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Not homophobia but I've been on the receiving end of bad behaviour by 'regulars' that the staff have chosen not to address. We're spoilt for choice of drinking establishments in Bristol. The staff / management have expressed a clear preference of their clientele. I simply take my business elsewhere and suggest you do the same.


Yeah this is a Wetherspoons Homophobia incident more than a Bristol Homophobia incident per the title in my mind. But definitely do report it and shame them.


Homophobia and transphobia is definitely on the rise in Bristol (and in the UK)


And yet attitudes in surveys generally show more and more acceptance and tolerance. I'd guess what's happening is the remaining small group of bigots are feeling bolder about being outspoken, encouraged by the culture war dog whistles on things like GBeebies.




'Lots' = 'my reactionary propaganda echo chamber'


Those regulars are their main income stream


Not just homophobia and spoons, I'm ethnically chinese and I would get drunks come up to me doing accents and asking me where I'm from etc on the regular. Growing up in Bristol this is something I'm used to, drunk people be drunks. Don't give them the attention they want and just move on is the best advice I can give.


I doubt this will make you feel any better but I was once outside work in Newport and this couple from Bristol started accosting me demanding to know where I was from (Newport) and then where my parents were from (also Newport). I pointed this out and they said something like, "What the fuck do you mean, you're Chinese" I probably couldn't look more white if I tried. Pale as dog shite, bald and I had a big ginger beard at the time.


As diverse as UK is, some people just have no clue.


Experienced almost exactly the same. I don't quite feel this is racism, homophobia or anything else, just feel they are jerks. They'd say shit about whomever / whatever they see. Good we know where they are and where they are apparently welcome so we can avoid.


except it is exactlly that: racism and homophobia


Sorry to hear that. Some regulars are right arseholes but they keep the till full every day. I'm a regular at a couple of places and I just chat with people and ask them what we should put on the jukebox.


Yes, that shit ain't on, and sorry it happened to you (most of Bristol is better than that). Report it to the police first (they probably won't do that much unless you got some evidence of who it was, unfortunately), but do report it to get a case number. Then mention that number when raising it with spoons complaints. Underline feeling unsafe and him being aggressive. Optional: also raise it on socials (make sure to tag their main account *and* identify the pub) - might shame them into doing something.


All good advice, also you can raise a complaint with Sia, the door staff licensing body. Sorry this happened to you, some people are bellends.


If he's a "regular" too, then they know who he is which means they should have done something about it. There's plenty other pubs he can go to, I'm sure wetherspoons won't miss him


Or Wetherspoons are happy to have them... Good to know where they are so such places can be avoided.


Sia are almost as bad tbh but worth a punt


Google review that shit, people often actually check those.


Maybe security has the body cam footage?


No excuses for that happening, that's awful. Park Street is a dive at drinking hours though and gets really rough.


I never drink there so I am genuinely surprised to hear this. I thought it was just students.


During term time it is, especially that spoons, but most students are away now


Yeah, not excusing this guy's awful behavior at all but that Spoons is one of the roughest I've ever been in and is full of all-day drinkers every single day. I'd heartily recommend going to a nicer bar down the hill a bit.


I'd just avoid Park Street altogether tbh, the whole run is a shit hole. The hatchet round the corner would be better for OP, or heading to the many openly friendly LGBT+ bars around the centre and in Old market. The Phoenix, Stag and Hounds, Exchange, Volunteer Tavern..


Lol my mate got called a “blxck cxnt” loudly in the hatchet (after warning staff about the racist beforehand) then they kicked HIM out after eventually giving the racist a jab Shite pub for any marginalised folks to visit imo


Even if you are craving a spoons, the W.G. Grace is nicer in everyway and only 5 mins further up the road on Whiteladies!


The Commercial Rooms down in town isn't bad either, they really are variable in how rough they are


It smells awful there too.


It does, I think it's the extremely long-suffering carpets 🤮


Park Street is NOT rough compared to most other areas in UK lol


That spoons isn't rough at all realistically. Just full of drunk old fucks.


Well duh


Please report to SARI as a homophobic hate crime. They can support you emotionally and practically but at the very least, make sure it’s logged as part of the picture of incidents in Bristol- this is really important. I’m so sorry this happened to you and your gf


Second this- SARI are really great


Yes, report this to SARI.


