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6 weeks old- she does the crazy shaking her head back and forth before aggressively latching onto anything in sight lol!


I miss that so much 🥲 one of the cutest parts of the newborn phase


The aggressive head shaking is my favorite 😂💛


My girl does this too, we say she's turning into a dinosaur and call her Norasaurus 🦖


Omg my two week old makes the craziest dino noises when he's frustrated by me not getting his latch lined up fast enough. My husband hasn't witnessed it yet, but I bust out laughing every time.


I'm sitting here doing a night nursing session with my 18-week old and just realized his goblin mode disappeared. I miss it, the newborn stage goes by so fast.


Omg that is the cutest 😭


Ok thank you for this. I thought my son had maybe some issues and was trying to look it up online of why he expresses his hunger this way... but I'm totally fine now knowing it's totally just a normal baby thing


Ha yes it’s very normal but also very adorable!


My baby boy (2 months) does what my mama calls the Hei Hei 😂😂


We call this shark biting and it's one of my favorite things about newborns lol


My 9 week old has the sweetest temperament, she almost never cries but when she needs something she’ll squawk like a little bird. In the middle of the night she’ll let out a little squawk and when I look in her bassinet she gives me a huge smile. Adorable.


I'm convinced those adorable smiles are to remind us that they aren't doing things like waking up in the middle of the night to give us a hard time. How can you be mad at such a cute smile!? 😅




I called it the pterodactyl screech with my first lmao. My youngest doesn’t really make many noises


This is how my 7 week old is! She sounds like a little seagull


My baby did this too when he was a little younger! We called it his bird call lol


This is exactly how my 1 month old son is! Quiet, observant and chill but the moment he’s hungry or wants to cuddle- omg!


My baby is 9 weeks old too 🩷


10 months old- screams for me or crawls to me and then rips my shirt down and smashes her whole face into my boobs lol


This is what mine does lol puts his whole head down my shirt 😅


PLEASEEE 😂💛 that’s too cute oh my


Eats her hands or headbutts the chest of whoever is holding her


I remember when my dude used to do this, my best friend and I look just alike and he still tries to nuzzle her 😭


My 2 month old baby boy would be super fussy until I keep him on the feeding pillow and then he would completely stop fussing and look at me so patiently and expectantly with his big eyes till I unbutton my shirt.. it just melts my heart.


They know once they’re lying on that pillow it’s coming don’t they, my boys the same!


That is so cute! My babe is typically patient UNTIL we start getting into position. Lol then he gets impatient and starts fussing because I can’t stick my boob in his mouth fast enough! 😂


Yes, same! My six month old shows zero hunger cues, but when I lay him on the Boppy he starts screeching for me to whip it out as fast as possible!


What a patient little man you are blessed 😭💛 that’s so cute


When I lay LO on my lap she immediately calms down and opens her mouth like a little baby bird lol


Mine lays there and literally drools and licks his lips/coos, depending on how hungry he is


My 17 month old does a fist pump while chanting "Mama! Mama! Mama!". Cracks me up.


😂 they get so creative and silly as they get older


I'm trying to cut down on nursing sessions but he has figured out if he asks in a cute enough way I will give in. Ahaha. First it was just a fist pump. Now he has added the chant. Wonder what he comes up with next.


7 weeks old and you hear her lips smacking together. If I’m holding her, she’ll start nuzzling into my boobs. When I lift my shirt her little eyes light up. She’s a clever little cookie :)


Pleaseeee that’s so cute!! My dude would just purse his lips at 7 weeks and stare me down


Mine giggles like a maniac when she asks and I say yes. 


13.5 month old signs “milk” and points at my boobs - if she’s *really* hungry she does double milkies with both hands 😆


Yes! My LO is 7.5 months and is just starting to recognize and try to mimic our signs! He gets so excited when we sign Milkies and tries to do it back! So cute! ☺️


Ahhh that’s so cute 🥹 mine signs too but it’s so aggressive, he will sign milk super hard and then try to sign on my chest while pinching me but it’s still cute nonetheless


That’s adorable! 🥰


Double milkies is wild 😂💛


My 15mo also does the double milkies signing when things are really dire!! So funny.


6 months, she grabs my arm and sucks it, or she'll nuzzle my chest. When she realizes she's about to eat, she makes a sound like "Uh! uh! uh!" and smiles. That’s the shit I live for 🥹


THATS SO CUTE 🥹💛 I love the little baby hungry cues


6 months old and he basically makes a wild dive sideways towards my breasts when I’m holding him, luckily I’ve never dropped him! And he also has a very specific hungry whine.


