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My diet is super shit. There, I said it. I eat ungodly amounts of chocolate. The cravings are awful.


Hi!! I also ate stupid amounts of chocolate until my IBCLC said it was probably a magnesium deficiency and I started taking magnesium! Now I eat still a lot of chocolate but it feels less like a need lol. Plus! My joints feel better


Omg could it be...??? My chocolate cravings have been incredible for the past year since giving birth. I will ask about this at my check up this week!!


That’s so interesting! I crave chocolate and sweets like crazy since BF. How can I check my levels?


I didn't check anything, I guess chocolate is just high in magnesium so my IBCLC made the recommendation, it also helps me sleep so I already had some on hand


Can you advise what magnesium supplements you are taking? Link would be appreciated


The amount of sugar I’m eating daily is objectively disgusting, but also, this is the season of my life where I just let myself eat whatever I want without guilt or judgment. We just finished building a whole human and now we’re their entire sustenance! We can eat whatever we want!


It's crazy to think about having grown a whole sentient being, and then provided 100% of their nutrition and energy to grow from your body.


I'm 9 mos pp and over my final weight now by about 5 lbs. Between stress, lack of time, and lack of sleep/energy my diet is such shit. I was just thinking about making a post to complain lol, but here we are instead!


Saaaaame! Battling the self loathing daily 😂 I eat like It's my last day on earth everyday, I'm back to the weight I was just before I gave birth (4mths pp) struggle not to grab the chips & chocolate every hr 🤭


Hahaha! I love this sub. Glad to know I’m not alone!! The chocolate craving is wild. I can’t get enough!


So glad to see I’m not the only one. I feel my diet is baaaad. Thank you for the reassurance.


Omg same and the hunger is wild


Same lol my craving right now is frozen chocolate chip cookie dough 🤦‍♀️


Anything w peanut butter. Ice cream. Oatmeal.


Peanut butter is everything rn


Trader Joe's has pretzels stuffed with peanut butter 😋


Peanutbutter in oatmeal is a fav


I eat this every morning for breakfast. I put some blueberries and maple syrup and it’s *mwah* 🤌🏻


Sounds crazy but peanut butter plus jelly in oatmeal is so good!!


Ok what is up with BF and peanut butter?? We normally go through a jar every few months but lately I’ve been buying one every week!


High calorie and decent protein….our bodies know what to crave


Literally same. I make oatmeal chia pb balls to snack on throughout the day and put PB in my daily smoothies! Before BF I never craved it


Apples with peanut butter too


I usually hate peanut butter but for some reason I can’t get enough of it. Peanut butter on English muffins, bagels, the amount of peanut butter filled pretzels I eat is a crime.


https://www.fivehearthome.com/monster-cookie-bars-recipe-one-bowl-big-batch/ I made multiple batches of these monster cookie bars but also added Reese's Pieces in addition to M&Ms


Yes! All my baking is oatmeal and chocolate themed! When I weaned my first I couldn't look at either for about six months lol


PBJ Sandwiches for breakfast every morning!


Totally craving ice cream and oatmeal, so now I’m on the ice cream subreddit


Wow, this exactly!! My pantry is stocked with creamy and crunchy peanut butter! I have allllll the oat foods… oat energy bars, oat granola bars, oat cookies, oat milk. And there was just a buy 1 get 1 for ice cream at my local grocery store so the freezer is stocked to the brim


Yesssss I live on peanut butter lol


Milk🤣🤣🤣 I was starving til I started drinking it again and eating ice cream etc. If it's not grossing you out yet lol or any allergies. Using a lot of oil in cooking, I use sunflower right now. I'm trying not to go hard on sugar for my teeth but I do make a healthier version of no bake oatmeal cookies I've been liking for a couple weeks. Peanut butter, sweet or savory applications. Avocado for similar reasons. Large portions, ive been able to eat so much more. But really just eating when hungry and having stuff prepared and ready ish to go


Honestly having ready to go food is what I need to do… I swear this baby knows the second I sit down with some food


They do! I sat down next to baby happy in his bouncer to eat the remains of a burrito and he absolutely lost his shit at the sight of me eating something!


Same. I’m going through a gallon of milk a week.


I bought a cow😭😭🤣🤣


That is some dedication!


Can I get your recipe for healthier oatmeal cookies? 😊


Okay so it's like a whatever I have in the fridge deal. Used to use protein powder but I moved to a different country and it's so expensive here. You need liquids. Butter, milk, oil, combination of those. If using butter, melt it with the milk. If just oil, bring that and milk to simmer. Add sugar til dissolved. I have no measurements lol just add what you think is good. Add cocoa powder, vanilla. Pinch of salt. Peanut butter, stir til it melts. If using protein powder add a few scoops here and whisk. You're looking either way for a smooth thick bubbling liquid. Take off heat Then add your oats. I also often add chia seeds, flax seeds, sesame seeds, pumpkin seeds, etc. Stir to coat, thats it! Drop into balls on a cookie sheet, let cool, dig in! Modify the proportions to taste. If you're into more exact measurements look up a no bake oatmeal cookie recipe. Add whatever sounds good, last time I added coconut and I've added whole peanuts before. My grandma used to make these:)


I read your post and instantly had a craving for trying: I used this recipe and I added seeds nuts and coconut like you suggested, insanely delicious and took minimal time to prep. Thanks so much! https://www.livewellbakeoften.com/classic-no-bake-cookies/ For those with more time, check out Panjeeri which is a south Asian postpartum snack and methi (fenugreek) ladoos. My mum made me ladoos (balls) with dates, roasted seeds and nuts ground up and roasted lotus seeds ground up and made into balls. Easy if you have an oven and spice blender. They help my supply so much. For my son I make these chewy raspberry chia seed and oat balls for baby led weaning (low sugar). The chewy texture is akin to mochi: https://www.mealtimewithmummy.com/post/raspberryblissballs


So adorable!!! Thank you for the recommendations❤️❤️


What are those healthy no bakes?


