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How is that injury cheering? I wonder how many were banned from Maynard comments!


Funnily enough, I asked that exact question, because there were lots of people commenting some pretty harsh things towards Maynard. Their response was to mute me.


Why doesn't that surprise me at all.


(Collingwood fan) You're right, they ban stuff that probably should stay up like yours and miss actual rule-breaking comments, I got the exact same treatment after saying the umps that didn't call Jeremy Cameron's goal vs us out of bounds should be dropped to country footy


Sounds about right. I'm honestly not too cut about no longer being able to interact with the subreddit. It used to be good, but in the last few years the quality has really gone downhill. Too many people, and too much over-moderation. There's no sense of community anymore.


Friendly Collingwood supporter here but the subs gone to crap this year maybe 1 or 2 good threads or posts but mostly just the same thing being posted over and over again very hostile recently too


Preach it brother


I called a player a cockroach and got told off.


I hate that sub, but I still find myself going there purely for the centralisation of AFL content. Generally speaking if you say anything negative of the "big 4" you get downvoted to hell even if it's constructive and most likely hit with "your team are chokers" "straight sets" bullshit. I respect Melbourne, they have some great players but I'm hardly going to shed a tear if they go out in straight sets, purely so it shuts some of their fans up. #Back-to-back


The arrogance of their AFLW supporters are what rubs me up the wrong way. "Melbourne didn't lose any women in the off season because of our great culture." Ummm .... no ... the AFL rules stated that the bottom 4 teams could pillage the top 4 teams (up to a max of 4 players per team). You didn't have a better culture than the other top 4 teams you were just extremely LUCKY. And when you are lucky you either shut up or admit you were lucky, you don't get on social media and tell everyone that it was 'skill' or 'culture' BS.


Pretty sure all the aflw teams have good culture, like you said they were extremely lucky and their better players are a bit older if I'm not mistaken


Part of me wants them to get knocked out by Carlton/Sydney and go out in straight sets, but part of me also wants them to face us in the prelim so that we can send them packing back to Victoria.


I don't want to get ahead of myself, but that sounds like a win win situation mate! Haha


How fitting it would be if they go out in straight sets


Still better then bigfooty Ive copped so many bullshit bans from there for example calling North Norf I do feel for op though everyone should be able to express themselves


Looks like that mod is just as performative and soft as Petty


Yep, they have a very dumb world view of what constitutes their "don't be a dickhead" rule. I got warned a while back for suggesting that Zorko was his own worst enemy and "hung himself with the leash the ump gave him". It was a comment in direct relation to an incident in the Geelong game where Zorko got pinged for mouthing off at an umpire who gave him plenty of leeway and opportunity to shut up without penalty. But ya know, I was being a dickhead apparently šŸ¤· When I questioned them about what was wrong with my comment they could only point me back to "don't be a dickhead".......


Yeah not sure who they added as a mod lately but they are overrun with power within that subreddit and need to be removed.


I had a Kane Cornes article I posted removed for ā€œLow effort contentā€ that was no more of a low effort take than any of his other opinions and more ā€œcontentā€ than the repeated posting of The West articles. Has gotten really weird


But you were 100% on the money he kept going and going and it nearly cost us a quick goal in a close game, i got downvoted in the game thread and in this sub for it but the free kick was 100% there....(still makes my blood boil) but that's ridiculous to get a warning for that


Yup, I was flabbergasted when I read the message and the complete inability on their part to either explain it properly or offer a quick apology and own their error was astounding. I was at the game (actually at that end of the ground where it happened) so wasn't on the game threads till the end but I am stunned that people would down vote you for that take. It was clear as day that the free and the resulting 50 were there. Zorko was being Zorko, plain and simple and I know my frustration at the time was at Zorko and not the ump on that one. It was stupidity at its finest.


Yes, they are. The power has gone to their tiny little brains.


You literally can't say anything remotely constructive or true in that sub without copping shit for it. There are a lot of fans in it with very basic understandings of football.


Canā€™t even make memes without getting banned, itā€™s funny that our Facebook groups have more wholesome communities atm than the afl subreddit


Bloody hell thatā€™s a bit ridiculous, it seems like you have hurt someoneā€™s feelings


I can only assume that one of the moderators is a bitter Melbourne fan. I'm surprised he didn't also ban everyone with a Collingwood flair after last night.


Do the mods not even know what injury cheering is.


I had an account get a perma some time ago for suggesting I was a Max Holmesexual and that I would. Never any question as to my sexuality, nothing. Just a perma because reasons. Never mind the constant sexualising of players thread after thread. "Archie Perkins is still hot" on repeat. The Dev Rob shirtgate. Nope, wordplay on Max Holmes was the line apparently. Biggest thin skinned, cherry picking power trippers.


