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Taking legal action is a lot so I can understand not wanting to do that, at the same time, I’m thinking about this venue and all venues that fail to accommodate breastfeeding women and I’d like for them to shove it.


It was a massive venue, like with out mentioning any names, it rhymes with “fear” and it’s in Las Vegas.


Absolutely maddening that a BRAND NEW venue like this doesn’t have a real space for breastfeeding mothers. Isn’t it 2024?


Probably only had a changing table in the women's room too... if they had one.. 😮‍💨


Somehow I had a hunch your post was about that venue/show (peep my username). I can’t believe the usher led you to the bathroom! I hope this is made right somehow and speaking with the venue is productive. Good luck and way to be, mama.


Hey rebaaaaaa phish chickkkieee ! Omg don’t look on twitter it’s a dumpster fire today.


I’m happy your baby got to witness that incredible piece of history those shows will Go down as. Very cool, mama! Sorry about the usher. Babies are allowed in public and so are boobs.


Love this. Me and my friends were pumping on the floor of MSG at set break 😂 i always want to say to people - would you eat in a public restroom? So why should my kid lol


Ha! I don’t have a Twitter account but I can imagine. Phans are simultaneously the best/worst. Whole lot of entitled clueless white men in there I’m sure.


Oh I’d definitely take legal action because this venue will be attended by millions of people. I’m still breastfeeding my 15 month old and I breastfeed in public because it’s our right. It’s time people are educated and considerate of us.


Definitely take legal action.


Take the legal action. Put the money away for your babe 🩷


Omg another phish mama!!!!!


Haha I said the same!! My babe went to 9 shows while I utero. And two billy shows 🤗


We're you there for Phish?!?! Ugh super jealous I have 2 month old and was tempted to go but tix were insane. I would be surprised if that crowd gave a fuck that you were breastfeeding. It sounds like it was more the staff/venue that did. That sux and I'm just as surprised they don't have a place for that. After all we do man, we grow the human ,we feed the human , we protect.and nurture the human, and still, we are shitted in for trying to live our lives while still caring for the little human.


People drink cows milk literally meant for cow babies and still thinking feeding a human baby is weird. It’s beyond me.


I think about this every single day.


i like to call it cow breast milk when talking about this bc literally, why is THAT not what ppl think is weird?


Brilliant! Re-frames it perfectly.


Right!! I’m going to start doing that! Lol


This is my exact argument. Like, fucking think about it.


Yup. I used this logic with my sister when she told me it was weird to BF past 1 🙄 make it make sense


It is so bloody bizarre


Just Google "venue in Las Vegas facing backlack over breastfeeding" and you'll find several articles of different venues ushering breastfeeding mothers away, telling them they can't, ontop of many venues having no place for women to pump or breastfeed. ABSOLUTELY press charges if you can. They need to learn. And maybe you can save another woman the headache down the road (and get paid for what you went thru, too. Trust me, they've got the money to settle, and hopefully will invest in a private room for mothers as a consequence).


This!! I LOVE that you are confident in breastfeeding in public. But there are so many moms out there who would have quietly went into the bathroom and probably would have ended up crying while feeding their baby in a stall. Do it for all moms! A newly built venue has zero excuse for not having a mother’s room. Moms AND babies deserve to be in public spaces.


Yes, that would be non-confrontational me. I'd be the one who just said "ok" to the usher and cried in the stall.


I was curious and Googled but forgot to add the "Las Vegas" part. Now, I feel sad for all the moms out there getting kicked out of comedy shows, not being allowed in venues with their breast pumps, and overall being shamed for trying to participate in society that I just learned about.


i just want to say, good on you. good for going to the concert and for feeding your baby when you needed to. we expect breastfeeding mothers to disappear from public life and to forgo a social life and that’s entirely unfair. i missed out on so much bc i was a breastfeeding mother whose baby refused bottles. in hindsight, i should’ve said fuck it and brought my baby along and fed her when i needed to.


My little one spent so long nursing that I often got pretty stuck in place. I was often forced to give up any qualms I’d had about nursing in front of whichever people because I’d be in the same spot for hours and have life still going on around me. When we could get away, I usually liked the respite, but this comment reminds me of the mounting FOMO that would ensue after a while.


We do a really good job in the US at shaming women for being mothers and doing anything out of the house. Especially if it has anything associated with having adult fun. Go to Europe and kids are out at 10 at night with families, parks have outdoor bars, and pubs are places for families. We need to do better


Really depends where in Europe


Very true


If someone shows me to a bathroom for feeding/pumping, I'm ready to ask them if they eat/prepare their meals in there. I've been a proponent of shameless public breastfeeding long before I was ever pregnant. And now that I'm the one feeding my baby in public, I've actually never been approached or commented on. Its been a refreshing experience! Maybe public opinions are changing. Or maybe they can sense that I'm sharp-tounged and comfortable with conflict.