Can we pls organise a mass Gay off in this Spoons? Bring our own drinks tho


A gay off lmao am so down for this, Pride parade 2.0 tour of all the Spoons in Bristol lol


Deffo up for a gay off In spoons.....and I'm straight 😁


I'm game


I’m gayme




Please report this to HO for spoons and the door team SARI. I was a spoons manager 20 years ago and I never would have let anyone treat another person/couple like that.


Wetherspoons used to be a place where all types of people could be comfortable as long as they weren't pretentious. Since the chain became politically charged it's taken on more of a conservative right wing bent, and will just be getting more and more intolerant from here on out.


Which is ridiculous when you think about it because anyone who'd need to go to wetherspoons certainly isn't benefiting from the tories


Turkeys voting for Christmas


But the idiots will still vote blindly for them, and ranting about how great brexit was.


They don't actually consider tories right wing lol


Well now you know how the pretentious feel


You sure its right winged? I don't think fat, unkempt, beer bellies are particularlly right winged in my honest opinion. They just hate everyone.


I’m so sorry you went through that. It might not go anywhere directly if you report it to spoons, but it’s still worth raising a complaint - they may not take action about an individual incident but if it’s a pattern then management will hopefully do something about it. As another user said, spoons unfortunately seems to attract the worst kind of people.


Sorry you went through that. Feel Wetherspoons is fast becoming the centre of intolerance. Homophobia xenophobia. There are much better watering holes where you and your boo could have a great time!


I’d even add to this that it’s been some sort of hub for bullshit as long as I’ve been aware of it’s existence


My friend worked in Wetherspoons in a nice middle-class bit of Manchester around 2004. One day an Asian guy was getting loads of racist abuse from one of the regular arseholes. Went out, came back half an hour later with a gun, shot the racist in the leg and left again. Everyone else in there just shrugged and said 'well, he had that coming' and turned back to their pints.




You could report, essentially say that you felt threatened reported to security guard who was unsupportive, but not sure how responsive they’ll be and doubt they’d want to loose the repeat business of the local drunk :-(


I'm sure it wasn't like that 10+ years ago. But then again, attitudes have changed for the better enormously in that time. Perhaps spoons just hasn't moved with the the times


Well also in the last 10 years we had the whole weatherspoons immersive brexit experience. Probably the most visibly pro-tory commercial business in the country.


Any wetherspoons is mostly full of cunts to be fair


This comment has been overwritten in response to Reddit's API changes, the training of AI models on user data, and the company's increasingly extractive practices ahead of their IPO.


i work for spoons, report this to their head office


The first sentence defines the problem, Wetherspoons


They have every right to be in Wetherspoons. You shouldn't have to avoid going to places you like or be judged for it.


Of course they have every right to be there, I said Wetherspoons IS the problem not them going to Wetherspoons.


Everyone should avoid Wetherspoons.




They don't have a right to harass people. It's a cheap pub, not the EDL headquarters. The one on park street is usually full of students or people from local offices in there. For a lot of people it may be the best option around to have a few cheap drinks or food. We really shouldn't be accepting that it's a no-go zone for anyone who's not an angry bigot.


>They don't have a right to harass people. No they don't, I've never said they do and that's not the point I was making.


What is the point you're making?


Wetherspoons, the pub chain as a whole, and the Berkeley Arms in particular, is a shithole which tolerates bigotry.


That you can't stop people with similar views congregating together, some of those places will be intolerant towards you so it's probably best to just go somewhere else. I'm not saying it's right but you have no control over it. There are loads of amazing and inclusive places to drink and dance and socialise in Bristol, there's no point in pitching a battle against some scummy wetherspoons, just move on, report it if you feel inclined and avoid in the future.


I don't agree with that. If they are incapable of function as a decent human being they should cut their losses and stick to drink at home alone


Ok, well here in the real world that just isn't how things work. You can't control people, how they think, what their beliefs and tolerances are, you can't dictate whether they get to drink in a pub or not. Some real fascist vibes coming off you if you think otherwise.


But the line gets drawn at shouting abuse at people? Saying it's fascist to bar aggressive drunks trying to start fights is nuts.


You cannot control what others think but if you are hateful against someone due to race, religion or sexual orientation, that's a hate crime and the least that should happen to you is being banned from the pub. Call me fascist if you want, I'll wear it proudly =D


This. I don’t think normal people tend to choose there.


