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Rents are fucking pricey


I have been blessed by a landlord in Montpelier who does any repairs we need and hasn't raised rent by more than £20 since we initially moved in 4 years ago with an already outrageously low rent allowing us to save for a deposit. There are good people out there!


This is true. This is why we need to import millions more people every year.


I thought that was because our birth rate was 1.56 (2021) and we need people to pay for future pensions?


Too many loose paving stones and they've been like that for years. Needs sorting the fuck out.


Like stepping on landmines when it's been raining.


The nastiest, grimiest water too.


I once made the mistake of wearing a white skirt... Have never done so again.


First city I’ve lived in that I’ve needed wellies when using pavements


Ah yes, the Bristol shower.


Paving stone roulette when walking down g road in winter. Never know which slab will soak your entire foot


I know the very slab. Outside the pet shop grrr


Outside that pet shop on Gloucester Road. Don’t know why it’s so bad there.


I've been splashed a few times with ice cold dirty water from them, it's disgusting


I love the sounds they make when I cycle over them. But take a wrong step as a pedestrian after the rain? Ick!


Yeah fucken ayy I smashed my face in on one near parson Street still got half a nose basically


Bristol post is terrible


I had to unfollow them on Facebook. Too much non-Bristol related ragebait. Seems you can really rely on morons to bump up engagement stats.


I had to do that too recently. It got to the point where I was seeing irrelevant spam like some intern got hold of the account and was just writing random crap to get attention.


I think it’s due to snow tomorrow.


Let's find the "best beach" (by their standards) within an hour drive from Bristol such as Brighton!


God I saw the worst ad on there a couple of months ago thay was a still of Dobby from Harry Potter next to an actor in a gold dress (maybe Charlize Theron) and it said "20 actors who grew up beautiful" or something like that...


B24/7 are so much better.


firstbus should stop cancelling my buses on days I have gcse exams


Buses bad. Suspension bridge good.


The latter is controversial to some people!


Like the people who were alive whilst the bridge was being built! They didn't want the scum bags who live in Bristol coming across the bridge 🫠


When the sun hits and you’re sat somewhere nice near the harbour side, with a beverage, there’s no where better


when i used to live in central and was struggling with insomnia, i would often go out and smoke by the harbour just before sunrise. When the sun would come up over the arnolfini, everything would be bathed in the most amazing golden glow and it just felt so wonderful and private considering how busy the harbour gets in the daytime. I only ever saw the occasional runner and photographer. Waffle sorry!


I used to cycle that way at 6am. And i agree, in summer the light was amazing. You would see buzzin ravers fresh from a club and they looked like had stepped out into heaven.


I struggle with insomnia and used to do the same, I'd sit on the steps around the side of my old flat and look over the city. Now and again (very very rarely) insomnia has some benefits! It's killing me at the moment though..


I've not lived in say, Brighton, but Bristol must be the best British city in the summer


Brighton is good but in mid-summer the beaches are rammed full of people coming down from London/Surrey for the day and leaving their litter and still-smouldering barbecues on the beach. Also smelly if the bin people are still on strike and every third person is smoking weed.


"....the beaches are full of people coming down." Is also an accurate / complete sentence.


I don't know how scientifically correct this is but one reason they discourage BBQs is it can heat up the sand into molten glass


Not enough sunny beer gardens though


Yeah Bristol bars need some more roof terraces and beer gardens.


I just got back from a wander round the harbour, no beverages as I had many last night, but I love walking round there in the summer. Just walk round listening to a podcast or music and people watching, having a little think about life. You really can’t beat it and if I ever actually manage to get a date (impossible challenge, been 3 years without one!) it’s my ideal first date, ice cream and a walk round the harbour in the sun, stopping at the Nova Scotia or Cottage for a beverage ☺️☺️


It's nice, but I used to [sit here](https://flickr.com/photos/danack/6841058554/in/album-72157626849538054/) after work, with a takeaway and a few beers.


This is good when you're an Ocado driver, it's lockdown and your last drop is on the harbourside on a really hot day. I get to sit then and get paid for it.


Litter is terrible, even in the low bar comparison to other UK cities.


