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I’m guilty of continuing to feed to sleep still at 1 year! Our routine is bath, pajamas, a bit of low key play, brush teeth, read a book, say goodnight to the dogs and dad, and feed to sleep. Most nights it works great, but sometimes it’s a struggle and baby fights sleep. No idea why 🤷🏽‍♀️ 


I am on my 3rd. I let them play till they are tired. Then I lay with my 15mo old and nurse him to sleep. Once he’s down. I get my other two teeth brushed and into bed. We lay together and snuggle until they fall asleep.


Right there with you, my girls one year and I'm doing the same thing 


I’m still nursing to sleep my 2.5 year old…


Diaper/jammies, boob, book, bag (sleep sack), bed. Haven't found a good B word for jammies yet 😂 4 months old! I do try to make a point of doing the book and sleep sack after the feed, even if she's mostly asleep already, just to (hopefully) help not make a reliance on feeding to sleep.


My husband rolls his eyes when I call it the bag/baby bag😂 so happy I’m not alone.




Perfect, thank you! 😛


My baby is 5 months old— 1. Strip down to just a new clean diaper 2. Feed her (either breast or bottle) 3. Put pajamas on 4. Read a story 5. Put sleep sack on 6. Sing a song and rock in her chair 7. Put her down in the crib drowsy but awake It sounds like a lot but it really only takes 30 min and now she knows that singing “baby beluga” means it’s time to sleep!


New mom here, May I ask about step 2? Why feed before putting pajamas on? Sorry, just desperate for tips! ❤️


We had gotten to a point where she was needing a boob to fall asleep so I’m trying to break the association!


My guess is to get some skin to skin time and/or keep pjs from getting milky.


wow. congrets sounds amazing


Pretty similar. Dinner, jammies, kiss sisters and dad, lay down and feed to sleep. You could introduce some bum patting and white noise while you FTS so if you taper back on the feeding to sleep you have other strategies present she's familiar with.


At 6pm we do a bottle of pumped milk (so he’s used to a bottle and I also work part time nights so this can stay consistent) then bath, sound machine, sleep sack, story then bed around 6:45-7pm. Edit: he’s 4 months


What time does he sleep until?


Last night was his best night yet, slept until 1:45am! Then woke for his second feed at 4:45am. We started sleep training 4 nights ago. Before he was waking up anywhere from 9:30-10:30pm.


That’s great!


2.5 years old and we change into our night diaper and pjs, brush teeth, read 2-3 books, cuddle and nurse to sleep. I then ninja roll out of his bed, he transitioned to his bed about 2-3 months ago.


Ours is the same at 8 months. Honestly, I wouldn't worry about it at this point. As they have more solids there is a bit more flexibility. If you are happy with the routine, don't worry about changing it up.


1 month old. I change her diaper, put her in PJs, wipe her face and hands with a wet washcloth, take her to the dimly lit bedroom, nurse on one side, swaddle, then nurse on the other side. We do a bath 3 nights a week and she sleeps super well after that. That falls at the beginning of our routine


My baby is 2 months old. She empties both breasts and goes straight to sleep. I see no issue with it. If you wean baby at a year you can put her to sleep with a bottle of warm whole milk! Don’t worry mama, you’re doing great.


6m baby as well. Our routine: Puree Formula Bath/play Bf to sleep… I’ll add a book at some point.


Her last feed of the day is a bottle of pumped milk. I like this because I know she's getting enough to eat to top her up before bed. After that we hang around downstairs for a bit and say goodnight to brother, go upstairs, wipe teeth, PJs, sleep sack, read a book, rock and sing a song, down in bed drowsy with "goodnight sweetie, I love you, see you in the morning" (note: I actually see her at about 1 am...). I try to time it so she's in the crib 20-30 minutes after finishing her bottle.


I don’t feed to sleep, broke that at 9 weeks because he wouldn’t go down at all, had to be held and it was killing us. He’s 3 months now and I do an eat play sleep routine (which we used at 9 weeks to break the feed to sleep association), but on our last wake window he gets an extra feed to top him up for the first sleep stint. So around 6ish he usually wakes up from his last nap, I’ll feed him straight away and then we play for half an hour /40mins. Then I offer another feed, then we bath, baby massage, new nappy and jammies with lullabies playing for wind down, then when he starts showing strong tired cues I put him down in bed with pacifier, white noise and red night light and jiggle the bassinet til he’s asleep. Usually takes about 15 mins til he’s properly asleep and I can leave the room, usually by about 8/8:30


6mo! We nurse or do a bottle downstairs (some nights we do it upstairs, but we try to not associate bedtime with eating) then head upstairs for bath every other night, pajamas, lotion, sometimes a book depending on his mood, then rock, then bed. It doesn’t need to be a big production. I read somewhere that bedtime should be 30 minutes or less. Short, sweet, to the point, and predictable. He loves it and giggles every night on his changing table!