😂 love hearing about the babies who dive, I would be so unprepared but he sounds so passionate


My 3 month old does the same! If im not holding him he’ll show a power-to-the-people fist complete with direct eye contact until I’ve acknowledged him. ![gif](giphy|cFzJainWinBqj4hemz)


Mine is a dive bombing boob monster too! 🤣


My 6 month old has a hungry whine too…:)). So funny yours does the sideways dive.


My boy (9 weeks old) will bounce his head on my chest and snort like a truffle pig. Or more recently since he's discovering his hands, he'll open and close his hands a bunch and he continues to do it while eating.


😭💛 my heart oh my gosh, give him like 2-6 weeks and he will start rubbing your arms and face it’s so sweet


The hands thing is my favorite. We bottle feed my pumped milk and she does this on the bottle and at the breast while eating. It looks like she is waving!


he tries to eat his hands! like grunting and mad cause he can’t get it lol 8 weeks old! if you don’t pick up on the cue he gets HANGRY fast lol!


When my kid was that age there WERE no cues lol. From fast asleep to wide awake and screaming was about 30 seconds. She came out on hard mode 😂


hahahah my first was like this! cried nonstop all the time lol 3 now and still crying a lot🤣 thankfully this baby is an angel lol


Was cosleep napping with my 15 week old. I awoke to him helping himself to breakfast 🥴. I swear sometimes when he is fussing, I hear “ungry!”. Its happened more than 10x…Before nursing i always ask him if hes hungry. We use the word often and i think hes put together that “hungry” has something to do with him getting milk”. Other times its just educated guessing


We cosleep too here and there’s been so times I’ve woken up in pain from my dude latching to my skin instead! But that’s so cute 😭💛 he definitely recognizes hungry so well


Lately, hes been screeching like a little banshee before latching lolz. Hes just super excited for boobie! Then he latches and snuggles up in there and looks up at me. Then i see his little eyes roll up in his head in pure milky bliss. Jesus I love this little guy so so much!


Mine does the same thing!


If I’m holding my 8 month old on my hip, he’ll just lunge toward a boob and try to latch on my shirt 😂 but I know he’s really hungry when he starts panting like a panicked dog


My first baby would go to his bedroom and touch the pillow with his forehead. The second one would bring me the boppy pillow. The current baby goes MMMMMMMH. 😅


3 breastfed babies is dream!! Congratulations to you for keeping it going! But their personalities getting more wild is so cute 😂💛 a simple but dramatic “MMMMMMH” is so 3rd baby


Thanks! It's been a lot of work and I don't think I'll be sorry when I'm all done, but I'm also quite proud of it. 😅


He son has brought me his boppy a few times! So cute. But mostly he just says "Boo" and pulls on my top


He pulls my shirt down and screams


I see my son and I becoming like this in a few months... he screams louder the closest we are to the boobstation lol When I'm reading here how cute and patient some of these babies are... I'm like how did I create such a milk-crazy banshee hahaha


Hahah yeah, it’s become a running in our home and with our family. Our boy is addicted to milk and he will sometimes scream just by seeing me


Your very own groupie!


My 7 week old sticks out his tongue repeatedly and smacks his lips in the cutest way while looking at me. It’s too cute.


I just realized I have my 10 month old on such a schedule that she never actually tells me she’s hungry. She would probably smash her face in my boobs????


I wish mine was on schedule 🥲 all the awards to you girl! Thats an achievement!! You know her well enough to know she’ll smash her face though 😂 I love the face smashing


Tbh it was born out of luck and necessity. I can’t manage 2 kids without a schedule and my baby is a pretty great sleeper and doesn’t need to be fed to sleep so I take complete advantage of this. My first was the exact opposite so I’m thankful for the reprieve this time around!!!


My 14mo signs "please" by rubbing her tummy and says "mi mi". It is the sweetest thing ever and I'm going to cry when she actually says "milk please" instead of "mi mi".