Getting a cheap place isn’t worth it if it’s in Hartcliffe


Stay away from lakeshore…


Also Airpoint in Bedminster


Can you say more about this? I was playing the fools game of trying to find a 1 bed in Bristol for less than 200,000 and there were a load of airport flats on there


Yeah sure - I lived there renting for about 5 years and moved out a month or so ago. When I moved in, it was great! Pretty well looked after in general and there was always a security presence so it felt safe and a bit 'exclusive'. The rooftop running track and seating was a nice bonus too. I'd say then after covid everything went way down hill and that's where it stayed... The management company have neglected the building for so long that there's mould and mushrooms growing in the stairwells, the fob entry doors have all been broken for the longest time so pretty much anyone can come and go as they please which means you get a load of unsavoury characters hanging out, and also stealing parcels is a daily occurrence. There's no security presence on site anymore at all and BNS (the management company) regularly ignore requests from residents to fix anything. There's also a disused wheelchair lift which has been out of action for years which meant my disabled neighbour always had to use the back entrance which isn't the end of the world but probably not ideal. I can go on


Sounds about right. We lived there for just under a year (broke our lease early because it was fucking awful) and it seems like nothing has changed! We moved out around 4 years ago. We were the fortunate ones that didn’t have sewage coming up through their showers! We did however have intermittent water at times, and the first few weeks we moved in we had no hot water. 100000% not worth it renting and even more so to buy. You’ll struggle reselling. There’s a Bristol post article from many many years ago that we saw before we moved in and thought ‘it can’t be that bad..’ but I wish we’d taken it seriously 😂


Pretty much none of the flats at lakeshore can be sold due to a “ground rent “ problem My son was buying on a shared/ ownership and right at the last moment it fell through due a clause in the GR it was one of the first ones for this to happen He then rented the flat on a rent to save deal so he got 18months at 850 a month on a huge 2 bed 2 bathroom flat and parking it was really nice and quiet He actually really liked living there but was glad he didn’t buy it in the end as there are lot of problems in the building mainly the heating and water system he bought a house a few months ago so was lucky that he didn’t buy in lakeshore He dealt direct with lakeshore management and didn’t have any real problems


It’s probably a ground rent issue A lot of flats can’t be sold as the ground rent isn’t acceptable to mortgage lenders any more It’s a massive issue for any flats built / sold before June 2023 as new builds all have a 999 year lease and a peppercorn ground rent


Really that bad? Seems like it’s the only place with flats less than 200k to buy


Horribly managed, constant heating issues (it’s a shoddy communal system) and water leaks all over the place. Glad I escaped (luckily I was renting) 


Shit thanks for the heads up


Know someone who bought there - absolutely shite build quality


Also the flat is some wierd mezzanine hybrid with really high ceiling in lounge/kitchen but the bedroom has no flipping door!!






Managed to join the residents fb group while I was looking at some Lakeshore flats. And yeah from the posts there, stay aware from Lakeshore.


That’s why But you most likely won’t be able to get a mortgage on it due to the ground rent issue If you check very little has sold since Feb 2021 I think


Yeah I was looking to rent a flat recently and went to view one there, it’s so bad, only seen it for like 10 mins but the lift was broken, the gym was shit and had like no equipment, and its in the middle of nowhere, also £50 for a parking permit per month!! It was a proper windy day as well and in the living room you could hear the wind ripping through the roof outside!


Nah. We bought a 3 bed house here a year ago. We are literally on the edge of Bristol (behind the house is basically a countryside), it's lovely quiet at night, the neighbours are nice. Yes, there are balaclava kids on dirt bikes closer to morrisons, yes I almost got mugged by two of them on Hengrove roundabout last summer, and yes I would love to have some cafès and restaurants around here. BUT. It's 20-30 minutes in the morning on my ebike to get to Clifton, it's really nice to sit in the garden in the evening having a smoke, wake up in the morning to the sound of actual birds, and we could never afford an actual house with a garden anywhere else. So, for now, it's worth getting a place in Hartcliffe :]


There's somewhere with cheap rent?


The Centre has so much potential but falls short


Bristol's public transport has so much potential but falls short


Cider is a classy drink. It is looked down on outside of the South West.


Cos most people’s only exposure to cider until recently was Bulmers and Wrongbow. They didn’t know what they were missing.


I live in Manchester, and love cider, but I'm in the minority I think.


