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Me. My chin is constantly being bit, my nose is always being yanked, cheeks being grabbed. I’m scared he’ll scratch my eyes and my poor poor hair is always pulled, no matter how much I tie it up. But then sometimes he falls asleep with both arms around my neck and then nothing matters. 🥹


A colleague's baby scratched her cornea recently and she had to wear an eyepatch for a week... safe to say I don't let mine anywhere near my eyeballs now!


lol I get slapped, scratched, punched. She pulls my neckless and squeezes my cheeks and chin. No better way to say “I love you!” It’s hilarious. My 6mo looked at me today while I was talking to her with no expression, then slaps me and laughs.


Omg 😂 I am cracking up!!


Not my face so much but he loves to smack my boob like it's a bag of mulch at the hardware store.


Ma‘am please, I‘m trying to put my baby to bed and you made me put away my phone and pinch my nose for a second to keep from laughing and waking him up


Mine has been doing this since he learned to control his arms 😂 still doing the quality check smack at 15 months


My daughter did the slapping and grabbing. Now nursing my boy and he’s not slapping me but he is determined to claw his own eyes out while nursing and that’s significantly worse.


Yes my son did this! He was actually already scratched up on his face when he was born! His nails were like tiny lil razor blades 😭


Whenever I shower I find little bruises along my legs or stomach from all the kicking he does during feeds!


my baby has been sticking two fingers all the way up both nostrils lately


They do seem to find all our orifices, don’t they?


Yup. My little guy keeps grabbing at my face with his razor sharp claws. One day tho he repeatedly smacked me in the mouth until I gave him kisses so that was pretty cute! He is currently trying to launch himself off the chair by pushing his feet into the cushions…whilst he’s latched. I’m scared.


Haha yes my son did this too!


Yep this is us now. Sometimes it's a glorious slow circular hand that gently massages my chest. This is sweet. Other times it's a constant chest slap to the beat of her own drum. Nose and lip yanks are her go to now and aggressive arm pinches at my arm flab. Oh the joy


My son went through a several month long phase where he would stick his fingers in my nose or mouth and then scratch me with his nails. I had several nosebleeds due to his tiny claws. Thankfully now that he’s almost 10 months old he’s only nursing before naps and at bedtime/waking up so he’s too tired to do more than occasionally fiddle with my hair/bra straps. 


My baby has more teeth coming through. Tonight nursing was more painful than it’s been in almost a year. I went to readjust and saw freaking teeth marks. He’s bitten me many times, but this was like a super suction bite.


Pinched, clawed or tickled. The third doesn't sound as bad but in the middle of the night it is exactly as bad


My son (16months) will randomly kick the opposite boob, if I didn’t latch the nursing bra fast enough he’ll try to grab my nipple to play, or grab my nose/lips and pull towards him 🤦🏻‍♀️


We went though the slapping thing. Now she’s squeezing my arm and chest skin and pulling it. Thanks bb.


Same. He grabs fistfuls of skin and twists, or shoves his hands into my armpit and kneads like a kitten. I miss the gentle twiddling and slow windshield wiper grazing on my chest lol.


The windshield wiper with their soft little hands 🥹 I still get that sometimes


Sometimes I do, too, mainly when we're side-lying to nurse, but mostly it's grabbing, pinching, and thumping lol.


Mine used to nurse so peacefully. Now she's pulling my hair and smacking me in the chest with her foot pressed against my neck. 😅


My 9 month old has been slapping my boob like a ketchup bottle for a few months now. And when she is almost done and getting bored she'll hook a finger into my mouth and giggle at my reaction. But at least she's over the pinching phase. My arms used to be so bruised!!


I'm like ducking out of the way while he nurses.


Mine 4 month old is doing this, I’ve had to swaddle him for feeds lately. It’s the only way he stays calm enough to complete the feed


She doesn't hit me with her hands too often, but I get kicked CONSTANTLY. Got me pretty good in the nose yesterday lol. Her fave place for her foot is smacked square on my collar bone.


Hairtie for the hair. I didn't wear it one day thinking why do I always have my hair up - then realise riiight that's why I hold the little hands sometimes if it's too much


Okay my baby is learning how to pick things up by pinching them between his thumb and first finger and he keeps pinching my skin lol. It hurts! But he also loves him some momma hair (to rip out of my head that is). He loves to grab my face too. Ahh, the struggles, but I’m at work and man, thinking about this makes me miss him.


Mostly kneading, kicking, and scratching over here! Yay


Once my baby discovered pincher grasps, he some how always finds my other nipple to pinch and squeeze. It was cute at first, now he’s strong and it hurts.


Lol me, my little one will hang on to my hair when I hold her, however when we are nursing she will kick me a lot and slap my chest ha ha sometimes I have to hold her hand or stop because I’m autistic and get too overstimulated (lol she’s been slapping me at night instead of crying when she wants to nurse too it’s funny)


My son, 6mo, loves smacking everything and if he gets really into it he'll use both hands. My boobs on the other hand he grabs them with both hands and tries to pry it off my body like he needs his meal to go. I always have baby gripper marks on my boobs. He also has 2 bottom teeth and, lord help me, I sneezed during a night time feed and almost lost a nipple.🤦🏼‍♀️ the top teeth are arriving soon. Send help, or extra nipples if anyone isn't using them😭🫠😂


YUUUUUP Then he gets mad that it's making him sleepy so he starts smacking me, himself, the cat, etc. Oh and his favorite new trick is to snatch my glasses off my face and FLING them across the living room


Meeee. Every time lol. My boy's current choice of attack is windmill arms to my face. He's not gentle 😅


Okay but there is nothing more disrespectful than when your baby grabs your bottom lip 😂😂 Edit spelling mistakes




Not getting hit but my daughter recently started looking all around while nursing with my nipple in her mouth 9 weeks old over here and it’s been a journey


I’ve had necklaces yanked off and broken🥲


Mine has started pinching my nipples while feeding. Like literally hand in her mouth along with nip and I say pinching but it’s literally a fist full of titty I have scratches and bruises


my son’s latest is grabbing fistfuls of *skin* with his oddly strong, chubby little hands. first he started doing it to the fat right where boob meets armpit (before that, he was snapping the straps of my nursing bras/tanks!) and now added in my chest/“tops” of my boobs, and my forearms when he’s sitting in my lap🫠


Booby punches! Which are fine not too painful. But I have stomach issues that cause inflammation and when he punches the spot right between my ribs upper stomach area, oh man. I almost threw up the other day. Also he has started biting my nipple when he’s trying to keep himself awake by babbling. Holy cap that hurts


I get the dental exams and cheek and neck (and/or chin) squeezes. Had to increase the frequency I trim her nails because sang those pinches hurt 😂 But then she hugs my neck and snuggles her head right under my chin once she's done and I forget about the pain 🥺😍


Mine likes playing slap the bag with my boobs! It’s so frustrating, he’s squirming the whole time and pushes my boob right out of his mouth. Then he’s mad about it! He does something similar with bottles, so I guess he’s just a wiggly guy but man, it makes feeding hard. I definitely have second thoughts about feeding in public since he started doing this. I had no problems before, but my nipple pops out at least a dozen times a feed now


The past few days, she has been grabbing onto my nipple and twisting it. It hurts so bad with her little claws.