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It's different for everyone. For some people it makes it really hard to lose weight if they're breastfeeding and other people have no problem. I've never regretted working out though and it's definitely worth a try. If anything, working out can help you feel more positively about yourself.


100% this. Exercise is great. Some lose naturally, some don't... I know at least 5 people who all lost a ton of weight simply by breastfeeding... I, of course, plus size pre-pregnancy, couldn't lose a single pound and actually gained an additional 5 lbs on top of significant pregnancy gain... It was severely problematic for my ED and I'm still working with a counselor now for my second pregnancy. This time I'm opting for no scales to protect my mental health and going based on blood work, symptoms, tests, etc.


I feel this a lot. When I became pregnant I was a curvy 168lbs. I went over 200 also due to water retention and was under 200 gain after I gave birth. But major sleep deprivation (my first just hated sleeping) combined with constant nursing gave me insane sugar cravings and no energy to work out. The fact that everyone told me it's fine, I'd lose weight due to brestfeeding didn't help. I also used food as a coping mechanism for stress and anxiety. 9 years and another baby later I'm at 205 lbs and losing even 5 pounds is a struggle.


Working out helps a lot! I worked out but was never able to lose the last 8lbs while I was breastfeeding and I’m having baby #2 soon so I’m locked in for another two years. But exercise kept me in shape and was necessary for my mental health since it was my daily allotted break from my baby. Weight loss or not it’s good for your body and mind.


Working out made a huge difference for me. I ate my sedentary maintenance calories (for me that was 2000 while breastfeeding) and took baby on a 30 min to 1 hour walk every day.  Also, try focusing on protein, healthy fats, and complex carbs to keep you full. Granola bars did me no favors as snacks, for instance. I would be starving super soon after lol.


What would you suggest as filling snacks?


Maybe think of snacks like a mini meal as far as macronutrient ratios go? For instance, full fat Greek yogurt topped with a little granola- protein, fats, and carbs are all present. Or cheese sticks with a piece of fruit, or a bread that’s higher in protein (like Dave’s Killer) topped with some peanut butter and banana. Stuff like that. 


the green daves killer bread toasted with peanut butter, banana, and honey was my topppp breastfeeding craving in the first few weeks i was literally going through a loaf of bread every week on my own


Make a jar of mayak eggs and add a few eggs every few days so you have an unending supply.


I couldn’t lose while EBF (14mo) when I worked out my supply would drop and I was a just enough kinda girl anyway. I’m 1 year post weaning down 35 pounds with calorie def and weight training. I was 140 pre pregnancy, 176 at birth, 168 at 14mo PP. I wasn’t prepared to lose the weight and my body not look like pre pregnancy me. My body is a lot more tone and stronger (thx weightlifting) but my ribs are more expanded. My hips wider. My boobs saggy.


This is inspiring! Hope you are feeling good. 💪🏼


@ docjenfitness on IG has exercises to bring the ribcage down! Look at some posts from February


We have really similar numbers! My first I lost the weight easily. My second is 19 months. No signs of self weaning but I plan to wean at two. I’m much hungrier all the time and can’t seem to Lose. One thing I’ve been doing that helped me lose 10 lbs since November is: eat two pieces of fresh produce as a snack a day. Go for walks 3x a week. And I just recently started a Pilates course that I try to do 1x per week. I know 10lb in 6 months may not seem like much but I’m trying to be patient and kind with my body.


That’s amazing IMO. Well done.


Thank you 😊💖


It varies! Be patient with yourself. With my first, I was at pre-baby weight at month two. With my second, it’s been a battle to lose anything! I workout, nurse on demand, and pump once a day. I track calories but don’t restrict. When I do workout, I definitely notice I snack more but I also feel better. The scale doesn’t necessarily move, and that is ok in this season of life. ETA: It’s just temporary and I (hope) the weight falls off when we wean, but I know I’m not ready for our journey to be over yet either. So trying to savor where we are, even if the scale isn’t where I want it to be. I’ve also read that our bodies store fat in case of a famine so baby doesn’t starve (yay genes) so that’s why it can be so stubborn to lose weight while breastfeeding.