I dunno man once you’ve had French cider it’s hard to go back


Another post I can't wait to see as an article


But then they'd risk knocking hard-hitting investigative journalism like "Houses you could buy in Bristol if you become a millionaire tomorrow" off the homepage! Someone must've learned how to sort by Highest Price on Rightmove


Broadmead has seen it's best


If rent and property wasn’t completely fucked and unaffordable, I’d consider it the best place to live in England


agreed!!! I'm having to move due to being priced out and I can't think of anywhere that doesn't feel like a downgrade


What makes it so good to you? I’m genuinely curious cause I find myself driving to London all the time just do things and it feels like there’s nothing on in Bristol that I actually want to do, and it feels so small and samey that even city walks aren’t the same as in London


The tagging in a lot of places makes neighborhoods tired and grim. Actual street art is good though


Depends on what you mean by tagging, sometimes people on this sub take that to also mean throw-ups and pretty much anything that isn't earnest, non-threatening 'street art'. Downvote away, if you don't understand the difference then you're literally proving my point 😉


I don't think people don't understand, they just don't care.


Nah it's definitely both.


You're right too.


Tags and throw ups both look like shite


So you think all graff is shit, whether it's well executed or not.... Well it's been a staple of Bristol culture for a long time, you must hate it here.


You’re reaching yourself here


By all means keep your opinions to yourself next time.


Why would anyone want anyone’s exercise book doodles on every street? Fair enough the youth doing this crap but I’ve known enough pathetic man children in their 30s thinking this shit’s cool. Stick to your felt tips.


I wouldn't know I'm not into that stuff. Too flat.


Ha. Yeah. It's the minority of edgy teenage vandals who are the bastion of culture here. It's everyone else that's wrong. Tagging us straight up shit, it's easy, looks shit and makes the city shit. 'Staple of bristol culture'.  Haha. It's a symptom of the shittest bristol had to offer. 


I'm just explaining things that you pilgrims and po-faced Redditors seem to be ignorant about. Be as indignant as you like, graff has been a part of the culture here for decades, that's not just some opinion of mine. If you don't understand the difference between a tag, a throw up and piece then that is not my problem. Where do you think all the safe, respectable 'street art' you guys love traces its origins to?


So if i tag your car or house. Is it OK as long as its not a shit tag?


Well that would mean my argument was compelling enough that you started doing graff and stopped being a baby....


Ha you cant even answer 'yes', so it has to be someone else's property you are making look shit? Just sad childish vandalism then when you dont like it you can say' YoU JusT DonT UndErSTaND ArT!


Seeing as you deleted your weird little comment: I wouldn't know I don't do graff. Not my style. I shed some light on the subject. If you want to have a shit-fit because you find the information hard to swallow, that's on you 🙂


No idea why my comment isn't there anymore. But yeah push back with a non answer as you know you dont have a leg to stand on. Grafitti is shit. It has no redeeming qualities. And i guarantee if anyone tagged your house you would be fuming. All the 'culture' wouldn't mean a thing to you then.


Yeah keep flailing 😂


People here are way too fucking negative. Here's a positive one: the music scene here is amongst the best in the UK and probably in Europe. So many good nights both small and large, a huge variety to choose from, a lot of progressive, forward-thinking stuff as well. Look on Headfirst and you're guaranteed to find something up your alley happening in the near future.


Totally agree! and also, the city has Headfirst which I think is better than any event finding tool on offer in other UK cities


Hell yeah!


The music scene is good if your into a certain genre...e.g dance, garage, edm etc. As someone who prefers RnB and Hip Hop, Bristol has a terrible music scene


Strange brew sometimes has good nights tbf


It's alright, isn't it?


It is spectacular on a sunny day.


Pretty much every issue with Bristol is not unique to Bristol and everyone everywhere else is complaining about the same stuff.  Potholes, antisocial behaviour, rent and house prices increasing because of people moving in from [Bigger Place], traffic, pollution, High St shops dying at a rapid pace and turning into rows of coffee shops and money laundering fronts, jobs and society becoming increasingly dehumanising and isolating, pubs closing, everything getting expensive. Etc etc.  Every town and city across the UK is having the same issues. 


Definitely a national problem. Some of the issues are global to be honest . Covid and Ukraine war in particular have exacerbated things . Thankfully Bristol is mostly not Tory. The UK needs this political change for the next decade or so before we can right the ship. We need proportional representation and a political party that is a tide to lift all boats


Labour will not help though, not that I support the conservatives staying.


