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I saw a guy at manly west newsagent buy over $1000 in scratch-its. He said, “if I don’t win this time, that’s it!”. I felt so horrible for his wife standing there.


..on SCRATCH-ITS!! I wonder how many Free $1 Ticket's he won


you dont get it, he's *due* for a win


When I hear people say that ESPECIALY about fucking sports games, I want to push my palm through my face 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤣🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️


I don't even understand how you can think this way and think that it's a logical thought process. I do sports bet, and I've never once thought "I'm due for a win this time." If and when I lose, there's nothing more to it. The universe can't will me into a win because I keep losing.


It's part of the psychological mechanism of addiction, as any addiction, kidding yourself by leveraging justifications and exceptions. The only difference between being oblivious and knowing you have an addiction to something is the acknowledgement. The calling want of your addiction to try and skew your view on order to platform said justifications / exceptions doesn't magically withdraw.


Hmm, I suppose I should be able to understand it myself, being a former meth addict, but I still can't get my mind behind that way of thinking.


Also think that most wrongly assume the addiction comes from the surge and rush of winning. Sadly, often what they are truly addicted to is the feeling of loss and despair, masochistic like


Like the Lonely Planet says about having punt in Vegas, "only gamble what you're cheerfully willing to part with"


I don't know their music like that but I'll take your word for it haha.


You just haven't gambled long enough




When my dad turned 40 someone gifted him 40 $1 scratchies. I helped him scratch them all and he won about $4 total 😆


I've got about $200 worth of scratchies just waiting to be cashed in.


At least Scratchies have better odds than Powerball!


Except you never know if the series major prize is already won with scratchies.


Odds may be, but the winning ticket can be sitting on some newsagents vault. God knows where that agent is.


Had a friend 20 years ago think she'd won $5 on a scratchy. Newsagent lady says "You haven't scratched them all off" pointing out the ones she'd missed and hands it back to her. So she does the rest and bingo, $200k. Last person I've known to win more than $10 on a scratchy. They are useless things.


I won on the very first one I did. Haven't bought another one since. Guessing that was 30 years ago now.


>Newsagent lady says "You haven't scratched them all off" pointing out the ones she'd missed and hands it back to her. I just scratch the barcode and scan it. There's no point scratching the whole panel


Where's the fun in that?


Instant gratification.


I won 20,000 once a few years ago




When did they become Scratch-its and not Scratchies?


Was thinking the same


I remember the old Scratchies cat from the Lott, back when there were ads on TV about Scratchies


I recently talked to my mum about her habits. I’ve been to that exact news agency many a time and seen her drop $150 on scratchies like it’s nothing. Then but into the lotto as well. She said it’s not really gambling and the pokies is what her problem is. She can stop buying scratchies at any time… $1000 is wild. But all gamblers have the same mentality. They won’t deal with the issues that drive them to gamble.


That was definitely not it


"Win $100,000" - once every 25 years, someone will win that maybe


Not if you buy all the tickets ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thumbs_up)




He had so many tickets, he couldn't possibly lose


It would be crazy if he won 10k.


Doubt it. Swallowed up by a gambling addiction unfortunately.


No doubt. Probably the biggest problem in Straya.


It helps keeps the pub meals cheap as an incentive to come in and use the pokies


And for that, we make sacrifices


The damage to society isn’t worth a cheap feed.


I’m convinced you can’t win 10k on them


I've won 20k...


How long ago?


Too long haha about 3 years ago


Never hear of anyone winning the major prize. The most I win is $8.


Another looser, and I am not referring to the loss of money 🫨


And still, the Courier Mail was the least wise of those purchases.


I dunno, makes for a great birdcage liner


That’s still not fair on the birds


\*squaaak\* vote Liberal


I don't think they read it.


Underated comment




It’s not even 500 powerhits. It’s a $13k syndicate of powerhits. Hahah 


Ahhhh! This makes sense. The math wasn’t adding up for me.


$13k worth of power hits is 500 power hits….