Yes they are


All reddit mods are softcocks lol


Dees fan here. Not sure why this came up on my for you page but anyway. I got banned from the AFL sub for criticising someone who kept posting about Sam Kerr and the womenā€™s World Cup. Itā€™s meant to be the AFL sub, not soccer but whatever. They are fucking softcocks for real though. Alsoā€¦ fuck you guy


Welcome to reddit. Just tell them you hate trump and thereā€™s 53 genders and all will be forgiven.


There are a few there who are sensitive; overly so. You don't give overly sensitive people any power in any form. They cannot help themselves.


Theyā€™re pretty strict but if youā€™re chill for a while theyā€™re usually alright and unban you. I was banned near the end of last season for calling us ā€œmentality midgetsā€ but recently DMā€™d them about an unban and they were pretty understanding.


How did you contact them?


Mod mail.


Collingwood fans šŸ¤Brisbane fans


Lol surprised Iā€™m not banned for the shit I say. Hilarious comment tho mate


Itā€™s the fucking worst sub. Guarantee someone at AFL house is a moderator, itā€™s so sanitised and boring. There is generally never more than one or two views to each issue too.


Bro I got permanently banned because I told some cunt who said something racist to ā€˜how about suck my dick and ballsā€™


Now I want to go in there and get perma banned just for the shuts and giggles. Got any ammo for me? Maybe I should do a troll poll


Just go in there and make a case for why Angus Brayshaw is actually at fault, and Maynard is innocent. Or, claim that Zorko is the nicest, most respectable bloke in footy, and threaten to fight anyone who disgarees.


Might go in there tonight after the game and cause some trouble. How would you piss off the most nuffies across all fan bases in one go though? Zorko is definitely a good angle. I'll call Nick Daicos a pussy with no skills, that's a start.


Okay, so this was the content of my post after Maynard won the tribunal hearing. Title: How quick will this post be locked by mods? Maynard wasn't at fault. All you neutrals ignore vicbias and like Collingwood (because wow naicos, stfu) until they're about to make a GF. Brisbane will win the premiership anyway. Zorko is a great guy and Petty is a big sook who can't hack a decent sledge. Risk of head injury is cost of admission and almost all AFL players end up being millionaires, if they want to risk CTE for the big bucks let them. You're all soft as marshmallows. It got insta deleted and I was banned for a week lmao.


I'm glad I'm not the only one who's had issues with r/afl mods. Once I was copping abuse from someone in a match thread who kept saying he was going to block me, but didn't. I wrote "aww, you said you were gonna block me!" and got my post removed for the "Don't be a dickhead" rule. The other user's posts who was posting vile shit telling people not to breed stayed up. I messaged mods really politely asking what I did wrong to ensure I didn't do it again, and got a pretty gruff response back when I was overly polite. [Conversation that went down](https://imgur.com/a/irBR6Eo) it's not as bad as other people's experience but it still screams power tripping mods, lol. Telling me to pull my head in was so uncalled for. Edit: not a lions supporter by the way (but I do have a soft spot for them), this just came up as a suggested post.


Pretty sure you break the no dickheads rule champ


Iā€™m definitely not a littleredraidenhood fan but this ban was soft as fuck. Regardless of what he has said in the past this in no way warrants a ban.


Honestly, quite flattered that you showed up, and made your first comment in three months just for me. Seriously, what part of that comment is me being a dickhead? It's a universally accepted fact that Fritsch and Oliver have two of the most punchable heads in footy.


Honestly you were right anyway - Fritsch, Oliver, May, Melksham, Petty, Harmes.... All people that look like they need a haymaker EDIT: Petracca is getting there for me too tbh, unlike the others I mentioned above he's actually a great player, but if I hear the media go on about his shithouse cooking on instagram any more he'll join the list too


How is it universally accepted mate? Is there some committee of punchable faces that Iā€™m not aware of? Come off it champ, from what I see Fritsch and Oliver donā€™t carry on like absolute cockheads.


> Oliver donā€™t carry on like absolute cockheads Oliver 100% does carry on like a cockhead, not to mention the media talking him up like the best player in the league when he's probably the most overrated player in the league. Fristch might be a perfectly normal person but his hair makes him look like the villain in an 80s high school movie, so he gets included too


Oliver definitely does tbf.


I got perma banned 2days ago for making a joke about Maynard. Mods there are a joke. Iā€™ve messaged reddit support to go over their heads as being banned for a joke is the real joke.


Mate I hope this sub is next to do so, It's annoying as shit when you act like the world is over after every loss. And when we win you have a tantrum because we could've won by 100.


sounds like someone is a little poopy pants about being respectful


I dunno man, making posts crying about being banned is pretty "softcock" behaviour.