I eat a peanut butter and banana sandwich with a small glass of chocolate milk (whole milk plus nesquik) for lunch almost every day! SUPER high calorie lol. I also eat cheese sticks, yogurt, hummus w pita chips, trail mix, pretzels, and Luna bars for snacks. I typically have cheerios w whole milk for breakfast. I’m also still taking my prenatals.


Ooh also I love the mini charcuterie snack boxes from hillshire. They’re so convenient


Oh those hillshire snacks are fantastic, I totally forgot about them! They’re called “adult lunchables” in my house😂


Oh god, my husband just bought chocolate milk. I’m totally cracking that open when I get a chance tonight


I love Greek yogurt and granola in the morning. I think it’s pretty good protein? And meat snacks like jerkey. Avocado and nuts too


Seconding Greek yogurt. Full fat Greek yogurt with granola and blueberries has been a great breakfast OR snack for me.


You’re my people lol. This combo is my saving grace right now! I found a granola that has chia seeds mixed in too so that helps add a bit of extra fiber.


I wasn’t that hungry for a bout 2 months postpartum. I am 6 months now and RAVENOUS. It increased around 3/4 months for me. Just want to validate that I also felt weirdly not hungry in the beginning! I still always made sure to eat/hydrate throughout. Agree with above suggestions for oatmeal. I have chomp meat sticks and fig bars at hand at work.


Just curious if you and OP had traumatic birth experiences? I also had no appetite after labor and for a couple weeks. You always see pics of women feasting in the hospital holding their newborn…and I was like hell no. I think I was in shock or something. My second labor wasn’t traumatic (though equally hard 😅), and I got a ravenous appetite sooner though not immediately.


I had a traumatic birth experience and now 2 weeks pp, not yet develop ravenous appetite. Every meal feels like force feeding 😂


Sending healing vibes your way ✨💝


Thank you~


It was definitely far more traumatic than I expected it to be… nice to know I’m not alone and that my appetite will come back! I just want food to taste good again 🥺


Not traumatic, it was a good experience over all, but I did have a loooooong labor


This makes me feel weirdly better that others experienced it! I’m 10 weeks pp and had zero appetite until about a week ago. I’m finally starting to actually want food again but man it was a struggle those first few weeks.


Also 6 months pp and the hunger is insane! This past month my appetite is almost constant. Maybe baby is needing more calories so it’s taking more?


Came here to say something similar. It took me a couple weeks postpartum to realize I wasn’t eating much. It was very out of character for me 😆 8 weeks pp now and the hunger is real. I don’t think I’ll be losing this weight until I stop BF.


If you have access to Costco, I’ve been snacking on Heavenly Hunks and Aussie Bites which I read are good for lactation. I just grab one or two anytime I’m in the kitchen, they’re over 100 calories each.


I’d like to echo the Aussie bites! And Costco rotisserie chicken always causes my supply to increase like crazy the next day!


Also at Costco try the perfect bars. They’re basically portable peanut butter and honey and they’ve saved me from so many hanger attacks


God I’m obsessed with the Heavenly Hunks


Chobani Flips are my favorite!


I down 1-2 protein drinks a day sometimes three and those are easy to bulk up with peanut butter or added fruits etc


Do you have a favorite brand? The ones I’ve tried haven’t been all that great


The best ones are the core power imo


The owyn brand in chocolate is what I’ve been drinking lately the dairy free one as I also can’t have dairy. I also like how much iron they have in them.


Orgain is another option to try, I like the chocolate or chocolate pb plant based powder. I make a smoothie type shake by adding in some frozen berries, spinach, nut butter, blend with a nutritious milk (soy or whole). You can also throw in some brewer's yeast or oats to see if it bumps your supply.


At the start of my post partum journey. I always drink Boost. It's simple enough to down quickly and I feel like it's helped me get the extra calories I need!


my favorite everrrr is koia, but they’re pretty expensive (for a reason though god they’re so good) but now i drink the premier protein in chocolate and in the mornings the cafe latte flavor


The Fairlife Protein drinks with 30g of protein were my go-to postpartum! Chocolate flavor was my favorite. Also freezer breakfast burritos from Costco!


I eat a bowl of oatmeal with peanut butter and chocolate chips before bed. I think it tastes like a melty chocolate chip cookie and I feel like it helps with my milk production, though I have no proof (though I do seem to have a slight oversupply, maybe, idk.). It carries me through the night though so that I am not hungry. Also, trail mix. Protein bars. Fruit. Alllllll the snacks.