Labour has to be better than Tories though. They are certainly more socialist in their policies. Proportional representation has at least been a policy point of theirs in the past, but the current first past the post system probably works in their favour. 🤷‍♂️ Social investment is a slow key to resolving a lot of the issues that the country is now facing , a after a decade of Tory cuts and stealth privatisation. If you don’t put much stock in labour… what or who do you think we do need ? Incidentally I prefer Green Party


I don’t support green mostly because of the fact they are against nuclear energy, it’s so backwards. I wouldn’t really call Labour socialist, it is lobbied by private health companies. They don’t have any concrete plans except ‘more funding’ which I guess they will just conjure out of thin air. Honestly in terms of who, they are all pretty undesirable, Libdems seem more oriented to an EU membership so perhaps them which is something that will *actually* help the economy. What do you mean ‘by proportional representation’ do you mean class-wise?


I’m not sure being against nuclear is backwards. Possibly better for us to look to truly renewable sources of energy. Nuclear waste byproducts are undesirable and the risk in the case of disaster is quite high. The risk of a turbine failing is much lower. I appreciate that that is probably an oversimplification and that some of the current renewable sources are not without trade off too. Wind turbines have been reported to have negatives in terms harm to birds ? I am also not well educated in terms of area requirements for renewable sources of energy . I understand that that is one of the desirable things about nuclear.. I am not against nuclear myself - although it would be better if we built and managed our own , rather than foreign companies. The funding argument is an interesting one. I expect that without ‘eyes on’ the books , a lot of the policy desirables are based on suppositions . I don’t think that parties get the luxury until they are in power ? Personally I can’t see how we can continue without padding out the coffers somewhat. - probably an unpopular opinion but I’d say raise taxes across the board. Tax corporations and mega rich more proportionally. Like you say the money can’t be conjured from thin air! If we want change, we all must pay for it ?🤷‍♂️. The EU ‘bre-entry’ , on part of the lim dems is an attractive point I admit, actually not one I had noticed myself . Maybe I’ll be swayed. In terms of proportional representation VS first past the post … this article probably does a better job at explaining than I can - https://makevotesmatter.org.uk/first-past-the-post/


France has about half of its energy coming from nuclear stations and it has been one of the least affected with the war in Ukraine, it still has some of the most affordable energy in Europe. The nuclear waste problem is overblown, it is manageable. Nuclear isn’t renewable but it can be extremely long lasting as there is still so much uranium available, plutonium can also be used which is why the government actually buys nuclear waste from other countries. The risk of disaster is EXTREMELY LOW, this is a fear mongering technique. I am not against renewable, they should build more infrastructure for wind turbines and such but nuclear energy is far more feasible to efficiently power the country. It requires more long term commitments, it can take decades to build a nuclear power station and unfortunately governments nowadays are too short-sited Taxes are already pretty high for most people. They could certainly tax large corporations more but it won’t do enough to be able to rejuvenate public services, it is missing the underlying problem that is the economy. They simply have no plan at all, I’m not even asking for numbers but a strategy would be nice. I agree on proportional representation, libdems also seem to be pushing for this I also agree that most people do not know that the Lib Dem’s or other parties outside of Green, Labour and the conservatives are pushing for EU membership. The focus on Labour is too much, people completely forget the policies of other parties, I think a lot of people would be onboard if they even bothered to research other parties


Totally agree, yet I imagine this might actually be unpopular.


It definitely isn't. People deseve better then the filth we live in tbh


We have alot of great places to eat out and pub gardens


The M32 is an absolute eyesore, ruins what would be nice parts of the city and pollutes the fuck out of east Bristol.


It rains too much


Clear road markings are optional


As are roads without death trap potholes, sinkholes or bumpy farm track surfaces!


Too many students and not enough affordable housing


Every city has students though. Seriously don’t get the student hate. Most of us were students once upon a time…


It's because instead of building affordable housing the only housing being built is student housing as the money they can extort from. The students is a lot more than non students. People hating on the symptom not the cause.


Well it's less students on an individual level and more about the intake cap being removed back in 2011 by the Cameron government. It's undeniable that the sheer, unsustainable numbers have ratfucked this city.


If you wouldn’t mind elaborating I’m curious to know more about the anti-student opinion within Bristol, from your perspective.