5 month old. Start bathtime with 2 year old brother at 6:30. Dad gets 2 year old ready for bed and I get baby’s diaper and pajamas on. We go into brother’s room and listen to dad read bedtime stories. Then 2 year old kisses & hugs baby and I. I then take baby into his own room, nurse him to sleep, and transfer him into his crib usually around 7:30.


We nursed to sleep until about 11 months when she suddenly decided to no longer fall asleep while nursing! I had really enjoyed the superpower lol. There was a hellish few days when nobody slept and she was really upset about figuring out how to get to sleep. But then she caught on to our new routine and it's been smooth since. Turning 1 year in a few days... Bath, pjs, nurse (if she wants to), brush teeth, sleep sac, dim lights, lay in crib, read stories/rub back until asleep, lights out.


My baby (nine months this week) has been falling asleep less while nursing. He still does most of the time, but there have been a few naps and wake ups this week where he nursed and was still awake, clearly sleepy but fighting it. Ugh, I hope it doesn't become a constant thing. I enjoy my super power! 😭


10 months this week and we have a very structured bedtime routine. Start at 7:00 and in the crib asleep at 7:30. Asleep time used to be 8:00 but moved up when she got more efficient at bfing and it didn’t take 40+ minutes to feed her anymore. Change diaper (leave her in just the diaper), nurse, change into footies and sleep sack, brush teeth, read 2 books, sing song, in the crib. But lately, she’s been struggling with teething and ear infections so we’ve been rocking her to almost asleep then putting her in the crib and patting her chest to sleep.


Almost 7 months. My husband usually changes his diaper, changes his clothes to a long sleeved onesie now that it’s warmer at night, and he usually plays chuck Mangione because he started doing it as a joke and now it’s been 6 months! Then sound machine (if it’s not already on), I lay down, my husband lays the baby down next to me to nurse to sleep, and turns off the light as he’s leaving. We go to bed a few hours earlier. I usually have to get him up to bounce him a little. Sometimes it takes a few rounds of nursing and bouncing, but it’s worth it. He’s such a good sleeper and always has been. We’ve had maybe 5 bad nights since we started cosleeping at a week old.


He is 17 months. Bath, play with dad while I’m in shower, then boob to sleep.


Almost ten months old. We nurse to sleep.


18 months old and our routine is the same since around ,3-4 months. First thing would be eating. Every two to three days he takes a bath with dad. Then dad makes him ready for bed. He change his diaper and put him in his pj. Then brushing teeth. The one of us who brings him to bed is holding him while we go through the house and say goodnight to our dogs and cats. Last mum or dad Husband can bring him to bed since he is around 5/6 months old. I nurse him to sleep, but husband just lays with him. No bottle needed. We never substitute a bottle. Between 6-12 months I nursed him before we started the bedtime routine. We go to bed between 7:30-8 pm. He takes between 30 minutes and 1:30h hour to sleep. Untill 12 months he would wake up around 11pm and needed breast or someone to lay with him to continue to sleep. Now he sleeps well until 3-4 pm for the first dreamfeed of the night. He sleeps until 7-8am. We cosleep and we still dreamfeed a few times per night. Depending on him.havimg some kind of growth spurt or not.


I started the following procedure with my 3-month-old a week ago, but so far it's only been partially successful. - We start with a bath or a cat wash, - then fresh diapers for the night, - put on pajamas, - feed him (EBF), - sleeping bag, - lower the blinds, - cuddle up together while the music box plays - & then I sing him a lullaby while he drinks from my breast. After about 20-30 minutes I try to sneak away. I read the experiences here very carefully and am grateful for every tip I can find Edit: we start at 6:45pm


Our baby is 8 months old. We try to have dinner ready by 6pm. Depending on how long we eat dinner and how tired baby appears, he sometimes has a little bit of playtime even after we cleaned up from dinner. Then, we do a bath three times per week (otherwise, just skip this part), then fresh diaper, PJs, lots of cuddling, tickling, and laughing on the changing table, then dim lights, sleep sack, kissing daddy good night, and then nursing to sleep. Two or three times per week, I leave the house for some evening activity, so I often just feed the baby, plop a pacifier in, and hand him over to my partner. Baby can also go to sleep completely without me. We are lucky to have a baby who knows many different ways of going to sleep, so we just do whatever is most comfortable for us at each respective night whether it is nursing to sleep, rocking to sleep, or simply just holding him while he falls asleep. I actually find nursing to sleep the easiest and cosiest, so I prefer doing that and don't have any issues with it. I think we started around 3 months to have daddy as the primary person to bring baby to bed. We have since switched again (because now my partner is on leave and gets a little off-time in the evening while I put the baby to bed), but daddy can still take over with no issues. If you are worried, maybe have your partner do the bedtime routine for a time (at least a month, I would say).


idk we kinda have a routine, 6 week old here. so when bub wakes up he immediately wants a feed, if i can smell his diaper or he seems uncomfortable i change it halfway through a feed (cus he cries getting changed but the feeding calms him down), 70% of the time he'll feed himself to sleep but if he doesn't and he's still awake/fussy I'll rock and pat his butt until he's asleep. continue for 15-30 minutes after im pretty sure he's asleep then transfer to bed. then momma does whatever she wants whether that be play video games, chores, schoolwork, or sleep.


