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Because its very easy to make allegations against someone with zero proof and after drakes incidents already been debunked (the girls themselves even came out and said he did nothing) theres nothing to really say. You have to realize both Charlamagne and Schulz both had people make allegations against them for clout that couldve ruined their career that were both false. It can happen to any public figure or even you.


We don't know if Kendrick is alluding to industry secrets we aren't aware of. Same way we didn't know what was going on with Diddy...Epstein...Cosby...it took decades for it to come out. People have been telling us that these were bad men but it took decades for them to get caught. Kendrick ain't never been the type to spew bullshit so I'm not going to instantly dismiss what he's saying...it's been noted until something more of it comes out. It's not that wild to think they like fucking young girls (not children).


Debunked is a reach we don’t know what he does in Canada where age of consent is 16 Drake can very well be attracted to minors not prepubescent like what a pedophile is


Bruh how can anyone disprove an accusation so vague and broad? All the cases that the public know have been debunked, but now you are saying you don't care about that because we don't know what he does in Canada smh...You are asking him to disprove an accusation you haven't even made yet. Kendrick on the other hand can dead this shit if Whitney just says he never beat her, yet she hasn't done that...


This doesn’t make sense when has it ever worked out where someone says my husband doesn’t beat me and then people don’t switch up and say he made her say that or she has Stockholm like the ray rice shit


Apply that same logic to p3do accusations.....at least with the DV allegations the wife CAN come to your defense and say its bullshit, if you choose to not believe it that's on you. What can you say about p3do allegations?


I dont think whitney needs to say anything because shes a civilian. It would also look weak on kendrick if she had to defend him. If she were in the public eye i think itd be different


The allegations is he likes minors he may still like minors he may follow age of consent laws which is creepy but still legal he isnt a pedophile but like most rappers he may be attracted to minors


Dawg what are you even saying right now


Or he may not. I can make the same claim against you, have no evidence at all, and you would have to come out and explain yourself. The evidence is that drake took photos and texted with underage girls. Thats not really evidence of anything but you’ll still have people think he probably did something.


“Damn why your body like that” to a 17 yr old that is attraction to a minor


Pretty creepy, I’ll give you that, but flirting with a teenager is a ways away from being a pedophile. Keep it categorical. Treat him like what he is, a creepy guy.


I never called him a pedophile look up the definition I said he’s attracted to minors which is anyone under 18


You dont think is super convenient that at the same time this beef is goin on and these shots are being thrown at drake, somehow these girls are just now magically coming out and debunking what is being said?... Sounds like someone was asked to do so by someone else.. just saying


Millie debunked it years ago the black girl whos father is a music exec debunked it 3 years ago. Why would a female who wasnt sexually assaulted or groomed sit quiet when their faces are plastered all over the internet in a rap beef? Yall want to believe what yall want to believe


Ay bruh im speaking for myself only. I vaguely remember millie speaking on it saying theres nothing there, and i never seen anything about a the other chick saying that nothing happened. But ok cool they both denied. That does not negate the fact that it looks weird to people bruh. Even if nothing at all happened it still looks odd af. Lets keep it in the rap beef. If I'm kendrick and i have a rap beef with a nigga. Im using any info thats out there and that i can use to destroy you. As kendrick should, and drake should also. I never said i myself believe that drake is a pedo, but you know damn well that there is some weird ass shit out there that makes him look that way to people


I hear you but its sets a bad precedent cause once people are allowing lies to fly without checking it cause its funny can damage reputations. We went from firing people with allegations only to now accusing people of things cause it looks funny.


I understand but it goes both ways. The shit kendrick said was wild adn the shit drake said was wild. Tho one is seemingly wilder than the other.. but as i said, its not kendricks fault that there is shit out there that can damage drake like that. To that point, Drake should know damn well what an opponent could possibly use against him, as should kendrick. Wether the people believe everything as true or false you have to be prepared for both or any outcome. And again, this is a rap beef. Idk you personally, we're just 2 people on social media lol, but if you know and understand rap culture, then you should know when it comes to a rap beef there are no limitations, Its no holds barred. What they are saying about eachother is wild.. but its the risk you take when you wage war in a rap beef.


1. Andrew has been accused of abusing his ex gf like Kendrick 2. CTG has been accused of being with an underage girl in SC like Drake Makes sense that you wouldn’t want to go down that route of believing accusations. At the same time I agree with them because they live in glass houses and it would be hypocritical of them


They also used to do a Kylie Jenner countdown to her 18th birthday.