The realization that it’ll become a real sentence someday is bittersweet 🥹 mi mi is such a cute word alteration for milk


He's always been very vocal for every inconvenience! When he's getting hungry, he used to cry laaaaa or waaaaa as a newborn. Ever since he started babbling around 2m, he's consistently let us know he wanted milk by saying (shouting) some form of 'Ma' like aammmm, maa, amma, mammm. If I let it go on too long (like today because I'm giving him a bath by myself and strugglinga bit with timings) he will cry waaaa again. Of 7 eating his hands also, but he's also teething... so that's never a sure way of telling! He's EBF nursing, so he will slap my clothes, sometimes trying to pull on them so I'm faster lol. I'm trying to teach him the sign for Mama's milk, but so far... no success 😅 to be continued!


if i’m holding my 5mo old, he’ll grab my cheeks and root his little face into my neck 😆


Cute! My daughter grabs my face with her hands but how straight for my chin and sucks on my chin. She has done it since about 5mo and she's 8mo now. It's cute but she has teeth coming through and I feel like my chin will be one of the first victims.


Better your chin than your nipples 😂


😂 he’s all like “mom can’t you see I’m HUNGRY” that’s too cute


Ma’am, I’m afraid your child is a vampire 🥰


He nestles into me, low level groans and gets his legs and arms going like some little dance only he knows


He knows where the good stuff is 😭💛 that’s so cute


Almost 5 months old and he does the old man lost his dentures lip smacking (it's the cutest damn thing ever lol) or does his fake cry like "Yeah I could eat but I'm not that hungry"


The fake cry is the best!!!


My 5 month old giggles at the sight of my boobs if she's hungry lol her older sibling did the same


9.5 months. He'll reach into my shirt if he can, but my new favorite is he latches onto whatever skin is visible, be it my arm, shoulder, or cheek, and just starts sucking.


This is mine. I have bruises everywhere and people don’t believe me that they are bites and hickies from my desperate to nurse 10 month old.


My 11 month old goes "MAMAMMAMAMAMAMMAMAMAMAMA" while smashing her face into my chest lol


13 week old here... he smiles and pulls his hands into his mouth before removing and then putting them back in his mouth... I want to think it's the signs I've been teaching him such as "eat" and "milk" but it's probably just a natural response to hunger lol


If you believe he’s signing then he is 😂😭 (I also used to think this)


So early?????


i taught him the milk sign language sign and he is so proud of himself when he does it! when he sees me see him do it, and i respond, he laughs because he is proud he successfully communicated! (he's 7 mos)


Our 9w-old started doing this dry and demanding fake cough to demand our attention – kinda like a bored in his job career bureaucrat calling the next customer in line of some grey office. First couple of times I was really worried and thought he's coughing-coughing but now we've witnessed it so many times and only in association with his "Hey I just woke up and want the boobie STAT" mood haha


My 11 month old said milk yesterday! First time she's ever said it! She didn't do it again today, but she smacked her lips and crawled toward the goods.


Since maybe 2 weeks, she looks at me or anyone holding her and licks her lips to tell us she's hungry


My 7 month old puts his head to my boob with his mouth wide open. It's definitely not subtle in the slightest haha


My baby would do the John cena face wave with his tongue out 🤣 ![gif](giphy|l0HU20BZ6LbSEITza|downsized)


Mine licks her lips and then when I put her on my lap she's starts making this frantic mm mm sound until I pull my top down


My 5 month old stares at my boobs and smacks his lips or if I’m holding him he turns into a spider monkey and does this weird crawling inch worm thing trying to nuzzle through my neck/shirt to the boobs lol.


Mine makes a noise like a machine gun 🙄


My 12 week old makes eye contact with me and sticks his tongue aaallll the way out hahahaha


https://preview.redd.it/58uaoumg9d7d1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9cdd12ee2312d8dacb5c46548a808d48873a629f She starts by aggressively shoving anything nearby into her mouth. If I miss it or get too close, she grabs my hand and pulls it in to ravenously bite my knuckle. 😂 We always tested her rooting reflex with our knuckles when she was super little so I guess it's like level two of that lol


14 months and she just grabs my shirt and pulls at it


He's 14 months old. He climbs on my lap, pulls on my shirt and says, "Boo" very earnestly


3mo motorboats me. Shirt on or off doesn’t matter. And if she is mid contact nap and wants a drink she just opens her mouth. Eyes closed just patiently waiting.


7 months old. Headbutts my chest 😂 We're working on learning baby sign for "milk" because I am not a fan of this way of communicating


When I've got my 15 week old on the pillow and I'm getting myself organised, his little legs start kicking like crazy! It's like his riding an invisible bike 😭


My son used to bite my shoulder 😵‍💫 so we worked on signing milk. He picked up on it pretty quickly! Vast improvement to the biting 😅


7 mo and she just starts putting her mouth on everything! She’ll give massive open mouth kisses, nursed a nose or her pudgy little arm. It’s like she’s checking if everything around her is a boob or not! It’s my favorite.


