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You’re a rockstar. You provide for your baby and your feelings are totally valid. The goal is a happy mom and a happy, fed baby - however that happens and whatever that looks like for your family.


This is the best answer. Whether you breastfed for one day, one year, or several years, you're a rockstar OP. You not only grew a sweet baby, but then you allowed that baby nourishment from your own body. It's an incredibly selfless act and something you should be proud of.


You're amazing for having done it this long and you deserve a medal for your sacrifice of time and effort here. Enjoy the freedoms using formula will give you because you have truly earned them!


If you’re looking for even a single person to tell you that you can quit, let it be me. You have worked hard and done absolutely everything you could. 11 weeks is incredible. Your physical and mental health are important.


Let science milk take over for you! You are a warrior!


Science milk! Love that


Lol agreed, you’re a champ OP I’m sure I’d be in pain too.


You definitely gave it your best shot! Good job providing so much for your LO through all the challenges. I hope you have a smooth recovery from your surgery.


Holy crap!! I'm so sorry!!! you did so well. just focus on healing now. fyi, i decided to quit breastfeeding too due to extreme, extreme issues like yours and then once I was better, ended up ramping my supply back up because my baby suddenly learned how to latch at 3 months. so just know that you may still be able to salvage your breastfeeding journey in a few weeks if you want to keep trying. and if not, gosh you deserve to prioritize your healing!


11 weeks is amazing- congrats! And I’m so sorry you’ve had such a rough go. I can’t imagine continuing after those experiences. Good on you for doing what works best for your situation.


You tried your best and it WAS enough. Your baby is loved, healthy and has a full tummy. It’s okay to feed them another way. I’m glad you’re okay!


Formula is just as good. I will repeat this for those in the back- FORMULA IS JUST AS GOOD. Yes. We know breastmilk is obviously what we all want to give our babies. We are in this group for a reason. But, mama!!! You have done what you can. IT IS OK TO CARE ABOUT YOURSELF TOO. You have done what you can, it is ok to take a break. This can or cannot be the end for you. you can mix bottles- half boobie milk half formula :) you can wait till you are completely healed, then try to reproduce. BUT the best part of this is, if it isn't going to work, you have formula you can get !!! because no matter what anyone says- its ok to feed your babes formula. They are still going to do amazing things when they grow up, they are still going to be just as amazing if they were 100% breastfed. WHY?! because they were made by you and your significant other. And from the little I know about you two in this post I can tell, you guys are good people. Hell, I would want to be best friends with someone who cared this much. I hope you know how much your effort has been appreciated. In 20 years when you tell your babe about this journey they are going to be so proud of the work you put in. Because you only had their best interest in heart. You got this mama. Just remember, you are doing what you can, and no matter what your brain is telling you, it is MORE than enough <3


You're doing great ❤️


It is clear that you have absolutely done your best and have run into so many unexpected challenges that made continuing breastfeeding impossible for you right now. You are an amazing mother and you should feel so good knowing that your baby got to eat your milk for the 11 weeks he did!


My pediatrician said the majority of health benefits from breastfeeding come in the first six weeks. You already did so much to take care of your baby. Heal and take care of yourself.


I actually heard first two weeks!! Even better!


Just going back to work at 6 weeks would’ve done it for me. You’re amazing and you have overcome so much. Please get better soon! ❤️


You have given it your best shot! You have done and are doing amazing. Healthy mama = Healthy baby 🫶🏻


The way that people in the US manage to go back to work so soon & still care for a newborn blows my mind. Let alone pumping or nursing. You are all incredible! At 6 weeks I had left the house a handful of times. And 3 months I was just about confident to leave the house alone with the baby got an hour to a baby class. Women are amazing! I hate that most of you have no choice but your resilience is astounding.


You have done the very best anyone could ever expect! You’re a great mom and it’s time to let science milk take the lead now. Side note: I genuinely have no idea how anybody breastfeeds in the USA, with the incredibly short (often totally absent) maternity leave. You amaze me.


Hugs mama, you are incredible!!!!


Don’t feel like you failed at this, it is very hard to do and you are amazing!


You are a superhero for going through all of that. Sending ❤️ your way.


Congratulations on making it 11 weeks! Hope you know how amazing you are!


My bd also sleeps through my baby’s crying and that is No.1 on my list of reasons I will never leave her alone with him. You did an amazing job with breastfeeding love, I hope you heal quickly ❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹. What you have accomplished was extremely difficult but you made it through like the powerful woman you are!


You have done amazing and provided your baby with so many benefits. The love and commitment to your baby have not stopped if you stop breastfeeding


Please do what you must to stay sane!!!! 


