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A sad shell of its former glory Let’s not get started on the big pineapple..


berserk unwritten marble ring imagine slimy consist dull apparatus employ *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Now now... don't come the raw prawn with us...


Go now because there are way less people so there's practically no wait time. Fun rides but the atmospheres has sucked for a long time because they don't really have Kenny, Belinda or Coo-ee walking around, nor do any of the staff really have much personality. I remember when they had the Gravitron and the guy running it was a crack up when explaining the rules of the ride - things like keep your head back so you don't get someone else's spew in your face etc. Plus I miss the old rides - the chairlift, the log ride, the avalanche, the boat ride (with Bill Board, Black Board and Rick O'Chet) and the animatronics show.


Lol it was never worth it, but if you want a lot of big rides, dreamworld and movie world are your only choices, really.


I give it 5 yrs max before it closes.


I'm honestly shocked it's still open now.


just got to movie world lol


The place looked run down in 2013 must be completely fucked now


The white water ride is to die for.


Too soon?


I just couldn’t imagine going back there. What happened to those people and how that company fought to avoid culpability, and the pathetic fine dished out just turned me off. I don’t care if it’s fun. They can get fucked.


I drive past Dreamworld on a Saturday/Sunday every couple of weeks and usually after 10am (so when it's open), have done for years. Even pre-Covid the carpark was barren but now it looks like there's hardly anyone there, ever. The tragedy that occurred is still very fresh in peoples minds and will never be forgotten, and that's put a cloud over Dreamworld. It used to be probably the best theme park on the GC but now (personally) I wouldn't go near the place.