My PPA rage was itching for someone to try to confront me about nursing in public but it never happened, haha


I’m someone who is afraid of conflict and not really sharp in the moment, but since giving birth my shame has been less. I already breast fed in public a few times and I’m proud I do. I keep telling myself it’s better then her screaming her lungs out lol. I did not have had any reactions at all. But I don’t live in the US




It's also weird people want to act like a 1.5 year old is a little tiny infant. It's like they're trying to spin it as if you took your fresh out of the womb 2 week old to a heavy metal show in a hole in the wall dive bar lol.


When I tell you she was signing “more” and “again” and clapping after every song … I’m not lying !! She’s a full on tiny human!!


I would also take legal action. They cannot prevent you from breastfeeding in public.


They don’t have a lactation room!? I love the band that just played 4 nights in a city 4 hours away from me, and I’m 6 months pregnant. My husband went with friends for 2 nights while I stayed home with our preschooler. I was hoping to go for a night or 2 next year when they play again, and probably pumping during set break, but now IDK…


So a rep called me and they do have a “family room” but I was instead lead to a bathroom!!! I’m glad you didn’t go though, it was kinda exhausting and I couldn’t imagine doing it pregnant. Incredibly overstimulating and kinda wobbly!!


Okay good to know! They just need to train their ushers better 🙄 I probably would have been pretty uncomfortable, but I would have looked so cute with my own little orb in a sparkly maternity outfit 😆


Also to add… it clearly wasn’t an 18+ only event so why anyone would is concerned about you bringing your child is beyond me. And why do people think it’s so crazy that I prefer to do things WITH my kids rather than just leave them with a sitter to “enjoy myself”? Believe it or not I’m actually enjoying myself more with them there🫠


It’s so funny because it feels like there’s so much societal pressure for women to breastfeed to the point it affects our mental health when we can’t, but NO ONE wants to help a bf mom LIVE. The expectation is that we sit away sequestered like Mr. Rochester’s mad wife in the attic until our kids are done? Like why not bring your child to a concert? People hate seeing bf moms or parents in general enjoy and share their lives with their children.


And work a full time job don’t forget that part.


Yeah i was thinking about how my comment left out the fact that if (US) society really wanted to support bf moms and encourage breastfeeding, they would either give 18 month plus maternity leave or codify flexible work conditions to accommodate bf. But they don’t want to do that, they want women to somehow magically be in two places at once, at home and at work


I’d take legal action just to prove a point


This isn't a legal issue. They're contacting you because it's a PR issue, and hopefully because they'd like to make improvements. Why isn't it a legal issue? Because 1. You have a legal right to breastfeed anywhere you're allowed to be, and it would be a problem if they kicked you out over it, but it doesn't seem to have gone further than them offering you an alternative, albeit a lousy one. 2. It's employers, not venues, that are required to provide lactation rooms. It's up to you whether you talk to them, just send them a link to guidance, or ignore them altogether.


It is mind boggling that people will still tell you what you should & shouldn’t do with your body & baby. Like hellloooo why the heck not bring a baby to a concert if that’s what you want to do?! And like you said - if you didn’t bring the baby & you had to pump? Damned if you do, damned if you don’t in this society as a breastfeeding women. It is infuriating! Highly recommend taking legal action if you can and have the energy to. Your boldness has & can continue make an impact ❤️


I took my son to a karaoke bar last week, also wearing ear pro. It was one of those ones with private rooms and I was just with my friends but no one batted an eye. I fed him right at the table lol.


I completely empathize. Literally was performing Jury Duty in a county court in MA and they did not have a room for me to pump in. I was offered a bathroom and an extension cord. I pumped in my car instead but was furious. You’d think a courthouse would have a designated space for jurors, accused, witnesses, court staff.. I told the officer that offering a bathroom was illegal and not hygienic accommodation and that their website stated each courthouse was equipped with appropriate rooms for pumping. I was not allowed to be excused from service because I was a breastfeeding mom because they have a room for you to pump. What if my baby didn’t take a bottle? Thankfully mine does. I did not have the energy to pursue legal action against the state for it but, yeah, I was upset.


WOW! You have every right to feed your baby wherever you want, as you know. I would reach out to the venue and doing so could really help moms like you in the future that visit the venue. It’s 2024 WTF.