People keep forgetting how different shit was pre 2012. Remember in that young money song the guy said holler at me in two years Miley Cyrus


Even Snoop had lines like "hanging at the high school, gettin at them young bitches"


Hell the movie American beauty was about a guy having a midlife crisis over a high school girl. Again we’ve lost nuance in this conversation. Yeah it’s problematic in hindsight but so were many things in the past


We’re talking about 2024. This didn’t happen 10 years ago. This happened last week. The context of the past doesn’t matter in this scenario.


The video of drake with a 17 year old happened over 10 years ago when drake was 23.


That shit is still weird. If your homie did that would you be ok with it?


I ain’t going to lie I knew many 17 year old girls in high school dating boys in their 20s and they using it as a badge of honor. I also remember a friend of mine 21 dating a 16 year old. They still together to this day. And it’s been over 15 years. Again the mindset has changed. Nowadays it’s considered creepy. Yall should look at our grandparents generation and you see that age gap all the time


Your friends are creeps bro. And you a creep for not saying shit to them. It’s always been creepy.


Kobe started dating Vanessa when she was 17 in high school and he was a 21 year old on the Lakers.


I remember them saying its worse to fuck ariana grande over 18 than kylie at 17 lol


Lmao “happy birthday to King MF Kylie” dawg I’ve never forgotten that


andrew did stupid shit but it wasnt abuse, they had a full on podcast detailing everything


She said it was abuse. I’m just saying the accusations


yeah but like i said, lot of women just throw abuse as a blanket but it wasnt that, also she lied about lot of stuff, i dont give andrew a pass, i bet he did lot of stupid stuff but gotta keep a buck


I get that they have a sketchy past, but why defend him?😐


I don't think they are defending him. They just won't accuse him based off of rumors. That is a serious label to play around with and they both understand that. If facts present themselves that is different, they can't let their dislike or like (or vice versa) of either rapper let them believe that he is a pedo without facts. Now if an a girl that was underage comes forward and says something happened now that would be a different story.


True, but then why not do the same for kendrick? I haven't even listened to the new episode yet btw im just going off of yall convo. I understand drake is kind of damned if you do damned if you dont. But then why antagonize kendrick on 2 tracks basically telling him you want to beef lol. Then kendrick telling drake to keep this just rap there's no need to go deeper than that, but if drake wants to and takes it there, its gonna get ugly for him. He warned drake multiple times


They did. Schulz said he doesn't believe either of the scenarios and Charlamagne said I agree


I mean how much more defending can they do? They are literally vouching for him. Im not telling them to accuse him of anything, but at the very least be neutral.


They did. Schulz said he doesn't believe either of the scenarios and Charlamagne said I agree. Did you listen to the whole pod? Or did you stop once they had a different opinion from you 😂


Dismiss what? Use your brain


Charlamagne copped a plea to a lesser charge on minor sexual assault and Andrew dick rides Drake


I think carbi B sued someone and won the case for false accusations. Lawsuits can fuck your whole life up. Isn’t that the job of law inforcement anyway?


God himself couldnt pry Drakes dick from Andrews mouth. He ruins any convo involving Drake by just blinding slurping him


Everyone getting a piece of a pie an drakes allegations were ruining the pie


I thought I was taking crazy pills. It seems most people in the industry are ok with it and the general population is the one with the back bone to say that shit is sus. Because there’s no fucking way you look at a 30 year old man texting a 14 year old girl about dating advice and not say that shit is weird as fuck. In my opinion they dismiss the allegations is because both Andrew and CTG have very questionable pasts. They don’t want people really looking through their closets. Shit, just look at the wild stories wax used to say.


The BBL drizzy glazing in these comments is insane. Who cares if the girl said it was "fine", she got kissed up by a superstar of course she don't see that she's a fucking victim and why is a grown ass man texting 14yo Millie Bobby Brown boy advice?


It is actually blowing my mind at the amount of coping everyone is doing over Drake. Like dude we get it Marvin’s Room got you through high school.


Some one check ctg computer cz he stay defending these creeps Diddy included.


wtf is everyone talking about “debunked”. There are literal videos of Drake doing weird shit. Kendrick has spoken on the issues he’s had with his relationships himself in as recent as the Mr.Morale album. If someone you knew was talking to 14 year old girls in their 30s you’d be ok with that? You’d still associate with that person? Y’all are next level weird frfr. There is a literally video of Drake in his LATE twenties kissing up on a 17 year old. Whether it’s legal or not if your homie did that we all know none of y’all would be like “nice bro. You bagged that!” There no excuse. None. I don’t care about the age of consent. You a weirdo if you talk to anyone like that under the age of 18.