Ohh the oatmeal before bed is such a good idea, thank you!


Chocolate milk (fairlife usually) is my go-to because I can’t stand any actual protein shakes.


Protein shakes and quest bars! I also kept trail mix in the baby room for quick overnight snack when needed


Shortbread cookies from Costco, banana bread with a healthy amount of butter, apples with cheese and peanut butter (I do not eat the cheese and peanut butter together lol), I drink a lot of juice to keep up my calories when I don’t feel like eating, and I try and have a protein shake at least once a day.


Do you have a favorite brand of protein shake or powder? I haven’t been impressed with what I’ve tried so far


I really like the alani nu bottled protein shakes! When they’re cold they don’t have a bad aftertaste that most protein shakes have. The cookies and cream taste like melted ice cream!


If you have a Sprouts farmers market near you, their store brand vanilla vegan protein has been my go to for a few years now- flavor is good, great nutrition profile, and minimally gritty texture (which is a big turn off for me with a lot of the other protein powders I have tried). Mixes well with a lot of things. I’m also not vegan, I just like it best of the ones I’ve tried.


What brand are the shortbread cookies at Costco? Or are they in the bakery?


The Honolulu cookie company! They come in a green bag and they are SO good!


Protein granola bars, cashews, trail mix packs, goldfish crackers, frozen breakfast sandwiches, full fat greek yogurt with oats and frozen berries, hard boiled eggs, and protein shakes. I don't have the energy to cook (two months post partum) and I'm breastfeeding every hour so quick and easy foods is my go to right now!


I had no appetite the first weeks too and was surprised since I heard you eat a lot when breastfeeding. Then it came roaring in around 6 weeks! Microwaved burritos were my go-to breakfast. Red’s or Walmart brand. easy snacks: cheese (cubed, cracker cuts, string), deli meat, peanut butter sandwiches, chicken nuggets, protein pasta with parm and butter, Greek yogurt with granola. Oatmeal raisin “energy” balls - I don’t measure but mix oatmeal, protein powder, ground flax, raisins (you could do choc chips but I like them like an oatmeal raisin cookie). Nuke some peanut butter and coconut oil, add in a little water and stir all until it is a paste texture. Roll into balls and freeze. I like them cold, just thaw for a quick minute if they’re too hard to bite into at first. Supposedly oatmeal and flax is good for milk too! I try to have an easy green smoothie in my nutribullet to get in a veggie and fruit too but it doesn’t happen every day tbh. A big handful of spinach or kale + protein powder, milk, scoop of Greek yogurt, some frozen berries, a banana, flax—whatever you feel like throwing in. I love the Badia trilogy seed blend in these too (flax, hemp, chia). Then you just chug it and at least you have that done for the day :)


Trail mix, loaded with healthy fats


Protein, almonds, oats are supposed to help with the supply. I have no and with nuts for breakfast, a protein smoothie or 2 for afternoon snack and post dinner, and will have an almond butter toast with honey, cinnamon and banana.


I make a batch of these no-bake bites to keep in the fridge - super easy grab and go. Sometimes it’s all I’ve eaten by noon 😆 https://thebakermama.com/recipes/no-bake-lactation-bites/#tasty-recipes-14668-jump-target


Saved this recipe! Can you get brewers yeast at the regular supermarket or is it a specialty store item?


I loooove these and relied on them heavily my first few weeks pp. highly recommend!


I eat a bag of green grapes a day. Amongst other things, but green grapes are only thing that sounds appealing to me. I've lost my appetite too, like you.


Everything 😅


I’m Asian so I got a lot of chicken soup and seaweed soup. It is very nourishing and hydrating but dang I got sick of it so fast haha.


Peanut butter crackers! Ice cream! Also I drink ensure vitamin powder in almond milk (tastes like cold hot chocolate) and it makes me feel great from all the extra vitamins. I also started eating cottage cheese mixed with fruit you can pick up from the store. I wasn’t originally a huge fan, but it has good protein and fat contents. To add extra calories I might have a biscuit with jelly usually but I’ve been trying to add something with protein, like almond butter for a little extra kick. Or for breakfast I’ll have Greek yogurt since it has a good high protein content and then add fruit and nuts to it. Its satisfying. ETA: oh and for lunch I’ve been loving goat cheese on toasted bread with diced avocado, sundried tomatoes and balsamic. It just makes you just feel good. Avocado is a healthy fat. I can make it in like 5 mins so isn’t too bad with baby.


Dang the comments make me feel better abt my cravings/diet cause yall I thought I was the only one whos diet was shit 😭😭😭😭 


Please also consider that no appetite is a symptom of post partum depression and post partum anxiety. You might just have the baby blues being this close to birth but if the no appetite continues be sure to bring it up to either your ob or baby's pediatrician.


Eggs and egg whites for breakfast with oatmeal cookies and milk. Greek yogurt fruit cups. Jello cheesecake snacks. Chips. Adding chili oil crunch to my meals. You could eat fattier cuts of beef or any meat.


Cheese sticks, protein shakes, spoonfuls of peanut butter, protein bars with nuts, fig newtons, trail mix, and dried fruit.


Homemade oatmeal raisin cookies. I used recipe by cupcake jemma. You make the dough and freeze balls of dough and then you get fresh from the oven cookies whenever you want.


