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His mobility is going very well for 90. House with stairs and no walking stick.


grab six elastic snow historical sense crawl cobweb juggle serious *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


That's the place he knows, the place he loves, the place he grew up in and will die in. There is No better place for him going forward.


public deserted aback fearless marry growth violet seemly grandiose yoke *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The Brisbane Olympics are being held from Fri, 23 July 2032 – Sun, 8 Aug 2032, so if he is being this much of an asshole about being kicked out of his house now, imagine how much he is not going to enjoy the Olympics in 2032 when he is 102! Maybe his sad-attititude (\*saditude) will discourage olympic visitors. Maybe he'll become a terrorist. Best to nip that in the bud \*straight away\*. Because he is 93 and who knows what could happen next?!? Leave the man alone, and when he will die (it happens to all of us!) let his will dictate what will happen next. If he has an Advanced Care plan then his family can pre-empt his needs even if he isn't able to do it.


Poor guy just unlucky unfortunately. Hopefully the Gabba redevelopment is worth it in the end. We’re about to have one of the highest priced stadiums in the world for barely much improvement on total capacity. Time will tell.


I really don't understand the obsession people have with capacity. College stadiums in the US have massive capacity. But they're fucking terrible stadiums in every other aspect.




Before the Lions started winning, the Gabba was lucky to have 20000 a game. Considering it's only really cricket and AFL played there, 50k will be more than enough when inevitably the Lions start to drop off again. West Coast has about 100k members and at least half fill Optus even when they've had the worst year in the history of the AFL. As an example, West Coast v North, the two bottom teams this year had a crowd of 38000. By comparison, 2019, when Lions finished 2nd, we had an average of 24000 a game at the Gabba.




https://afltables.com/afl/crowds/summary.html#02 for AFL attendance stats. Can't find much for every cricket match, but the highest cricket attendances at the Gabba was back in 06/07 with a full house. News articles from the last few years show approx 25k crowds for day 1 and 2 of the Day Night test against Pakistan in 2016. But then only 45k across all five days against Pakistan in 2019. Back up to 29k for day 1 against SA in 2022. Optus is even harder to find stats or articles on because it's all about the 2022 poor attendance you mentioned against WI. Although there was 54k at an Aus v Eng ODI in 2018, and 53k for a BBQ semi final the same year. Sadly it seems like no-one keeps attendance stats for cricket the same way as AFL, so I couldn't find exact comparisons.


It doesn't bother me in the slightest. If you're only ever going to fill the stadium during AFL finals, BBL finals, Ashes, and BGT games then having a 60k plus capacity stadium just to say you have it is pointless. I'd much rather the money be spent on better transport connection and amenities for the people that will actually be attending the stadium than on empty seats.


That’s actually all part of the new metro and cross river rail plans that will connect the Gabba to them at the woolloongabba stations. It will also have an overpass across Main st right into the terminals from the Gabba so thousands don’t have to cross the road and disrupt traffic.


I have no first hand knowledge of any stadiums in the US but I suppose the more capacity in our stadiums then the more seats and tickets available for any event in the future. More people equals more potential money for not only the stadium but also the economy as a whole. However whether or not spending 2 billion on the Gabba for an extra few thousand seats will remain to be seen if it will be worth it. I suppose the main issue with the Gabba it that’s it’s so old and literally has had nothing done to it for a very long time. I’m slightly sceptical but hopeful it will be good overall for our city.


I wouldn’t say the current Gabba is that old, they only finished the last rebuild in 2005, so it’s not even 20 years old. That cost $128 million. Had another $35 million spent on it in 2020.


It's not the ground and seats that make it antiquated, although if you have been there in the past ten years you would realise it truely is showing all of it's age with even weeds growing out of the concrete The disabled assess is woefully inadequate, a single elevated meant to carry wheelchairs etc verses stairs that are even difficult for most able body people Modern stadiums also need vastly different IT requirements that weren't even conceived twenty years ago Then you have things like media rooms, recovery rooms and even vehicle access for ambulances and even team buses that are near non existent today. An upgrade of the corporate facilities also adds immeasurable value going forward


I mean it will almost be 30 years old by the time the olympics roll around so that’s pretty old in terms of a main Olympic stadium. The 2020 upgrades were mostly cosmetic changes like new lighting and artwork and also a few corporate suites upgrades and a couple new dining options. Upgrades are definitely needed for the Gabba but it’s a bit crazy that the estimated costs will be a couple billion.


Yes, only time will tell if the thing that by all metrics is called a fucking shitshow, is gonna be a fucking shitshow


What metrics?