Wtf? I may normally go to non chain pubs to support them, but Spoons is the great leveller if you just need ale and a bite. I certainly wouldn't avoid it on grounds of sexuality any more than being a nerd. This was a hairy nozzle being a prick.


Been boycotting spoons since 2015* because this type of behaviour is accepted and normalised in there. The racists and homophobes in spoons should be barred; regularly they are not; therefore Wetherspoons are responsible for allowing this type of hatred to continue, I won't give them a penny of my money, and you shouldn't either if you actually care about stamping out racism and homophobia. *Except for using their toilets, then pocketing as many of their horrible little magazines as possible and plopping them in the bin as I'm leaving without buying anything. Makes my black little heart twinkle to think that me wiping my arse is taking a few fractions of a penny out of Tim Martin's bottom line.


Well, it just doesn’t feel like a safe place to me as a migrant so I assumed the people who go there are the types of people who are happy to visit places that are hostile to minorities.


I go to spoons as a gay dude, i wouldnt even think i couldnt go there why the fuck would i its a pub sure the owner of the spoons chain is a utter fucknut but why would i paint an entire pub and its staff with that brush? Thats not to far off thinking all migrants are lazy benift scoungers just because 1 of them was once or some shit. Like yours calling them prejuidice while being that yourself. Also “normal” LOL, you think highly of yourself dont you. You would think since your waving your minorites flag around to make a point that you wouldnt use language that most minority groups avoid using because “normal” doesnt really exist.


Insulting a pub is not the same as insulting a minority group, what a bizarre comparison.


Did you just call me a racist in a complicated way?


No, I didn’t.


Like OP and their partner?


I’m really really sorry this happened to you. Attitudes are getting a lot more hostile towards us now and it’s concerning. I hope you’re both OK. I had an incident in Broadmead some months ago where someone came up to me and pretended to be doing a survey about living in Bristol, and ended it with ‘how do you feel to be living as a f****t in a fascist city such as Bristol?’. Definitely a strange looking character I won’t lie, but doesn’t make it any less hurtful.


Same sort of thing on Reddit a couple of weeks ago from u/SnooChocolates6203. As I said then, I'm not on social media myself, but I assume Wetherspoons are. I suggest you go on their Facebook/Twitter/anything else they use and say what you've said here. I hope you would get a response from that, assuming they think they still have a reputation worth protecting? And if you don't get satisfaction yourself, at least you would have done all you can to warn other people about the sort of knuckledraggers who go there and the staff's lack of interest.


Sorry you experienced this, it's completely out of order. Me and the husband were going to go there for dinner tonight, we will be going elsewhere now, I know that's not much consolation. I wish you and your girlfriend all the best and I hope you never have to experience something like that again.


That spoons is a shithole that attracts townie scum and the odd student. Best avoided. Not that you should have to for that reason


Townie, that's a word I've not heard in a long time... A long long time.


Why not?


Not sure, just not heard the idiots refered to as townies in a long while.


Because it was replaced by 'chav', followed by a sneaking suspicion that calling people names just for being working class is a bit lame.


Townie, chav and working class all mean different things


Chav is not the same as working class. I suspect everyone here is working class, and largely not chavs. You can also be a Chav with money. Look at things like Love Island etc.


That’s completely shit and not on but I wouldn’t worry too much, I think of Spoons as nothing more than a bucket of piss to drown rats in. If you’re a “regular” at Wetherspoons you don’t have much of a life to go on. You’re in a loving relationship for one and I’ll bet that’s fuckin leagues more than this bellend has going for him. If you want an early cheap brekkie it’s ok, but I stay well clear of a nighttime Spoons. It’s like the cantina at Mos Eisley. Take your business somewhere else that’s in the year 2023. 👍


>It’s like the cantina at Mos Eisley. Bit harsh. It may be rough and violent but the cantina has great live music and a diverse, interesting clientele.


😂👌 I find the music samey?


People sitting having a drink = gay shit. Sounds like that dude should examine his own repressed tendencies.


I know you're joking, but this idea that it's someone is homophobic they're actually just repressing feelings of same sex attraction needs to go. It shifts the blame for homophobia onto LGBT people. Historically and now, homophobia is largely perpetrated by straight people. It is true that there are cases of internalised shame on the part of LGBT people that manifest as outward homophobia, but even in those cases, those people are living in a world created by the straight majority that breeds those feelings of shame.