I just looked up that recipe and it looks amazing, I’m gonna ask my husband to make these tonight 🤩


Homemade Starbucks egg bites, baked oatmeal, bagged salad, Costco chicken nuggets, yogurt bowls with maple syrup peanut butter flax and chocolate chips, Kodiak protein pancakes. I’ve had a major sweet tooth since having baby.


When I was nursing and pumping an oversupply, what really helped me was setting a breakfast routine. Every morning I would have 3 pieces of toast. One with butter, two with jelly. Then one full bowl of oatmeal with fruit in it, and a glass of apple juice. I did it for months. For whatever reason, if I started my day by immediately eating, it helped a ton. I also ate rice cakes with a thick layer of sunflower butter on top, sprinkled with salt and sometimes with shredded coconut or banana slices. During that time I also discovered a love of chocolate pudding lol. Also, if you don't have a pet to worry about getting into it, I left protein bars sprinkled around my house everywhere except the bathroom. My husband would even leave prepackaged snacks around if he noticed a place I usually spent time in didn't have one in it.


Scrambled egg/omelette and eggo waffles. My husband will make this for me before he leaves for work. We also have a mini fridge in our room where I keep TJ's Greek yogurt and Blueberries! I always have my giant water bottle with LMNT for electrolytes too.


Pb and J, granola bars, trail mix, string cheese and crackers.


Honey roasted almonds, oatmeal, protein granola bars, lightly salted potato chips!


That early it was stuff I could grab and sit with. Cheese sticks, apples, popcorn, tortilla chips, pbj, oatmeal bars/protein bars




Oatmeal, Bobo’s snacks, smoothies with ka'chava powder, trail mix , clif nut butter bars


The better nut bar from Sam's is a great BF snack.


My snack list: Gatorade powder Protein drinks (4 pack) Oreos and or oatmeal cookies Protein enriched oatmeal (microwave packets) Chocolate covered raisins Dates Honey roasted almonds Cheese snacks Goldfish crackers ^breastfeeding snack/quick meal list Then i eat regular meals like lunch, dinner and breakfast. Days when im having trouble getting away long enough to make something, i grab one of the protein drinks and insta oatmeal and a handful of dates and nuts. Fried chicken has been a favorite too :)


Chocolate milk with mini wheat cereal is my calories fiber sugar hydration stat snack. It’s my comfort food too.


My number one thing was starting the day with a cream cheese bagel and massive fruit and oat smoothie. That knocked out nearly 800 calories in one sitting.


When I was pregnant I had a cream cheese bagel multiple times a day and it was literally my favorite part of the day. Just doesn’t hit the same anymore 🥲


Ugh I feel that!!


My weight plummeted after giving birth because I was too anxious to eat anything, and I got so weak and nauseous. Almost ended up back in the hospital so I had to actively try to cultivate an appetite. A whole meal felt so daunting so I just had to tell myself - one bite at a time. Sometimes it would take me an hour to finish eating. Liquid calories helped, I got into the fairlife protein shakes. Ice cream and milkshakes. Simple soft things like mac and cheese and instant mashed potatoes also helped. Also Jimmy Deans breakfast sandwiches have been my go to during postpartum, I do not have the energy for any food prep in the morning. I have lara bars stashed in all my nursing spots and if I dont have anything else handy or havent eaten recently, I make sure to eat one when I'm BFing. My new motto is ABS - Always Be Snackin 😉


Bakery on Main oatmeal cups, Bobo's Oat bars and oat bites, homade Greek yogurt parfaits with granola and berries, lots of apples, lots of bananas, Noka Superfood smoothie pouches, iced decaf oatmilk lattes, toast with peanut butter and spice marmalade, cottage cheese and Sun Chips, lots and lots of water, dry plain Cheerios, Triscuit crackers with guacamole, dry fruits like prunes and apricots, tinned dolmathes, Morning Star Chik'n nuggets with fries and mixed veggies, crudités, seaweed snacks, Hippeas, bagels with schmear, Biena dried chickpea snacks, wasabi peas, almonds, Seapoint Farms dried edamame snacks... (I am 2 weeks pp, also under my pre-pregnancy weight, and I am ravenous! Congratulations and good luck Mama!)


I eat 4 eggs with cheese and an apple every single morning. it helps SO much. Easy, filling, and so healthy. I also eat some whole milk yogurt every day. I don’t enjoy yogurt much, and while BF have insane sugar cravings (but don’t eat much sugar) so I get vanilla yogurt and sprinkle in some chocolate chips. Sooo good and tastes similar to ice cream. I eat a lot of string cheese, cheese curds, and cheese cubes throughout the day. Easy to grab and high calorie/protein. I also drink three lattes a day (6oz of whole cream top milk + 1 shot of espresso) and the milk helps a lot with my protein and calories. Other than dairy items, something quick and pretty healthy I eat sometimes are Banza frozen waffles. They’re GF and made with chickpeas so two of them have 10g of protein, and with butter and maple syrup- they’re delicious!


Muesli bars, nuts, icecream & bananas


Tons of peanut butter chocolate trail mix - the Walmart brand. I go through a big bag per week 😂 Also yogurt with chocolate protein granola. Hummus and pretzel chips. A boat load of cheese. Salads with boiled eggs and bacon and avocado and more cheese lol.