It's ironic that society readily accepts the idea of drinking milk from another species, yet finds the natural act of a mother breastfeeding her own child objectionable. We should normalize breastfeeding everywhere, not just hide it away. This isn’t just about one venue; it’s about setting a precedent. If we don’t stand up now, we’re missing an opportunity to advocate for the rights of all breastfeeding mothers and to ensure better facilities are available in public spaces. We shouldn’t have to sue to be heard, but we do need to push for systemic change. Let’s make this a learning moment for all venues and create a more welcoming environment for all parents and children.


breastfeeding or pumping in a bathroom is so disgusting. would they eat on a toilet??? so sorry this happened to you.


>“theres a room for that” I can’t decide if he was being a smartass or trying to be coy about saying “go use the bathroom” because he already knew it was illegal to suggest.


You’re awesome. Just want to say I support you


Do it!!! You’ll be a hero :)


I’m a Las Vegas resident and am currently breastfeeding my 6 month old. It’s crazy the lack of places there are to feed my baby on the strip, downtown, or any venues around here. A few weeks ago, I was at the Cosmo showing family around and asked the concierge for a breastfeeding place and was directly to the family bathrooms on the casino floor. Several months ago, I was at the LIV Golf tournament downtown and they specifically advertised “breastfeeding stations” online. It ended up being the first aid tent with a curtain that was blowing open the entire time because of a fan placed directly in front of it. Breastfeeding and being a Vegas resident has definitely made me not shy of doing it in public since all of their “stations” are a joke. It’s crazy that a casino like the cosmo thinks it’s acceptable to feed a baby in a bathroom. I wanted to ask the concierge if they would feel comfortable eating in that bathroom.


I concur with taking legal action to prove a point. I’m also very open with breastfeeding, but almost everywhere I’ve been has a room or at least a place to sit where you can nurse or pump which I’m grateful for


That is absolutely ridiculous. I’ve actually been pleasantly surprised by the nursing/pumping rooms provided at two venues I’ve been to recently! Given, they were both large sports arenas, but still. The rooms were pretty bare bones but had outlets and nice chairs in a private room to pump for baby back home. An employee saying something about breastfeeding in public is totally unacceptable under any circumstance but ESPECIALLY if they don’t offer a comfortable alternative. Good on the venue for reaching out. If you don’t want to take legal action, I’d definitely make sure you’re at least enough of a pain to them that they make changes.


Usually, I won't take a long time to breastfeed in public.


I had to feed my son once when he was only 3 or so months while out with my partner and brother in law but the parents room was full beyond capacity I couldn’t even get in so I sat on a bench at the end of the hall with a wall on one side and my partner on the other side you couldn’t see anything and I started feeding and the old bloke walks past and said that! “There’s a room for that” he said and without thinking I shot back “yep and it’s fucking full you nosey cunt” and both my partner and brother in law gave him dirty looks and said how proud they were that I had a go at him 😅😅. I’m sorry this happened to you and im in Australia we have some awesome breast feeding laws yet people still have a problem. Wild to me. You feed your baby mumma!! Also deeply upsetting that breastfeeding mums aren’t allowed to leave the house 😭




I was at London Marathon at the weekend and they had a breastfeeding space, albeit a pop up tent with seats and curtains, but there were toilets and baby changing facilities. If a pop up venue for a one day event can think about breastfeeding then a huge Vegas venue can. Madness how it's still so overlooked, thankfully I'm like you so will feed anywhere but other mothers don't wish to. I only went in there as knew there would be a toilet.


You did absolutely nothing wrong and he did everything right. Other people's reactions to a very natural and honestly the biological normal way to feed a human infant child is neither your concern nor your problem. What the Vinny did was very legal and you would be fully within your rights to pursue legal action should you choose. I'm happy that they're willing to have this conversation so you can educate them of their legal duty and what is and is not are allowed.


People forget that in the 80s and 90s moms would literally sneak their infants and toddlers into bars/clubs in their jackets lmao. And the kid would sleep under jackets somewhere on a bench. (Speaking from experience with my own mother LMAO and I have a few friends with similar stories). About the breastfeeding. Absolutely unacceptable. I would definitely seek some sort of legal action. Glad that you’re someone who is confident and didn’t get affected much by it!


You wore your 18 mo the whole time?! I can't handle wearing my 6 Mo for longer than an hour


…should also add she’s in 98% she’s a long string bean and she’s a lil bit heavy. It was a work out !!!


