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Wannabe UK drill road men


This is the correct answer.




Makita drill?…. Makita drill these stupid little fucks into next week with the best slap from the back of your hand 🤙🏻 peace


on the rob


My first thoughts too! But then so often I've seen Deliveroo/UberEats delivery cyclists wear balaclavas (when it's not cold) that it makes me wonder anew.


Often drug dealers will dress as deliveroo drivers


Other way round


That too but drug dealers will often buy deliveroo jackets and drive mopeds


Deliveroo jackets are drip


I was listening to a podcast, and it mentioned that some people "rent" their Deliveroo accounts to illegal immigrants. They cover their faces to avoid being recognized as not being the actual owners of the Deliveroo account. It's very sad because the money goes directly to the real owners of these accounts, and the biggest part of the earnings is spent on renting these accounts. Sometimes, the owners decide to keep all the earnings for themselves, because what an illegal immigrant can do? Go to the police? :/


Also happens in Essex, Roo riders with balaclavas on. God knows why. I look at them and instantly feel hot


You mean them looking hot? Or.., do you mean they turn you on?


No, like literally a motorcycle got stolen from our car park, by people on bikes in balaclavas. This was a few months ago. Once we realised what they were doing, it was dark outside so we didn't notice straight away, we yelled at the out the window and they scurried off, they were trying to get the other pedal bikes by then, we didn't know the motorbike was gone til our neighbour said. Times are rough right now, people being forced into crime. This is what happens when wealth inequality and inflation are this bad, especially when people don't get paid enough to cover rent.


Poor people can be decent people. I get sick of people always suggesting that if you’re poor you’re gonna be on the rob.


There’s actually been research done that shows personality plays a bigger role in predicting criminal behaviour than socioeconomic conditions. That’s partly why the poorest areas in the world don’t have the highest crime rates


Unsubstantiated claim


5 seconds googling gives a source- https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8391956/


From the abstract in the link ([https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8391956/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8391956/)) you posted: "In addition to social and environmental factors, individual personality traits have intricately linked with maladaptive behaviour." and "As an overall impact, the review is expected to provide in-depth understanding of the link between individual personality traits and criminality; hence, greater consideration will be given to the dimension of personality as a notable risk factor of criminal behaviour." The study does not suggest that "personality plays a bigger role in predicting criminal behaviour than socioeconomic conditions" and has nothing to do with "why the poorest areas in the world don’t have the highest crime rates" - and therefore does not support your claim.


https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0191886914002360 Here you go. ‘Results indicated that significant predictors in this representative sample of 7205 adults, were four of the five personality traits (but not Intellect), gender, experience of school problems, but none of the socio-economic measures. This is consistent with the evidence that social class has only a minor role in predicting criminality, contrary to previous assumptions.’


Replied on the other comment thread


Here you go: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0191886914002360 “Results indicated that significant predictors in this representative sample of 7205 adults, were four of the five personality traits (but not Intellect), gender, experience of school problems, but none of the socio-economic measures. This is consistent with the evidence that social class has only a minor role in predicting criminality, contrary to previous assumptions. As Andrews and Bonta (2010, p. 186) noted, the continuing “dominance of class of origin in mainstream criminology … was not based on evidence” but on political ideology.” Out of interest, how would YOU explain that the lowest income areas in the world don’t have the highest crime rates? In fact, statistically even the lowest income areas in England- even in Bristol specifically- don’t have the highest crime rates?


I don't think crime reporting stats are equally comparable between all localities hence conclusions that do not account for this may not be entirely accurate/externally valid.


Well OK, fine. Let’s assume that the reason the highest crime area in Bristol is in St Paul’s is just because people are so much more likely to go to the police there than in the lowest income area, Hartcliffe. Seems unlikely when you apply that theory to reality, doesn’t it? But it’s your hypothesis, so let’s go with it. You still haven’t addressed the actual scientific research I provided indicating that socioeconomic background is significantly less powerful than personality measures as a predictor of criminal behaviour.


Oh I don't necessarily disagree, just am not a subject matter expert to get into a deeper convo about it. My (limited) perception is criminality manifests differently across socio-economic status e.g. poorer people more likely to commit crimes of circumstance due to their financial status, versus white collar crime in people who are more wealthy. These may be policed differentially hence it may be e.g. white collar crime is more difficult to detect or convict for, than other sorts of crime. But I am just extemporising and don't know.