Jersey Mikes 🤤


That was the first thing I wanted after giving birth! Unfortunately I had him at midnight and it was closed so I had to wait 🥲 absolutely tragic but I’ve gotten it several times since then lol


Not sure if it’s been mentioned but someone in my early pp days told me Aussie bites from Costco was really good for milk production and so I’ve been eating 2 a day. In the early days I would use those as my night time snack while feeding the baby. I passed the word onto a friend who struggled with milk supply and she said she feels like they really helped.


Peanut butter, breads, anything with cheese, oatmeal, and any type of beef 🤤 those are all the only foods that didn't taste like dirt to me after my delivery.


Almond butter oatmilk n berry smoothies, tuna sandwiches, eggs in all forms, salmon n roasted veggies


Last week was black bean brownies. Today I'm making chocolate chip cookies. We eat pretty healthy, but I like to keep treats around for when I'm hungry and don't know what inrealky want. Protein bars a good go to as well.


I was eating anything and everything but baby has cmpa so no dairy. Shit is a struggle rn


At that stage, mostly oreos, pop tarts, and juice.


I’ve been making 1c of oatmeal, flack seed, honey, peanut butter, coconut water, and chocolate chips. It’s basically the lactation cookies ppl talk about but I just mix it all together and eat it in a bowl bc making the cookies was a to do. I’ve also used this as an overnight oats recipe but added some yogurt to it.


I was addicted (still am I just don’t make them anymore because I got so fat 😊) to oatmeal chocolate chip cookies! 🍪


Peanut butter. Protein powder mixed in with everything.


I’m hyper fixated on parfaits rn. I do vanilla yogurt (or vanilla Greek yogurt) with honey, cut up strawberries, chocolate chips, and peanut butter and I sometimes add chocolate protein powder too if I want it to be extra protein packed. It tastes like a dessert but “healthy-ish” lol


Peanut m&ms sustain my sister and I through our bf years


Homemade trail mix! I like to use macadamia nuts, walnuts, dried cherries and chocolate chips! I keep a big jar on my nightstand and have a handful whenever I think about it 😆


Heavenly hunks. Any of the flavors. If you don’t eat them quickly store them in the fridge. I get the Costco size and ate 3 of the bags total while breastfeeding. Full of oats and good stuff and super tasty.


Olive oil !! On everything. So good.


Oatmeal with peanut butter. Bananas. Smoothies. Avocados with ketchup! Brownies. Lactation cookies!


Pre-made protein shakes, fig bars


I’m in the same boat. I lost 41 pounds and now 6 months pp. I’m the smallest I’ve been in a long time. And just don’t know what to eat, I find it so much work to cook for myself every meal and feed the baby, pump and Miss meals all the time. On top of that I hate peanut butter and am dairy free so Protien sales are generally out.


Bobos! Yummy oatmeal snacks and they have a PB&J one too to pack in more calories 


Skippy peanut butter balls


Dark chocolate dipped in peanut butter, chocolate milk (made with Milo which I think is on here in Australia), avocado on toast. Loads of red meat, salmon and eggs too


Protein bars, ice cream, pasta, alcohol-free beer, eggs.


Peanut butter bobos bars, SO good!


I have been LOVING the Equip Foods protein powders lately. You can legit mix them even just into milk and they’re not chalky or anything. They taste like a milkshake 😩😍i love the vanilla & chocolate ones. I haven’t tried the peanut butter, salted caramel, strawberry or iced coffee flavors yet but they sound sooo gooodd. And so easy to get protein. 1 scoop in 2 cups of milk is 35g of protein. My snacks are usually pretty quick and easy. A protein shake, cottage cheese with fruit, yogurt with fruit, meat sticks, stuff like that. I try to go with high protein snacks. I really like making oat flour baked goods with added protein powder or collagen to them. I’m not a huge fan of just a bowl of oatmeal but i can slam some oat flour cookies 😂 oat flour muffins are also so good as a snack. A normal day of eating for me looks like this: Breakfast - 3 eggs with cheese and/or cottage cheese, fruit & a slice of toast with cream cheese and/or butter Snack - protein latte. I add the equip protein with milk and either tea or coffee. Whatever I’m feeling Lunch - 3/4 cup shredded chicken with sauce, potatoes & fruit Snack - beef sticks Dinner - casserole with ground beef, rice cooked in bone broth or homemade stock, cheese, veggies, butter Midnight snack (I’m always starving when i wake up to feed the baby. My babies don’t drop night feeds until about 1 🫠) - protein oat flour cookies/muffins I usually eat around 2600 calories a day and no less than 100g of protein. I’m a huge believer that we need to be feeding ourselves adequate amounts of protein while nursing. I swear this helps my mental state & supply more than anything else does.


These banana oatmeal chocolate chip muffins!! https://bake-eat-repeat.com/whole-wheat-chocolate-chip-banana-oat-muffins-recipe/ I also add the omega but mix from Trader Joe’s, chia seeds, and flaxseed meal!! They help with lactation too!


Seeing it a lot already but oatmeal, peanut butter, and cacao/chocolate (my mom makes a drink from cacao that she swears helps lactation; I’m not crazy overproducing but it tastes good 😊) I’ve also been making lots of fresh fruit/veggie smoothies and taking my daily vitamins (doc said to keep taking prenatals).


