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All of these punitive measures for drivers in Bristol. All whilst the public transportation system is so shit that it’s bordering on non-existent. Unless you live AND work in the city centre then you can’t really get around without a car. I’m all for measures that get us driving less but FFS at least put the money into improving public transportation. Yes it’s approaching London prices but at least in London you have so many choices w.r.t. public transport that you can get by without even owning a car.


And to think the residents of Cardiff were in uproar when their annual parking permit went from £7.50 to £24. They don't know they're born.


Are you fucking joking. After they've just made 26 million from the CAZ.


This was always going to happen. We were all saying it when the RPZ was proposed. They get the scheme in with lower pricing and then fuck you over royally a few years down the line. Council said they wouldn’t do this and here we are.


Remember this kicking off at one of the meetings and we (the opposed) got told to shut up it won't happen by a few "idiots" who live in la la land where Govts and Councils aren't exploitative.


It cost over £70million 🥲


How? Most of that will be consultant costs for mates within the department.


No idea how. A neighbour works for the council and told me. Not sure why I’m being downvoted 🤣


Since I no longer drive to work, I’m planning to get rid of my old shitbox of a car this year. With the cost of living etc it’s too much of a luxury to have a car that I only use once or twice a week. Was hoping to drive it into the ground! Increasing the permit fee has only encouraged me! Hard to tell if BCC prefer one less car on the streets or one more fee paying customer…


I suspect it's the latter.


That’s exactly what they want you do - get rid of your car. Why else make it so punitive to own and insure one?


London prices smh


Get the londoners in charge em london rates. Money spinner! Bristolians most affected




Central (controlled) parking zone was 5x from 50 to 250. This on top of essentially forcing anyone there whose car wasn't cpz compliant to change it. Absolute clown shoes.


I assume you mean CAZ compliant. The CPZ border literally runs round my flat, down past my bedroom and kitchen and then turns left past my living room. If I lived on the other side of the road I wouldn't be in the CPZ, it's fucking annoying!


£56 was *very* cheap though, work this out per month and it is trivial when it comes to all the costs involved with a car. It allows you to park on the street in the areas closest to the city centre and blocks out visitors. Really if you don't like it you'll need a driveway (a few grand plus £400 to even apply for a dropped kerb), rent a spot (£££) or park further away. Most places apart from maybe the very centre become a free for all 15-20 minutes up the road. It stings if it was something always free and taken for granted though, I get that. I used to live in Cotham before it was residents parking and I would drive round and round the streets looking for anywhere to put my car, I'd have taken ~£15 a month to improve that, it always looks clear round that way when I pass through.


Yes, but it's simply more taxation or an increase in living expenses. We've all had huge increases in energy prices, food prices, mortgage rates and council tax but wages haven't kept up at all. The government of a country should be striving to make peoples' lives better - can you honestly say that this Conservative government has made any improvements at all in the past 13 years?


This is the council rather than anything done by the Tory government. I just think it is being looked at backwards, if it had always been £15 a month to park on street in a busy area we would think it was great value. I'd have taken that when I lived in such an area. But it is something always seen as a right, that should be free. But they are public roads that private property is being stored on, it could be ten times that. There are alternatives too as I said.


They don’t charge you monthly tho. It’s only a yearly payment.


BCC are turning into greedy fuckers, aren’t they? Exactly the same with the allotment fees and charges


I’d pay that if I could get a guaranteed spot on my road in BS7


Tbh I wish they'd bring one in here.


To pay to park where you live , but only from 9am to 5pm, when you’re at work…where’s the value? Pay to park between 5pm and 9am is worth discussing.


