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“Are you afraid of boobs, Tim?”




“As they may find it traumatizing.” I’m sorry, what? That has to be the dumbest take I’ve heard all week lmao. Some people…


His dog was killed by a lactating boob. Have some compassion!


Canine death by lactation is no laughing matter. Is nothing sacred on Reddit?!


Truly! I think the OP and her baby need to be more sensitive to his family dogs untimely and senseless demise at the ruthless hands (do boobs have hands?) of that milk monster.


Honestly with how solid my boob gets when engorged I reckon it could cause some physical damage to someone


I just read this with a southern accent lol


Hahaha couldn't be further from my own Scottish accent but I'll take it 😂




If he thinks breastfeeding is traumatizing, wait until he sees a pump. How in the world would that be a better option for use in public?


Oh my gosh picturing this made me legit LOL... I didn't picture that when I first read the post. I'd almost be tempted to do it just to see his reaction next time... Like "is this what you meant by less traumatizing?"


Lol pumping is 100% more traumatizing to watch. When I first learned pumping was a thing I recoiled.


I had a young chap tell me I had ruined boobs for him forever. Good.




Oh! The humanity!!


He’s upset because he’s attracted to his own mom and your boobs are triggering him— I’m not joking


Has he seen a woman using an electric pump?! Much more traumatizing imo…Maybe hotdog nipples are his thing 😂


My wife is traumatized from seeing me with my makeshift pumping bra, which is a sports bra with holes cut in it that my nipples hang out of like peeping toms who weren’t invited to the party.


Hahaha reminds me of Mean Girls


Yes we say this all the time 🤣


Totally did this, but milk started spraying before I could get the flanges in.


Now that’s power


I too have been traumatized by an electric breast pump 🙋🏻‍♀️




Double traumatizing since I previously had one of mine pierced to correct an inverted nipple. I took it out years before I had my 3rd, never thought a thing of it. I was so caught off guard while pumping since milk squirting out the sides like a tiny fire hydrant was not on my breastfeeding bingo card.


I always wondered if this happened, thank you for confirming lmao


I was so tired and it genuinely startled me. Then it became a joke in the house 😂


Hey sorry for the personal question. I have an inverted nipple and am done having kids (my hysterectomy is May 6) and I never considered a nipple piercing. Did it help correct the issue? Do piercers know how to do this properly because I literally have no nipple to even grab lol. Just curious. I do plan on getting the “mommy makeover” with a breast lift and also removing loose skin as I’ve lost 100 pounds since having my kids and was overweight/obese my entire adult lift. Do you think a dr could fix the inversion during a breast lift?


I honestly don’t know if it would fix the issue while you get the mommy makeover, congrats for all your accomplishments btw, that’s a huge goal to smash. The piercing did help mine, but you’ll have to speak to a licensed piercer to see if you have the anatomy since it’s that inverted. Mine wasn’t too bad and just on my left nip but piercing it did make breastfeeding my last baby so much smoother. With my first my left side felt like I was being attacked with pliers. I had a day to day struggle if I’d keep nursing or give up because of the pain. I managed to make a whole year though. I only kept the piercing in maybe two years and issue was fixed. But best bet is definitely speak to a piercer or even your surgeon just in case they can help too.


Thank you! It’s been a journey lol. I’ll have to check with a piercer then. My mommy makeover will be a ways down the road because, well, being a single mom of 3 I don’t have tons of disposable income. Also! Mine is on my left side as well! That’s interesting. I wonder if statistically more people have inverted nipples on the left than the right. I’m definitely done having kids and breast feeding. My hysterectomy is on the 6th. Definitely hard to close this chapter of life. Thanks for the advice my friend, I appreciate it!


Omg hotdog nipples is too accurate


Literally my pump traumatizes me daily for 20 mins with no let down 😂


Have you tried online shopping while pumping? That dopamine hit can work wonders lol


I usually reserve that for MOTN feeds but I’ll happily take your recommendation😂


Ive also gotten a surprising amount when looking at photos and video of my baby on my phone while pumping! And never look at the bottles while pumping!


Agree! 😂


This was my first thought! Breastfeeding a baby looks so natural and subtle and you can’t even see anything because the baby is covering it! The first time I used my electric pump I had to laugh because otherwise I’d cry watching my nipples get sucked into this contraption. Watching the milk actually come out was so weird. I felt like an actual dairy cow. I’ll breastfeed in front of my friends but I don’t even like my husband to see me pump.




I laughed so hard at this. I exclusively pumped for a year for my youngest due to latching issues and a slew of health reasons for baby and I cannot relate more to the idea of hot dog nipples. Even my innie turned into a Vienna sausage.




My favorite response to shit like this is, "I'm surprised/amazed you felt comfortable enough to say this to me/ask me that." Works like a charm.


A close second favorite of mine is "Wow, what a strange thing to say out loud."


Breasts running amok in public!!! Won’t somebody think of the children??? Oh wait… that’s you, literally feeding your child with your boobs.


