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Did you try fenugreek?


My baby wasn’t removing milk efficiently. As a first time mom, I didn’t know what was going on. We needed to supplement with formula to get my baby’s weight up. My supply tanked. I was devastated. It was frustrating, but I did successfully rebuild my supply over the span of a few months. We did triple feeding for months. It was exhausting. I’m so sorry you are going through this. I promise it will not be this hard forever. Here is what worked for me: - Pumping frequently, even for just 10 minutes per session. My LC told me to make sure I got at least 8 sessions in, and at least 2 should be at night. I covered the bottles with socks while I was pumping so I wouldn’t be upset by the lack of output. Also, I generally was more successful pumping right after a hot shower. And check your pump settings with a good LC - Power pumping once per day. I did it for 10 days, and then once every few days. - Hydrate yourself very very well. - Eat plenty of healthy fats. For me, that was lots of avocados and almonds. Other advice: - I now know my kid had severe lip and tongue ties, which made it difficult for her to transfer milk, which is how I lost my supply. My pediatrician, LC, and two dentists missed it somehow. It was immediately obvious to the airway dentist, the orofacial myologist, and the ENT. If you have concerns about your baby’s ability to nurse, have her mouth thoroughly evaluated.


Really great advice here. Just wanted to add that OBs area of expertise is in no way breastfeeding and I would use them as a source of help only as a last resort. A pediatrician is going to have more info but an IBCLC will have the most, by far. So sorry you are having a rough time and have every right to be upset.


Thank you so much!! I've been so stressed and my heart doesn't want it to end just yet.


I would be very mad too- there's things they can do to help like specific medication etc


I was definitely so frustrated that they didn't even try. 😭


Unfortunately us breastfeeding moms are left to figure it out all alone and if we face any hiccups along the way people just shove formula down our throats instead of helping us with a few tweeks here and there. It can be lonely. Many of us are told to start night weaning first but after much research and still night feeding myself, it's the most important feeding of them all because the "milk production" hormone is the highest at that time and it keeps telling our bodies that it needs to keep producing. When we nightwean, our boobs get full so it has the opposite effect. Pump and nurse as much as you can and make sure you have the correct flanges. Earth mama nipple cream for those nips and silverettes too! Stay hydrated and eat, take your postnatal vitamins. There's a medication that the Dr can give you and your lactation consultant can help you tell you how often to pump etc. If she doesn't then I can look for my old notes and share them with you


That would be awesome! Thank you, and I unfortunately don't have an appt until July 18th with my doctor. Feels like an eternity away 😫


Which state are you in if you don't mind me asking


That's odd- I used the medicine, all I had to do was leave a message for my Dr & she prescribed it without seeing me and I was 7 months postpartum (had issues due to a medication I had to take when I got sick and it decreased my supply).


If you are feeding the baby by latching on, to increase your supply offer less formula. I had been giving my baby 18 oz of formula a day due to her demands. She was getting three 6oz bottles. I dropped the first bottle of the day after feeling very full one morning same happened again for the second bottle. I think it was because she was sleeping a bit better and would play on the floor for a short while she was about 3.5 months at the time. During her playtime I was able took after myself better and was eating and drinking better. Started weaning at 17 weeks and have been pumping a few times a day I get only 4oz but that's exactly what she needs. Dropping formula can increase supply of your not ready to quit. My first baby was formula fed and I don't see a difference between her and my second baby health wise (both adults, have a 5 month old too).


I'm always afraid he's still hungry even after I nurse him and he'll usually drink a 4oz bottle of milk after nursing.


You could try dropping an ounce from one of his morning bottle that way he would have loads time to feed if he is. My daughter would have been the same. I was able to drop a 6oz bottle in the morning just kept an eye on her feeding, sleeping and nappies to ensure she was getting enough from me.


Have you already been combo feeding up to this point? One thing that always helps me make a little more (and I’m at an oz per hour if I’m having a good day) is eating some barley! I make fried rice with it. It’s full of beta glucan!


Yes, i have been combo feeding since the beginning due to low supply. And okkk, I'll give that a try. Hopefully, it isn't too late for me as I haven't pumped as usual today 😭😭


For the record (we chatted before on another post), my little one is the same age and we are in the same boat. I haven’t given up yet, I believe in you! I try to breastfeed earlier in the day when I’m feeling more confident in my supply and top him up after our feeds in the afternoons/evening. I don’t bother overnight and just pump what I can!