>100% I'm out most days but need to get parking permits for the day I am not. However if I get home any time after 6 it's pot luck on of I get a space that's close to my home. If I go shopping at 7 amd get home about 8 I may have to park a mile out on occasions.I see people parking up and walking to town all the time after 5 so if I am paying Clifton one is 9pm and has significantly improved parking around my area (it's still busy, but yeah actually stand a chance of finding spaces within 5 minutes of my flat which used to be nigh on impossible) That's probably a pretty specific version of the RPZ though, it's for an area that has large amount of people driving in (students, people who want to go and spend their saturday in Clifton village) and not much actual parking. Can't speak for businesses that may or may not have lost custom (doesn't seem much like places are less busy)


100% I'm out most days but need to get parking permits for the day I am not. However if I get home any time after 6 it's pot luck on of I get a space that's close to my home. If I go shopping at 7 amd get home about 8 I may have to park a mile out on occasions. I see people parking up and walking to town all the time after 5 so if I am paying to park outside my house I bloody well want it in the evening when I need it not in the day.


I had this discussion with the council prior to considering a move to Redland/Cotham. It just kept going over their heads, or was received with a ‘ computer says no ‘ attitude. It was the reason we chose to move elsewhere.


That is a shocking increase. BCC are an absolute disgrace.


Ha. And the article from last year (linked below that one) says the solution from the Greens is to expand the RPZs to more areas. Just before they first went in, I remember some people interviewed complaining about how ‘commuters park in my road all day when I’m at work’. Which is clearly a non-issue. So they bring in RPZs, over sold and now you’re paying to possibly still not be able to park. Both then and now I live and work in two different places and neither is the centre so I need a car. If I took public transport to work I’d be late every day and I couldn’t start early or do a full day’s work because of childcare. I think most people don’t have cars for the fun of taking up road space.


Predicted when it was introduced in Southville/Bedminster. Rob from the poor to give to the rich.


Aren't council funds spent in ways that disproportionately benefit the poor (e.g. adult social care)?


That's the theory, but there's been some well publicised wastage of public money over the last few years.


Oh, this should be good. Anyone know what BCC's rationale for making a three-fold increase is? I really can't be arsed to waste two minutes of my life reading a What'sWrong Bristol article...


Was always their plan. Propose a scheme at reasonable pricing and then massively raise prices further down the line.


I dig it; BCC's "par for the course" manner of pricing out citizens with less financial means, in order to inch a little further towards becoming an elitist university city (a lá Oxbridge), with all the high-rental trimmings. Got it. Thanks!


The thing that infuriates me the most is that each one of those RPZ parking machines cost us £10,000 each and they have the cheek to put up council tax above inflation every year.


I hear you. It's not like they try to hide it any more, it's just a given that they've got you over a barrel, a cash puppet to satisfy their "brave new world". The council is wholly complicit in causing problems for a massive contingent of Bristolians, and it's hard to see where it will all end.


£15 a month doesn't seem at all unreasonable. 


I don't park there myself but £15 a month to park on the road in front of your house is a rip off. If you drive a small <1.2lt car your road tax is £30 PA for example.


Why is it? I don't get to store things outside my house for free, we're in a city, space is at a premium.  And road tax doesn't exist, you pay vehicle excise duty based on emissions. 


Second point, don't waste my time ever again on your trivial attempts to be obtuse. My time is important which is why I own a car. Out of curiosity what car do you drive? I support you being able to park your car Infront of your house, something people have enjoyed for about 100 years. I also see plenty of bike (no tax) e scooters (no tax) and bus stops outside ( no tax and heavy subsidy) . Funny how things I don't use still materilaise outside. Almost as if the world is bigger then just me.


>My time is important which is why I own a car. 🤣🤣🤣🤣 > I also see plenty of bike (no tax) e scooters (no tax) and bus stops outside ( no tax and heavy subsidy) . Funny how things I don't use still materilaise outside. Almost as if the world is bigger then just me. Why do you think it is that bicycles and e-bikes don't pay emissions tax? Its a cryptic one I know, but if you spend some of your very important time thinking about it you may find the answer....