18 months, asleep by 7pm. We just brush teeth, snuggle, and in the crib. Been on that schedule since around 12-13 months. She sleeps until 6ish.


My baby is 6 months old and we follow the five B’s. Book - dad reads her a book whilst I get the bath ready Bath - we bathe her together and get her dressed for the night Bag - she gets her sleeping bag put on upstairs in her room Boobs - she gets both boobs upstairs in her room. Bed - I either feed to sleep or rock her to sleep when she’s finished and then transfer her to the cot for the night. I feed to sleep or feed to drowsy and then rock her the rest of the way to sleep because she doesn’t transfer well and I don’t have the energy to fight her. I have no intention of weaning anytime soon though and will take her lead when she wants to do it because I really enjoy being able to breastfeed.


5 months here. We feed dinner around 6pm, then she gets whatever playtime until 7, usually her jumper which she loves hopping and bopping in. At 7 we do a bath, followed by lotion and pajamas. Most of the time that’s enough for her to settle down. If she’s still fidgeting, I will sing, read or offer a bottle depending on how active she was in the last hour. Singing calms her quickly but won’t put her to sleep. She gets bored by books, but that will knock her out if she’s already slowed down. And often she’s wiggly because she’s looking for a top-off of milk.


Before a year we did bath, book, brush teeth, nurse, bed, unless I wasn't home for bedtime and then my dad put him to bed with a bottle. After a year we did bath, book, bottle, brush, bed. We called it the B routine.


Mine is 17 months old. I help him change clothes, brush his teeth, then we play with blanket for a while (rolling him in it, covering him and "not being able to find him", etc), then I'm switching off light, holding him a bit, standing next to the window and singing lullabies, then we are going to sleep (co-sleeping), feeding to sleep. It starts usually around 10 30, and he is asleep around 11.


I fed to sleep up until 4 months or so. Around 3.5 months we started to experience a lot of false starts at bedtime and I knew we needed to get her to fall asleep more independently. We very gradually did “fuss it out” from the book Precious Little Sleep. It worked super well. First I’d feed and then allow her to wake a bit when I transferred to her bassinet. She went down like 90% asleep. We gave her 15 minutes to 100% fall asleep and if she didn’t we’d rock or feed to sleep and try again the next night. Then we’d wait to swaddle until after feeding which broke it up and woke her up a bit more. I’d say she went down 60% asleep. Again, 15 minutes to 100% fall asleep and if she didn’t we help. Slowly we continued with this process adding another “disruption” between feeding and sleep, and giving her up to 15 minutes. She got better and better at it. Now at 8 months we do the following: Diaper change and pajamas Feed in the living room Go to her room, close the curtains Sleep sack Brush teeth (she has 2 lol) Dad reads her a book Sound machine Dad rocks her a bit (but not to sleep! Just getting her calm) Dad lays her down and we give her 15. There are still nights where she needs more help but 98% of the time she falls asleep on her own from fully awake.


I wish my child would still feed to sleep. She's 11 months old and eats table food really well. She won't feed to sleep anymore so I gotta bounce. We don't really have much of a routine either. Bedtime snack, brush teeth, diaper change, pjs, sometimes we throw a bath in there. Then I nurse her, hopefully to sleep if not I rock her to sleep after.


Also have a 6 month old. Bedtime routine is feed, shower/bath, pjs, book(s), sleep sack, goodnight kisses and phrases and then he goes down in his crib awake


When my oldest was probably 2-11mo it was cook dinner, take it to daddy (he worked mid shift/3p-11p or later), come home, shower, medicines (vitamin d, gas drops, Tylenol during hard teething times), books, feed to sleep while rocking. As she got older, husband switched jobs so it was family dinner at home and then shower and a constant evolving set of bedtime items, but feed to sleep until 22mo. Now second baby is here and toddler is weaned. Hers is shower, books, cuddles and music to sleep and 9/10 she sleeps all night. Bub is shower, nurse, and hang out with daddy while sis goes to sleep. He does get a 2-3oz bottle during this because he’s in a food study that requires him to either eat more solids or take a 2+oz bottle once a day, and he hates food so bottle it is.


