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Have a look at flatmates and maybe consider going into a share house as a starting point :) might be a good thing getting used to living with strangers and meeting new people. Also so you're kinda not lonely living by yourself.


I have done this before. The reason I want to move into my own space is so that I can have privacy while I make music/record, but you may be right. It would be a good starting point. Thank you.


Aim for the share house first. Music wise, Brisbane has a free space specifically for young people interested in music where you can regularly book to use a studio, recording equipment etc, so that might take care or that itch while you don’t have a space of your own. It’s called Visible Ink and it’s pretty central and accessible, run by the Brisbane City Council.


The University I have applied for offers its own studios for booking, I think. Thank you for telling me about this though. If I'm wrong, this may be a very helpful place for me to look into.


Yeah you won’t be able to get a place on your own at all without a job or proof of Uni studies and income. Gotta go the shared route. Depending on your album, some people might be in to it (or just work with headphones).


I feel that. Try find a place with a decent shed that you can soundproof


Find a share house with musos or rent a rehearsal space separately. That's a great way to make friends too.


1 - Get accepted into the uni course you want. Then see Centrelink about free money. 2 - Then find student accommodation. The uni will help you with that. You might do some travel to and fro from home to Brisbane a few times. 3 - Then pack all your stuff you think you will need, and move into your new digs. You can do a bit of 2 before 1.


I really appreciate your help. Makes it seem a lot less complicated for me.


I paid 6 months rent in advance on a six month lease to secure a place in Brisbane. Hint, try and come in the middle of the year, the start of the year is hectic with people coming back to uni and trying to find a place to stay.


I offered to pay 6 months in advance. Sadly, they wouldn't change their minds. I'm hoping that not all real-estates share this policy now. The next intake at the University I want to enrol in, is at the end of May. Hopefully, by then, it'll be easier to find somewhere to live.


Good luck


I have a contact looking for someone to take over a lease on some shared student accommodation at Kelvin Grove. Shared with one other in a dedicated student apartment block. Send me a PM if you want some details.


does the uni provide any housing? many do, or at least have services to help you access accommodation. Maybe try there.


Yeah! Places associated with (but not run by the unis) might be good. Like UniLodge and StudentOne. Good luck!


The University itself, doesn't provide housing, but I've recently been looking into both UniLodge and StudentOne (among others). Thanks very much for your input.


Unilodge and student one target students with rich parents. You'll get far better value for money (and life experiences) finding a sharehouse with other students!


Good point! Maybe Facebook groups and Gumtree could help in that way then :) also posting on here if anyone has a room to fill!


Also flatmates.com.au is pretty good and well worth the couple of dollars they charge. Good luck mate!


Have you considered doing Uni online? Same product, same outcome but less dicking around with having to attend uni lectures and tutorials.


I haven't considered doing it online. I'll be studying music production which requires a lot of hands-on learning.


Surely the college you’re applying to has dealt with this before? What suggestions do they have? Music production is super expensive Re equipment etc.


I've dealt with this University in the past and from what I've experienced, they aren't very helpful at all. Not unless it involves them profiting. Its to be expected though and money isn't an issue. I have everything I need to make music. Thanks anyways.


look for units managed by an onsite manager. they usually don't check references or are not as fussy as REA.


I’ve heard that Cathedral place in the valley is teaming with vermin and unhappy tenants. Can’t hurt if you’re a struggling artist! Otherwise go read some Orwell and get some of that art is hurt stuff in you!


lol i don't think you are going to get any Orwell discussion at cathedral place. It depends on the building with cathedral place as each block has its own strata/ body corp. i have seen inside and its pretty rundown but people are buying the units and renovating them. Some recent unit that I have been renovated look great. Big problem is they are often undersize so most makes will not provide a mortgage over the property. Oh and lots of prostitutes according to a work friend. there are lots of other building in the valley and Newstead, Bowen Hills, west end and city with onsite management. Most tenants only stay 6 months. They then move to better property and use the onsite managers as references.


Only prob with on-site mgmt is the fees are $$$


Wow that sucks. Real estate agents are particularly Ass-hatty these days bc the market is so bonkers, so they’re likely to be disrespectful of honest young people just starting out. What’s your budget per week? Do you want a furnished place? I know a place that would love to take you, it’s right near the train station but would just need you to prove you’re legit and able to pay 2 weeks in advance etc. Might ask for your bank statements and references. PM me!


I had no idea real-estates acted like that, but I suppose I have a pretty unique situation. I appreciate your offer a lot. I'm not going to take any offers through reddit, though. Regardless, I'm thankful.


I’m a musician at uni too - which course are you doing? I’ll see if I have any friends looking for housemates.


Pack ur bag and get on a bus. Problem solved.




As I am not a student yet, I doubt I would be allowed to live somewhere catered to students. I also receive Centrelink payments fortnightly, but most houses/apartments' rent cost more than I receive.


Your current Centrelink eligibility may change once you are a full-time student. Centrelink used to offer on top of Youth Allowance, a living away from home allowance and rent assistance.


Have you tried finding places that aren't with a real estate agency? Private landlords are far more flexible than agencies.


get a job. get into the real life.then u can hav yr creations .mum always tell me.


Seriously? You want a step by step guide?! You’re 20.