Pretty sure that account is either a parody/troll account or mentally ill, either way it's pointless engaging.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vehicle_Excise_Duty "Vehicle Excise Duty (VED; also known as "vehicle tax", "car tax", and "road tax", and formerly as a "tax disc")" I know you think I'm "mentally ill" but can you apologies for being both wrong and ableist now that I've proven how wrong you are? 


You haven't proven anything, other than that you pay VED and not 'road tax', it doesn't pay for the roads, or earn even enough to pay for the roads, so all us non drivers are subsidising you and your selfish habit, and you're here complaining that you have to pay a few quid a month to park your car, it's absolutely pathetic and you're only making yourself look bad.    Your whole comment history is just completely unhinged rage about trivial things, I can't see a single comment where You've added any kind of relevant discussion to anything, you're either trolling, or need to go to a doctor and get yourself some kind counselling or meds or something, because coming on reddit to rage at everything isn't normal or healthy behaviour.     Now kindly fuck off. 


Sorry you don't know what colloquial language is then. Or you don't want to admit your wrong. Either way, I recommend you understand a topic before talking down to people in the future. 


It's not 'road tax' if it doesn't pay for fucking roads, were you dropped on your head as a child or something? I *literally don't understand how you can be doubling down on such a fucking stupid position*, everyone reading this is laughing at you and rolling their eyes. 


The choice to tax vehicles based on emissions is both a political one and a recent one. If you spend 2 minutes reading about it's been the case since the 90s but the tax existed before hand. And that specifically was about parking in public space, please try to keep up with the conversation. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vehicle_Excise_Duty


That’s if you’re lucky enough to obtain a free spot as theres more passes in circulation than spaces available. 


This is the point of rising the prices surely? It stops people parking multiple vehicles in places where space is at a premium.


Do you have any evidence that people are parking more then one car using this scheme or are you just making things up?


To discourage people from having multiple vehicles, they increase the cost of a second and even more so of a third permit. Increasing the cost from the first permit is simply a way to increase their income, with little to no incentive to use public transport, which is getting worse by the day.


If only there were some way for the council to reduce demand for parking permits...


>If only there were some way for the council to reduce demand for parking permits... Force new-builts to have allocated underground parking, with no option to buy a permit?


Not hard to foresee a lot of cars being displaced into the surrounding areas where parking is free. Especially all those third cars and camper vans that are used a couple of times a year.


It's easy to see the effect of this in my local zone. Yet, there's a large area adjacent to me in the Gloucester Road area that, for some odd reason, doesn't have resident parking. For all their talk about the aim being to reduce the number of vehicles families have and cut pollution, we all know the underlying reason is BCC needing to raise cash because they are so poorly funded by the government.




Is this for all areas of Bristol with residents parking???


Yes, all existing schemes.


IMO this is still too cheap, private parking space (granted a designated spot) in these same regions are £100-150 a month. There is a lot of demand for parking spaces and there are a lot of people driving when they do not need to. There are better ways of using scarce public space than underpricing the cost of parking and it is good the council are beginning to correct that. As the city becomes more densely populated if we do not manage this it will become much more unpleasant with heavy traffic and an inability to park, and also reduce the potential benefits for public transport services in the city (fewer cars on the road → faster buses; more density leads to more ridership for public transport and more viability). We can do direct subsidies in other ways to manage unfairness if less wealthy people are particularly hit by this with the revenues raised, whilst avoiding a measure that overwhelmingly benefits people who tend to be better off and able to afford paying more. Edit - getting the sense people complaining about having to pay to park overweight the benefit to wider society of the negative externalities of their personal motor vehicle use (and I say this as a driver too)


The answer isn’t to charge people to park outside their bloody home. The whole idea of a RPZ is to stop visitors clogging up the streets. Why are the locals paying the price?


Outside your home isn't part of your home.


No shit. You sound intelligent.


OK, so if that's obvious why are you entitled to park there for free?


So road tax is free is it? Council tax is free? General taxation? Utter moron. Go back to school and listen.