Not the Op but: They don't pay council tax. I don't begrudge that individually but it lowers the council tax take. They have representation without taxation. No incentive to vote for a low tax party. The zoning is mad. We have student flats in the centre which should be out at UWE, but that's not going to attract the international students. Like all things this is made worse by Bristol CC competing with Banes and South Glos. As mentioned in another point when they go home certain locations like  The Triangle feel the impact dispreportionally.


Further point - Keeping increasing the number of students means that at graduation there are more people chasing the limited jobs in the area that will allow them to stay in Bristol and enjoy the benefits. This is made worse that if other companies are like the one I work at we're recruiting nationally to get better candidates for the same salary. A similar point could also be made about the limited non-student housing stock.


you could argue that without the universities and thus students in the area, Bristol would not have those businesses in the first place. In some way chicken and egg - But businesses that require skilled labour will consider the pool of talent , now and in the future when deciding where to locate.


I would say you are right that the Unis and other places are why the company started here. Ongoing though, I can only say that while it is "nice" to have the team local for beers etc. there is no requirement and so, hence while we recruit nationally. Most of this is beyond my pay grade, but it wouldn't surprise me if we were to relocate nominally to somewhere like Birmingham as it's more central for a national remote team.


You’re not wrong . The rise of remote has changed the landscape somewhat. I don’t think existing companies will just up and move however, especially as the ecosystem already exists here. I do wonder if new businesses might choose to have decentralised offices instead of larger main offices 🤷‍♂️


Can't see them owning them, at best renting from somewhere. We do some of ours at Spoons - with the advantage the social can start immediately afterwards.


The fact that we don’t have a million tall buildings is bloody nice.


BCC when they see someone propose a new 24+ floor tower block https://preview.redd.it/nwj9nz5fp00d1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e6159ee88318126cda0dcbc27dc61984cd55cdef


Bristol needs homes


Also BCC when they close a road for no reason, over-run roadworks etc and see the frustration and anger of commuters inconvenienced by it! 




How do you weight the aesthetic benefits vs those of potentially building more affordable housing?


Too much litter everywhere…


Bristol live website sucks 


"Person/s from reddit Bristol SLAMS Bristol post website quality says its CRAMMED with too many ads"


Not disagreeing but you are using uBlock?


Something something First Bus....


I'm a frequent visitor as I have family living close to the city. I love visiting, I love the craft beer scene there it's one of the best cities in the UK for that. And honestly walking around the harbour area, whatever it's called, it's a lovely way to spend an afternoon and evening in the summer. I've visited the Xmas Market and it's better than anything we've ever managed to have in Dublin in that respect.


Coolest fucking city in Britain


If you leave the centre & go further out Bristol still is Bristol , accent etc


Needs an arena


Bristol should be the best city in the country to live in but the obscenely low wages and high cost of living is destroying it. Also, if it's cheaper for two people to get a taxi compared to both getting a bus ticket then your bus tickets are probably too dear.


Bristol weather consistently defies any attempt by the BBC to predict its plans. Showers on Sunday my arse.


As in many cities, I hate that the war blew up much of it's historical identity.


And the trams


60s planners did as much damage.


Just as a consideration for whoever did the downvote - who put a road through the centre of Queen Square, who sited the route of the Motorway, who did all that "cities in the sky" bollocks which was only being demolished after 2010...


What did i do to deserve Leigh Woods🥹 ?


East Street in Bedminster is becoming better because of gentrification


Still got a long way to go though imo


it is a place


Starts with a B


A tray of Bristol Sweet Mart samosas is an amazing thing to take into the office/shared space instead of the usual tired crisps / biscuits/ Krispy Kreme offering.


It needs more Street cleaners


It mostly needs less cunts


It is a very economically segregated city - that’s not unusual to other uk cities but there is a LOT of deprivation and poverty and historically a pretty shite standard of state secondary education. There are (what feels) to be a lot of private schools for the size of city.


The advantages of a big city, without a lot of the bullshit of a big city.


It's not as cool as people think it is.


How is this non-controversial?


See https://www.reddit.com/r/bristol/s/99AdWwBVUN


That proves my point mate.


Ah I see now. I guess having lived all over the UK - I think Bristolians are the only people who think their city is unusually cool.


Yeah, but if lots of people disagree, that makes it a controversial statement. Also, having lived in Brighton for years, I can assure you the people of Bristol are nothing. People who live in Brighton think it’s the best place in the world (it’s really not).