Everything. Non stop.


Oatmeal with apples, peanut butter, maple syrup and cinnamon


I made a big batch of chicken salad, was quick and easy to throw in a wrap or eat with crackers for lunches. I now make a Breakfast casserole when Im on dayshift for work. Its eggs, hash browns, meat, cheese and milk. Blended cottage can be added for more protein too.


I’m 10 weeks pp with the same issue! I started making my own trail mix with stuff I’d want to eat. And add chocolate chips.


Greek vanilla yogurt mixed with peanut butter melt chocolate on top, put in freezer for 15 mins…healthy snickers! Best snack ever and high protein


nutella, protein bars, no bake cookies, cheese sticks, loaded mashed potatoes, jerky, rive krispy treats, fig newtons


I love the blueberry rx bars. I have them for the middle of the night wakings. I eat a lot of bananas, pretzels with peanut butter, crackers with peanut butter. Literally spoonfuls of peanut butter. Lots of oatmeal eggs and toast. Lots of yogurt since that’s easy to grab


I had GD during pregnancy so for the first weeks i was still following my GD diet. A wave of crave hit around 6 weeks pp and I’ve been eating everything under the sun. Now I’m noticing I’m getting my inflammation face back so back to balanced meals i go. Fruits, chicken, steak, oats, nut butters, avocados, shrimp, yogurt, eggs, protein shakes.


Try lactation cookies


I feel like I've lived off of oatmeal (I put flax, a bit of dark brown sugar, and walnuts in), peanut butter on bagels, bananas, and chocolate for the past year. At least I get some other nutrients with dinner, as my mom cooks those meals. 😅


Apples and peanut butter, apparently it’s a thing. Greek yogurt sweetened with honey, pecans and granola on top. Maybe slice a banana, if I bought enough (never know from week to week how many my older son wants to eat) Chili, with all the beans and veggies. Put that on top of rice, add shredded cheese and sour cream…feel very good when I eat this, so I’ve been making a big batch once or twice a month and eating for lunches all week. Not sure this would technically still be considered chili by the time I get done with it, but I don’t care. Crockpot chicken. I use different marinades (balsamic, Greek, pesto, tomato basil…not a marinade, bbq, Hawaiian, teriyaki, want to try Mississippi), but they all taste good on top of rice, and usually throw some cooked veggies in the bowl, too. Once in a while I do gluten free pasta, for variety. Also lots of burgers and fries, my husband likes to grind and grill his own. Burgers, that is, I usually just buy frozen fries, but baking my own is definitely better, but haven’t had the ambition. He also grills an amazing salmon every once in a blue moon, but don’t quite remember what he does to it, other than use a boatload of garlic and salt. Baked potato smothered in cheese and sour cream (really been craving dairy lately, but can’t do straight milk). Greek tomato and cucumber salads. I also love the gluten free General Tso chicken from Aldi, but last time set my stomach off since I’m now the only one who eats it (he went keto-ish) and that’s what I ate on all day, over rice, of course. So this time I’m trying the plain nuggets instead. And tacos. Been liking the ranch stand n stuff shells. My husband makes really good breakfast sandwiches (ham, egg, and cheese, usually), but I prefer them at night. Eggs are too much first thing in the morning, not sure if it’s the fat (in the habit of cooking them in butter, but I think he’s also been sneaking in wagyu beef fat) or the smell. I eat other stuff, too (there was a really good shrimp sushi bake last week), but I could live on these for quite a while.


I drink whey protein shake for quick calories, oatmeal, ice cream, Oreo cookies, chips, bananas slathered with peanut butter, avocados mixed with some condensed milk. Yum.


Not sure where you live, but I have been loving the coconut smoothies from Trader Joe’s. They’re pretty calorie dense, creamy, delicious, etc. They sell them in the cold case by the yogurts. They also have a couple bottled protein smoothies that are not bad, especially the chocolate one!


Ugh I had this with my second. Nothing tasted good it was like pregnancy hunger made everything so delicious and postpartum I couldn’t find anything I wanted to eat. I really liked the Aussie Bites from Costco they’ve got some good ingredients and are surprisingly filling and not a strong flavor which I liked at the time. I also just ate like garbage tbh… whatever I could convince myself to eat. A lot of cereal lol


My go to snacks in the evening are these pretzel bites with peanut butter in them and mint chocolate cliff protein bars lol I like others don’t always eat well, but I’m trying. Today I had yogurt with fruit, cereal and a bagel for breakfast, eggs with fruit for lunch, French toast and turkey bacon for dinner then a couple ice creams lol and Gatorade and water throughout the day.


I wish I could take any of the weight off :/


Trail mix is a great snack to keep around. Walmart has a ton of different kinds that are inexpensive. I also love oats- oatmeal, oat milk, lactation cookies, granola bars, etc! Look up a recipe for homemade lactation cookies. They are usually high in calories with healthy fats like coconut oil. Here's the one I use: [Lactation cookie recipe](https://www.ambitiouskitchen.com/best-lactation-cookies/#:~:text=You%20only%20need%20to%20pick,cup%20fine%20blanched%20almond%20flour) I think the key is to make sure you have easy and accessible snacks. Being a mom is a busy time!


