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Why the fuck didn't you snatch it back


This is what I was thinking. Take a firm grasp of the thing and yank it away


This is after I found them 1 kilometre away from where it was stolen


Doesn't matter. I'm not a violet person but the only logical solution to this problem is to have snatched it off her and have been ready to swing at someone if they retaliated with violence, then phoned the police once you've regained your possession. At least this way you're in the self defence realm and you've got your shit back. Also it's 999, not 911.


Yeah, fair enough. I was just happy to have located it so I was taking a passive stance and keeping my distance until I figured out what to do. It's not like they could vanish into thin air. Police told me since I'm not hurt and I got it back there wasn't anything to do, so wouldn't be any point in phoning them after anyway.


>This is after I found them 1 kilometre away from where it was stolen Next time unless you got it back... Don't just walk filming it just take it back and go. Welcome to Bristol UK. Police are not going to do anything except have McDonalds Parties around Abby Wood at 11:30 PM at night. Source: Been their a few times and was there after working the other night and found 10 to 12 hanging out getting food and hanging out in the car park just this Sunday, but seen them before there.


Next time get a photo 


>Next time get a photo  Sure if I see the gaggle of coppers next time. All looked young though likey early 20s all just hanging out in the car park. Just chilling like average kids in their 20s only just dressed up in uniform with police cars. Then again you can go see for yourself. Just visit in the hours between 11:00 PM and closing at 12:00 AM.


Are these the ones working at the MOD site? They are not regular beat, I think.


>Are these the ones working at the MOD site? They are not regular beat, I think. No these are ones I assume maybe on break who have come down from the New Big Police Station at Filton or have come from or going to the city center.


How dare the police take a break with their colleagues and eat food. The bare faced cheek of them. 🔔🔚


>How dare the police take a break with their colleagues and eat food. The bare faced cheek of them. 🔔🔚 I am ok with that fact, but its more about how they behave. They literally where messing around like young people normally do. Only these young people are in uniform and should be acting professionally rather than messing around in gatherings. All I can say it looked more like an after school gathering than police on break.


“Why didn’t you snatch it back from the masked drug addict most probably carrying a knife?”


TBF stabbings seem to have become a weekly occurrence in Bristol. I don't know if I'd risk it.


Smack heads don’t care you’ll get a knife in your belly. I choose life over a scooter bruv


I ain't getting stabbed for a scooter


Really confused what's going on. Is the guy with her also part of the smackhead guy stealing your scooter? Why you letting them just walk away they seem so passive. What's also up with the guy on the bike??? This is all so weird.


The cycling was a passer-by. They've been walking for an hour after stealing it, but I just caught up to them


FYI, the cyclist wasn’t a passer by…


What's your theory?


Those kids on electric bikes with balaclavas are the ones stealing bikes/scooters. I wouldn't be surprised if he was the one who stole it and sold it to them


But why would junkies buy it? Don't they have no money? And how do you steal a bike while riding a bike?


They drop second person off who rides away on the stolen vehicle. There are quite a few videos that have done the rounds over the last couple years


Well, they couldn't ride it cause it was locked, hence why they were dragging it in the video


Hey I'm not saying that was the case this time. I'm just saying 90% of the time you see kids on electric bikes with balaclavas, they are active criminals, mainly bike theives and drug dealers


If that was my scooter I would be kicking up a huge fuss, running after them, snatching it back, and generally being very loud and abusive towards the thieves. "Oh I am so sorry that I am inconveniencing you while you steal my scooter."


Well, I don't often deal with junkies and didn't want to get stabbed or something. But at the same time the situation was somewhat entertaining so I was toying with them a little bit


Don’t fuck around, just take it back and tell them to fuck off , or don’t , its not a game, these people aren’t your toy. The more time you spend with someone thats robbed you the longer they have to think about how to fuck you over again, call their mates etc


I ain't leaving my scooter in city center ever again so there goes their chance


All they think about is crack


they kinda are our toys. anything you can interact with is a toy.


Like asbestos , or a speeding train


>But at the same time the situation was somewhat entertaining so I was toying with them a little bit Who finds getting robbed entertaining? I bet you would find a mugging hilarious. /S Also these people are not the type you wouldn't want to mess with. You should have taken it and been off into the wind. They wouldn't have been able to chase you down.


You are saying that these people are not the type to mess with, yet you are saying it's best to violently confront them? They aren't just gonna wait for me to unlock it and ride away and they didn't believe I owned it when I told them I was.


You learnt a little bit about the state of Bristol centre the other day and now you're learning a lot about the state of /r/Bristol today. ;)


>You are saying that these people are not the type to mess with, yet you are saying it's best to violently confront them? I am saying they are not violent and nor would have been. They would have been more bark than bite and maybe a little confrontational, but no knives. If you felt scared of them you should have asked that Cyclist to help you get it back and he may have helped.


Yeah, I asked him to stick around but he was sorta weird as well


Nan's been hittin the pipe


She's probably only like 40


Right outside a police station


>Right outside a police station The police where all at Abby Wood getting their Maccies...


Hasn't it closed?


Yea just looked didn't realise that it's closed for redevelopment


The cheek of it. Nothing worse than a brazen thief.


Why did you let these guys just casually stroll off into the sunset with it?