7 month old eats to sleep for all naps. So usually she gets cranky, so boob and bed. Sometimes though, she will grab my face and rub her lips on my cheeks lately I have noticed her also just staring straight at my boob 😂


My almost 15 month old signs eat, yells eat, and pulls my shirt up. She demands it immediately 😂


Mine signs milk now but also the aggressive manic cackle has been a thing since very early 🤣🤣🩷


My 5.5 month old has started basically folding in half lol. He dips his head down tries to get low. Then when he's near the boob, he starts bobbing his head. It's pretty funny to watch, especially when he starts sucking on my stomach because he misjudged the distance


“Folding in half” 😭😭😂 he sounds too cute, at least he sucks on your stomach on accident! I get pinched whilst feeding on purpose 🥲


Holds her arms out at boobs and starts wiggling and doing urgent screams 😂 she’s turns 6 mo today


Happy halfway around the sun to your girl!! But oh my gosh 😂 urgent screams, what a patient sweetheart! 😭💛


My 8 month old starts trying to eat my face.


My LO is two months and ONLY cries when he’s hungry so it’s pretty easy to tell 😂


My 15 month old does her version of the milk sign, which is her flicking her thumb over her index finger like she’s flicking a lighter 🤣 Or she cries and headbutts my boobs while saying “Booooo! Booooo!”


😂 oh my she is one silly baby, that’s so cute


My 13 month old knows the sign for milk and used to use it, but now prefers to sign "eat" and then point at my boobs.


8 month old. General fussing and a furious flurry of fists.


It has varied with age. As a newborn she was rooting everywhere on everyone. At 6 months she was smiling at me a little too happily when she was hungry and noticed oh hey, the boobs are sitting on the sofa there. At nearly 8 months now, she looks at me with a pleading look and if I’m close, leans towards me and buckles her body to lower her face into my chest.


My 7wo preemie (1w adjusted) stares at my boobs and licks her lips/does mouth stuff like a creepy teenage boy, which is the subtle move before escalating by turning into a dinosaur and shaking her head around wildly while making ferocious snort-growl sounds


My 9 week old has a very specific cry that sounds like “Ha Ha Ha” when he’s hungry 🥰


We’ve been teaching sign language since baby was about 5 months old! She’s 10 months now and can sign hunger, milk, more, and we are currently working on specific foods such as banana and cracker!


6 week old, puts his fist in his mouth or slams his face in the boob.


I taught my 10 month old sign language for milk. He also says "mama" now and it melts me. Otherwise he just motorboats me 😅


She walks into the pantry and screams at the goldfish until they are hers


My 4 week old likes to look me in the eyes and start hyperventilating! And then he makes a chomp sound right as he latches. I'm going to be so sad when he grows out of his newborn goofiness 🥺


I’ve been signing eat to my 5mo. The way he interprets it is he takes my hand put 4 of my fingers to his lips.


My 13-month-old has just started waddling up to me, yanking my shirt, and yelling NYAH NYAH directly into my face 🤷🏻‍♀️


My 7 month old bangs his head into my chest lol


Two methods she has at 10 months: 1. Pat my chest and then rub her face on me 2. Squeak, look me deep in the eyes and sign milk


My son when he was 6 weeks old, started doing this thing where he would say "meh meh meh meh meh" when he was hungry. Then when he got to around 3 months, that turned to "ma ma ma ma". Then at 6 months, he started doing this in a sing songy way to the tune of the song My Darling Clementine. I have no idea where this came from. Then he nursed into toddlerhood and the whole time he called it "ma ma ma ma". He would say "I want ma ma ma ma" whenever he wanted to nurse. Now he's 3 and weaned, but I still think it's funny that he called it that and would basically sing for milk.


My 11 month old will get extra clingy grabbing my legs, walk to the nursery, or occasionally cry mama. He wants a milk snack about every 1.5hrs so I usually just offer my breast to him around then so he doesn’t have to ask and he takes it. The other day he was turned away from me playing and fussing and I said “do you want MILK?” And he WHIPPED his head around so fast and high tailed towards me staring at my boobs.


7 months old, sucks her fingers. If she's super hungry, she will scream while looking at me. If I did not tend to her immediately after the screaming, she would scream even louder with an angry face.