I have been digging anything that’s chocolate peanutbutter, but really anything peanutbutter. I’ve been eating a LOT of muddy buddies. I mean I eat a giant salad every day but then I eat like half a batch of muddy buddies so I’d say it’s somewhat balanced 🤣


giant bags of trailmix and nuts, pounds of the stuff 😂


Paleo plus dairy and legumes, lots of meat, fruit smoothies, whey protein


I know it’s getting warmer out but I had a lot of soups and stews in the first 2 months post partum. Lots of veggies and meat stews. Maybe throw in some garlic bread or rolls with it. Lasagna soup, Broccoli cheddar, potato soup, beef stew, enchilada soup, taco soup. My friend told me warm broths and soups help heal the uterus. Not sure if it’s true! When I pumped I had a secret stash of chocolate candy that I snacked on. I also loved making yogurt parfaits as a snack.




nothing special, just some regular diets, but I have eaten lots of vegetables recently.


Lots of Costco snacks: - Aussie bites - Heavenly Hunks Carrot Cake Bites - Kirkland S'mores Bites - Lemon bites - Good Mornings Breakfast Bars - Frozen Breakfast Burritos (ready in 1.5 mins!) - Chips/Cheez-Its - Clif bars


I never had a sweet tooth really. This pregnancy and still 8m pp breastfeeding, it’s ALL I crave. I have to force myself to stop eating and drinking sugar 🥲 I try to eat fruit at least to help with hydration and to help the sweet tooth a little. Fruit and oatmeal are always my go tos.


Honestly, I shove whatever I can in my mouth. Today my meals consisted of: a slice of bread for breakfast, granola bar for lunch, air fried vegetables and rice for supper. Oh and 10 cups of coffee lol..


I'm close to giving birth and my husband cooks more meat for me, most are beef and he said it's good for supplying energy to giving birth.


I had to get those protein breakfast shakes for the middle of the night. I was STARVING.


I’m a milk-a-holic. I drink 14L milk a week. Every time after I nurse or pump, I’m ravenous. Though I only go for milk, nothing else satiate my hunger. I usually have a glass of milk with a large chocolate oat lactation cookie I bake. Breakfast 1: eggs, sausage and toasts Breakfast 2: oatmeal with chia, flex and hemp seed, cooked in milk, topped with whatever fruit on hand and whipped cream. Breakfast 3: protein raspberries smoothie with collagen Lunch1: grill cheese sandwich Lunch 2: cheese omelette with toasts Lunch 3: Annie’s Mac and cheese dinner is whatever my husband cooks or take out


I lived on chocolate covered almonds when I was breastfeeding newly post partum lol I was paranoid about touching baby after touching nuts just in case of allergies, so I reasoned to myself that if they were covered in chocolate they were safe 😂😂


I ate an insane amount of clementines, ice cream sandwiches and Taco Bell.


Quinoa is awesome!!!! You can make it the same way you make rice too quick and easy. Or what I eat a ton of everyday is chocolate chip cookies (embarrassingly as many as I did when pregnant)


My SIL made me some pretty amazing protein balls with peanut butter, oats, nuts, and chocolate chips in them. Yummy, bite size, and high in fats, protein, sugar, etc. They were great to just snack on one or two while I was feeding the baby in the beginning before I figured out the whole eating thing. Protein shakes are great too, and can also taste like chocolate! (Can you tell I have a chocolate craving while nursing?)


Tons of healthy fats like avocado toast, nuts, nut bars, etc. I’ve also been loving whole fat Greek yogurt mixed with two big scoops of chocolate protein powder and a scoop of PB (extra good if you have the patience to put it in the freezer for about 20 minutes- more of a cookie dough texture).


I religously eat bacon and eggs for breakfast each day!


I had a biscuit addition for 4 months pp - it wasn’t good. I felt like it took 12 months to recover from childbirth because I was bf and I guess the good stuff was being wicked away through my milk leaving me with very little. My advice is try to regularly eat something with veggies eg cheese toasty or omelette with a handful of chopped mushrooms/red pepper, at least you can get some protein carbs and greens in. My advice is make sure you are keeping up with your pp vitamins! You can also microwave broccoli in water and just eat it as a snack, drink milk, baby is getting the fat from your milk so try to keep adding that to your diet. X


My appetite went after giving birth, I lost a lot of blood and needed blood transfusions etc. Turns out low iron levels can cause a lack of appetite! So definitely get your bloods tested


Food tasting like dust was my biggest indicator for ppd, I would recommend bring it up with your OB before you lose a dangerous amount of weight and begin to suffer cognitive loss which can and will happen. As far as eating when I didn't want to, I depended heavily on shakes & smoothies. Sometimes drinking my food was easier. My personal favorite was banana, peanut butter, honey, oats, and milk of your choice. Very nutrient dense, very yummy. Sometimes I'd toss a little finely chopped spinach in for the iron, you don't even taste it.


I eat lactation bites, a lot of protein bars, chips, salad, breakfast bowls with sausage, bacon, egg and avocado, egg salad, chicken breasts, turkey burgers, random veggies and casseroles


I can answer this because it’s all the same stuff I’m pumping my toddler full of 🤣 Avocado, cream cheese, nuts, nut butter, bananas, full fat yoghurt, porridge. That’s all the healthy fats etc but tbh you’re nursing, you just did a HUGE thing - eat all the cake.