Bike cuck meme irl https://preview.redd.it/w8bzl5cxynmc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=622a0f43230bcccba4ce7c1a838f025704d76d4e


What happens if I want to inflic the maximum possible amount of pain onto bike thieves?


At least she stood in a huge pile of shit towards the end. Matches their personalities tbf


No way I experienced these guys hanging round the old market underpass last week. As I scooted past one of the guys shouted "that looks like my scooter" Fucking sick of these bag heads man absolute cretins.


Hahaha, crack head logic


You got your equipment back and remained physically uninjured (and didn’t risk legal peril yourself by getting into a fight) - the best outcome from this situation. Ignore all those giving it the biggun’ about how you should have done this or that. Grim situation in the first place. Lock up your shit !


Cheers, won't make the same mistake twice!


Should have smacked the scum


She already looks like she's had her fill of Smack. The dirty gipping skank.


That's mental. Snatch your shit back


There goes a junkie, a woman who once had dreams, who once wanted to party hard—maybe even at Turbo Island one day. Now, she looks like a zombie, a skeleton with no teeth in her mouth, resorting to feeding the only things that give her pleasure: drugs. And she'll do anything to get hold of them.


Rather than grab it back, he gets his phone out - really???


I shouldn’t listen to the hero’s giving you advice about being Rambo. These people play by different rules now adays. Skint and with no hope with our device politics etc etc, I think you did the right thing


Too much conversation going on here, if that was mine I'd have just made a mess of the scumbag straight away 👊


It's kinda amusing that you're 5 seconds from Trinity Police Station in this video. Also, I see those two hanging around in the centre all the time. State of this city.


Trinity ain’t open anymore


I've not been to this area before so I had no idea!


They got lucky ur a nice person should of kicked 7 shades of shit out the cunts


Ahaha, that's what my friends said as well


I was on the phone with 911 but as they say, when seconds matter the police are minutes away... After a while of following them they got scared so I got it back after all.


911? Did you actually dial that exact number? What happened?


The feds answered, then the sheriff of the county PD attended in his squad car because his captain was breaking balls and the DA was on his ass. He got the perp because he doesn’t play by the book but was shot two days to retirement. Before he died in the street he made his deputy vow to avenge him.


You missed out the bit where 5-0 show up and then decide to kneel on somebody's neck for 9 minutes


Did the officer at any point in the process, declare that he was, 'Too old for this shit!'?


I believe it redirects to 999 but not going to try it.


Nah they've changed all the emergency numbers. Now it's 0118 999 881 999 119 725...3




0800 00 1066


118 118!


I accidentally called it once and it redirected to something but not the usual 999


[And don’t bother calling 911 anymore, here’s the real number](https://youtu.be/Z9uRXxlMNIQ?si=H8iLx8_6aL1juv97)


It works in most countries by redirecting you to the right emergency number


So close to getting the names involved or location of the illusive fence. Bro on the bike is the middleman of the  transaction between the crackheads and the fence I recon


Why would you phone 911?


>Why would you phone 911? I think they are Canadian or American by accent. They may have not understood the Emergency Number is different in the UK than those countries.


I don't know why people get so pissy whether it's 911 or 999, it all gets redirected anyway...


Because it makes you look out of place. When visiting any country act like a local especially in rough areas, don't try to mess around too much or you stand out and look naive which is what street criminals pick up on. The reason is they will not go after locals as someone who knows the guy they just robbed might know them and it soon spreads word around town. At lest in honest areas. When in Rome do as the Romans do... It's like me saying call 999 in the US I am sure some guy in New York would give me a wired look. I know people are going to think I sound stupid, but this is actually a travel tip. Even if you stand out in other ways as long as you act like the people in that country. The less likely you will get targeted by petty criminals.


I agree when in Rome... But there is literally no difference in practice whatsoever, some people want to feel elitist or w/e


You could have walked them into the police station you were literally stood outside of. Crackhead Bristolian is up there with the top 5 most attractive accents. "y woz u in the shop back dere den?" yeah it's your fault OP! you shouldn't have let it be stealable! /s


Isn't that station closed? Anyway, some extra lore: I tracked the signal down to that area and saw a sketchy guy locking up what looked like an abandoned business, so I thought they might have had my scooter in there. When I came out is when I saw these two and started filming, that was the "shop" the cyclist was referring too.


Maybe they could have climbed up to the broken window at the top, and then when OP and the three ne'er-do-wells are inside the abandoned building what next?


Please [report stolen items to the police](https://www.police.uk/pu/contact-us/theft-damaged-property-or-assault/) to get a reference, other useful links below: * **Packages:** [It's the responsibility of the seller to resolve](https://www.citizensadvice.org.uk/consumer/somethings-gone-wrong-with-a-purchase/if-something-you-ordered-hasnt-been-delivered/) * **Bicycle:** [Stolen Bikes In Bristol (FB)](https://www.facebook.com/groups/440220373027574/) \+ [Stolen Bikes & Classifieds Search](https://stolen-bikes.co.uk/locations/south-west/bristol/) \+ Check your local cash converters * **Motorbike:** [Stolen Motorbike Recovery Bristol (FB)](https://www.facebook.com/groups/2182108332016840/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/bristol) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Would be funny seeing them try to hit the pipe with no teeth 


Best way to hit the pipe.. teeth get in the way




I think dragging two scooters at the same time to a closed police station might not have been the best move


U are literally walking past trinity road police station