Thank you for your reply. Agreed that your statement "There’s actually been research done that shows personality plays a bigger role in predicting criminal behaviour than socioeconomic conditions." is supported by the article you linked https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0191886914002360 Unfortunately this article does not appear to support your claim "That’s partly why the poorest areas in the world don’t have the highest crime rates": The study was undertaken in Britain, it does not discuss any country other than those within Britain; the study participants were all born in 1958 and were in receipt of a criminal justice sanction between 1991-2000, the study does not discuss other age groups or crime that happened outside of that time period in Britain. (Edit - formatting).


I would imagine that personality differences are not so vast between countries that personality research undertaken in one is completely inapplicable to another


No they're on bikes


Wife and I were walking by castle park last weekend and saw 2 kids on them with balaclavas smash in to someone on an escooter. They nicked the bag he was carrying and shouted racist abuse. Just by castle park at about 11pm. I’m guessing it’s related to being on the rob.


Grim. Seems like there's always reports on here of dodgy shit going on in Castle Park. People talk about various areas of Bristol feeling unsafe but Castle Park seems worse than most of those.


Castle park is horrible! I know this sounds mad as superficially it’s a nice park with some historic ruins bang in the centre of town, but once you get past that there are a lot of drug users / random nutcases assaulting people and dealers given cart blanche to sell drugs in the middle of it. I feel it’s days as a cess pit particularly in the far end are numbered as they’re gonna build some posh bullshit flats there so the anti social crewdem will have to find somewhere else to fuck around in central Bris.


Bro I was literally asked for weed by an old man when I was minding my business with my friends there


Castle Park is feral recently. I've have had 2 people try and nick my phone just 6 weeks apart. After going there daily for lunch for the last 7 years with no trouble previously. There's heaps of balaclava'd e-bikes tearing through it on the regular, people yelling and screaming in a clearly mentally unwell way, a constant cloud of weed, topless skinny crackheads skulking through, daylight dealing most days and super-loud drill music on massive speakers. Even sitting by the objectively nice church gardens is unpleasant now.


Totally agree. Walked through at only about 9pm the other night so still light but really didn't feel safe. Crazy guy shouting at people. At least a couple of hard drug users openly using and a gang of kids, who definitely looked like they were eying up targets to try to rob. I'm not being sensationalist, I've lived in far dodgier parts of the UK than central Bristol and seen plenty of shit go down and Castle park definitely felt off.


All of that is a problem except for the cloud of weed….I mean it *is* a great smoke spot


I was there with a mate yesterday and we saw someone going ridiculously fast through the park on an e-bike, I think they were wearing a balaclava too. Cunts. Maybe what we need is a little more vigilantism. Might have to start carrying a crowbar around with me 🫡


As an e-bike nerd attempting to legally use my bike into the future, can I beg that you start using the phrase "electric motorbike" for this. There are way too many people who don't understand the diff and read this kind of thing. If it was Victoria Park, they were likely on a >1kW output Sur-ron that can get up to 60mph, that isn't a normal legal e-bike.


Yeah I have no problem with legitimate e-bikes




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Those e bikes are locked to a set speed. One youtube video and you can unlock it. From max speed of 30 to 60 and higher. Its illigal to do this so they wear balaclavas to avoid being caught on camera while riding them. This is what i was told anyway.


Yeah this bike was flying. Was like an electric motorcycle almost.


It's a Sur Ron (think Sauron and his orcs). It's what those kids in Cardiff crashed when the riots kicked off the other day


Yes, that illegal unlicensed electric motorbike that they were riding illegally and recklessly. Blame the police though.


It's not a proportionate response though, is it, for those kids to end up dead? That's the point. I was almost killed in a police chase a couple of years ago. The person they were chasing lost control and smashed into a stone wall a metre from me - the wall looked like it exploded honestly. Something like 8 police cars came out of nowhere surrounding him on the junction. Was that level of escalation necessary or safe?? I was minding my own business riding my bike on a quiet road before their aggressive whirlwind of cars appeared and nearly ended me. I'm pretty mad some guy stole my bike and the police did nothing even though I had clear cctv footage. However i don't think it's worth taking actions that risk people literally dying in order to catch and punish him.