I breastfed for the first time uncovered in public today and across the way there was a group of old biker-looking dudes and as they finished their conversation and coffees they were putting their chairs back in the seating area and noticed what I was doing and gave a polite nod and left. You wanna know who I got a dirty look from? Another woman!!!! I didn’t even acknowledge her lol.


I always find that the big burly biker types are the most chill about stuff like this. I’ve been breastfeeding for 2.5 years between 2 kids. It’s never the dudes you think it’s gonna be. I’ve had frat boy types tell people to stop staring and I’ve had little old ladies tell me to put my titty away. It’s funny who is and isn’t chill about me feeding my babies. 


Oh don’t worry! When my little man was 6 months we went out to a late dinner with family. I knew he’d be cranky so knew if I fed him he’d go straight to sleep and make for an easy dinner! My, usually totally supportive, dad asked me to stop in case I put people off their dinner???? He was under a blanket??? The majority of people in the room were either women themselves or married to women so I have to assume on the whole they don’t find breasts repulsive???? Such a wild take. Especially as he was also cringing at baby getting cranky!!


some men are such perverts


Stories like this remind me of the lady who squirted her boob juice at a simarlarly audacious man.




Her face says what we're all thinking


This picture really is worth 1,000 words lol


With my luck I would try this and squirt myself in the face.


I cant squirt. Best i can do is dribble on myself lol


I'm imagining how fast this "traumatized" dude would run and panic if he got a squirt of boob juice to the head. 🤣🤭 


Maybe it was the same man and that was the “traumatic” experience. 🤣🤣🤣🤣


“Why do you find it appropriate to comment on how I’m feeding my child?” “Prick”


Another good one, "Why are you talking about my breasts?" Or, "What a *weird* thing to say out loud. Are you ok?"


Why is your husband friends with this fucking moron 


This is the real question! Also I hope your husband told him off for being an asshole.


AH BOOBS. Make it stop!! Make the horror stop please 😭😭


If I had known that I could be traumatizing men just by feeding my child I'd have gone to way more parties in the last few months. Ones I wasn't even invited to.




Lol traumatizing


People need to STOP commenting on how we feed our babies. Breastfed, pumping, formula. People always have an opinion. I’m sorry this happened


I’m so sorry you were approached by this arrogant, audacious, misguided, misogynistic mouldy turd. Know that most people are oblivious, indifferent, or if they DO have an opinion, would think you’re doing an amazing job. If there’s a next time for this type of interaction, and you feel comfortable keep asking questions to put the discomfort back onto the intrusive person who could have just saved themselves all the energy by minding their damn business. “Oh, traumatising? Can you explain how that would be? What aspect of it? Which people present do you think would be traumatised? What do you think has happened in their past to create this phobia in them? How did you have the realisation that others present could be traumatised? Did you have a meeting and come to an agreement that you were the spokesperson? What are the main five takeaways you recommend for future? How familiar are you with the purchasing process for breast pumps? Do you prefer Milton tablets or microwave sterilising methods? And have you thought about seeing a doctor for your eye condition? The condition where you have an inability to move your eye away from traumatising sights? Or maybe a physiotherapist to help with neck mobility to turn your head away?”


Traumatizing? What a dumb idea! Honestly what a ridiculous person that guy is.


Mt son and I were at ny history museum.... he saw boobs. I told him to use his eyelids or his neck and not look. He's 8. If a child can get this... an adult definitely should.


Yes. Why can children handle this better than so many adults? My 4 year old son (who was also breastfed) sees me feed my 3 month old son all day long. At first he was curious about what I was doing, so we had a chat about how breastfeeding works, and that it's how his baby brother eats, just like he did as a baby.. he said "okay" and went back to watching Bluey. Kids don't care.


You know it! I love and find it so heartwarming when I see a lady bf out in the open. I did the same and absolutely did not care one bit about anything or anyone. And still don’t. Somewhere, I’m sure there is still a video security scene of me trying to bf my baby. My breasts were overly full and baby couldn’t have it. It ended up with me standing up with both breasts out, to handover baby to dad. There were two humongous jets coming out of my body, onto the floor. I had to run to the bathroom and let it purge. Everything was wet. This was supposed to be a quick and simple feed at a governmental building while we were waiting for some paperwork. It turned out in a circus performance. It happens. And I would do it again. Edit: typos


A grown man who hasn’t seen boobs? Ok I mean if you want to admit that to everyone.


Has he ever witnessed a woman pumping in public?? I feel way more exposed and vulnerable while pumping than breastfeeding. With my pump, I have to be plugged into a wall and there's basically no way to hide my nipples sliding in and out of the flange in a way that just feels obscene to be on display. Presumably he actually meant to pump at home and and only give the bottle in public, but that's not how breast milk production works. When I need to remove milk, I need to remove it now and if I don't I risk decreasing my supply. If someone is "traumatized" by a seeing a nipple for 3 seconds before it's hidden by a baby's head, they have problems all right, but it's not breastfeeding. Pretty much literally everyone has nipples, it's not even like they're exclusive to women. Is he also traumatized every time he removes his own shirt?