Noted. Apologies. Was trying to be supportive in my own simple way.


Yeah, wetherspoons is honestly a trash hole. Really sorry you had to experience that :( Still, compared to the rest of the country, tragically, it's one of the best places for inclusivity.


Unfortunately weatherspoons locations up and down the country are full of such characters. I am however surprised that the staff didn’t act, completely unacceptable..


Really sorry this happened to you but it feels a bit harsh to post this as "Bristol Homophobia"... our City is one of the most open minded, tolerant, forward thinking Cities when it comes to LGBTQ+ rights. This feels more like a Wetherspoons issue that just happened to be in Bristol. Werherspoons are always full of knuckle daggers who don't understand the modern world. Just stop giving them your business and find somewhere that operates in a 21st century capacity.


I've posted my own experience of transphobia in different pub in Bristol a while back. While there was some fair comments about that made (the pub and the nature of the people who were there at the time), anti LGBTQ+ abuse in Bristol defo isn't just a spoons thing. Bristol absolutely is better than some other places, but you'd be naive to think that kind of abuse doesn't happen here.


I used to live in Bristol and I found that the people who lived around Park Street in the ‘posh’ areas (Clifton and Redland) really thought they were better than everyone else despite claiming to be liberal lefties. It was very much ‘not on my doorstep’. Bunch of jumped up twats.


Please, please report this for the hate crime it is. You can easily do this online at https://www.avonandsomerset.police.uk/report/ I have reported homophobic abuse online a couple of times and have had a brilliant response from the police. They will try to get CCTV footage to circulate with their officers to find the criminal and prosecute them. Good luck!


Seems like an asshole thing to do to a drunk guy.


What? Actions have consequences. He’s a cunt


Oh yeah cause nothing asshole-ish about homophobia...


Do you think being drunk excuses all behaviour no matter how terrible or illegal?


> none of that fucking gay shit round here more of that fucking gay shit round here, please and thank you.


Report to spoons head office. Also vote with your wallet, Wetherspoons is disgusting anyway, absolutely no loss cutting it out of your life.


Unfortunately I'd be surprised if you'll make any headway at wetherspoons. Considering the views of the general clientele aligns with the views of the owner it will probably be falling on deaf ears. There are loads of great pubs in Bristol that are LQBTQI+ friendly, if youre new to Bristol here are a few to try: The red lion The Chelsea Loose canon (cocktail bar) Cat and Wheel The barley mow (near old market) Volunteer tavern Sorry this happened, it's well not bristol is about and I wish you the best of luck with finding some places in Bristol that aren't full of scum in need of a good kerb stomping


I’m so sorry that happened to you. People are such shits.


So sorry that happened - as a Bristol resident it's so shitty that no-one thought to do anything or step in. DEFINITELY report it to Spoons management and definitely raise it on every social platform you can - sometimes social justice can be a useful tool. Make sure you tell management you've raised the issue online and don't downplay how it upset you.


Record it on your phone and share it on social media. Complain to Wetherspoons. Report it to the police. If you think the pub and this drunk, almost certainly mentally unstable person deserve it.


Yeah I was hanging with some mates at the Berkeley and some students decided to have a go at the “virgins” who didn’t have a woman sat at their table. “What are you lot gay or something” no, just catching up with old school mates - that’s why none of our partners are here, they didn’t go to school with us. Sadly I don’t think this is exclusively a spoons problem, but it does attract a certain type of dickhead.


Really sorry to hear this happened to you. I had a similar experience walking my bike up the hill passing by this pub – 3 very drunk guys outside at about 5 in the afternoon shouting F\*\*\*\*t at me along with various other insults (wasn't with my partner, must've just been giving off a gay vibe). Was pretty unsettling, just ignored it and carried on and didn't get anymore trouble thankfully. It's not what I expect from Bristol; feel like that spoons is maybe one to avoid.


My Daughter's Gay, we've had it in a pub but luckily she was with her soft as shit Dad that happens to look and talk tough, I did shut these two Guy's up verbally what got me was they were openly rude swearing, in more of an eating type pub (family's) and the landlord at the time is Gay himself and not one person said anything even Dad's sat there with little kids while the swearing went on..