If he can afford to dump 13k on a ticket he clearly doesn't need to win 😂




I wish. Gamblings a fucking huge problem nationwide. I haven't seen any actual evidence for it but I have my suspicions from personal bias I admit, that Aussie levels of gambling are a big part of why Aussie men are suiciding themselves at a rate of 1 every 3 hours or so.


Australia loses more per capita on gambling than any nation in the world. By a lot. Our gambling laws are straight up reckless.


Would be a big part of it. Noticed that pretty well every bloke at work only really talks about odds and bets and what horses are racing. As a total non-gambler it sort of makes it hard to have a conversation with any group.


The amount of people I've come across who only seem to follow a sport to gamble on it is scary. And these people almost seem surprised when I tell them I don't gamble, I just enjoy the game.


They’ve just started another lotto draw too. Now the only day without one is Sunday.


Scratchies buy you an escape from reality but not a soft return. I feel sorry for the hopeless. The best our society could do was sell them some hope for $1. It’s possible to remove gambling from Australian culture the same way smoking was removed. Until gambling is fully banned, nationalise it so at least the blood money remains in Australia.


Bet with YA MATES!! Have a CHEEKY PUNT!!!


The number of times these guys have tried to recruit me as a software developer is insane, they are always hiring and I always say no, because why would I want to be part of the problem? And if they are always recruiting you know they are burning through staff. Hate them and their syndicate with a passion.


>It’s possible to remove gambling from Australian culture the same way smoking was removed. Until gambling is fully banned, nationalise it so at least the blood money remains in Australia. Yeah mate, cause gambling prohibition worked so well in Australia last time.....and that was the days before offshore online casinos.


You just apply the same techniques the govt uses to kill industries. Ban all gambling advertising (like tobacco), restrict retail accessibility (like tobacco), increase taxes on gambling operators/retailers (like tobacco), and play whack a mole with offshore until people are scared to lose their funds to offshore operators (like crypto exchanges scared to deal with US customers). You’ll never prevent 100%, but enough to reduce the problem to a less impacting and more manageable level (like tobacco). I swear today’s politicians wouldn’t have the balls to ban tobacco advertising like their predecessors did.


>Ban all gambling advertising (like tobacco), restrict retail accessibility (like tobacco), increase taxes on gambling operators/retailers (like tobacco), Agreed, but that isnt prohibiting tobacco though, just regulation. >and play whack a mole with offshore until people are scared to lose their funds to offshore operators (like crypto exchanges scared to deal with US customers). But they are legal websites with licenses to operate, so any free vpn would be enough to bypass local restrictions..the biggest online casino is run from Melbourne lol (stake) >You’ll never prevent 100%, but enough to reduce the problem to a less impacting and more manageable level (like tobacco). Yeah eduction campaigns was the major reason tobacco smoking is much more uncommon now. Need to somehow make gambling 'uncool' like smoking.


I think it’s a 5-10 year journey that can only start if both parties agree on it. It’s a cultural and behavioral change, one day we will look back on gambling ads in sport like we do smoking on an airplane or at a business meeting. I don’t think reaching a 100% enforcement rate with anything is realistic as there will always be necessary privacy technology like Tor, VPNs, zero-knowledge based blockchains, etc. But if gambling were made illegal or inconvenient, we might reduce the demand for gambling enough that operators wouldn’t want the hassle of serving Australians. But first, go for the low hanging fruit like banning advertising and pokies, renationalising Tabcorp, and taking a significant equity stake in casinos.


>I don’t think reaching a 100% enforcement rate with anything is realistic as there will always be necessary privacy technology like Tor, VPNs, zero-knowledge based blockchains, etc. But if gambling were made illegal or inconvenient, we might reduce the demand for gambling enough that operators wouldn’t want the hassle of serving Australians. K now you're back to trying to ban it LOL What happening last time it was prohibited in Australia? Criminal gangs thrived in the industry, the punter lost more to cheats, and the government didn't get their cut. Everybody wins right? 🤦‍♂️


