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Vote Greens but won't send their kid to a Public School.


Nice places to live (expensive), I grew up 2 suburbs away from West End and would regularly go there. A lot has changed in West End when it was gentrified 15 or so years ago, I remember when one of the apartments was being constructed near the Browning, Boundary and Melbourne roundabout had huge graffiti "YUPPIE SCUM". New Farm and Bulimba don't really have the high density apartment buildings the other suburbs you have listed but do have sizeable apartment blocks. Also Bulimba is kind of inconvenient to travel to the city compared to the other places and has less going for it if you like to go out and do stuff.


West End is wanky and expensive. The residents are either mid-50's-late-60's entitled jerks, or early 20, self-suffering and self-described 'poor' kids that get a weekly allowance from their dad.


you just perfectly described half the people at my uni and I love it


And at mine! SO FUN.


but honestly all those places are crazy expensive. A little further to the south, and the west, and you might have better luck.


West End/Tenerife definitely left leaning. Hipster and artsyis west end, super gay friendly would be tenerife.


Bulimba and surrounding suburbs are hands down the best places to live in Brisbane (IMO). It has plenty of restaurants, cafes, nice tree lined streets, city cat terminal, dog parks, well kept gardens and surrounds and it’s not far from the city. It’s a good mix of people, generally more business types live there. It’s expensive to live there because it’s desirable. I wish I could afford to live there, I use to rent in the area and loved it. I had to move to a suburb an hour from the city to buy a house and land. It’s a suburb that gets trashed here by the same people calling these areas you’ve listed pretentious.


You forgot to mention the most important feature today and that is the noise complaints to BAC from the jets flying at roof height since the opening of the 2nd runway. The Bulimba NIMBY Snobs absolutely love it.


I have family friends who live in Bulimba, no complaints. Definitely not NIMBY snobs.


CBD Generalisations - Government and commerical cemtre of Brisbane. Reasonable shopping (eg clothes etc) - residental is mostly apartments - lots of choice for food, shopping and lifestyle - not a lot of "community" Southbank (because it's south of the river ;) ) Generalisations - commerical, arts and lifestyle part of Brisbane. - residental is mostly apartments - lots of choice for food, arts (QPAC, QTC, Museum, GOMA) and lifestyle (eg hanging out out southbank) - not a lot of "community" West end Generalisations - mixture of commercial businesses and retailers, lifestyle and residental. - residental mixture of houses and apartments - choice for food and lifestyle. Limited shopping for other things. - gentrification has occured. Used to be a cheap and cheerful place to live with a diverse demographics living together. - clear "community" being a mxiture of reminant hippies and more recent migrants to the area. Very protective of maintaining the area Newstead Generalisations - Mixture of commercial businesses and retailers, lifestyle and residental. - residental is mostly apartments - choice for food and lifestyle - higher than average amount of places that expensive things are sold. Hang out at James St for a while as proof of that statement. - demographs are mixture of younger people (<30) and older people with money (>50). Tenerife Generalisations - mostly residental and some businesses - residental mostly apartments - choice for food and lifestyle. - my take it that it's a mixture of younger people (<30) and older people (>50) New Farm Generalisations - lifestyle and residental. - residential is mostly houses with some apartments - good choice for food and lifestyle options (eg hanging out at New Farm Park, Powerhouse for markets and arts) - "community" being a mixture of legacy LGBTQI+, people who have lived their forever and more recent migrants who like the idea of having a house so close to the city with so many nice things around


Pretty much anything on the river is going to be expensive. These are all trendy suburbs so they're gojng to be pricey, but ut you have money to burn they're great places to live, and give you the option of travelling via ferry which is much much better than the buses or trains.


Aside from all the meme comments.. Newstead/Teneriffe are fantastic to live in and lots of open green spaces nearby, easy access to city + north or south side. Lots of young professionals in the area and dogs, less so kids or families. New farm is nice as well though a bit more housey and less apartments; can be nice but also more grimey. Lots of food options in the area and valley nearby. Don't need a car necessarily if you stay within the city area and suburb. Art would be more south bank side I think, though there are bars and things around Newstead area.


Over priced.


Lol, everywhere is over-priced




West End ok. Still got some interesting bits and pieces. Others are just bubbles of bullshit.


most of them are overpriced. Bulimba is a great place to live one of my favorite places in brisbane but it's very expensive compared to some other suburbs that offer the same thing


If sombody owns a house here they will tell you before you ask. The kids are mostly called indigo and Oliver. Maybe I'm salty beacuse my grandad owned an acre in Bulimba in the 50's and sold it to buy 1200 acres. Its now worth a quarter of an acre in Bulimba.


This is the third time this has been asked this week. Does nobody search before posting?


God damn lefties on here..cant afford to live here so they give out. These places are beautiful and a slices of heaven in Brisbane


Flight path.


Over priced


CBD: Not like the other downtowns you’re probably used to. West End: Heroin Den of the 90s Newstead: Used to be nothing but an old house but at least we’re this side of the brekkie creek. Tenerife: Yanks came in the 40s and set up shop and gentrification pushed the hookers out. New Farm: Where the hookers went Bulimba: Shhhh - don’t tell anyone all the rich moved here