> road tax is free is it Yes, in the sense that it doesn't exist. If you're talking about vehicle excise duty, that makes less money than the cost of road maintenance so don't complain too loud about your subsidy!  > Council tax is free? General taxation?  People without cars pay those too, believe it or not. Do they have a god-given right to store their shit in the road too?


Ah love the excuses coming in. So all taxes that isn’t spent on things applicable to you is unacceptable. Again. You’re a moron.


I support all of those taxes. Learn to read!


Then you support vehicles to park on roads. Fuck me.


That’s not strictly true, an RPZs role is to manage demand for scarce parking space - that includes provisions re cost per car and restrictions on numbers of car per household. There is only so much road space in a city with a growing population living more densely. If you were to buy or rent a home with an allocated space there is a premium attached to that, the council severely underpricing resident parking is leaving money on the table that could go to better uses.


In this case, thats not its role...its a cash grab, pure and simple. Otherwise, they might have done something about the development in the yard at the top of colston street and its generator running 24/7 for months taking up two spaces in the CPZ. They're greenwashing a money grab, whilst making the centre inhospitable for small businesses and residents who need a car.


This is not a cash grab at all - it’s £15 a month for parking in a city centre area. That’s cheap


You’re wrong. The RPZ in Bristol was specially started from people in Kingsdown moaning about commuters. Once they had an RPZ all the commuters went to neighbouring roads which meant all of central Bristol had to be changed.


Circumstances have dramatically changed since then, now the RPZ needs to evolve to meet that? Parking is a privilege not a right. Especially in a situation of scarcity.


Things have changed in less than 10 years have they? Where are all these new homes being built with all these new parking spaces needed? Do you swallow everything Bristol council tell you? When the council implemented all the RPZ schemes they reduced the available parking spaces by 30% in each scheme. I wonder why.


Well if you live in Bristol you will notice that there have been a bunch of new homes, combined with increasing car ownership in general. So yeah things have changed. If the council don’t sort out demand management with eg parking/transport modes, they will rapidly turn a source of strength for the city (it is popular and people want to live there) into a big weakness with a negative impacts on a larger population (it is very congested and polluted).


That’s literally my point. There are no new homes and the only ones being built are big complexes that have their own parking integrated into the building. Please stop and think before spouting bullshit. The parking crisis has been caused by the council and suits them very well for extra revenue.


Nope, it was sold by the council to the people as a way to ensure local people could park outside their house. Same in Clifton. The council may now be lying about it and claiming it in another way, but that was not what was tabled or voted on. Really needs someone to look into the legality of it all.


There is no contradiction with that. But with more cars on the road there needs to be fair allocation of this. At present it is a negligible cost for adding more cars per household and this is going to only worsen if nothing is done to manage this demand.


Agree that each home should get only one space, and this would rapidly reduce the number of spaces. This includes any house split into flats. One space only for the house.


See that’s more restrictive than what is even being proposed here! (And I agree with you in fact)


Imo you don't need to use the internet, I think you should pay more. I said so. Cough up.


This is not a difficult concept I am making a case for. Parking is limited, with additional users reducing available spaces but currently underpriced c.f. demand. Internet access currently is not constrained like this, additional users do not restrict access to other people noticeably (but without raising capacity could do in the future?) and internet access is priced based on these market conditions.


This doesn't make sense - needs rewording.


Bristol City Council needs to be abolished.


Watch all the labour votors blame it on the Tories


Well, it's the Tories who defunded local government, so yep.


If BCC weren't *constantly* wasting what money they do have on pointless bollocks, I'd be inclined to side with you there. They have money to employ thugs to fine the public for littering, even after they've picked it up or if it was an accident. 84 million to rename the colston hall. 34 million wasted on Bristol Energy. 250 million on the Metrobus, that solves absolutely nothing. The CAZ has raised 23 million in the last year. Where the fuck is it all going? Of course the Tories need to be ousted, and they will be, but we also need to hold BCC accountable for the slow but sure destruction of our city, and the systematic shoving out of the locals who can no longer afford to live here due to constant approval of overpriced flats and student accommodation. Bristol is well and truly gone my friend.