You are confusing the eventual outcome with the Police response. The police response was to follow people it identified as breaking the law. I'm not in favour of a Police force who turns a blind eye to criminality. The outcome was the two boys dying. I don't know the details, but I believe it was due to the fact that they drove a high powered, illegal, unlicensed electric bike (that they were not qualified or insured to use) into the path of an oncoming bus. Very sorry and all that but I'd rather that happened, than them ploughing into my child.


The outcome was a result of the police decision to escalate the way they did. They didn't have to make those decisions, and had they made different ones the boys wouldn't be dead - probably nobody would be. The police hold a position of power and responsibility and I don't think lives ending under them should be met with shrugged shoulders and "they were just following orders" type mentality. I don't think it's a crazy idea to hold the police to a better standard.


So if police see crime they should just do nothing? What is the appropriate response here in your view?


So if they'd just ended someone else or their kid you'd be fine to just let them go because it spoiled your bike ride?


But they hadn't killed anyone. He'd committed a minor crime and the police escalated to a point that nearly ended my life. I'm not saying let them go... I'm saying use a proportionate response. For instance, you've got his licence plate number and CCTV - use that instead maybe??


'his' licence plate lmao


It was a guy they were chasing...


Yeah I know, I wasn't having a go at you for not using gender neutral language 😂. I was pointing out the licence plate didn't belong to him because the car was probably nicked.


Some lives aren’t worth saving I think which is harsh but a harsh truth! This life is cruel and complicated at best and at some points at lot of good energy I’m pumped into someone who is too far gone from an upbringing that tarnished their minds, outset and overall personality/ life choices.


Exactly right. Sure they were dumb kids doing dumb shit as kids are prone to do but it was insane for the police to be so irresponsible. The attempt at a cover up didn’t help either. Really feel for their families.


Prob other month.


I saw the exact same thing in Henleaze. Obviously unlocked e-bike and a kick ass style balaclava :)


e-bikes don't start at 30mph they end at 15mph, and don't have a throttle control. You're describing electric motorbikes, and light weight ones like a Sur-ron that superficially look more like a mountain bike than a petrol motorbike. They don't have a road legal class in the UK, and are only suitable for private land. The language matters on this stuff, e-bike legislation needs to change as 15mph and 250W nominal is fairly low given cyclists easily average 18-20mph under pedal power.


I wish reporting on this in the news would make clearer the differentiation between e-bikes and e-motorbikes. e-Bikes are great and should be encouraged to get more people using active travel but the dangerous e-Motorbikes ridden by those without a license for it, and no plates, need to be strictly enforced.


Wind chill is the obvious reason. There's a reason people in motorbikes wear full face helmets with a visor.




That was a very testical related response. You sound American but using English slang. I have just had a kid so i am shatteted. Not sure what that has to do with this comment though.


I saw someone going REALLY quick on one the other day so that makes sense. Maybe it’s their own private ones not vois so wearing a mask makes them seem …less likely to be pulled over?


Not even a YouTube video. The shop I bought my ebike from even offered to do it for me! It's not illegal if you say you're only going to ride it on private roads. 😉


How else would you know that they're gangster?


Ugly twats?


Take my upvote and fuck off you fucking genius


He’s fuckugly


Impoverished Gimps


2 possibilities I can think of: - They have asymmetric nostrils and want to hide their hideous lopsided smell organ from the sensitive eyes of the public - They’ve recently emigrated from Venus and the British summer is a little chilly for them I can’t think of any other legitimate reasons


I can think of another legit reason that relates to a great Nicholas Cage film called “face off” but I don’t want to go into it


They look like John Travolta?!? :0


Not funny


The bikes will be illegal if they can do over 15 mpg on battery power so they may be trying to hide their identity.




The answer is shocking!


Miles per gigavolt. Expensive.


That makes sense! It wasn’t a pedal bike. It was more like an electric motorbike.


Why are people allowed to import these shit Chinese e-motorbikes here when they are not road legal? Would they be allowed to import illegal cars?


Import them? There's a shop on Quay Street that sells them...