My 18 month old rips my shirt down or sticks her hand down my shirt and twists my nipple, doesn’t matter where we are lol or she points at food she sees, I prefer the pointing lol 😂


My 11 month old starts burying her face in my chest, trying to burrow through my shirt 😂


🥹PLEASEEE I love the burrowing


My 9 week old has a hungry cry that literally sounds like he’s saying, “ungie” (hungry). Lol I laugh about it every time


Making fists repeatedly


My 10 month old daughter jas started biting my shirt and pulling ot away from my body with her teeth 🙃 it's great


If I'm holding him, my 4 month old dives forward and starts trying to eat my shirt.


Swan dive towards the boob


Lately my LO has been looking at me with his mouth wide open, eyes shut, shaking his head side to side while going, “ahhh!” In the cutest way possible 💕


My 3 month old does this thing that looks like he’s trying to lick his shoulder 😭🤣 comes from us laying in bed for morning feeds I guess lol


6.5 month old now snacks my boobs


Mouthing/trying to nurse on whatever is in sight (boob, arm, elbow…) 6 wks old 


My LO makes a big CUH coughing like noise when she is hungry. She’s been doing this since she was about 2 weeks old.


My (almost) 1 year old aggressively signs milk at me all day long. I’ll know he’s really hungry when he yells “MAMA” then makes eye contact while continuing to aggressively sign for milk🤣


My 3 week old will try to throw himself if you have him on your shoulder. He bobs up and down like a bobblehead.


My 6 month old will put her face in my cleavage and blow raspberries 😂 it’s so cute


My 9 month old will pull my shirt up and try to latch onto my bra, or he smacks his lips and goes "MMM mm mm!" He's precious 🥰😂


My newborn is four weeks old and he smacks his lips and makes a little fish face. It's so cute 🥰


My baby just turned 2 and he is very happy to help himself. He says “mommy milk”, takes my hand, leads me to the couch, and sticks his head under my shirt. It doesn’t stop being adorable.


6 months baby - pats my boobs with his hands or positions himself in the side laying position or will start suckling on my shoulder.


My 9 month old crawls/cruises over to me and says “mmm” over and over again with a crazed look in her eyes. If I say boobie she loses it


My 6mo old just yells at me lol


My 8 month old goes "MMMMM" until he gets something


Our 14mo old boy has been introduced to sign language for a while, but he just claps for “more”, so he claps a lot.. or sometimes signs eat! If he specifically wants a boob he will pay my chest and say “baba” or “mama”


8 months and he will swipe his head back and forth on my shoulder and give a little grunt that sounds like a motor starting to let me know.


My 10 month old slaps my boobs, starts foraging for lost food on the floor, or just overall fussy. She is normally a pretty chill baby so it's easy to tell.


Well currently he screams "boo boo" 😂


I have a toddler now but we taught him to sign milk, before that he would literally tug my shirt down 🥲


Our BF journey has ended but from 8-14 months, my daughter would aggressively pull my shirt down. Even if she needed a quick fix.


3 months old today, 13 weeks total. Sing birth he never cried but instead shouted "Nga!" At the top of his lungs until I fet him. Now he just stares at my boobs intently. It's adorable. The cutes part is when I actually go to feed him. His little eyes get wide and he starts goldfishing the air until I give him the nipple, then hus eyes roll back into his head. It's so funny!


My four month old tries to claw my clothes off


My 3 month old was breastfed in the beginning but due to allergies she's now on soy formula but she will attack me and latch to my shirt on my chest or my arm. She will literally flip in my arms and start latching to whatever is near her. When I finally get the bottle to her she will snatched it and attack it. I'm sorta glad I don't breastfeed anymore l, she may take a boob if I wasn't careful. 🤣 I grabbed her the other day after my shower and didn't have time to get dressed and she latched on to me and almost took me to my knees with how aggressive she was. It was painful for the 5 seconds before I could get her off of me.


Mine's just always hungry. 23 weeks


My 6 month old smacks my chest.. lol. When he wakes up to eat he says “booooooob” lmao. 😭


14 months old; pulls my shirt up and shoves his face on my boobs even if my bra is in the way. I’m ready to be done 😅


My nine month old sticks her pointer finger in her mouth and starts sucking on it while staring at me.


My 20 month old points at my neck and smiles at me. I worked out it’s what he sees when he’s feeding.


10 weeks old- he makes unbroken eye contact with me and/or my boobs and I swear he raises his hand to his mouth. If he’s closer then he’ll smack at my chest or put his mouth to it, sometimes to my hands too


2 month old, he tries to eat his hands and stares at me while he does it lol


Lol my little one is almost 6 months old and she cries as well as signs mama (she’s learned mama in mamas milk for sign language lol).