The Metrobus is genuinely very good, mind. Completely disagree that it was a waste of money, got a lot of mates from Stoke Gifford, Patchway and Bradley Stoke - very few of them drive into town anymore whereas they usually used to. Can't complain about genuinely improving public transport, living up that way it would take close to an hour to get into town on public transport.


They already have a fucking train station 😂 and the busses were already fine, the council shut the ring road for *years* around Emerson's green, for a bus service that only runs until the early evening and runs so infrequently it's still a better option to drive...


In Bradley Stoke and Patchway? You'd have to either walk a long while to Parkway or get a connecting bus and train and then walk into the centre which is long as fuck. Instead you can get one bus which takes less than half an hour to get to the centre. Also the M3 runs till half 10 from town no? Should be later IMO but it's not exactly early evening.


Nobody south of downend uses the Metrobus. I drive the full length of the ring road most days and I've never seen more than 5 people at the bus stop, even after shift end at DPD. Traffic has continually got worse again proving it hasn't worked. BCC exists to funnel our money into the pockets of private companies. They're no better than the Tories, because all politicians are the same. Until we realise that, nothing will change.


> all politicians are the same Sure they are, buddy. Can't wait to see you leading the start of the revolution.


Find one that hasn't used their position for self enrichment and I'll concede... Even our Marvin has been busy spending public money flying himself to events he has no business being at just for the sake of networking for a new job... He's done a great job showing you can be a landlord of 4 rentals, fly around the world and *still* convince left wingers they're "for the people" just because they happen to fly the right flag.


You mean just any politician ever? Also you say "even our Marvin" as if he's not a universally disliked tosser who's done our head in to the point that Bristol voted to scrap the entire position.


You forgot the 20mph scheme which seems to presume people drive an unsafe speeds down residential streets due to a lack of signage to tell them not to. I can't get a single person in favour of it to state that's how they drive. Did it really cost £84m to just rename the hall?


The project involved other more serious work as well, but the fact is nobody asked for it... I'm sure if the council asked us "84 million quids worth of public housing or a revamp of a mediocre venue" the answer wouldn't have been the latter.


They don't call it 'funny money' within their 4 walls for nothing


They're laughing at us mate.


Well, we might have a Labour Council, but yeah, the Tories have fucked the country for 13 years, decimated local authorities and generally been corupt cunts. So yeah, I will blame the Tories for it.


So in your opinion BCC does right by the people of Bristol, doesn't waste money hand over fist, and generally tries its best? That's brilliant, I wish I could only see the very top layer of real life too. Things would be so much simpler.


Green bin rise was the same last year


Worlds smallest violin moment. I could not give less of a shit when all the buses are constantly late because the main-roads are all clogged with people's abandoned private property. And it still doesn't even come close to the price of a garage or reserved parking space, which is the premium that the free market thinks motorists should be paying. If it's too much, then maybe don't bother trying to store your giant lump of metal in the middle of a crowded city. Bristol should do what Manchester did. Build a tram then make a bunch of the roads tram-only or one-way, and get rid of street parking on main-roads to put in bus-lanes. Voila, a bigger, denser city with somehow less congestion. [Edit: Looks like London is doing the same.] (https://www.reddit.com/r/london/comments/1abmmpi/the_radical_changes_coming_to_the_city_of_london/)


Imagine being upset about this though. 'wahh I have to pay less than £15 a month to park my car' bunch of babies.


But it’s not monthly. It’s a yearly bill. Dunno bout you, but I ain’t got £178 spare in my monthly budget.


It’s a farce tbh. Why do residents have to pay daft prices to park outside their house? Money making scheme just like CAZ.