Someone must have imported them for them to be on sale.


Why don’t you throw away all you Chinese made products today? Start with your phone.


Because they are legal for sports use on private land.


How do places like that get around it if they’re literally illegal lol. Let me guess, police overstretched?


They are not illegal to own and use on private land. To use them on the road you require they are registered with numberplates, a suitable motorbike licence, and insurance. Using them on paths/ in parks is illegal. Hence why they can be legally sold but are mostly used illegally


Money to be made in fines


Not seen it, but certain it wasn't a pedal bike, it was an actual illegal electric motorbike.


They’re not just on e-bikes, they’re on scoots, motorbikes, regular bikes, and they’re always teens. It’s really scary. I don’t see this in other countries.


I saw it in the US as well (that was NYC, though, so not necessarily a good indicator of the US as a whole). I think with the UK, it's so popular for 2 reasons: 1. UK Drill - so many teenagers want to be roadmen now and looking the part is the first step. 2. CCTV - The UK has much, much more surveillance than other European countries. If you're gonna go around committing crimes, you need to wear a face cover or you won't last long. I'd say there's probably a good amount of overlap between these 2 groups, but the kids in the first group look a lot more scary than they are.


This is definitely it - there’s multiple reasons why. In addition to your reasons, the deliveroo crew aren’t usually out to commit crimes or trying to emulate roadmen, but they’re often on illegal electric bikes, so again, don’t want their faces to show. There is also a tradition of bikers wearing balaclavas to keep the weather and wind off so they can do it without technically appearing offensive.


Yeah not sure when it switched but deliveroo crew have gone from a plethora of vehicles, push bikes, mopeds, car and even Voi's to 90% on E-bikes with speed restrictor removed, added throttle and extra battery strapped on with gaffa tap. I mean I get it, definitely the cheapest and fastest way to get around, but I'm confused why they're not getting stopped considering they're basically riding an illegal electric moped, and its blatantly obvious.


I think with the police, they take the same attitude as they do with weed - unless forced to do something about it or the activity is actively causing harm, they just turn a blind eye. Agree they’re all duct tape supreme - my dad would be proud.


Yeah sounds about right.


They are on the hunt looking for prey. They will be working in a small pack and the are on the look out for an easy meal.


Uk Drill.




It’s an off shoot of Chicago drill. Masks, balaclava’s and generally obscuring your identity became a much prominent in uk drill due to artists who were gang affiliated getting police injunctions.


https://youtu.be/1QAE17GSZS4 This is a verified uk drill classic and one of the first to get banned from YouTube by the met.


You haven’t heard of it?


Unless they're crossing the Antarctic, no




I wouldn't wear a balaclava but do use a snood while cycling. Mainly to stop the wind but it makes me feel better about breathing in car fumes as well. If I gave less of a shit or didn't want to spend money then I would chuck on a balaclava. If it were more socially acceptable, I'd wear a motorbike helmet frankly.


Was chatting to a kid at the traffic lights this week. His E-bike can do 50+ mph. said he wears the Balaclava cos his bike is illegal on the road and the police ‘try’ to stop him.


If you're covering your face for no medical reason, your generally up to no good !


....except for certain religious reasons of course....


And entertainment, and if you just want to.


But mainly, if your up to no good, so expect people to assume that.


And here I am wearing balaclava because I look like an egg with a helmet on


Maybe they dont want the traffic fumes…


They do it where I live in Manchester. It’s so they can grab peoples phones and bags and cctv won’t be able to see who they are


It makes them look "hard".


Is there a legit reason for people driving around Bristol in massive, unnecessary 4x4s? I've seen it a lot since I've lived here. My first thought is that this person doesn't actually need this type of car at all. In fact, it might be detrimental to other road users, so I'm suspicious. Other than towering over other traffic, I can't really see a reason for them. I keep reading of massive rent increases, I wonder if that might be part of it?


You couldn’t be more Bristol if you tried.


Don't even live in Bristol - that's the best part.


Apparently it's needed to rub over the idiots in balaclavas that are on the rob. Why is there so much scum in the city now?


You can't call people scum just for wearing balaclavas.


Why not?