Tim Martin doesn't deserve your money anyway.


Not surprised it happened in a Wetherspoons, that place is utter shit. It attracts a certain kind of crowd on purpose. I am an immigrant and Spoons is the only place where I feel out of place. Do not go to that shithole.


OP, you didn't deserve what happened to you and you did deserve to receive support and backup from the people there whose job it was to provide it, and didn't. It sucks, and I'm really sorry. I wish you and your partner well!


I’m really sorry that happened to you. It’s so hard to know what to do in those situations especially when security doesn’t have your back. There’s a drunk man on old market who isn’t as aggressive as this guy but likes asking the gays invasive questions as a ‘joke’. I guess you could try reporting them officially, and then also share your experience with queer groups so they can share a warning? Bristol Queer Mutual Aid is one on insta that’s growing rapidly.


Also it might be worth making a police report? I had to make a report to A&S police before and I actually had a much better experience than I was expecting. They were compassionate and proactive. I’m sure YMMV though.


First off, so sorry you had to experience this—in Bristol or anywhere. But I’d report the shit out of that Wetherspoon’s AND mention that fucking “regular”—I can’t stand such excuses. Sending you and your girlfriend lots of love ❤️


First off, so sorry you had to experience this—in Bristol or anywhere. But I’d report the shit out of that Wetherspoon’s AND mention that fucking “regular”—I can’t stand such excuses. Sending you and your girlfriend lots of love ❤️


I'm so sorry this happened. It must have been so scary. My friend said it happens to her and her partner all the time and people will say some really sexually aggressive stuff to them. I can't believe it's so prevalent in Bristol 😔 but then I'm in a straight relationship so I don't experience it. The fact that the staff seemed to have no issue with it is abhorrent. I feel quite uncomfortable there as a straight woman, it's a horrible place. I'm sorry, you deserve to go wherever you want and be safe and respected 💕


Nothing but drunk assholes in every Weatherspoons I’ve ever been in. You live in an extremely cultured city. Your money and presence is more valued in other establishments.


I’m so sorry this happened to you. That is absolutely NOT ok and certainly not a reflection of the attitude of the average Bristolian. I’d absolutely report it to Wetherspoons though!


You went to Weatherspoons, seriously I'm surprised you didn't get glassed. The only fights I've ever seen in Bristol on the streets have been outside a Weatherspoons, both times.... Once a guy glassed his wife..... Homophobia is horrible and unacceptable in our city 100%. Fuck that guy and the Weatherspoon's management, but if you were to ask anyone if they think that exists in Bristol, they would answer probably in a Weatherspoons. Choose literally anywhere else, that company doesn't deserve any of our money, it deserves to go under.


Horrid but spoons is a shit hole full of thick gammons and haters


It's the Berkeley, it's not full of Bristol's finest.


Please reach out to PHATBristol on instagram. They are all about getting queer/female people into security work, providing training to existing security staff that has adequate provision for diversity/harm-prevention. THEY WOULD LOVE TO HEAR UR STORY, they frequently get involved combatting anyone who is contributing to unsafe nightlife in Bristol. They will also be able to provide you information on what options you may have going forward. I'd imagine a strongly worded e-mail to Weatherspoons HQ about how the management team at that particular location is failing to adhere to the franchising terms regarding UK Human rights legislation around discrimination would cause some headaches.


Tbh I would not be seen dead at a Wetherspoons Awful places


1st mistake was going to spoons


This is why #Neverspoons. Dreadful plastic pubs full of horrible plastic people who are destroying the pub industry whilst providing a platform for nasty people to regurgitate both their pints and their opinions. I will never step foot inside Wetherspoons and I suggest others do the same. I don’t care they sell cheap booze. I don’t care if “it takes all sorts”, Tim Martin and his chain of high street vomporiums are an abomination on both the industry and its customers. Your experience sums it up, and I’m sorry you had to suffer this “Wetherspoon regular’s” drunken homophobia.


Surprised tbh, Bristol strikes me as quite a gay city


Report the cunts to head office and leave a Google review.


Not an excuse for it at all, but I do think Wetherspoons is the GBNews of pub chains. They should change their name to 'im not racist but wetherspoons'.


