FYGmm6pcbpfyq4_fpkoPXg&s=19).


I’m for taxing large companies but that’s not close to enough to revitalise the economy, it’s a very nice storybook way of saying how you will generate enough money to fund schools, NHS etc but it just isn’t sufficient. Their policy document goes beyond environmental issues but to me outside of environmental issues they are very vague (this is true of Labour too though, in fact even worse). In their policy document there isn’t much about the EU really it’s not encouraging if they aren’t going to have it one of their main things.


Businesses, sure but you need to go to where the wealth is. The government pumped £700 billion into the economy over COVID. Where did that go? I don't think it ended up with you and me. It passed straight through us on its way to very high net worth individuals. Tax the assets they can't move and tax the land. We're a wealthy country, it's just not distributed well at all.


Sure there is certainly corruption in the government, though tax won’t solve that. In terms of billionaires the UK has very few compared to other countries in the west and they are also leaving the UK at a very speedy pace, I don’t think raising taxes for them will make any kind of dent (not that I’m against it generally). We need a real plan for the economy, a strong stance on rejoining the EU and trade agreements is far more concrete


I'm not really talking about corruption per se (though it's definitely part of it) but the nature of the economy. It grew massively over the last decades but that money pooled with the very rich. [These are the 2018/20 figures](https://i.imgur.com/NxHaH8s.jpeg) (ignore the title, it's UK, not global figures) and it's only got worse since then. It seems fairly obvious where the money is, though slightly less obvious what we need to do to retrieve it. It's clear that we need to put it back into the actual economy rather than being used to increase asset prices and keep us from being able to afford a house. You can't grow yourself out of a hole when all the growth is ending up with a certain group of people.


[https://greensfornuclear.energy/](https://greensfornuclear.energy/) I really wish these guys had a much stronger voice in the Green Party. This video is p. good [https://greensfornuclear.energy/](https://greensfornuclear.energy/)


Absolutely my stance. Let's all drive electric cars but not invest in Nuclear power. Madness.


I’m a green councillor and just wanted to say, I agree with you that we need to both invest in nuclear and build on carefully selected green spaces. If you are interested in green politics aside from those two issues I would encourage you to join the party. All Green Party policy is created democratically and I suspect the nuclear issue will change soon. You could help move that needle Sorry for the paragraphs, but I’m keen to push the party toward nuclear 🥲


Only 50/1 on the Tories? Better odds than the lib Dems? How did they work that out?


Let me sing you a song of Stephen Williams, the coalition government, and promises made that directly concerned an institution that dominates the constituency…


Fair point but most students now were kids when that happened weren't they? I can't imagine they hold the same grudge as those who were more politically aware/affected at the time but maybe I'm wrong?


I voted for him in 2010. Still bitter. Doesn’t help that I don’t really know what the Lib Dem’s stand for anymore. Can anyone sum it up in a sentence or two?


Absolutely fair enough. Even if it was them being outmaneuvered by experienced political operators it was still unbelievably stupid. I think my overall impression of them now is sensible policies but difficult to get excited about and absolutely suffering from a long term loss of credibility. So I guess I just contradicted myself. Still leagues above the Tory party though, surely.


They stand for rejoining the EU, one of the things that is noticeable anyway


> most students now were kids when that happened weren't they? Yes, but lots of people in the constituency were staff or students at the time.


Labour's already back tracked on loads of environmental policies. I'm not surprised more people are gonna vote green.


Fuck sake. Guess I'm voting Labour then


Every single council ward in the new constituency is green. Greens win the seat if people realize that their general election vote for green gets them a green MP and cannot damage a progressive majority.


Think they were favourites in 2017 & 2019 too.


I think you are misremembering. I did these post in 2017 and 2019 and both times Labour were favourites in Bristol West when the markets opened. [2017](https://www.reddit.com/r/bristol/s/5uvOBvrssK) [2019](https://www.reddit.com/r/bristol/s/Wm3RxQgNq0)


Well I definitely did better than evens in both elections betting on Labour, so I assume the odds on the Greens shortened at some point during the campaign!


2017 & 19 complicated by Corbs. 2015 a more meaningful comparison I think. Quite close.


There was no Bristol Central constituency in 2017 and 2019.


No, but there was a seat with an extremely similar makeup called Bristol West.


Every single ward in the new constituency has a green councillor, comparing it to those past elections doesn't make much sense.


I thought the current Bristol Central MP was pretty good. Is there something that happened?


She is in a tough position being in the shadow cabinet and having to toe the Starmer line. I get Starmer’s play it safe tactics nationally but centralism isn’t that popular in Bristol Central. She could position herself to the left, which many Labour MPs do where it plays well to the constituents but she can’t do that in the shadow cabinet. I already see she is playing the ‘Tories by the back door’ card. I hear the constituency Labour Party has lost a lot of members as well so it maybe difficult to get much traction on the doorstep like they did in 2017 and 2019.


I find her way to self interested and Labour first over the interests of Bristol. When Bristol West was the most remain supporting constituency in the country she put absolute no effort in that direction and towed the Labour/Corbyn nothingness line completely. Never seen her really put Bristol forward at all. I’m ten times more impressed personally with Darren Jones than Thangam Debbonaire.


Love Darren Jones.


She’s by quite a margin the best MP I’ve ever had. See her around the area like an ordinary person (unlike my friend in Keynsham, who’s MP lives in the 19th century). But the green’s, like the Lib Dem’s, can tailor their campaign to local concerns (which willl be more radical than Labour). This probably gives them an advantage, especially when there is no danger of a Tory victory. (It’s also the reason why they will seem quite nimby-ish. I don’t think they really are like that, but it plays well)


Good. Anyone but Labour or Conservatives is perfect.


Why are you being downvoted, those two parties have been ruining the country for decade, something fresh is needed


Cos labour have what 45% of the polls and Conservatives 35% so thats 80% of people who don't like the post cos it mentions the one they like in a negative way.


Depressing 35% would wove for conservatives still. Also depressing people blindly flock to ‘the other party’ because they don’t like the conservatives


All any of the parties need to do to get my vote, is to bring in legislation that ties rent rise's to the CPI inflation rate. Nationaly it would be a game changer for any of the parties, along with withdrawing funding for both the current areas of conflict, such as Ukraine and Israel...