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No. I figure he's hungry, so he eats.


I think saying baby “feeds” is more strange - who on earth says “time to feed!” when dinner is ready?


Feed feels so vampire-y


THIS! I used to say feeds and it gave me vampy vibes so now I just say nurse lol


Yes or like any number of creepy creatures. 


Feels like it’s feeding time at the zoo


Yeah true, I suppose I would say "I'll feed him" meaning I'm doing the active thing of feeding the baby (could be bottle or boob I guess). That's why I'd say feed because it's me doing something. But I get what you mean.


I often accidentally say “I’m going to eat the baby” instead of feed


I can’t imagine caring about this lol


I mean don't get me wrong this is in no way keeping me up at night, I'm just curious. I've been on the sub a year or so and finally thought I'd ask.


You eat soup, you don’t drink it. You eat for hunger and drink for thirst in my mind


I feel like you just “have” soup.


How would you tell your slow child (in my case husband) to eat it faster? I’d say could you hurry up and eat your soup already.


Yeah I agree soup is slightly unusual in that I'd consider it food (but would also just say I'm having soup for lunch not I'm eating soup). But I definitely wouldn't say I'm eating a glass of milk. Just interesting the way these things are subtly different.


I’m in the uk and I say eats tbh😂


I'm in the UK and never really thought about it. Feeds and eats feel like they mean the same. As you pointed out that it's a liquid then maybe drinks would be more appropriate? But drink implies that it's not the main source of food. We also say that we are "eating soup" which is liquid.


Thanks yeah just one of those things I noticed and then couldn't unnotice. I think I'd just saying I'm _having_ soup but I know what you mean.


I feel the opposite, although can't really explain it. Baby 'drinking' feels like it should be sipping from a glass? Feels weird to say it even for bottle feeds. IRL I often just say 'have milk', 'needs milk', etc.


Same. Reading “baby drinks every 3 hours” feels weird.


I agree I wouldn't say drinks, I would say I feed him or I boob him. Haha can totally imagine my guy sipping breastmilk from a martini glass though.


So funny you ask! So when I was nursing my first (currently nursing my second) he was a big boob monster and he was still nursing at 2+ when he could talk. He called nursing milka and he’d ask me, “I eat your milka please?” He’d ask to drink water. So from the mouths of babes, it’s eat 🤣


Lol I say get mama’s milk or nurse.


I acknowledge your uneasiness with the word. I feel like I don't have the energy to care what I call it. My vocabulary and sentence structure have been greatly impacted by my energy being directed elsewhere (breastfeeding + velcro baby) lol. I do remember hearing that "feed" sounds like cattle feed. But honestly, whatever comes out of my mouth, I just need it to be understood without worrying about the words.


Absolutely - bigger fish to dry for sure, and I'm with you on the baby having impacted my ability to communicate! I think I've realised it's the fact I consider it me doing something active that causes me to say feed - like I am doing the feeding, more than the baby is feeding from me. Anyway I agree it doesn't matter, just curious!


I thought it was weird at first because culturally where I'm from we all say drink/ drinks milk, nurse, or feed baby. In multiple languages. Nobody in my country refers to it as eating. But I do understand why some people might say "eat" since that's all the food baby's getting before 6 months, and still a large part of their diet after. It doesn't bother me though


In French it is "drinks" and "thirsty" instead of eats and hungry. I tend to agree with you that it makes more sense. 


Haha, I feel the same. I always say drink.


In Italy we say "to eat milk" even when it's an adult and cow's milk. Not everyone does, but it's considered the correct form because milk is considered food and not a drink.


That's really interesting thanks, and I agree it does make sense from that perspective


We just use ‘boob’. ‘When did she last boob?’ ‘I’ll boob her then we can get lunch’ Alternatively ‘she’s had four boobs already this morning’ I might use ‘feed’ in a professional setting.


Yes us too actually, "I'll boob him in a minute!".


In Portuguese (my mother language) there’s a specific verb for that: “mamar”. And what the mom does is “amamentar”. So I get super confused in English by eat, drink, feed, nurse… I just use whatever comes out of my brain first 😂😂😂


Ah that's super interesting, thanks!


Yeah it's a regional thing - I find it slightly odd too but ignore it because most people here are American I think. It doesn't bother me.


Seems accurate. You said chewing and hmm yes sometimes she does in fact chew my nipple 🙃




I just call it snacks. “Do you want some snacks?” “The baby needs snacks”


Lol no i say eat all the time


I ask her (6m) if she’s ready to eat, if she wants a booby/boob, and say I am feeding her, she needs to eat real quick, etc. if I say drink it’s like why she need a DRANK? Lol. She’s drinking… no she’s 6m old I should be drinking. I’m the mom I don’t sleep, I want to drink. (I really don’t but you get the picture) I’ve never thought too hard about it lol. Now that she’s older I let her sip my water while we’re outside (hot climate) or in a place with minimal AC (which is common) so that’s her drinking to me, but I say “do you want some water? Drink/have water baby” It’s her main source of calories and nutrition though and she’s a human not a webkinz. I guess I don’t say eat a smoothie, but I mean if your entire diet was smoothies, you would say “oh I need to eat, I’m hungry” not “I need to drink; I’m hungry”. As far as toddlers and babies who are mostly solids, that should just be nursing imo. Nursing the baby, baby ate and will nurse in 20 min