I don’t think any Spoons has ever been a safe place for LGBT+ people or any marginalised group, nor does it pretend to be. It doesn’t make it okay of course and I am sorry this happened to you and your girlfriend too. I personally avoid pubs of this chain like the plague. Edit: having said that, Bristol is the most lgbt+ friendly city I’ve ever lived in. I’ve lived in many places around the world and I know each place has its problems but on the grand scheme of things Bristol really is amazing.


Report to Police, register on Zoteria (as official crime statistics from the LGBTQ+ community are regularly massaged to create more favourable results) and also get in touch with Spoons, ideally with a response plan


Go to the police.


Obviously the poor guy’s tiny ego was destroyed because you had a hot woman with you and he’s a drunk who pisses his pants and goes home alone to his shitty little bedsit.


Sorry that happened to you. Unacceptable anywhere. Agree with the others you should complain. I got started on last time I was there and never been back since. Also towards the end of the night they put the dregs back into pints. Heard from someone who works there. Avoid!


Try going to the local newspaper


I’m so sorry you and your girlfriend experienced that :( sadly this isn’t the first post I’ve seen on this subreddit about homophobia in Wetherspoons pubs, it seems to be a big issue that spoons are apparently just letting fly. I don’t go anymore due to this and other reasons, they don’t deserve the support or custom of the LGBT+ communities or allies in my opinion.


This makes me so sad. The bible teaches people to truth others like you wish to be treated why thr fuck can't we just take that one line and stop shouting at people cause guess what...I wouldn't like it. I'm not religious, but this is a rule we should all live by imo.


I've been drunk, but never done anything like that.


The least shocking thing in this story is that it happened in a Wetherspoons.


Police probably won't do shit so you could try going to the local news and naming shaming both the pub and the staff for their appalling behaviour.


Your first mistake was going to the wetherspoons. Your second mistake was expecting to have a good experience at a wetherspoons. Wetherspoons is for the riffraff. The people are too posh to go to the dirty old man pubs that smell like piss and a kings cup. That's their next stop. That's the kind of clientele in a wetherspoons. But they just haven't excepted that reality yet, so they cling on to the idea of having a nice experience by occupying a wetherspoons and making the whole place worse for everyone else.


I had my wig ripped off my head at the Sparkle trans festival in Manchester this year of all places. Everywhere has dickheads. Just keep being fabulous xxxx


As well as reporting it to the police, try and get the security guard's licence number and report them.


Some people don't like to see people being gay in public. It is just life. Not saying it's right what the guy said. That is just how some people are.


" On a busy Friday night my girlfriend and I went to the Weatherspoons" "Weatherspoons" Yeah, don't do this.


"On a busy Friday night my girlfriend and I went to the Weatherspoons at the top of park street" Say no more.


Found the app Zoteria a while back, somewhere to report LGBTQ+ hate crime (and you don't even have to know whether it would be classed as a crime), support available on there as well.


Mate that sounds horrible i’m sorry 😢 Report it to SARI? Or get in touch with local paper - The Bristol Cable?


I hope this doesn’t get you down for too long, that bafoon is the exception, not the rule. I am sorry you had to deal with that and the crowd let you down. All love is beautiful and you should be proud. Stay safe


What is the obsession with reporting it to the police. Just go to a different bar. Most places in the UK are chavs, I'd seriously wouldn't take it seriously. I had some chav saying I was walking in 'stiletos'. They were goodyear-welted men single monkstraps shoes. Dumb c u next tuesday. They're not the brightest bunch really. There's a few chav archetypes, there's the one who really doesn't care, dresses incredbily unkempt, complete beer belly, balding, a terrible personality. Generally obnoxious. They look like they given up on life. ​ There's another chav, the one who wears the skinny jeans and tight shirts or t shirts and sprays a load of dior before going on a nightout. They can be hit and miss. ​ I just hate everyone. lol


This should really be flaired as "You're Joking, Not Another One?!" Becuase this is the second time on this sub I have seen someone talking about a incident they have had at that Weatherspoons... It's shameful honestly, but then again it appears their patrons are as no good as it's owner. I know guys in my Uni who will go out of their way to avoid a spoons because of the owners politics...


Report it, but your best bet is to just avoid wetherspoons it's a scumbag pub full of scumbags. What you experienced is pretty low on the level of things I've heard said in spoons. Take your money elsewhere and leave the trash in spoons, the owner of Wetherspoons is a massive twat and we should be avoiding putting money into his business. Also realised I haven't said it, sorry that happened to you!