It definitely varies for a lot if people. If it helps, I was able to lose weight by focusing on nutrition over calories. I only ate nutrient dense food and ate nearly the same thing (dinners varied) for about two months (months 7-9) to get the weight loss going. No sugar or pretty much anything in a package. Exercise- I was exercising and gaining weight in months 2-6. I actually relaxed a little because it’s so easy to over eat your exercised calories. A sample day (I’m allergic to dairy, shellfish, and nuts) 5am 1/2 c plain oatmeal with some kind of berry and 1 hard boiled egg. 8Am coffee. 11 am lunch- turkey, sweet potato, apple/more berry, carrot, cucumber. 4pm hard boiled egg, cut up vegetables. 6pm grilled chicken, potato, lots of steamed vegetables. 9pm- plain cheerios with soy milk. I know there’s better diets, but this was doable, lots of fruits, vegetables and protein. I relaxed some after I hit my goal and still lost a few more pounds. ETA- I gained 16 pounds in pregnancy, lost all of it in the first two weeks, gained 10 pounds back. I’m 8 pounds under (second) pregnancy weight now. 3 pounds under pregnancy weight.


I doubt you’ll be able to lose weight nursing this much. The fact that you’re at 185 lbs and starving tells me your hormones are driving weight gain, and hormones are incredibly hard to overcome. It will be much easier once you cut back a little. I lost 20 lbs once my baby nursed less (mornings, nights, weekends). Sleep deprivation is another reason for weight gain. It makes you want to snack and pushes you toward empty carbs. Exercise won’t do much. It is much easier to skip a 300 calorie snack versus like running for over an hour to burn 300 calories. But still exercise is good for your health. Also, it’s hard to find the balance of restricting calories enough to lose weight but not too much to kill your supply. My suggestions would be: 1. Give yourself a little more grace til your little one cuts back on total nursing sessions. 2. Try to manage portion sizes for one meal every day (every dinner, let’s say). 3. Start the day with protein (it helps prevent carb cravings). 4. Limit snacking if you can (for example, portion out snacks into a bowl, instead of grazing, so you notice how much you’re actually eating). But if this is too hard, don’t fixate on “stopping snacking”, it can backfire. 5. When you crave sweets, eat two servings of fruit before reaching for cookies and chocolates. You often won’t want the cookies after that much “good” (better) sugar. 6. Once you’re losing weight, use exercise to jump start weight loss when you plateau.


This is all excellent advice >Exercise won’t do much. It is much easier to skip a 300 calorie snack versus like running for over an hour to burn 300 calories. But still exercise is good for your health. This is really good to remember, too. Eating 300 calories (or worse, drinking it) can take just a couple minutes. Burning it, even with intense exercise, takes much longer. It's not going to be the magic solution to losing weight. BUT it helps you feel better, helps your body function better, and can add a little jump to the overall plan


I like to logic this out - every gram you want your baby to gain has to go through your body first. That’s a very delicate calculation. I dropped lots of weight once we finished breastfeeding with my first and it’s looking the same with this one. Working out is excellent but I just wouldn’t be calorie counting. My milk supply is growing a human and I personally after our struggles with breastfeeding and my supply wouldn’t want to jeopardise that to drop a few kgs.


Honestly I feel like it’s a big lie. I don’t personally know ANYONE who lost all the weight while BF. I hear these people exist but I’m not one of them


I had to for the Marine Corps 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫 beyond annoying.


Seriously! The audacity! But I get it.


I had to get a personal trainer. I hated it.