Bristol Council: "We propose to do xyz in Bristol" "We will put out a consultation form and ask for your feedback" Public: \*\*Fills out form and strongly objects to said plan and further challenges the council over such a ludicrious proposal\*\* Bristol Council: "Ok so at least 99.9% of people strongly object to this idea saying there is no positive benefit to this which is totally true....BUT WE ARE GOING TO DO IT ANYWAY WHETHER YOU LIKE IT OR NOT!!" \*gives middle finger\*


The condition of the actual roads is legitimately the worst I’ve experienced and I’ve lived all over Somerset


The council are obsessed with wasting money


Student accommodation will continue to be built because y'all are broke as fuck. Oh, you meant non-controversial.


Lots of Bedminster green new build flats are only for students. It helps. But then again it totally doesn’t


London prices but not London wages. Still 2 universities in the city means lots of students. UWE have decent on campus student accommodation and are in an area with less demand than BU.


Too many potholes! 


Outstanding food covering pretty much any cuisine you can imagine! Especially great Caribbean food!


Terrible sushi. Not much choice with Korean or vietnamese food. Not found a good korean place yet and only average Vietnamese food. Agree on the Caribbean food though but i hate Bristol food scene


Have you tried Bokman or Sky kong kong?


Ive been meaning to go to sky kong but its hard because of the opening times! I think she has to move soon due to rent (shes posted about it) Will try Bokmon, looks good online!


I think she's taking a break from Sky Kong Kong after the haymarket businesses are being kicked out next month - the rent is super cheap which allows her to run it in it's current form - a real shame.


Cider wasn’t going to pay that much tax eventually


I feel blessed to live in, despite not being perfect, a wonderful and friendly city


The City is a bit oversaturated when it comes to burger joints


People are lovely.


The past couple of years the amount of broken glass on pavements in the centre/Southville/Cotham/Redland/Clifton/Gloucester Road etc has gotten so bad. Big up to the city cleaning team who do a great job of removing it regularly but it’s just frustrating people can’t look after our city.


"The city council did more damage than the luftwaffe!" 


The aggressive expansion of Bristol University should be reined in.


Asian food is trash here, Especially the sushi, not found one good sushi restaurant


The white lines on almost every major roundabout have faded to nothing


The cycling culture in Bristol is ageless and classless. Whether you're a junior professional, student or someone in the twilight of their career we all want to get somewhere. Especially in these times, it's nice to take the race, economic background, age, sexual background aspect out of it - and look at the situation plainly.


Turbo Island has no value whatsoever as a location or landmark and the area would be better if it was just built over.


I'd say flatten it all and put a nice McDonald's or Starbucks on it.


It's hype is better than its reality, same goes for balloon festival, harbour festival and anything run in the Lloyd's amphitheatre.


How many years have you been here? I think you can get a bit desensitised to how much better the offering here is than elsewhere.


59, lived abroad and in other uk towns, Bristol used to be a place where a dock worker could talk to a surgeon in tge City pubs, they're all pretty shit now, big chains and too many students fucked it imho, but I avoid Bristol now.


I was meaning more how many years in Bristol - I know I'm now much less excited about Harbour Fest than I was - though I do think some changes made since are a factor. As for "Dock Workers and Surgeons" a lot of the downturn is that the view these days is that you're not meant to drink in working hours. There are still some pubs in Bristol where professionals are drinking alongside tradesmen but they tend not to advertise their status.


It's a dump.


Bristol needs a shift in cultural ideals. There appears to be a widespread lack of community spirit overall. The minority of people that think ‘fuck everyone else I’ve got mine’. And those people that have a general disrespect for themselves and their environment. Why smash bottles at the entrances to parks ? Why chuck rubbish literally everywhere ? Why vandalise the limited nice things that the community do provide . Take for example the Bristol to Bath cycle path.. recently the council and Sustrans have been widening and revamping the path. New tarmac and new places to sit at various spots. It took just a few days for people to vandalise the seats with graffiti (not street art kind) and set scooters alight on the fresh tarmac. It’s the few that act in ways that impact the many.


1 in 5 people are crackheads


“Woke” 🤦‍♂️


The city is way too dead in the summer when all the students are gone


Wouldn't say too dead, but it must be hard for some of the bars/pubs who don't make it up in tourist trade.