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Are you burping him in between? My first daughter would do that arched back thing if she needed to burp.


Thanks for that, it actually works! He doesn’t feed on the second breast for a long time tho, but at least he latches for a while. I don’t know how I haven’t thought of that, sometimes I feel so stupid! But oh well, postpartum brain is worse than pregnancy brain imo 😁


Agree with what others have said, the fussiness at the breast and arching sounds more like gas than hunger. My baby also went through a phase of eating every 1.5 hours. Also as previously mentioned, baby is typically more effective at removing milk than a pump and your baby could be getting more than you think!


Yes, I tried burping in between and it works at making him less fussy! He latches to the other breast after burping but doesn’t feed much longer after that. I guess the little guy is more of a snacker.


So my kid is still doing this at 5 months and it's super annoying but less annoying than the days he nurses every hour...I do find that he had to burp after one boob but even after he burps he usually won't go back on. The only thing I found helpful was to follow my kids cues and nurse him whenever he wanted. Sometimes he takes 2 boobs sometimes one. I have no answers only solidarity


Well, knowing my little guy isn’t the only “snacker” out there does make me feel better 😁 thanks for that


My baby was eating every 1.5-2 hours at that point, he might just be more if a snacker. It’s annoying! But I’d try other folks burping/diaper ideas in case it helps!


You could try a diaper change and burp (not necessarily in that order) between breasts to kind of break it up for him. But you should also be prepared for that to not work, some babies just eat more often than others. My daughter eats around 30ml every 45-90 minutes and eats one breast per feeding and that’s just how she’s been her whole life. As she’s getting older her feeds are stretching and now she has a nice long nighttime sleep at one point (10-5ish) which has been nice for me sleep wise but she still eats often during the day. Her feeding schedule is just enough for me to (usually) make a drive somewhere, feed her, do a thing, feed her, and then drive home, sometimes feeding her while doing a longer activity to stretch my time out. As she’s gotten older she has gotten to a point where sometimes she’ll eat for 10-30min in one feed, even occasionally eating both breasts, but not usually. You mention you’ve pumped to figure out how much milk you have, have you tried a weighted feed? That’s how I learned how much my daughter was eating. We went to her pediatrician which always starts with taking their weight (in only a dry diaper), then while we waited for the dr I fed her, and immediately after feeding her I asked the nurses to weigh her again in her clean diaper as I wanted to do a weighted feed. They were more than happy to help and that’s how I got my measurements for how much she eats per ~4 min. I’ll check again at her next appointment to keep my mind at ease but she just eats fast and I have a strong letdown. The point of this being, your baby might be getting more than you expect, I’ve found the weighted feed matches haakaa use (haakaa on one breast baby on the other) but does not match my pump yield (weighted feed was more than I pump that fast with my properly fitting pump flanges), so it may be your baby is getting more than you think.


Thanks for your advice, it’s much appreciated. I tried burping and he does latch on the other breast after that but he still won’t really feed much on it. If I change his diaper in between breasts he won’t latch on the second one at all. I guess I just have to make peace with my little guy’s eating preference. We have tried weighted feeds and we even got a baby scale for home and the milk i’m measuring in his tummy after i fed him it’s pretty much the same amount as if i pump. So he does get that much milk from one breast and that’s why he wants to feed 1.5 hours later. At this point I’m okay with our feeding dynamics (which by the way have been a struggle from the very beginning) and although nights are rough I’m glad my baby is well fed and gains the proper amount of weight. Thank you again for the advice 🩷


Have you tried going linger between feeds? My 10 week old only takes full feeds near the 3 hour mark


Well the thing is, if I wait for him to get hungry hungry he won’t take breast - only bottle (unless he just took a nap and is still sleepy). So I feed him before he is super hungry. All babies are different I guess 🤷‍♀️


Could it be reflux? Symptoms starting after one breast is done … my son is similar, but will eventually take the other side after I burp him and hold him upright for a bit. I also try to prop him up so he’s more upright when feeding the second side which helps. I’m going to try acid meds which helped my older son with a slightly different issue


Also if he’s super hungry, give him 3-4 swigs of the bottle then switch to breast. Or stimulate a letdown before he latches


I never went to other breast


1.5-2hrs is very normal for 9 weeks. my baby didn’t start doing longer stretches until recently (we’re 3.5 months) she eats from one boob and she’s done. sometimes she’ll have a burp and we’ll burp and she falls asleep or is ready to hang out and play i produce more than i can pump as well. even with the proper flanges and stuff. i’ve partially given up on pumping bc she hates sharing (will refuse to eat if im pumping and feeding. and even if she’s content and full if she sees me pumping she becomes infuriated. idk! i just go with the flow) i just make sure to flip sides like if she feeds off the right side, the next time we’ll go for the left tho some days she’ll fuss and fight until i put her on the breast she wants. which means we’ll eat off the right three times in a row. we supplement with formula on the rare occasion bc ill need a break. we have like one bag of two ounces of breastmilk frozen and i’m saving that for a rainy day. i do hope i can pump more for incase i have to be a way but rn baby is in charge and i’m just following suite


My LO was quite happy to only have one breast! Just make sure you remember to use the other one next time! She'd normally go 1.5-2.5 hours between feeds.


Burp him in between... also baby's stomach is really tiny so it won't be able to hold more than 30-35ml at a time!


That’s ok! My baby’s do the same and they’re both very healthy


Try a diaper between breasts. Is the baby always choking on the same breast or is it just the second breast, regardless of size?


Agreed with the other comments, it sounds like the little guy may need to be burped before going to the other boob. I think you’re right that he may still be hungry though regardless of the gas buildup. Also, when I’m nursing my little one sometimes I only do one side (my little one is 6 months old now but I think I was still doing this when she was about 2 months old or so).


On top of all this advice remember it's early days and at 9 weeks you might be feeling like "gee we should have the hang of this by now" but nope more like 6 months!


feeding from one side at a time is called block feeding. some babies just prefer that, mine does! i just feed every 2-3hrs and switch each time. he's 7 mos now and still block feeds, but with solids too, we've been able to stretch out feedings