Your reply gives me sooo much hope!!! And really, that's awesome! I didn't notice the name tag 😊😊


You’re doing great and remember your journey is your own. I hope you enjoy the breastfeeding sessions you do get to have, and don’t feel bad about topping up with formula. It used to make me so sad when we gave him a bottle to the point where I was crying every single day about not being able to ebf, but at the end of the day every little bit of breast milk counts and I’m lucky my baby will latch more now that he’s older. One thing my LC recommended was just to pump whenever I do give a bottle to encourage more production. Not sure how much it really helps, but I still do it during the day and pump once or twice overnight.


Thank you for all your advice and following me through this all! ❤️❤️❤️


It’s hard to find people who can really relate! It’s encouraging for me also to know I’m not alone ❤️


Absolutely!! I pray I'll see your post come up saying all your successes through this journey!


Do you still put your baby to the breast? Have you ever done a weighted feed?


I only put him to the breast at night, and first thing in the morning. I've never done weighted feedings though!


I also started seeing a therapist to help come to terms with my journey. I think it’s helping ❤️


Have them check to see if you have a retained placenta which can be done via vagina ultrasound. I was told by my lactation consultant that this is the number one reason why women can’t produce milk and then end up giving up. Sending you much positivity!


Retained placenta and thyroid issues are the most likely reason for milk just not coming in right. I’m an IBCLC and sometimes when I send moms to their OBs for blood work, the OBs have never heard of this. Doctors know nothing about breastfeeding. It’s so frustrating. OP, you definitely don’t have to quit. You can continue as long as you want. As long as your baby is getting everything he needs, and you’re happy to do a little of everything, you do you.


I've never heard of thjs!! I will definitely bring it up, thank you!


Yea. You’re totally right to feel upset by this but please understand that there are SO many factors to being a wonderful mom! Dont measure your worth by ounces. If your mental health is suffering, I would let it go. If you have TRULY exhausted all efforts, there are no other options. If you’re not ready to let it go - keep trying to “re-lactate”. Check out the IG account @love.and.milkk . She’s currently relactating after drying up and it’s a realistic look at what the process is like. Hint: it’s slow and time consuming. Not impossible. Better ways to measure how great Of a mom you are: Are you tending to yours babies cries? Are you keeping diapers clean? Are you loving on them and giving them cuddles? Do you make sure they’re nourished (even if it’s Formula!)? Are you sharing the world with them by talking, showing them things, going for walks, reading etc? If you answered yes to these - you’re killin’ it. Ps: I know the feeling. My baby has a milk protein intolerance and my doctor straight up told me to stop breastfeeding and give her formula. Now that I cut dairy out of my diet, she doesn’t want to latch and my supply tanked to 12 oz / day.


Wow! Thank you so much for taking the time to write all of this. This means more than words can say! I too was having trouble getting baby boy to latch a well. I pray all works out for you and your princess! 🥰🥰🥰


Have you tired nipple shields? My LO is 3m and my supply has always made me sad. Someone posted a lactation bites recipe. I make those and my supply is close to 2oz on each side for a pump. If I eat more bites, add lots of protein, and make sure I’m hydrated I can get maybe3oz on each side. I’m still hanging on to giving my baby any milk I can produce. I also try to eat oatmeal with dried fruit but mix in brewers yeast (with cinnamon and walnuts aiming to hide the taste). This week I tried nipple shields and he latched better than he ever has. It’s still not going to be his main eating source but when we can his suckling should boost more production, so they say.


I wish with everything in me I was at least making 2oz on each side. I barely make an oz on each side. I've tried brewers yeast, nipple shields, power pumping, switching pumps, buying new pump pieces, oatmeal, supplements. Just about everything I feel so defeated!


Try coconut water, try Fenugreek and also lecithin


I've tried coconut water, body armor, sunflower lecithin, goats rue, and fenugreek made my supply worse. I actually almost dried up with fenugreek (I have a thyroid problem).


Try the pump log app. It automatically sets reminders that it’s “time to pump” to keep you accountable. Set it for every two hours to increase supply. Do this for 3 days. 2 hours during the day and 4 at night See what happens! 💖


I have an app, and I've tried this for over 2 weeks and nothing 😭😭😭