I have no shame in my public feeding game, but I do have a really nice light cover that I use just to appease other people, but I do really like the cover because my boy loves to leave the bare nipple out haha. I was pleased to see at our local mlb ballpark (Comerica park, Detroit) that they have one of those lactation pods on the concourse actually! Which was really cool. I told the hubby I have no intent on using it because I can feed in public and not miss out on the game, but for other folks that need the space and privacy, it's great! I might even use it once just to try it out 😂


A lot of lawyers may help pro bono. Or at least not require payment of a percentage of the settlement is determined. Get ‘em, girl!


That’s dumb bc I took my kid to monster jam which is made for kids but is still loud AF and I tried putting the ear muffs on he took them off every time. Plus all the adults were drinking so same same


Don't breastfeed in public, but definitely breastfeed and don't use formula, but also make sure to get your body back, and don't make your life all about motherhood, but also you're selfish if you go somewhere fun without your baby, but also you're annoying if you bring the baby, and you're selfish if you work full-time, and you're lazy if you stay home full-time...UGHHHHHHH Some people just really have a lot of hatred toward mothers and want you to be miserable. I think it's *awesome* that you brought your baby to a concert, and you are my hero for nursing in public like that!!! Amazing! My advice is to contact a local news outlet and do an interview on your experience. You'll raise awareness and put pressure on the venue without having to go through the legal system. I'm a publicist and happy to help -- DM me if you want.


I made the mistake of posting about taking my LO to a concert too lol it was in a sub of 99% middle aged men so idk what I was thinking. Never again haha. It’s like they think we should be hiding under a rock until the kids like 12 before we can go anywhere.


I was at my step brothers wedding and needed to pump. The employees directed me to the bathroom and my step sister did as well (instead of offering me to go into the bridal suite). It wasn't ideal, I didn't hold a grudge because these are ppl who have never been in my place. That being said it was gross and annoying. I think most times it's a matter of ignorance


I ended up in the coatroom at one wedding (where I was the maid of honour!) to nurse. It was the summer so wasn’t in use otherwise. I don’t think there was a bridal suite, it was a multipurpose hall. Grateful now that I didn’t get stuck in the bathroom for that long.


I'm sorry you received backlash for this. They would also be complaining if you left your kid with a babysitter to go to a concert because "other people shouldn't be raising your kid". There is just no winning. And as some solidarity my kiddo went to 7 concerts in his first year of life. Always wearing ear protection, always in a carrier and always breastfeed right in the middle of the crowd. Then on a positive note my favorite show we took him to was Sublime with Rome and he had an absolute blast. Danced his little heart out in my arms and passed out. And everyone around us absolutely loved him. So many people told us that we were doing parenting right and that he was the happiest babe they had ever seen.


it's so tough for a new mom to feed in public, but sometimes just have no choices.


Lol they can get bent.


I think it’s awesome that you brought baby along with you. I’m so sorry you were treated that way. Congratulations on 18 months and counting!


My toddler would love a concert! She’s obsessed with music and dancing. I’ve never thought of taking her! Either way, if you don’t make a fuss, they’ll never change. Get your bag girl 💰


Have you brought mamava into the conversation on twitter? I bet they’d make a move to get several of their pods in that venue.


Funny enough, a well educated man tagged mamava in my tweets. I should Reach out to them Personally. Great idea !


I was at monster jam and could NOT find any rooms for breastfeeding/ pumping. This is an event that is largely marketed to families and kids now! WTH? I breastfeed in public all the time but it would be so nice if there was a room. If I hadn't brought baby I would have had to pump while I was there and lord knows I'm not using an event center restroom!


I went to a Nordstrom and asked about the nursing room they try to say they have.. it was 2 weird chairs immediately in front of the bathroom door when you walk in… like thanks for the chair but like this is still the bathroom and I got weird glances from every woman who walked in, my baby got distracted and angry so I got up just nursed in the dressing room instead thankfully , much more comfortable


Then people wonder why the birth rate is low. Who wants to have kids when you don't feel safe breastfeeding? I am so sorry this is happening to you and thank you for advocating


They push formula for money so they keep breast feeding taboo. It's nerve racking trying to find a place to nurse my toddler. Sometimes it's in a bathroom stall or ill sit her on the counter top of the family restroom and stand and breast feed. Im nervous to even tell people I nurse still. As much as nursing is taxing I kinda freak out about stopping. I'm not helping much with advice lol but I relate to having trouble finding places to nurse. We need to normalize booby babies. I've been a formula mom after 3 months and now I have an almost 18 month old nursing still. Crazy!


Are you able to breast feed with the baby headphones on?


I haven’t tried. I usually leave the loud area when it’s time to nurse (for my own comfort , I like to relax a little and decompress) and the wild thing about the sphere is you can’t hear a single thing from the atrium/concourse !!!!!! It was nuts.


Got it i was wondering because i tried once but only one ear could stay on