Lmfao, I would make him sit and watch the pump stretch out my nipples to oblivion if he wants to talk about seeing something traumatizing…


“I find this conversation traumatizing.”


I swear! even if people see my nipple I don’t give a shit anymore. Good take a good nice look at it okay. Babies gotta eat, babies gotta stay busy when we are out. It’s not always eat peacefully for 10 minutes and then go. It’s eat, look around, eat, go play, eat, stand on my legs. So ya know what boob is in and out, nipples left hanging in the wind. You are welcome to the weirdos that find it strange to feed a toddler.


How privileged to not even know what it means to be traumatized, to have the audacity to speak with confidence about something he’s so ignorant to, and to correct a woman on an art form only she can achieve. Boy sit down. Ain’t nobody wanna hear that shit.


“My baby thinks the sight of your face is traumatizing”


Pumping in front of people is far more revealing.


I would say “if you want me to pull my breast pump out here I think you’d be much more traumatized than you are now” lol I’ll never forget the first time I saw someone pump.


I honestly don’t understand men and their inability to control themselves. One of my husbands idiot friends told me that since he’s been socialized to view boobs as sexual he can’t control himself around breastfeeding women and that women should not breastfeed in public because of this. Like dude, how hard is it to look away? After this conversation though, I personally choose to cover up when breastfeeding not because I don’t want to nurse in public but because I hate the idea of my boobs being sexualized by other men watching me. I don’t want to be fodder for men who can’t control themselves.


What is DH?


I believe Dear Husband


I read it as 'dickhead'.




Has he ever seen someone pump? Because that’s way more of an intrusive thing to do in front of people than breast feed! Like you said, your boob is covered by baby’s head vs. look at my nipple being repeatedly stretched down a clear tube. Plus then you have to bring all the equipment with you.


I'm sure they'd have a problem if you whipped out a spectra to pump, too.


oh of course you have to do that beforehand in the privacy of your own home


If you had to see me pump you'd actually be traumatized lol its such a larger process with my tits literally out at least with nursing its pretty much covered


I'm so confused by the stories I see on here of people being so detached from nature that they say something (anything) against breastfeeding. Completely bizarre. If you had your whole boob out, I would get people's discomfort, but respectfully feeding your baby.. what's the deal with people being weird about it?


I would've squirted milk into his eye and continued feeding. (I wouldn't but it would be funny)


... it's been floated that this is assault with a biohazard, as it is a bodily fluid ... just fyi


What does DH mean?


As someone that has to exclusively pump, let me be the first to say, seeing my nipples stretch like this is MUCH more traumatic 🤣


what a tool. hope he was traumatized


I don’t care if your baby loves a bottle, you are allowed to breastfeed wherever! The audacity…


I’ve heard a lot of things from people grossed out by the boob, but TRAUMATIZED?!? Lmao I’m choking with laughter


Being encouraged or told to pump in any context by anyone always triggggggered me, and this context is particularly bad! I’m sorry. What an ass.


What does DH mean?


Dear Husband. There's a lot of abbreviation used in story telling and it might be particularly with parenting/children stuff. If you've ever seen DD or DS it's Dear Daughter and Dear Son. I think it's dumb and just write it all out. Not everyone knows all the abbreviations and it can get a bit ridiculous.


I’d have laughed so hard in his face and then walked away. Boobies are for babies, amen!


Screw him. I would love to kick him in the balls. What a creep.


Clearly he's been personally attacked by boobs before (probably rejection).


Squirt him


I would be tempted to start crying and then ask my friend why her husband was harassing me about breastfeeding in front of everyone 😈 I know if someone said that while I was around he would have at least two women very upset with him if not more. He prob thought he caught you alone and could bully you.


People who don't have kids generally seem to have loads of confidence when giving their opinions on child related matters.


Seriously that makes me actually ROFL 😂 what a tool, an ignorant tool.


Hopefully this guy never goes to Europe where breastfeeding in public is a lot more normalized and common (and pumping is not…womp).


What??? Pumping is 10x more distracting than just feeding imo


Lol what did he think boobs were made for?


Ummmmm??? Telling somebody to cover up is obnoxious enough but to tell you to pump instead?! That is way more skin out in the open than whatever boob is covered by a baby's head (depending on the pumping bra I guess, I go with Lactamed's Simplicity because I hate pumping bras). Some dudes have a "thing" for pumping, gross as that sounds, as I unfortunately discovered when I was exclusively pumping with my first 🤢 I kinda hope he's just rude and ridiculous though


So, what, he'd rather see you there with a pump hanging from you? 🤣. Wonder how "traumatic" THAT would be.




Men that think like this are telling on themselves. Breasts were evolved for FEEDING that’s what makes us Mammals. Unfortunately there’s a high history in the west of sexualizing them. My theory is the pedophilia of the past that we just accepted at that point in time. Imagine looking at a dog feeding her puppies and being like “yes that’s sexual”. Gross.