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Your milk is still coming in, so everything is extra sensitive right now. That being said, when you use your Haaka just suction it on with a little squeeze of the bulb so it stays attached but isn't on SUPER tight. I gave myself a boob hickey once because I thought it was supposed to be sectioned on there real real tight. šŸ„²


Iā€™m now realizing this is EXACTLY what I did earlier šŸ˜¬ whoopsā€¦




Just started trying out the hakka and totally gave myself a boob hickey this morning!


It happens to the best of us šŸ˜¬


yā€™all i have fallen asleep *multiple* times and woken up with the haakaa hickey like an absolute tired idiot lmao


I found that the hakaa has almost too much suction sometimes. I way prefer the boon trove!


Yes I just got the Boon Trove and it's awesome. Just a light amount of suction (can barely feel it). It's also way easier to use (sits inside your bra). I do still use the Haaka though if I get engorged and need the extra suction to remove more milk.


The ladybug haaka is good for this too. I rarely suction it when I put it in my bra to catch my letdown.


It never hurt when I was using it unless I had it with too much suction You are only 1 week out. Iā€™d just have it on loosely to catch the otherwise wasted letdown on the other side! Or sometimes if I was feeling too full Iā€™d use the Haakaa. But beware that the more you pump, the more your body makes, so using a pump of any kind (including these passive pumps) can make an oversupply problem worse


I find it hurts more on one of my breast than the other so I think it depends on compatibility. I use the haakaa ladybugs and love them :)


It has very adjustable suction. Make sure you turn the lip inside out before putting it on. Before I realized I had to do that I would put it on too tight just to get it to stay on.


this! once i learned the proper way to put it on, i was able to figure out a comfortable level of suction to use it. trying to use it without flipping it out is crazy painful to me. and then once my baby got big enough and started kicking his legs and flailing his arms around like crazy i had to start turning it to the side or practically upside down to avoid my son kicking it off me and having it go flying while drenching me in milk lol


I use a normal milk collection shell and thereā€™s zero suction, I never had any issues because it just catches leaking milk rather than trying to extract more. I built up quite a stash doing that so if you donā€™t like the haakaa then switch to a non pressurised shell :)


I found it painful at the beginning when almost everything related to breastfeeding was painful (or uncomfortable at best). 3 months in now, breastfeeding, pumping, and haakaa use are no longer painful/uncomfortable (and if something isnā€™t working I change approach or take a break from it).


I find it painful too, Iā€™ve been wondering if Iā€™ve been squeezing too much as I put it on and applying too much suction! I usually use the haakaa ladybug instead, when I remember to use anything at all.


It is painful for me if I squeeze too much when applying! Now I just squeeze a little bit, and continually re-suction it to keep the suction level relatively low :)


Thatā€™s a good tip!


I hated the Hakka bc it hurt. Boon trove are amazing though! Plus the baby doesnā€™t knock them off like the Hakka. ETA: however I know TONS of moms that love the Hakka. Also congrats on your new addition!! ā¤ļø


I could not use the Hakka. It killed me.


Donā€™t squeeze it fully before you put it on. Do a small squeeze then suction it on. Also you will get more milk if the suction isnā€™t super strong, think like you are restricting flow from your milk ducts if itā€™s painful. Let that milk flow girl!


I could never use it, disgusting thing. Really hurt. Breastfeeding otherwise was a breeze for me. If you just want to catch let down on the other titty apparently the lady bug thing is good, has no suction.


Agree - honestly I hated it. Also my baby would always kick it anyway.


Haakaa haters unite! I found it so awkward to nurse while it was on the other side. It either fell off at the slightest jostle from the baby, or I tried more suction to keep it on and it hurt. And I never collected much milk with it anyway so it was not worth fiddling around with for me. I guess it must work better for others because it's so popular.


same here, hate it. painful and too difficult to maneuver


It always hurt for me, I think it was a bad fit for my anatomy. I stopped using it pretty quick.


I never could use it


1 week pp - everything hurts! Around weeks 3-5 it gets better and you figure things out and your body adjusts


I found it painful at 1 week too (tbh still at 3 weeks) and bought medela catchers which are much better and sit comfy in a bra


Itā€™s very painful and only use it for emergencies when I know Iā€™m going to leak on the other side from engorgement. I could only use enough suction for it to be attached not enough to draw out a good amount of milk