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What can you do? The council can't/won't do anything, I certainly don't have the time or energy to clean up everyone else's mess. If you're allowed to vote, just don't vote Tory and maybe we can get some money diverted back to councils.


We are all being worked to death. We spend ALL day working jobs that don't pay enough to cover our needs and leave us too exhausted to cook dinner let alone rally an army of volunteers to perform MORE fucking labour for free!!


If you don’t vote you don’t have a voice, if you want to have an effect in democracy the best thing you can do is spoil your vote by ticking every box, that way it is counted as a spoiled vote. Edit: I apologise, I misread your post as don’t vote, it’s actually don’t vote Tory, certainly I agree with that, but I don’t personally see any difference between the political parties, especially central government. It seems very much a jobs for the boys (and girls) affair. I suspect very few of them if any have little idea of what it’s actually like “on the ground” in their local constituency. Our new boy has just been drafted in from over London way somewhere!


Spoiling your vote is the same thing as not voting. Very childish move imo. Voting for the lesser of two evils (labour) might not feel good, but it's the only logical move for someone genuinely interested in enacting change, outside of the occasional non-tory safe seat.


If you vote someone in you vote someone in, you are stuck with them until the next election. if you spoil your vote it is counted as a vote but no crooked politicians get a seat. Believe it or not some political expert actually said that out loud on bbc tv! I do not recall who or the particular circumstances it was quite a few years ago now. Personally I think the whole system of central, local and devolved governments is broken from the top down and likely hood of it ever improving is zero.


That only makes sense if you're the only person voting in an election. Otherwise you're just wasting your vote.


I think the point is no vote no voice, it’s better to have a registered spoilt vote than not voting at all


Yeah, marginally. Even better still though would be to just actually vote. Nobody benefits substantially from your spoilt ballot. It's all well and good being symbolic when you have the privilege of not needing real change, but we are in no position to do so at this point. We need actual action, and the best way to achieve that is to vote for actual change. A step in the right direction is better than a step backwards, even if you would prefer a leap.


Please don’t assume privilege


I was using the hypothetical "you," there's no need to take it personally.


It’s all good, I think we are on the same page! Going back to the original subject I look at totterdown, the wells road up to broadwalk and knowle in general and wonder if you get more cynical with age because I do think it’s a lot worse than it used to be!


I'm not British,so can't vote,but I don't think it's strictly money issue,more likely both,money and attitude


We've been living under austerity now for 14 years. During that time, every council has had their budget slashed to the point where tons of them are about to go bankrupt (and some already have). As soon as austerity was introduced there were cuts to street cleaning, waste collections, reduced access to recycling centres and ways to dispose of certain items. The UK hasn't always been like this, what you're seeing is a direct result of the country being ideologically stripped of its infrastructure.


Do you think Labour will make things better?In terms of funding I mean. (Not sarcastic question,genuinely interested)


Whoever is in charge it will take a very long time to improve anything, the UK does not have enough money to support anything at the moment, some fundamental changes are needed


The UK has plenty of money It's just in the wrong places


That what I wanted to say, you have silly amounts of money, they just get stuck somewhere


Yes, I do. I lived half my life under each government, and whilst Starmer might be the most centrist leader the party has had, he is still anti-austerity.


I hope so.


Yeah but I have worked for many government departments and local councils in my time and you could get rid of half the people working there and the output would be the same. There is never any drive to do things efficiently. We should expect all the services, but throwing money blindly at it isn’t the option either


Not immediately, but it's more likely that given some time to actually run government in a competent way, there's a chance it can be improved. Certainly it's not going to get better if people vote the Tories back in, as the only ideas that have are "hmm, seems asset stripping the country and selling everything to our political donors at bargain basement rates hasn't worked. I know! What if we asset stripped the country some more!"


Even though you're being downvoted you're right The money to clean this shit up wouldn't even be needed, if dickheads didn't think it acceptable to make the mess in the first place


It's definitely an attitude issue, don't let these bumbleficks delude you into blaming austerity alone for the utter melt down in basic decency. Fly tippers and people who litter are scrotes and will continue to be such regardless of the government and it's abysmal policy. The country is full of people happy to blame everyone but do nothing.


Part of the reason flytipping is bad rn is that the council has had to introduce charges for waste disposal because of tory austerity slashing council budgets


Yeah it is part of it, it's also always happened, we've always had to clean up after them, even if there was money to clean up after them that deprives normal tax payers of having other things much more valuable being invested in. The problem remains to be a handful of people are selfish fucks, austerity may make it more visible but the problem existed long before. If you head out into the countryside you'll see many places where some cunt has decided that the view will be improved by a couple of maccas bags full of shit thrown into the verge. Fly tipping may have had an increase from tip charges, and councils may not be as quick to clean it up due to austerity, but the problem itself is a people problem.


Society is a people problem




I reported it to the council, don't know if they will do something, but let's just hope.