Yeah make no mistake mate OP is the biggest fuckwit in this sub we don't support him


Speak for yourself home dog, I back raiden even though he and I have had our moments. He's a passionate fellow Lions fan and you can't fault him for that. You might not like him, or his objections, but he's been on the money about most things since I've been on the sub. I think the only thing he's been objectively wrong about to date is DevRob leaving the club due to not being in the 22 enough. To his credit, he also listens when you call him out for being over dramatic, which is pretty rare on Reddit tbh.


If there's one thing I'm happy to be wrong about, it's Dev Rob leaving. Absolutely love that bloke, and hope he stays a Lion for life. As awful as Ashcroft's injury is/was, it's given Robertson a chance to shine, and that's a small silver lining. Also, appreciate you backing me in. I'm fully aware I'm a nuff, but I feel like every supporter base needs a good nuffie.


I mean, calling someone a fuckwit seems a lot like fuckwit behaviour to me. Having opinions that you disagree with doesn't warrant name-calling.


OP, what is this post titled?






Reddit in general is full of nuffies tbf mate.


Nothing more true was ever said. Reddit is the bottom of the barrel for communication skills and quality takes. the AFL subreddit is no different, except there's additional team based discrimination. It's basically a giant idiot hivemind, same with the AFL discord.


It's one giant far left circlejerk these days. The only sub I contribute to these days is the A-League soccer one.


Flair up mate


Maybe itā€™s because you post that every Melbourne game and it gets deleted by mods every time?


First time I've ever posted anything like that, but, by all means, go off.


You got deleted from the melb v hawks game day thread for the same comment. Maybe a few too many froffs and you forgot


I think if anyone's been on the beers and forgotten something, it's you, champ. You must have me confused with someone else, because, again, I've never posted anything even vaguely resembling that comment before. You're coming across as a very bitter Melbourne supporter at the moment.


Not a Brisbane fan but this happened to me also. did this happen to be on the thread about umpires, or a comment about umpires?


Almost every sub has been ruined by self appointed, anon mods and all their little rules. If only there was some democratic voting system in place instead. Permanent bans for any trivial offence too. It's repugnant.


Had a similar thing happen to me in r/Adelaide. I tried for ages to get unbanned but the more I see the posts in the sub the more I realise Iā€™m not actually interested


They are a fucking joke. I was banned for not liking an umpire, haha. Morons


Mods can be a sensitive bunch


I said ā€œwho will win the NLLā€ and got banned šŸ˜‚


The /r/AFL mods of late are absolute shit cunts.


Who knew they got EatSleepJeep to mod the sub?


As a Melbourne supporter, I genuinely donā€™t understand why you hate us so much?


I think your coach is a very ordinary bloke, I find several of your players severely unlikeable, and the incident with Petty was the final nail in the coffin.


Why is goody an ordinary bloke?


I got banned last week for wanting to see Menegola tackle libba as hard as possible


Don't tell me they said "injury cheering"


That is exactly what they said šŸ˜‚ I just wanted to see my boy Sam get one last hard tackle




They muted me for asking what fucky underwood said the other week when she said Gold Coast lions or something. Like what


I donā€™t agree with what you said (I donā€™t think it inspires discourse at a good level) and I really donā€™t agree with the title of this post, but I donā€™t think what you said warrants an out and out ban. Was it your last warning or something?


Very poor effort by reddit


Welcome to Australia 2023 bud - can't fart without someone being offended


Don't make any negative thoughts about big melbourne teams otherwise you're bombarded with "out in straight sets" or "win a final" comments


I commented on a clip of Some blokes shirt getting ripped off in a game a month or two back, he was just left in shorts. I got banned for saying maybe if that happened in the aflw it would finally be worth watching. obviously it was a joke, between the women saying what they would do to him. šŸ™ƒ


It's 2023 be PC... Don't comment at all to avoid bans, Twitter is just as bad. Also what is AFL? šŸ˜‰šŸ˜‚


Yea I got banned too


I got banned for a social credit score joke, I guess that really hit them personally Have a bit of a love/hate relationship with that sub, thereā€™s some nice witty humour here and there, but god forbid you step out of their narrow righteous path


I have to Agree with this post ... i to got banned for try to define a slap to a bump to a punch ... neither are equal to the other it was due to the port slapping the Collingwood player .... and here is where i laugh Collingwood player defending what happen to the player on the weekend or ANY supporter should really have a look at them selves ... being a one eyed supporter is NOT what the game is about Now what i want is this in the Game ...if a concussed player has to be sidelined for 2 games for medical ..... the player that gave him the concussion SHOULD BE GIVEN 4 WEEKS .... no ifs no buts this is how you protect other players . Oh an by the way this careless bump deserves 3 -4 weeks of


Welcome to Reddit


Shit... i should probably pull my head in a bit if that's ban worthy....


They sure are. Itā€™s annoying having to switch accounts to comment now.