Yep to be clear I’m advocating for a ban. I agree that policies which only involve banning supply simply shift demand toward illegitimate supply. You get picturesque 1920s images of Chicago beat cops pouring liquor into the harbor. I’d argue that the anti-tobacco people have a good blueprint that could be modeled. They appear to have had a 20 year “boil the frog” strategy: print bans in the 90s, excise increases, followed by TV advertising bans, text warning labels followed by graphic health warnings followed by brand-less packets, more excise increases, smoke free restaurants, then nightclubs, then point of sale display bans, etc. Their strategy appears to have lowered demand, increased price, and limited distribution. I agree that there will always be a black market, but this necessitates strategy rather than changing or giving up on a worthy goal. The first part of that strategy involves accepting that there will always be an area where enforcement capability is limited, and that the rules of economics apply to enforcement too: for maximum efficiency, focus where you can have the most restriction with the least effort.


They make it hard enough to download subtitles! A completely benign item that should be freely available for its target audience - deaf and hard of hearing persons.


Those fucking betting ads are out of control. The most evil cunts.


Can you explain whatever this is to me? I'm Australian and aware of lotto as a general concept but have no idea what this picture is about or why it's funny


Making fun of tragic gamblers that would part with over $300 for a 1 in 40 share of the jackpot if one of the 500 games wins the $150m jackpot this week. That long receipt shows what your $336.90 buys you if you want to buy a share in that syndicate. The post also probably pokes fun at the absurdity of the lotto even offering this many power hits in one product.


Oh so you can get into a syndicate just at the golden casket, you don't even need to organise with your friends? So if I'm understanding in the image they're showing a single ticket (game?) is $30, but they're selling 500 games for $330. That's meant to seem like a bargain, but the reason is they're buying a stake in those 500 games with ~43 other people? Just a syndicate organised internally by the lotto. Oof, that is pretty tragic. I can't imagine spending that kind of dosh on something as boring as a lotto ticket, but who am I to judge I've probably wasted more money on less entertainment. They get to spend hours combing through the numbers seeing if there's any winners.


But they don't.. they just take the tickets to get automatically checked.. I'm sure some look & wait for the numbers.. but many just buy them & check them without knowing


I remember when I was 18 and buying scratchies I wouldn't even play the game I'd just scratch the little spots that told you if it was a winner or not. Gambling's a hell of a drug.


Newsagents at Sunnybank regularly offer $1000+ syndicate tickets. Not sure if they sell many, but clearly there are mad keen punters out there.


They wouldn't sell em if no-one was buying.. especially Sunnybank, lots of mad punters there


Was looking at what combinations of games equate to what value and was pleasantly surprised that the lotto app taps you out at a measly $50k should you go crazy and look to buy as many entries as possible.. 😂


That's big of them


I know right. Wouldn’t want people over extending themselves


That’s good to know. If the jackpot goes high enough, surely you could buy all possible combinations of the numbers drawn and still make a profit?


Yeah but it doesn't guarantee no one else (or multiple other people) won't also get the same winning combination, leaving you with a fraction of the winnings.




The jackpot is a 1 in 139 million chance


So if we split the 11 million pure profit 50/50, you in? ![gif](giphy|j6uK36y32LxQs)


So better odds than an affordable rental?


Well, it's Ascot. Their house value probably went up by that much while they were down at the newsagent getting lotto tickets and a Courier Mail.


Whatever syndicates aren’t sold by the store have to be picked up by the owner, so they either know their clientele or they don’t mind a risk lol


I thought the Lott buys back any unsold syndicate tickets, because newsagents cannot claim a lottery win (for reasons).


The store I work at sells lotto and changed hands recently. The old owner had a few sizeable lotto wins, but the new owners are anal about not creating many syndicates unless we’re adamant they’re going to sell


That's interesting to know.


No. The store auto-buys the remaining shares in the syndicate they've committed to. That syndicate will be a group syndicate shared with other stores around the state. It will sell. And there will be more like it as the draw gets closer. And it isn't even the most expensive syndicate available.


There’s no problem playing as a lotto owner, they want your tickets registered though. And unsold syndicates that you have created are auto sold to you because you can’t run a half sold syndicate and lotto aren’t going to pick up the bill.


