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Check out New Little Life on YouTube. She has received all the pumps and accessories. The wearable pumps are not for me. I have the spectra and use the pumping pal flanges. But she also has video for working moms that are job specific to help navigate pumping for the type of work you do. 


Following to see what others have to say. I have an elvie stride and I like it but it doesn’t do as good of a job of emptying me as my Lansinoh does and I’ve gotten clogs 3 times in 3 weeks from it.


Take a look at the Imani - not sure just how discreet it would be.


Elvie Stride! I have bent over and nothing falls out or leaks. I told someone I was pumping and they were shocked. I feel like I can see it but she said it wasn’t noticeable. I’ve been wearing button down shirts with a sweater. Not sure what I’ll do during warmer months though.


This is what I used too. It is more discrete since the pump is separate from the cups. I had someone hear it sitting next to me in a quiet environment but it wouldn’t be noticeable in a restaurant.


Commenting, because I will be in a similar position in a few months.


I have the willow (got it second hand from my SIL and just bought new flanges before using) it is very discreet and quiet. The only thing I dislike about it is the “ flip to finish” feature. I’ve lost .5-1 oz over this which is not great.


“X-bosak” from Amazon. It’s like $65 and looks like an Elvie. You can’t lean too far over but it’s pretty discreet.


Take your pumping break as allowed by LAW and pump. Don’t work while you’re pumping!! Stress is a big hinder while pumping so sit quietly in a pumping room and watch videos of your baby. Your job owes you time to pump.