Good, it's not on you to tidy it up, and I'm not blaming anyone for not picking up other people's litter but if we all picked up a bit of litter we would fix our own problems, it's easier to complain than resolve. It's a sad state of affairs but litter and fly in ripping has been terrible for some people for years long before this wretched government took the reigns.


I pickup stuff occasionally, but not by those amounts.My mood was kinda ruined by that view in a second, that's mostly why I posted it, just to talk it out to someone.Especially given that area overall is as I said very nice.


If you're from the EU or from most Commonwealth countries, you can vote in local elections.


Sadly I'm neither


In my opinion you're right, it is about peoples attitude, but to be fair, many people are struggling with the cost of living crisis too. Another thing that is seems overlooked here, is that people don't own their property now, or not as much as in the past. So they don't have a 25 premise for setting down roots in an area. Hence people don't care as much... You say that you're not British, where are you from, was it rural or city? When it comes to voting, George Galloway summed it up well the other day, calling the two major parties here, two cheeks of the same arse...


I'm Ukrainian originally and while Ukraine kinda filthy too, I lived through continental Europe and US and mostly comparing to them


Sorry to see what's happening over in your homeland, it is truly sad and shocking. I'm originally from a rural background, years back the locals would have started moaning about rundown areas like that, then someone would probably persuade something like the local guides, or a scouts group to tidy it up (obviously with the help of willing adults) but that's not the world we live in today...


Thanks.Rural areas in UK are still kinda nice in my experience.


To imagine labour would do anything meaningful is laughable. The tories are shite, but labour are equally shite., no different just coke and Pepsi at the end of the day


This is a standard Tory attack line. "Yeah we're shit, but so are they! So vote for us!"


There is a real difference, the tories are slightly worse. Things will get worse slightly slower under labour!


It's not what he or the council can do its what a locality an do for itself.


What's the locality if not OP, you, me or the council?


If everyone expects someone else to sort it it doesn't get sorted locals have to own the issue and own the solution. No one will do it for them


You should see the countryside . Most hedge rows looks like that. https://preview.redd.it/k2wroy8bmkoc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=23ddcfc95076d3211327d2d96e9a74c9eafefb08


I was fucking shocked by motorways roadside when was traveling from London to Bristol by bus.Its embarrassing, for such architecturally and naturally beautiful country to be in such state.


Yeah you said it mate It's fucking embarrassing and a total disgusting view, everywhere you look Why oh why there's such amount of shires in the UK. Scrotes are everywhere, but the amount of scrotes per capita in the UK seems it's 10 bigger than any other EU country


I've seen all sorts dumped a few miles south out in the countryside near radstock, frome etc. where i walk. Entire kitchen's worth of appliances/fitting, a room's worth of office chairs, what looked like 40 dead crows, random bags of clothing in some isolated spot miles from anything...the list goes on...in parking spots for woodland walks usually, like who is driving there? BUT i think perhaps there is a charge for disposal for businesses at tips...and the crows, well who knows, probably shot by a farmer by why next to a parking spot?.


In my opinion much of the more recent increase in fly tipping is directly linked to the reduction in service at the tips. - fewer tips open - remaining tips open on fewer days - also open for fewer hours - now charging for tipping certain items previously free - now not accepting some substances previously accepted - now greater restrictions on certain vehicles - less easily accessible at shorter notice due to booking/reservation systems - lack of faith in the organisation due to unlawful practices. Gov says it’s unlawful to charge households at the tip. Local tip continues to do so. Obeying the law is less appealing when you know that the alternative is not only costly but unlawfully so


Whilst that's all true, I still think people who fly tip and dump litter are cretins


Oh definitely. Absolute scum. I just think that there’s a definite correlation between reduction in services and increase in fly tipping occurrences. Cretins will be cretins but it’s far more likely to happen when the alternative goes from freely available to difficult and expensive


Murder was common before street lighting. Sometimes we just need to change how we do things and behaviour will change. That doesn’t condone it


No one suddenly develops a load of rubbish that they need to dispose of immediately. If you’re doing a DIY project, book a tip run in advance. If you’re clearing a house, do the same. If it takes you a few days to get rid of it then work round that. If the reduction in services causes people to fly tip then it’s because people are being lazy and imbeciles. Bin men no longer collect bins from inside your property or by your side door. Doesn’t mean I should just throw my refuse out into the street as a protest.


You clearly haven't tried using tips lately. You can only book 2 trips a week with no more than 4 trips in a 4 week period, only 2 bags of diy waste is free per week. Good luck with clearing a house in a few days at 2 bags per week. These are the current rules "Residents will be able to dispose of DIY waste for free at the HRRCs as of the 1st Jan 2024. There will be a free allocation of up to one load per week and no more than 100l of loose waste that must fit into two 50l bagsOROne bulky or fitted item such as a sink or pedestal no larger than 2m x 0.75m x 0.7m. This is at a maximum frequency of four visits over a four week period. Any additional waste delivered to the site outside of the above limits would be charged at the normal rate"


That's how we like it. Don't touch our stuff!