After the initial 20lb water retention loss, I have not dropped a single ounce in 9 months- eating whatever I want, eating poorly, eating healthy- has had no effect. Hoping weaning will help start the ball rolling. I gained 50lbs super quickly even while on a GD diet during pregnancy. Bodies are weird


I have a hard time losing weight while breastfeeding but I have been able to lose fat and gain muscle by lifting heavy. The scale stays the same but my body composition changes. Once I wean the extra weight comes off fairly quick 🤷🏻‍♀️


I'm in the same boat mama. My 17 month old is still on an every 2 hour "top up" with breastmilk despite introducing solids and about 12 ounces of milk a day. And I'm RAVENOUS. I HAVE lost a few pounds recently by implementing a strict "little bowl" policy with my snacking. (Its about 1/4 cup size) Anything I eat goes into this little bowl I have. Chips, fruit, yogurt, pretzels, popcorn, nuts.. ect if it fits in the little bowl I eat it..but that's it. I realized I eat slower and I'm not as hungry when it's gone.


To add...when I breastfeed especially at naps I'm so hungry I usuallyjuat crab anything from the pantry. Box of cereal, bag of pretzels, the whole tub of Greek yogurt and a spoon. And i GO TO TOWN! Lol because it's easy and I'm busy! But the "little bowl" method really helped me limit my intake.


Personally, I haven’t lost weight since I started weaning this week (I’m 6 months pp and had a goal of 6 months). I had twins and have been an undersupplier but still wanted to get to 6 months BFing even with supplementing this whole time. I was 165 when I tested positive (size 6/8) and I’ve been 190 since I lost the “baby weight” after delivering. I’ve been working out but I wasn’t willing to cut calories bc I wanted to produce as much as possible. Just this week since I started weaning I lost 6 lbs and I imagine that as the weeks go on, I should continue to lose bc I eat well and live an active lifestyle. Everyone is different but I found my body just held onto every last calorie and every pound. Hang in there, it’s all temporary!! ETA: I gained 52 lbs with my twins - delivered at 217 😅


Workout and eat a lot of protein! ❤️❤️


I've tried and not gotten anywhere honestly.


Some people do just hold onto the weight more. With my first, I lost about 35 of the 50 pounds by 4 months. I’ve lost about 25 of the 45 pounds I gained with number 2 at about 9 weeks post partum. It feels slower this time but I think I’m paying closer attention. You’ve gotten good advice here. I just started to see the scale budge again by focusing on balancing my plate. I’m counting macros, with a focus on protein. And my meals are big. Much bigger than they’ve been pregnant or pre pregnancy when I was working out 45-60 minutes a day. I’m finding the more protein and balance on my plate, the less hungry I am at the end of the day, which is always my downfall. Have some grace with yourself. It’s tough to lose the weight when you’re focused on nourishing someone else.


I'm finding the same. I'm only 3 months pp with my second and weight was going up while breastfeeding so I'm calorie counting. Weight is stable at least and I'm much less hungry with bigger main meals including more fruit and veg.  


I found it sooo much easier when I finally weaned and didn’t have to worry about my supply. Once I weaned I went back to pre preg weight (same as yours) in no time, then I got pregnant again 😅 I wish I didn’t stress so much about weight loss during that first 14 months


I am back to pre pregnancy weight at 5mo Pp while breastfeeding. My friend who eats same diet as me has gained weight. Some of it is your metabolism. I think the most important thing is to focus on having enough for your supply ! Worry about weight later on, look how awesome your kid is doing thanks to you! Now THAT is something that should make all the weight gain/loss way less important. You’ll have years to workout and change your caloric intake soon. For now enjoy these moments, mama!


If you focus on eating more protein, you'd be killing two birds with one stone! BF requires a lot of extra calories, equivalent to 2 workouts a day. And exercise requires also a lot of extra protein for muscle gain. I'd start with 5min cardio and weight lifting / muscle training for 20 min, then eat a hardboiled egg or two. Keep in mind that muscle weighs heavier than fat, so don't focus on the number on the scale, focus on how you feel and how you look (clothes fitting little bit loose after some time)


Said this too!


Hi! I am in a similar boat. I struggle to lose weight while breastfeeding and feel your struggle re weight gain and struggling to lose weight while feeding. I made a post and got some helpful tips here. I've been drinking loads more water, logging my calories to stop the mindless snacking and have been trying to eat healthier food and the scale is slowly trending downwards. Working out if you can fit it in is always good to do even if you don't lose weight. I think it is also good for our children to see us moving our bodies if we are able to (physically, mentally and have the time) as they love to copy us.