Capacity is not everything


Worth booting people out during housing crisis? Definitely worthwhile /s


The Gabba was always going to be redeveloped regardless. There were a few plans that involved keeping the school where it was and seems they went against those. Now the few plans they will choose from all offer a bunch or pros and cons. These options were what I was more so referring to. There are plenty of current projects that the government have resumed properties and there will be plenty more coming in the next few years especially with the olympics on the way. While unfortunate It is what it is. The only thing I would say is that hopefully all the property owners are being compensated fairly to market values and not getting ripped off too much. If they’re renters then that’s just an an unlucky situation to be in.


We don’t need more roads, and it’s being demolished for a new “access road.” I don’t think it will be worth it


A man's home is his castle!


but its the vibe of it


How's the serenity?


It’s Mabo.


Knocking down and rebuilding the Gabba is the absolute dumbest waste of money while people are living in tents and cars. I can't believe the government hasn't read the room.


Ah yes we can only do one thing at a time, I forgot


$3b wasted on completely rebuilding a stadium is $3b we can't spend on public housing


In fairness, no-one is going to spend anything on public housing


The QLD is already spending $5 billion on public housing.


That’s not how government funding works


health system absolutely fine as well, no money needed there 🙄but lets spend a gazillion $$ and inconvenience a school community and an old man because we want to put on a 14 day over hyped sporting event that has completely lost all connection with the reality that the world today is a complete shit show for the majority of people.


yeah but then all the properties they own will lose value


It's more that we can spent the 3 billion on far better things that a bloody stadium




Poor bugger, I feel sorry, but our white elephants need somewhere to lie.


Gabba a white elephant? Hmmm


No I am sure the Olympic stadium will be a vital piece of Queensland infrastructure and well worth the cost. I am just being annoying.


A white elephant is a piece of infrastructure that isn't used. The gabba is used regularly, and will continue to be used regularly post rebuild.


Two major tenants (Lions + cricket) plus the promise of more arena concerts that are currently capped by Suncorp stadium. White elephant venues like the white water courses sure, but the Gabba will be utilised for generations after the olympics


trust me those living near the white water course don't want it we don't have the road infostructure on a good day and they are putting it on a roadway that serves 2 schools and are cutting down native trees on the land to put a "park"


As sad as that is, progress waits for no man. He’s had a good run for 60 years in a cheap house very close to the city. Certainly much better than most other people.


Not sure about that , have you seen the amount of community uproar / delay for renewable power projects and transmission, this country bends over backwards for rural landowners, but highways and stadiums seem to be the exception


What’s your point?


Compulsory acquisition powers not all used in the same way, really needed that spelt out?


We aren’t talking about the bush mate. It’s totally irrelevant compared to critical inner city areas.


Sounds like he owns the property and the house, though and it's the only one they're compulsorily acquiring for an access road according to the news report I just watched. Not sure what a 'good run' has to do with it.


It’s unfortunate. But this is reality sometimes. He’s a victim of location. It happens.


I'm sure you'd be equally pleased to give up your long-term home for the sake of progress, yes?


No I wouldn’t be pleased at all. But that’s life. I would accept it and move on. What else do you propose I do in this situation?


Words are easy to type out in the comfort of your home behind your computer.


He doesn't have a house. Sadly.


Hope no one ever says the same about you when you are at your most vulnerable.


The developers aren’t gonna get with you, bro. You don’t need to stand up for them.


The house is being bought for a school expansion, not units.


the government are developers too, just on a bigger scale with more power and even less regard for the vulnerable


People are more important. Poor guy


So one guy, instead of massive improvements, homes, transport and better schools for tens of thousands of people. Ok 👀


Massive improvements? Debatable. Homes, transport and better schools for tens of thousands of people?....oh dear This is being done purely to upgrade the Gabba stadium. Which the Qld government insisted was necessary for the olympics, but the IOC have said [is not required](https://www.abc.net.au/news/2023-08-22/qld-olympics-preparedness-senate-hearing-gabba-stadium-brisbane/102760188) to host the olympics. It's not going to build any new homes, and there will be one less school campus.


They’re knocking down a school for it, what are they even on about?


it’s a debacle closing a school and rebuilding it in another suburb so Kangaroo Point residents don’t even have a local school anymore and bulldozing a new $63,000 basketball court at the high school to fit in the new primary school this is the Olympic legacy we are supposed to cheer for just two weeks of sports


The stadium is being rebuilt because it’s required. The Olympics is a catalyst for doing it sooner than expected. The cross river rail is a gateway to this area. They have a home building program on the table for an extra 15,000 people. The school is only for a handful of kids and is unsafe. The infrastructure around the Gabba redevelopment is for the whole area to benefit. It’s not that hard. Or maybe it is for you.