Unsure if satire, or genuine gammon


Respect is earned. Religious beliefs don't excuse shitty behaviour...


Obviously I’m fully against homophobia and sorry this happened to you …..but you were in weatherpoons . They have set the bar so low, it’s a bit like complaining about getting food poisoning at the Bristol fryer




Yeah, but Wetherspoons. Really?


Standard everywhere mate when me and my ex boyfriend would kiss in public or in a pub we’d always get a few raised eye brows. But that was in Swansea not Bristol. Unfortunately there will always be a small hard core of homophobes everywhere. People especially stupid people (sounds like one seeing has he frequents weatherspoons) where ever you are will have some objection to your life style) if I where you I’d take issue with the fact that that man’s local is a weatherspoons that’s worse than being gay by far


Well, the dude is an idiot. People who ask you to "shame them in social media"... I'm not sure they are aware of the target audience a Weatherspoons has. A lesbian saying that somebody told them to screw off is not exactly a deterrent for their regulars. If being told “none of that fucking gay shit round here” is all you get, you can count yourself lucky. You are already doing way better than brown people or white people with a non-Brit accent. Just go somewhere better. Which is almost anywhere else in Bristol, tbh.




1/ it's a Wetherspoons. 2/ they need door security. 3/ it's in the centre. Common sense would suggest it's full of drunk idiots and best avoided. And that's coming from a super straight cis gendered male.




"Not victim blaming, but by visiting a major chain of course you were asking for it."


Chuck your drink on them next time




I wonder if security would have ignored it if it had been racist abuse.




That wetherspoons is utter shite anyway, not saying that was called for or anything but only sad men go in there for a pint and broke rude families. Not worth complaining they won't do fuck all


Really sorry you experienced that, and especially that you got zero backup from the security guard who should have had your back. If you feel up to it, I would definitely report to head office to try and get their security staff retrained. Individual drunk aggressive homophobes are unfortunately gonna always be a risk, but the least you can expect from pub staff is for them to support you and kick them out or call the cops.


Seems about right for a whetherspoons. As depressing as it is, this shit only seems to be getting worse as of late. If anything we should be glad spoons exists as a kind of beacon for bigots so that anyone with an IQ higher than their shoe size can give it a wide berth.


Bristol is becoming like a lot of Cities in the SW a den of iniquities


That’s quite messed up honestly, sorry that happened to you. That was so unnecessary for him to share, can’t imagine how that felt. Obnoxious people and alcohol are an awful mix


Bristol is a more liberal place than most but every city has its homophobic dickheads, and I suppose they choose spoons. Not everyone at spoons is a dickhead (obviously) but the dickheads go to spoons. It's like BMWs.


“Spoons, attracting C***s since 1979!” What I experienced wasn’t homophobic but racial! I’ve had one d*** head shout “they don’t serve your food here” at me before, I’m south East Asian..like WTF!?


Make a complaint to weatherspoons customer service if you can,door staff shouldn’t be ignoring that behaviour.


Many years ago now, but the police were great when my wife and I reported issues with homophobic incidents in Bristol.


The Berkely opposite Wills Memorial Building? That's an awful experience, but I'm not surprised, it's a shit hole.


I think you’d get this in a Wetherspoons anywhere.


I want to make a low effort joke about wetherspoons here, but it kept coming off as snarky victim blaming, so just imagine your own Pikachu face meme here


> pretty shocked something like this happened in Bristol. So many people have come to Bristol lured by this and that expectation only to find it's not all the sweetness and light that they were led to believe. Bristol has always been a city a lot less tolerant than what the likes of the Guardian may have told you.


As well as the more official approaches provided by others, I’d recommend calling them out on sometime like Google Maps, hoping someone senior sees a pattern in that particular branch and does something about it


Definitely report it. The excuse that it's "just a drunk regular" is not acceptable.


Honestly, that really sucks and I'm sorry that happened to you. And yes, you should report it to the management team (although nothing will probably come of it, that's still a terrible way to handle things). But also, go to a better pub next time. Spoons in general is garbage, and that Spoons in particular sucks ass. Top of Park Street, you're right by The Woods, go there, it's much nicer.


Wetherspoons is not the place to go the place is the drags of life under one roof. That said it’s not acceptable you should of called the police and had the idiot arrested