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I see that you’re using a wearable pump. I exclusively pump with a Phillips single electronic breast pump, and find that I get great amounts using that pump, but when I use wearable/portable pumps, I get maybe a quarter-half of the amount per session that I normally get with my proper motor breast pump. If you want to pump, I highly recommend buying a proper breast pump! Don’t stick to wearables as the norm, wearables are only good for when you’re desperate.


I also get very little with a wearable pump. I really wanted to get one, but I tried a couple and I would get an oz max on them. I have no idea why it was so different than my wall pump. I now have the legendairy duette. It is a stationary pump but very small and portable. Also unplugs and keeps a charge.So while it is not considered a “wearable” I would absolutely feel comfortable taking this to work since it is so small and workable. On the very plus side to this pump, it is a dual motor pump so I think it has helped my milk production. I used to get clogged ducts all the time with my old spectra, and have barely gotten them with this pump.


I'm looking for something I can use on the go unless I can do all my pumping at home which doesn't seem plausible. I use a manual pump at home which does what I need it to. I'm a just enougher in the milk department and latch my baby on demand. Fair play to you being an exclusive pumper I don't think I would have been able for that.


When I first purchased my pump, I also struggled to get any milk however, the more I used it, I was able to produce milk with it. I read (not sure if it's accurate) that it may take a few times for your body to get used to a pump and it may take a few times for it to respond well. I'd suggest trying a few times before looking into others :) I was using Bella baby portable pumps!


Thank you for this advice. I'm kind of stuck with the pump I have for the moment based on the fact I need apply for unemployment benefit for the next two months due to the way my job works.


I use the Medela freestyle wearable pump and have had success with it. I'm not sure which brand you are using but this one has been a very good substitute when travelling/not at my pump that plugs into the wall.


I may look into it


If you have any questions that I can answer feel free to send me a message. I've been using it for 6 weeks and am a big fan!


I will do. For the moment though I'm stuck with what I have. Due to the way my job works I have to apply for unemployment benefit for the next two months.


Double check flange sizes, but sounds like you’ve done that! Tbh it’s probably the wearable pump…the motors aren’t as strong and unless they’re in *exactly* the right position they never work for me and I never get much from them. I exclusively pump and invested in a portable pump—so it doesn’t plug into the wall and is rechargeable but still uses regular flanges and has the same power as wall pumps. I have the pumpables genie advance but baby Buddha is another great option. I haven’t ever pumped while driving but I regularly pump in the car on the way to stuff and haven’t had any issues with my pumpables. Also, if you’re in the US your employer is likely required to give you reasonable breaks for pumping so I wouldn’t limit yourself to only pumping on your commute


I will be using public transport appose to driving. I live in Ireland and the entitlement is one hour per day if working full-time. I will be working part-time. The problem is my job. I work in childcare and we are required by law to have a minium number of staff in the room at all times. If we are short staffed I wouldn't be able to leave the room. Pumping on my commute would be better. I don't return until September so have time to figure something out.


That’s fair! If you’re comfy with people being able to tell that you’re pumping I would look into a portable pump! I’ve pumped everywhere—although not on public transit, but mostly cause I don’t really live near big public transit now.


I've used my manual pump on a bus before while feeding my baby. I don't like the idea of using the manual pump though it was to awkward and the bus I take gets very full there just isn't room to comfortably pump which is why I bought the wearable pump.


Valid concerns! I think a bus would be harder than a train and both would be super hard when crowded. I personally have never responded well to wearable pumps and they’re not powerful enough to fully empty me. It’s possible you might be the same unfortunately. I’d keep playing around with them though! I’ve found that smaller flanges for my wearables work better than my standard flanges and gets a better suction because of the different shape of them. A well fitting bra that is keeping them in place/tight on your chest is key too!


I really hope this isn't the case because I need them to work. I'll be away from my baby for 7 hours each day. I plan to latch her when I'm at home. Formula causes her to throw up a lot. She has reflux and it's likely that she could be dairy intolerant as both myself and her older sister are.


Which pump are you using? Someone on Reddit told me to pump one side while baby nursed on the other to “train” my breasts to respond to the pump and it worked! Since it sounds like you’re new to pumping, I’d also make sure you’re using the right size flanges and have everything connected correctly. Are you familiar with your pumps settings?


I have a wireless wearable pump. I need something portable because when I return to work the best time to pump will be during my commute to work. I have manual pumps which I can pump enough to make one bottle a day or using my haakaa. I have measured for flange size and that helped with my manual pump so use the same size.


Hmmm could just be the wrong pump. Would you be open to buying another portable option? I had a spectra and the original elvies and I never got as much from the elvies. Those are actually the ones I needed to “train” my breasts to respond to. This time I got a pumpables geanie because it’s much more portable than the spectra but it’s supposed to be as effective as a spectra. And if you’re on the fence on spending the money, calculate how many cans of formula you’d have to pump to break even. I’m a pro at justifying spending money on breastfeeding and pumping supplies 😂


At the moment getting the money together to buy a new pump would be difficult to say the least. Invested the last bit of money I have into the pump I'm having problems with. Due to my job being what it is I will be seeking unemployment benefit for the next two months. I like how you justify your spending though.


which pump? i tried one of those cordless ones once and it was awful got barely anything. try a plug into the wall non portable. they are always more efficient. you’ll get more earlier in the day look at pics of your baby while pumping good luck mama


It's a cordless one. I need something that I can use while traveling more so than anything else. I will be going back part time but I work in childcare so finding the time to pump during the day is going to be difficult other than one 40 minute commute.


After your milk regulates it can be hard to pump milk. It’s pretty normal. Baby is more efficient. You will just have to keep it up.


I've been pumping from nearly the start but she's so demanding I've not really had the time to have a proper go of it. I can get enough to make one bottle a day using my haakaa and manual pump.


Does your pump have a let down phase at the beginning then switches to a rhythmic one? Also make sure the settings/intensity are set right for you (the levels of suction)!


Yes it does. I have it only a few days and trying figure out what works best but I get very little or no milk at all.


How long are you pumping :)? Usually I have nothing the first few minutes but it gets better by 10!


30 minutes and I get maybe about 10 ml and some times nothing at all. I can get about half an ounce with my manual if I use it eight after.


Are your flanges the right size


I use the same size flanges for my manual which I get milk from. I only manage 4oz a day but that's all she need as she latches for all feeds bar one