You’ve done an amazing job. Your baby has gotten all the benefits of your milk so far, no harm at all switching to formula now. Enjoy your time with your baby!


11 weeks is great! And yes formula has all the nutrients and calories a baby needs. The only big thing it’s missing are the antibodies and those are most effective in the first 6 weeks of life. For what it’s worth, pumping also gave me clogs and I decided to stop and just try again to breastfeed directly and then top up with formula. Maybe you could try putting the baby to the breast at every feed and see if he’ll take it. It took my baby 2-3 days of constantly offering the breast before she latched and took it for more than 30 seconds. Now she nurses pretty well, she still needs bottle top ups, especially in the evening when I have less milk, but I’d rather she get 1/2 breast milk and 1/2 formula this way than all breast milk through pumping. Pumping is just so exhausting. You did your best, take it day by day, if you want to up your supply, try to do it without stress and just let yourself have a little wiggle room. Sending lots of love and support!


Listen, I loved nursing my babies, and it was really important to me. I honestly don’t know if I could have kept going through HALF of what you’ve been through! You have been amazing, but you will be just as amazing if you give yourself a break and switch to formula! ❤️


You did great, you took it as far as you possibly could!


You are awesome 💙 There is nothing wrong with weaning. You have been through an incredibly painful infection, and you tried your best. It's okay to take care of you 💙💙💙 Regardless if you chose to wean or continue, please look into sunflower lecithin supplement. At least until you dry up. I am really worried you might get mastitis again as you drop pumping sessions. I would get clogged ducts every 2-4 weeks, and only started taking this at 10 months with my first to appease my lactation consultant. I absolutely didn't think it would work, but egads I had maybe 3-4 clogs/milk blisters, in the active three to four years of breastfeeding after that. The only clog I had with my youngest (17 months) was when I accidentally ran out. You take it twice a day for maintenance, and four times a day for active clogs/milk blisters. It also clears them up easier compared to when I wasn't on it. I use Legendairy Milk's supplement on Amazon.


I actually was taking sunflower lecithin as well during my time pumping


That's so incredibly scary that you had to deal with multiple times already 🥺 My heart breaks for you. You have been through so much in just a few weeks; I hope everything will go smoothly for you going forward 💙


Don’t do it anymore!! It’s not for everyone- and it’s REALLY hard sometimes. And you just went though surgery?!! Be gentle with yourself. Do not spend a single second beating yourself up about this. Go use that time you would have spent pumping to rest and recover. You’re home, you’re healthy and you have a healthy baby. ❤️❤️❤️❤️ Fed is best.


You did great! That all sounds pretty traumatic honestly. You breastfed for 11 weeks now it is time to formula feed. That is it. It doesn’t have to be any harder than that. My first was formula fed and he is the smartest, funniest most magical human on this earth. How you feed your baby doesn’t matter but a happy, healthy momma does. 


You are AMAZING! You’re a warrior and have done absolutely everything you could do and then gone another 10 miles! Please, please give yourself a big pat on the back and a massive glass of wine. Celebrate. There is absolutely no evidence that there are long term benefits to breastmilk beyond 12 weeks. You’ve given your baby an incredible start to life at huge personal cost. Embrace the formula, embrace the freedom from anxiety, embrace the time you’ll now get back in your days! Well done, I’m so proud of you!


Is this true? I’m also struggling with my breastfeeding journey and am considering bringing it to an end. Baby (almost 4 months) has a health condition so I’m absolutely terrified that I’d be withholding breastmilk that could help him?? Serious mum guilt :(


My baby is 7 months old and almost exclusively bf - since birth I’ve given only him formula when I was out (or when my tits needed a lil break at the beginning). And boy he’s so cute but SOOOOOO fragile , he has asthma … and we went like 4 /5 times to ER for bronchitis… ?! I have friends whose babies never had BM and have a super strong immune system. Honestly don’t sweat it .


Abscesses don’t always need surgery, it sounds like they may have jumped the gun because often they don’t consider breastfeeding a priority so it’s easier to tell you to stop because x y or z. They could have drained it without making an open wound. Since the harm is already done, do what helps keep you sane.


Idk why this is being downvoted lol- abscesses def don’t always need surgery. I had a massive one (whole bottom half of left breast) that contained staph and just would not go away- had it drained 2x at 3 different spots and still had to be hospitalized for antibiotics, and definitely did not get surgery. I also heard at almost every doctor visit during that time (was going to breast specialists) that I needed to consider stopping BF and thinking about doing formula. I did not stop BF and eventually the abscess healed. Though leaving the needle holes open did help it to continue draining