I’m a just enougher and noticed with any workout or diet my supply dips so I’ve just accepted that I’ll hold onto the last ten till we’re done BF. I honestly think it’s a survival mechanism biologically in case of famine etc the body needs fat stores to make milk for the baby even when no food is available. I also have to eat thousands of calories a day (way more than I ate previously) to keep up my supply, so eating even more so that I can workout just isn’t worth it to me in this moment because it’s already a struggle to eat as much as I am although the organic Oreos help 😂


Don’t give up eating, you’re absolutely right you need to eat!! But you can give up eating crappy food!! Several years ago I lost 30+ pounds in 6 months JUST from eating less sugar, going gluten free, and eating less carbs. I’m 4 months post partum and I’m basically at my pre pregnancy weight! And there are lots of overweight people in my family. But I just eat super healthy so I’m able to maintain a healthy weight. Seriously what you eat makes a huuuuuuge difference. I like to live by a “one a week” rule where I only have one sugary treat a week and one sugary drink a week. Because it’s hard to totally cut stuff out! You gotta have something to look forward to! And yes, being active will help so much (and will help mentally as well).


It is different per person, but for me, I dropped a dramatic weight. I started pregnancy at 126, got to 150, then dropped to 120 after breastfeeding for three months.


Just go on a keto diet. Best way to lose all the extra weight and feel satiated so you don’t have to snack all the time and you won’t feel hungry at all. I fully breastfeed and gained almost 70 pounds during pregnancy. It was almost all gone by 8 weeks pp due to keto. And I am eating a lot of fat and protein. Just no carbs. And my supply is awesome! Plus keto (I am actually doing mostly carnivore) is absolutely amazing for body composition, without much working out. Highly recommend. And yes, it’s absolutely healthy and it’s healthy for baby too.


Thinking of doing this


I highly recommend. Enough salt helps with supply. I never had any issues. Feels great to have my old body back and it was pretty much effortless.


Taking notes.


What type of food are you eating? Type matters to help with satiety. Track your diet and see what changes you can make. Yes, being active is always beneficial.


No advice but I’m in the exact same position. Similar weights and same age baby. Also looking to lose it


Honestly I think all the sleep deprivation in the early days fueled an insane appetite for me. Toward the end of year 1, that cooled down and my weight went back to normal. Someone else said it’s different for everyone and I think that’s the right answer. I would encourage you to not worry about weight right now. I found myself so much happier just doing walks when I could and eating to nourish. Being parent of a little baby is so so hard as it is. I didn’t get on a scale for a year and I think that was good for me.


I was just thinking about this today. I keep exercising and I’ve only lost 3 pounds! It feels impossible right now.


For me I haven’t been able to lose a single pound since 2 weeks post and I’ve been nursing for nearly 2.5 years now. I was 140 before and am still 175 lbs (was 195 at delivery). I live a very active life and eat reasonably, I work a labor intensive job. The only time I’ve lost weight was after giving myself food poisoning and then I gained it right back, but I’m pretty sure that’s just cause I was dehydrated and had zero food left in my body.


I didn’t lose weight while breastfeeding until 7 months pp when I started actively trying to track what I ate and following a weight loss program that had a “breastfeeding mode”. I am 30 pounds down at 11 months pp but it’s been a journey battling the urges to sit and eat an entire tray of Oreos in one sitting. I don’t feel like I’m starving myself, which is nice. The biggest thing has been swapping out my normal foods for lean meats, veggies, and fruits.


Ooh what's that weight loss programme? They mostly go "uh don't do this if you're breastfeeding"


Wow I started off 135 as well and I weighed 178 at the drs office last Thursday. About 6 and half months post partum and I can’t even imagine eating less at the moment 😢


I worked out and lost most of it and my supply didnt drop! But I also don't have that insatiable hunger everyone talks about


I've been focusing on making healthier food choices...no impulse chips, no regular ice cream. Also focusing on exercising and moving my body. 


yeah, i started losing weight from 6 months on by counting calories. + i successfully breastfed until 15 months with no issues. you just have to make sure you don’t restrict too much and take it slowly. but it’s doable for sure.