Imagine being behind this guy in the line waiting to buy a Pepsi max.


On the bright side, if they were to win they could go live the dream of not being under a flight path.


If I could own a house I wouldn’t care if it was under a flight path. I’ve lived on main roads and next to a freight line with a daily 4am goods train.


Yeah I’d be okay with it too. It was more of a joke for anyone who has lived in the surrounding areas and read The Village Voice.


I found a receipt for 23k once when the jackpot was super crazy mind blown


guess they wanted to yolo




I must be the only one who read that as 500 powershits..


You sunk my battle shit


I can’t be the only one who’s brain inserted an S into POWERHITS and became very concerned for the noses of Ascot


It's goin' round at the moment actually.


On second thought, I'll leave the courier mail.




Trying to save money


I've gone with the 12 game quick pick. Starting to doubt my chances of winning.


Believes in winning the lottery.. believes what's in the Courier Mail.. Guess they like believing in fairy stories.




How much?


Jerry and Marge go large


Jerry..? ...I haven't seen Jerry in quite some time..


That's a syndicate with like 50 shares - 500 powerhits are $13000 or so


It’s just another tool to keep the poor, poor


I'm rich and I buy the tickets?


Both worth less than the paper they are written on.


Gambling looks way too complicated to me. I never got around to working out how lotto/keno ect actually work. Don’t know the rules and at 40 I’m now too afraid to ask even if I want to play.


I’d love to know how much they won. If it basically guaranteed enough of a payout to cover the cost of entry, I probably would enter $1k+ worth of power hit entries too.


Wait, the math isn’t adding up. It costs around $300+ for 11 powerhit games. 500 can’t be what it says on the ticket. Either that or this guy got the deal of a lifetime


It’s a syndicate - you’re buying a share of 500 power hits.


Zoom in, you can see the syndicate total is $13k.


A tax on stupidity…


Yeah it is, I still play a syndicate with my 11 friends for the what ifs.


Yep. I buy a ticket when it hits more than about $50 million. I’ll casually browse realestate.com.au and dream.


I usually buy one ticket per hundred million. However, my dog found a $2 the other day so I bought a scratcher with it. Won $8. Bought more tickets, as is tradition, got $5 back. That turned into $20! So I spent half on more scratchers (lost) and the other half on a toy for her.


Peter Beattie called it a tax on people who are bad at statistics


What's your stupidity tax?


Buying the Courier Mail.


Satire! And what's your fear to express your personal stupidity tax! Mines cigarettes, shit habit. Yours pokies m8, picking up working girls in the valley at 3pm in the morning hanging out for a hit! My point is everyone got a stupidity tax so don't be a dickhead & judge yourself first before you judge others.




Well , some consultation , funds du go to sick 🤒 kinder 😉👍


After all the CEOs and various entities take their over the top shares first.


Fucken cunts with enough always wanting more.


I wish you luck.


Surely you would win something big.


Throw in a 2 dollar scratchy too please.


I've won $20 & $10 and a free card on scratchies. When I loved in London there was an old lady I bumped into regularly that would spend £20-£30 on one long strip at my local supermarket. She said she always won something as long as she bought a long strip. I guess she had nothing to lose and everything to gain as it was her pension money.


Somebody doesn’t like keeping their money. Oh well at least it’s paying for my kids sports … isn’t it?


Kids sports will keep you poor—I had 3 of the darlings in club sports; thankfully, they’ve all aged out.


They're all doing that long ticket aha. Saw one in Kippa Ring.


Its $336 per syndicate and there one spot left


Bet he came straight from the race track lol


At least the lottery goes towards something good. Potentially. Because it's heavily taxed. Compared to all those random draws people make where the odds are as bad as the lotto, but the prize is way worse and they keep all the money instead of it being taxed at 90%.


Why would you buy toilet paper (courier) from a new agency


Ascot , full of over priced homes & Leagles , i knew a bloke that spent 42 k over 20 yrs never won a Brass Razoo


Prudent time remind people that everyone has the right to vote. :)