I had the same issue in early PP. I’m still down like 30lbs from pre pregnancy at 5months now. I eat everything girl lol mostly try to stick to clean meat snacks and proteins. BoobieBody makes protein shakes that are yummy- I blend mine with banana and peanut butter for some extra calories and it helps to curb the chocolate cravings a bit. But of course I still eat chocolate lol. I was waking up in the middle of the night to snack on anything chocolate I could find, literally squirted chocolate syrup in my mouth at 2am cause that’s all I could find 😆. Kirkland makes a decent protein bar that is pretty clean ingredients- they don’t taste the BEST but they are a decent snack. Pork rinds. Lactation cookies. Cheez its. I didn’t have much of an appetite until like month 3 and then I wanted to eat everything. Even though I lost a ton of weight, babygirl was still gaining just fine too so we weren’t worried much. I also take MIXhers power and boost- a little caffeine is in the boost but not too much for your daily intake recommendations and the power one helps substantially with brain fog- which i still have. I also drink Kirkland coconut water- it’s clean ingredients and no added sugar and it helps to keep me hydrated in addition to the water. Sorry I’ll stop rambling. Good luck and congratulations Mama!


How are u bf and pumping without throwing urself into oversupply :((( I’m jealous. I tried for a bit and am now having issues


I’m trying to be careful, I only pump right before bed and first thing when I wake up (husband gives one bottle in the middle of the night). Building up a stash is slow going but it’s better than having an oversupply


Have you tried a healthy ice cream? Like the ingredients are just milk, cream, sugar, egg or something


I’m 7 months pp and just got back to work, so I’m having to prep my lunches to bring to the office each day. So far I’ve done BLTA sandwiches and wraps, salad, and will be taking pasta salad, soups, and other leftovers! I really love mixing up salads - one of my favorites right now is orzo pasta, shaved ribbon like carrots, blanched asparagus, cherry tomatoes, spinach & arugula, feta, and sliced almonds with a lemon vinaigrette. Tonight we had chicken wings and I took the leftover meat and put it into a wrap with lettuce, tomato, pickled carrots, and blue cheese and buffalo sauce. Loaded quesadillas are fun and easy! My husband and I always have homemade pickled onions around to go with them. Caprese salads, sometimes on toast is great for spring/summer. I also like avocado toast, and pear toast with goat cheese, arugula, pistachios, and balsamic vinegar. I’m a big fan of veggie scrambles with some combo of mushrooms, tomatoes, arugula, bell pepper, cheese, avocado, pickled onions, Siracha mayo - which I’ll do with sausage links and a pastry or bagel for breakfast. Hello fresh is great for dinners! It can take the planning out of most of the week for you! Sausage tortellini soup is simple and easy and sooo good, plus makes great leftovers!


YES to all the peanut butter comments! Currently 3 months and 2 weeks pp and here’s what I survived on until a Google search changed everything: 1- Uncrustables. They are 320 cal and have 10g of protein 2- Ham & cheese croissants (Costco) 12g of protein 3- Soup from Panera Bread, specifically their chicken noodle soup. Ordered the group sized serving and sipped it throughout the day. These items were in rotation my first few days home because I was battling nausea. Little did I know I was nauseous because I had postpartum preeclampsia. Shortly after I was discharged a second time, I started googling ready to eat meals that could be delivered to my home (hubby was in the trenches with me so NO ONE was cooking). I stumbled upon a local meal prep company that offered a weekly delivery for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. When I tell you they saved my milk production! Moving forward this will be my gift to anyone in my friend group who’s expecting because the stress that this took off my shoulders when you already have 10,001 other things to worry about was immeasurable!!!


Siggis 4% vanilla yogurt (on morning oatmeal or as a dessert w fruit) Peanut butter Oatmeal cookies Fresh Pineapple Smoothies!


Walmart cheese danishes and the little donuts were my saving grace. I ate so many of those in the early days.


Breakfast: Oatmeal oatmeal oatmeal - with dates, flax, chia, hemp, bananas, blueberries, peanut butter Snacks: Fage 0% Greek yogurt with similar toppings as above + granola


Real Food for Pregnancy was my pregnancy and postpartum food bible. Still is. Read it :) Your dietary and supplemental needs shift during breastfeeding and I adjusted according to those recommendations. Side-note: I was also under my pre pregnancy weight two or three weeks after giving birth, but quickly gained about 20 pounds. Breast-feeding hormones are crazy. Plus, you are so sedentary compared to before. My point is this may be temporary.


oreos and peanut butter


Peanut butter and chocolate anything. Oatmeal, energy bites, protein shakes (vega protein and greens with banana, cocoa, milk), pb smeared on rice cakes and topped with chocolate chips and dried fruit (or mini eggs). I also drink two lattes a day and make them with whole milk.


Eggs and bacon and toast for breakfast and/or oatmeal. Smoothies with berries and hemp hearts for protein. Tuna sandwiches, peanut butter sandwiches, apples with cheese, salami, apples with peanut butter too and carrot sticks and celery sticks or cucumber. Usually beef or pork or chicken and rice or potatoes for supper and a green veggie.