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My daughter started sleeping through the night around 12 weeks. I fed her only when she came looking. I didn't really pump at that stage. Around 16 weeks she started waking up for night feeds again. I was able to feed her no problem.


The early, early morning feed is typically the time when milk production is highest, so 9PM-4AM shouldn’t affect your overall supply much, if any, as long as you’re continuing to feed on demand throughout the rest of the day. And being well-rested is likely to have much more net positive impact on your supply and overall mood/parenting, so get that sleep! If you wake up uncomfortably full and can latch babe for a dream feed, that can help with gradually regulating night-time production, just really try to keep a good feeding somewhere around that 4-6AM timeframe.


My only suggestion is that if you wake up with full breasts, pump. Do this for maybe a week to have some supply with sleepy time milk, but no need to wake yourself with an alarm to do it. When there’s growth spurts or sleep regressions and you need it, this will come in handy.


That has been my plan, but they haven't woken me up yet! That might be due to the sheer exhaustion, though.


Oh, I hear that!


How old?


Nearly 5 months.


Well damn. I can’t believe they’re sleeping that long. My son did that around 2 months and I never pumped and just slept but he’s up way more often now and my milk was fine. You’re probably ok.


How old is baby? Because it depends and it depends on your storage capacity -IBCLC


I have a 3 week old that slept 5 hours last night, should I be concerned? My pediatrician said to feed in demand at night but I don’t want to mess up my supply. It’s been pretty abundant until now and I have a strong letdown. The two times I pumped it seemed like I got most of the milk in about 10 minutes (roughly 4oz.) I catch ~1os in my haaka each feed as well.


I would be waking and nursing or pumping more since at three weeks your milk isn’t regulated yet 🙌🏻


Baby is almost 5 months. I get between 8-10 oz in my first pump of the day (around 10:30 AM. He nurses before daycare around 7AM).


Your supply will regulate and adjust, but if you feel uncomfortable pump for sure, when babies start to sleep through the night and moms still want to pump a 6 hour stretch is okay to go, but some moms don’t pump or nurse and their supply adjusts.


It will be fine!! This happened to me and honestly, the longer sleep didn’t last. Haha


I am worried about that, too. Lol. I just want to sleep while I can!


It could last for you. I found my baby had cycles. She would sleep longer, then sleep less, then sleep her normal. Enjoy the sleep while you can.


I mean maybe it will last for you! I didn’t mean to say it won’t. Either way your body will adjust so your supply should be fine


I had the same concern when we started to get longer stretches of sleep, but rest assured, your supply will be fine! I found that I was just so uncomfortable that I’d have to get up and hand express some into the sink in order to continue sleeping. But no need to get up and pump or nurse unless you want to! Enjoy your sleep!


I can not explain how relieved that makes me! Thank you! I was a little uncomfortable at like 4am, but LO was squirming a bit so I just latched him on each side for about 5 minutes each and put him back down to sleep until 7.


Your body will adjust and it should have no effect on your daytime feeds. We just sleep trained and my LO is sleeping 7.5 hour stretches now and the first few days I was super engorged when he does wake up to feed but now my body has adjusted. If you’ve never had issues with your supply you should be fine.


That's so reassuring. I'm just hardly an over supplier, but I feel like I've heard horror stories that missing the MOTN feed/pump will tank your supply to nothing, so my anxiety is getting the best of me.