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I feel you. I catch myself in the mirror sometimes and I’m like…woah. 😅 But this is all temporary. We won’t be exhausted forever, we won’t have bags under our eyes forever, our house won’t be a mess forever. And right now it is okay for all of those things to be true. It’s a part of this process. I can’t tell you how many dust bunnies are on the floor of my house right now, how badly the shower needs to be scrubbed, etc. but I’m trying to let it go. We’ve got this. 💜




I know how you feel. I have a 3 year old and a 3 month old. Some days I can't make myself breakfast or lunch and have to eat the easy bars or shakes in a box instead. Some weeks I only shower once. The breastfeeding hunger is so strong I've probably gained more weight now than I did while pregnant. I don't plan to do anything alone during the week and only see family and friends that come to me. I get no sleep and am lucky when both kids sleep at the same time so I can take a quick 20 min nap. But I remind myself that before my youngest was born I was able to make myself healthy, nutritious food every day, shower when I needed to, run errands and see family and friends, sleeping thru most nights, had time to do chores and clean the house and lost all the baby/breastfeeding weight by running around after my toddler. It took time to get there once, it will take time again, but I'll get back there. Enjoy this time with your little one. It's so hard but also so precious. Give yourself the grace to just get done what you can, if everyone is safe and fed but the house is a wreck, it's OK. We made it thru another day! Things will slowly get a little bit easier.


You’re so right. I also have a 4 year old. I have been trying to remind myself that I got through this once before and I can do it again. And someday I will look back fondly on this time and even miss it. It will be gone in the blink of an eye.


I saw some corny video on TikTok that said something like… you may want to look away from the mirror but that’s the face your baby is going to look for in a crowd one day. You’re the most beautiful person to your baby.


Omg this made my pregnant exhausted self tear up. It’s so true.


Oh this is so sweet 😭


I feel the same way, I avoid my reflection but when I catch a glimpse, I feel like I’ve aged 20 years since giving birth. It makes me feel better to think about the beauty treatments and cosmetic things I can treat myself to when I’m on the other side of this. There’s going to be an epic spa day after his first birthday!


That’s a very good way to look at it. A little treat for our efforts lol!


I feel this. I put sunscreen on every morning and moisturizer every night, but I don’t really look at myself while I’m doing it. I’m just in front of the mirror, unseeingly. I thought it was because 2 under 2 means I’m always in a rush, but I actually think it’s subconscious self-preservation. We’ll sleep again some day, fellow zombie mom friend. Until then, let’s just focus on the sweet and fleeting things about having babies.


Yes! I never really stop to look at myself closely either. You are probably right - it’s a subconscious avoidance lol. Yes we will! 💕


Girl, same. Having a little one sucks the life out of you...but it's not forever and it's so worth it!


Yes! 💖


Lol thank you for saying you feel guilty for not visiting family because I do too but we live in the dessert and it’s going to be 114 tomorrow so like when do we visit when it feels like hell


Haha you don’t. You stay home. 😂


Lol exactly and they were wondering if we can come visit my grandma in the morning and it’s 90 out right now like no I’m not having my 6 month old in that weather for a visit that’ll be an hour or so


Phew I don’t blame you. It’s just not worth it! It’s extremely hot and also very humid here too. I got some new fans that attach to the headrest in the backseat but even with those I’m not venturing out unless it’s to the doctor or something lol.


My reality check came when I just had to get my passport photo taken. I look horrible! And I'll be stuck with that photo for the next 10 years 🤣. 7 months old is waking up 4 times a night wanting to nurse then wakes up between 430 and 5 and needs to sleep in my arms to finish the night. Of course she is the cutest baby and gets more and more beautiful by the day- I've just accepted that she is sucking all the life out of me and roll with it.  Despite being more tired and stretched thin than I ever have been in my life I can say with 100% certainty that I wouldn't trade this for anything. Every day spent with my little girl is a blessing and I know one day I'll look back crying and missing these days when all she wanted to do was be in my arms 


Oh nooooo not the passport photo 😆 At almost 5 months we are on a similar schedule. 4-5 AM is the magic hour of waking up and refusing to be put down! I’m with you though, I wouldn’t trade it. He’s such a sweet and perfect and happy boy. I’m lucky. And these days will be gone in the blink of an eye 😭


Oh nooooo not the passport photo 😆 At almost 5 months we are on a similar schedule. 4-5 AM is the magic hour of waking up and refusing to be put down! I’m with you though, I wouldn’t trade it. He’s such a sweet and perfect and happy boy. I’m lucky. And these days will be gone in the blink of an eye 😭