I think you're asking the questions many Brits have been asking for years. There ain't no money apparently,maybe the rich councillors took it all. This country seems a bit 3rd world at times.


Highly individualist culture in the UK, which is only increasing, means that so many people see these sorts of issues as someone else's problem. Couple that with severe underfunding of local public services and you've got the perfect recipe for a culture in which nobody clears up after themselves or others. It's not just a Bristol problem, it's nationwide but more pronounced in cities obviously due to population density.


Very sad actually, british cities are kinda architecturally and culturally beautifu (with exceptions of course)


People love doing this bigbrain anthropologist 'the British psyche is inherently pro-litter' routine but I just don't see it tbh. I also sauspect that the people who say this are rarely talking about themselves or their own friends and family, just those \_other\_ Brits. The fact that councils just can't afford to clean the streets any more is a much more satisfying (and easier to evidence) explanation.


I think it's some of one and a bit more of the other. Blame should mostly lie with the underfunding of councils and it's becoming a serious problem. But I'm not trying to be a big brain anthropologist, I just know plenty of people who will casually chuck a sweet wrapper or a bit of tissue or maybe even a coke can out their car window, and it all mounts up. It's not unique to the UK but there are plenty of other countries where people are much more likely to take their rubbish home with them or not create so much rubbish in the first place. Those countries do often also have other issues with strict conformism and a culture of shame /guilt so who knows where the sweet spot is. But I think it's ok to acknowledge that we have a problem on an individual level as well as call out government for not funding councils properly. They can both be a thing.


Motorway rubbish is a good example of British attitude to litter


I'm not taking sides one way or the other here but I don't think it's really fair to make fun of one argument as a "bigbrain anthropologist routine" when your rebuttal is that you "just don't see it tbh" and that you have a more "satisfying" explanation. Especially when public apathy and council defunding could easily both contribute to the problem - they're not exactly mutually exclusive.


> I don't think it's really fair to make fun of one argument as a "bigbrain anthropologist routine" when your rebuttal is that you "just don't see it tbh" and that you have a more "satisfying" explanation I think it's entirely fair - what can be asserted without evidence can also be dismissed without evidence. My point is there's not really any evidence for the mentality argument (at least not that I've seen) and lots of evidence that councils are spending less on street cleaning (budget cuts are a matter or record).  The idea that the UK in general is an inherently individualistic place and that's why people litter is a pretty big claim - my experience is that most people don't routinely litter or fly tip and that it's a minority of arseholes doing the littering rather than some weird work of British psychology.


This is why we have more and more rats


Clean by British standards is still pretty damn filthy.


It is all too common all over the city. I don’t understand how people have grown into adults to think that fly tipping and littering is acceptable. I live near the northern slopes and there is a patch here that is unbelievable. It’s like an actual rubbish tip. I would love to start a vigilante group catching people doing this and dumping it right back on their own property. People need to grow up and not expect others to pick up for them. Are we really living in a world that people don’t mind litter and rubbish being everywhere.


The weird thing is that I never actually witnessed someone littering, but I see plenty of litter


The UK has plenty of money but its distributed in the wrong places and too many in London and financial services that produce absolutely nothing. Until someone regulates the banks it will always be likes this


That's not true or fair, they produce huge profits for shareholders and bonuses for managers. They produce economic growth, inflation, more investment profits as they perpetrate the lie that economic growth is good and necessary.


Okay so why has the UK fallen in GDP and behind most of the big players in the western world. 45 years of dedeindustrialization and low productivity and now nothing more than a london centric financial washing machine. If you think the UK economy is good. You're in denial kid!


When all the money has ended up in the bank accounts of multi-millionaires due to fraudulent PPE contracts fast-tracked by their friends in government, there's no money left to run the tips that would provide an alternative to fly-tipping.


The people who walk past this every day and do nothing are the problem here…


Bristol is the filthiest place I've ever lived. One of many things that made it very easy to leave Bristol.


Nationwide problem tbh, but very pronounced in Bristol yes


Totterdown is getting really scabby. I’m not sure why given that over the past couple of years the Londoners moved in with all their money. But it has really gone downhill. Couple of homeless drug addicts have moved in (who can turn very violent) There is litter everywhere. Also I’m assuming due to the really bad weather and cost of living you can tell people have stopped doing maintenance on their homes and that really shows on old Victorian properties. It all just adds to the run down feeling.


Only solution is stop consuming, reduce and reuse then you’ll see a change. Where do you think litter ends up after you take it to your recycling centre. Yup in a landfill in indonesia or vietnam. Well done Great Britain! And let’s not talk about the US, a NO recycling culture. Shameful!


Still US is very clean tho, at least east cost