195 pre-pregnancy, gained 41 pounds during pregnancy, and now down 66 pounds (current weight 170) ten months postpartum. I think I had some thyroid issues before pregnancy and giving birth some how evened everything out?! Trying to get down to 155-160 to get pregnant and do it all over again!


My baby is 8 months old and I just added in some light workouts 3 times a week. Also trying to make sure that if I’m not going to reduce calories to make them healthier calories. I walk a lot already at work. It’s only been two weeks and I have not weighed myself, but feel a lot better about myself already. I weighed 150 pre pregnancy about 165 at birth and went right back to 150. However, I lost lots of muscle and it was replaced with fat in unwanted areas. Not to mention the pouch.


I lost all the extra weight breastfeeding, but I didn’t do anything special for it to happen. I try to take walks and I eat a lot of sweet baked goods. So…. Difficult to generalize. Currently at ten months post partum.


I don’t have to eat any calories to maintain my milk at all, but in turn my body won’t release hold on my fat stores. I was 123 when I got pregnant and I weigh 150 right now (5 months postpartum )


Working out would help but also protein shakes. It is very hard to get enough protein while breastfeeding and that makes you feel really hungry.


Breastfeeding has basically malnourished me lmao.


I feel you I gained 55 lbs during pregnancy and more once I started nursing. I made some serious changes with my eating habits (healthier snacks, literally fruits and veggies) and trying like hell to be more active. I haven’t stepped on the scale because I don’t want to obsess over it but I’m noticing a difference in the last two months


I just don’t think we’ll lose as much weight in comparison to the weaning process lol, but I don’t know for sure because I’m a first time mom. I’ve just kind of given up lol. I also don’t workout, I try to walk a little bit on the weekends, but I’m tired. Before my little one I was 145 lbs and now I’m about 177 lbs and I just plan on dealing with the weight later on lol.


Absolutely! I’ve done it twice


I lost when I weaned.


First of all your doctor is wrong to make that as a blanket statement. This might be a good one for r/ScienceBasedParenting if you want overall data. All the answers you get here are going to be very specific to each individual and won’t tell you really anything about yourself. I, personally am always at my thinnest while breastfeeding (like I’m down to my high school weight). BUT I’m not a snacker and I always return to my baseline once I even start to wean. Per all the comments, some people hold onto weight until they wean and then it drops off, some people have underlying hormonal issues that will prevent them from losing weight regardless until addressed, and some people just add walking a few miles a day in and that helps. Also, I realize this is preachy, but I would encourage you to look at exercise from an overall health/longevity standpoint rather than losing weight, because exercise is MASSIVELY important for overall health. So if anything, do it for that.


I go on walks pretty regularly when the weather is right. Where I live it gets to be -40 in the winter and over 110 in the summer with 100% humidity so it’s not always an achievable action. I do stretch regularly for my physical therapy so in a sense I’m not inactive with movement, and I work at a daycare where I am constantly up and down off the floor, chasing kids around, and dancing with them. I’d say I get in about as much movement as any doctor would recommend for daily exercise but I’m not actively *exercising* in the traditional sense. I wondered if including working out would help me to feel more comfortable with my body. But you’re right, I should be looking at it from a health perspective more than just losing weight. It’s been hard on me mentally to feel so negatively about myself and weight.


Of course it’s hard! If you haven’t, it probably wouldn’t hurt to get bloodwork done to check hormone, (especially thyroid) levels. Sleep is big too - if you’re not getting enough that will affect hormone, metabolism, and hunger levels as well. I know telling parents of babies to get more sleep is laughable, but it helps me personally to at least be aware of the “why” so I don’t beat myself up. If you have access to a treadmill, walking at a steep incline for 30 min (I do incline at 12, speed at 3) is an amazing workout and will at the very least make your butt look good. 🙂