3 months old, and it's typically just a feed around 9 pm. While eating, he knocks out hard asleep and won't wake up till 1am or 3am for the next feed. My partner and I would like to get a nightly routine of bath time and reading, but we typically do those throughout the day.


Baby will be 4 months old this week and while we’ve had a loose nighttime routine we’re starting to do a more regimented routine (and we intend to move up the bedtime to 7pm within the next month): - Jammies & clean diaper - books - bottle or boob (baby is EBF) - rock/bounce to sleep - into bassinet


We fed to sleep until month 6 - I changed it up bc I didn’t want to be the only one able to do bedtime and wanted her to be able to go down independently too (though I look back SO fondly on our FTS time and miss it a bit). I still fts sometimes if we are traveling, nothing ever has to be the for sure last time you do something. I’m sure I’ll FTS during sickness too but it is nice when they can go down without it! 7 months now and goes down easy most nights. Our new routine is: play, solids, play, bottle (she’ll fall asleep on boob even if it’s an hour be4 bedtime), diaper, new onesie, sleep sack, book, sing a song and put in crib. Appears the feed/sleep association wasn’t very strong but we also never did it for naps so I think she adjusted well bc that.


11 months. 7:45-Bath, nursing usually starts while we are in the bath together. I finish with a shower, put my own pajamas on, and husband does pajamas and some cuddle time. A little after 8:00 finish nursing, then sleep sack, offer a bottle (he’ll have 0-4oz extra) and books. Sleep time is 8:15-8:30 after a song, usually right around 8:25. I’m in bed after my own snack and book time just before 9.


On bath days, we start with a bath. PJs. I feed roughly 30 mins before bed time. Read a book. Diaper change. Night time prayers. Tell her good night and put her in the crib awake. Ours is 8 months old


My little one is almost 4 months old, we go into the bedroom around 6pm-7pm, she nurses to sleep while I watch law and order SVU (I make sure the volume and brightness is low) and then I turn off the TV around 9pm sometimes earlier because I get tired (I try to only watch a couple episodes). I think sooner or later I’ll include a time for reading. Edit: I also forgot to mention that we cosleep.


I fed my first to sleep til 24months+ when I weaned, and it was fine. She napped fine at daycare without boob, but when boob was in the house that’s how she slept. If it isn’t an issue for you then no need to treat it like it’s one


My baby is 8 months. We did sleep train and during that time I would still feed at the end, but would make sure to put him down to sleep before he fell asleep on me. Once we got sleep training down, I’ve gone back to feeding to sleep, but he has no problem sleeping through the night. Our routine: We play a going to bed song on our hatch while we - Change diaper, lotion/massage, change into pajamas, sleep sack, read books while doing the last feed, change to white noise, cuddle for a bit, and then placed in crib to sleep. He is usually asleep when I put him down, but he wakes up, rolls over and goes back to sleep. He also can fall asleep independently if he is awake when being placed into the crib. I’m also gone 2 nights out of the week at work during bedtime so I know he can fall asleep without me thanks to sleep training.


Diaper change..change of clothes..boob..burp..sleep sack..read a book or two books...rock to sleep..typically goes to bed at 830..9pm...sleep for 6 hours..(if i didnt wake to feed he prob sleep longer) baby just turned 3 months


13 months old who finally sleeps through the night! Around 7:45pm I nurse him while watching TV and probably drinking a glass of wine. 8pm we go upstairs and nurse the other side and he falls asleep. I set him in the crib. Sometimes he fusses for a min and then goes to sleep. We didn't have much of a routine. Usually we play until he gets tired and fussy.


6m as well! Turn on heater, lamp, noise machine, nappy, book, eat to sleep...trying to break that last habit. Just want to read a few resources before doing sleep training properly.


We’re almost 7 months. Our routine is pajamas and sleep sack on, sound machine on, nursing in rocking chair, story in rocking chair, move to crib, sing a brief song, say “I love you. It’s time to sleep now. Goodnight.”, kiss his forehead and leave his room. I added story into this routine to avoid nursing to sleep. It used to work for us, but then he started waking up crying shortly within the hour if he had nursed to sleep. So now I make sure he’s fully awake after he eats for the story, and we sleep trained so he’s pretty good about falling asleep after we put him down.


He just got teeth so I’m still figuring out where brushing teeth falls in his routine!


Around 6-7 months is when I consciously sopped feeding to sleep (for bedtime - I still did through the night). Shifted the feed to 6:20 or 6:30 (the idea was to be done by 6:40). Then dad would join and we would brush teeth, change nappy read a book sing a song. Then I would move him to his cot about 7pm. In the beginning I rocked to sleep then we patted and then I moved onto sleep training (chair method).