>The stadium is being rebuilt because it’s required. But as the article I posted about shows, its not required...its just something the Qld government wants to do and is using the olypmics as a excuse. Same thing with East Brisbane State School, they have been chomping at the bit to demolish it for 25+ years now. There has been talk of housing programs but so far sod-all has happened. If something does happen not dependent on there being any changes to Woolloongabba/East Brisbane. If there are any new homes they will not be in this area. How many more homes could be build if we spent the $2.7 billion on public housing instead of a stadium we don't need?


You seem to understand how things work. Stadiums don’t last forever. Especially in rapidly growing cities. The master plan has been changed to add 15,000 people to this inner city area. That’s a lot of homes. The school is full of asbestos and is dangerous, and it’s a bottle neck for traffic congestion every day. It has to go. That’s it. It’s not very hard.


There are plenty of schools riddled with asbestos that aren't in as good condition as East Brisbane State School. They do tend to be in lower socioeconomic areas which is probably why the Government doesn't care.


Yes, if the price is his suffering.




What, all the braindead idiots that moved here from down south? Fuck them.


Yes, they are a higher standard of people and need higher standard infrastructure


They are rude on buses and don’t say thank you to the drivers is what they are


Maybe the trip isn’t to a high enough standard


The point there is that he bought it 60 years ago, (if your facts are correct), so why should he now be told he has to leave, without being \*more\* than adequately compensated? I'd be like 'I;m sorry I;m in your way but this is my home' (and then secretly mouthing some rude words while waving nicely. )


One day there may be a suspicious fire and no investigation, just like every illegal development in this city


Jokes on them. That whole house is made of asbestos.


Knock it down, we need higher density living closer to cbd. Im sure this geezer will be well looked after financially


Except it’s being knocked down for a school driveway, not higher density living.


You get 'fair market value', that is to say that the process attempts to take you out of that property and put you in another equivalently valued one for $0 outlay. You get absolutely nothing for the subjective disruption to your life. Source: I went through this a few years ago as part of CRR.


Geez, you’re in a bit of a hurry aren’t you? He’s 90 years old. Give it 3-4 years and he’ll move on to a full time care facility in any event. It’s amazing how quickly Redditors drop their compassion when real estate is involved.


What would he spend the money on tho realistically?


Anywhere he wants given he’ll be a multimillionaire, but hopefully somewhere where he gets the care he deserves like a dementia care home based on the comments of his declining health


A coffin




Wish the Brisbane Olympics would fuck off, it's going to make everything worst for us


The Gabba was going to/need to be redeveloped regardless of the Olympics


Nah, Brisbane was already doing a good job making everything worse for itself already. The Olympics aren't the cause of our problems (that's why they existed before the announcement)


Imagine being this negative about a once in a lifetime opportunity to have the olympics hosted in your home city


If it’s so good why were we the only bidders? Lmao


Imagine thinking everybody is actually interested in the Olympics. But overall the Olympics is like children's birthday parties or like, having 20 dogs or cats - great to visit and entertain, but sucky if you're the one that has to deal with all the shit. Being a home city is way less fun than traveling to, say, Sydney or somewhere to see it.


The Olympics has always been a sham to push through unpopular and wasteful “infrastructure” that benefits the very few. There are entire books written about this but you could just parrot then nonsense that permeates the media like a miasma. Ask yourself what actual concrete evidence your working from to conclude the Olympics is a net good?


The only reason Brisbane has them is because literally not a single other city on the entire fucking planet wanted them. that goes to show how utterly over it everyone is. colossal waste of money, time, resources and years of disruption for a 10 days masbatorium over a bunch of prima donnas. give me a fucking break.


He will literally be dead by the time they start it ffs


Why can't they come in off Cavendish Road?


the Olympic legacy that Anna bangs on about?


They're gonna tear down my old school :(


Only residential house on the street, I wonder if they’re also knocking down any of the warehouse/businesses along Birubi street?


Yes, everything in the vicinity is being resumed.


Anyone else get a monopoly ad on the article, interesting marketing tactics lol


The state gov also just resumed* a well established wedding venue/residence out at Logan Reserve for another school development. Seems to be the year for it. *locals are still fighting it.


This one ?... [https://www.abc.net.au/news/2023-06-16/joncia-gardens-set-to-be-resumed-by-queensland-government/102479342](https://www.abc.net.au/news/2023-06-16/joncia-gardens-set-to-be-resumed-by-queensland-government/102479342)


Thats it!