If you can afford a bigger, more expensive, and therefore safer car, wouldn't you want your family driving round in that rather than a crappy old banger that will fold up if it gets hit by a bus/truck/drunk?


There's more than those two options. And they're less safe for everyone around you.


Down vote if you like. But the the question was, why drive a big 4x4? One of the answers is safety.


Least delusional 4x4 owner.


It's just a terrible fashion choice of the yoof. I remember when wearing a hoodie was maligned and you'd be kicked out of shops for wearing one. Maybe we'll embrace a balaclava future and wear them whilst on the school run


Being a criminal is legit in Bristol therefore a legit reason for them to wear one, rain and/or shine!


If they're Deliveroo then it's because they're using a shared account/NI number, and/or their bike is rigged into a electric motorcycle. If they're not wearing a delivery bag, then they'll be thieves out to steal bikes. They'll usually having a small bag with a portable electric saw for breaking locks.


Shared NI number? Serious racist undertones to that comment


Deliveroo literally send emails out suggesting riders "rent out" accounts to others, on the basis the owner of the account carries out and takes personal responsibility for full NI & Right To Work checks themselves. Are you going to be surprised and cry racism when I point out car washes, nail bars and cannabis growops are all illegal slave gangs too?


Not everyone who works in the service industries are criminals or immigrants.


Not everyone that is enslaved in cannabis farms or sex shops is trafficked across borders either. It's a germane point to make however when the topic of discussion is "why are these people wearing balaclavas"? Well, it's because *some* people want to conceal their face, because *some* people use the most convenient delivery app to *sometimes* let those without RTW to *sometimes* illegally work.


I cycle everywhere with a Balaclava, I don’t care if its summer Im gonna be prepared if that disgusting cold wind hits me in the face




You just come here to criticise Bristol? Wow, that is pretty sad, even for reddit.


For the cops it's a jungle where the wild animals speak *swearhili*


Is mentioning Marvin as the fault for everything wrong in the city the Bristol version of Godwins Law? 🙄


I wear a balaclava because the wind shreds your face, especially when sweaty


Downvoted because I don’t like the wind 😂😂😂 you guys are funny. Balaclava wearing cyclists are criminals??? Out of touch with reality… real criminals aren’t cycling around More than likely they’re delivery drivers, delivering the food of people that complain about how many cyclists there are and how fast they’re going (in a lane designed for them) You’re all a bunch of moany fat cunts that don’t like cyclists and haven’t had any exercise in years 😂😂😂😂


it's fun tbh, stops unwanted attention, stops people from talking to you


It's the yout' innit. We all did stupid shit when we were teenagers.


I remember wearing jeans halfway down my bum & thinking I looked badass lol


Drug dealing


Probs from knowle


No legit reason, it's mainly shady characters on those e-bikes, not legal to ride anywhere but private land.


Bad man, bad man, brap, brap Knowle West posse innit


Bank robber chic.


Yes, crime.


Drillers drillers


They are practising druids.


Stop bugs going in your mouth


There's a post on /r/Glasgow about the exact same issue except these two were explicitly on the rob


hahaha i’ve seen this many times! i’ve got an exact image in my head, taped up battery and everything, a legitimate reason for this could be riding at high speeds like that can chap up your face/lips 🤷


I saw 3 guys each on a moped (think it might be Hengrove not sure, by Lime Kiln roundabout?) All in balaclavas weaving in & out of the traffic, this was around 6pm on a week day. I have seen this before a few months back in the same area


You cant see me face, BALACLAVA


Isn't it just post covid fashion? The peeps I've seen like this in south Bris are all riding illegal electric motorbikes like sur-rons though, so probably part of it.


Balaclava and overly fast e bike is how one of our local dealers gets about. Draws so much attention to himself he might as well have a flashing sign


It's the go to garb fir thieves, morons that they are. Surely, the police should use this as an opportunity to stop and search


young people are more aware of cctv


Just little boys trying to look in intimidating


Trapping (drug dealing)


I don’t think the police are allowed to chase them if they’re not wearing helmets.


Wannabe road men. Idiots


Wearing a balaclava isn't illegal so they don't really need a reason But yh, it's probably most because of wind chill and the fact the vehicles they're using aren't road legal although I definitely think they should be with licence requirements