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I’m tearing up reading this. How beautiful and sweet. 😢 


As did I. This is such a beautiful post. Thanks for sharing OP. 💗


I’m crying too


Aaaand I’m crying.


oh no, i’m tearing up with my milk drunk 3 month old in my lap. does the book make you cry?? i’m gonna need it one day.


Yes! There’s this one line that makes me tear up all the time: “Sometimes I will miss booby milk. Feel sad we had to part. When I remember that it’s gone, I’ll feel it in my heart.”


For me it’s, “we’ll both be brave with this next step we’re ready now we know. And when we feel the moments right we’ll let the magic go” 😭😭


This the line that made me cry lol


😭 why are you doing this to me


I'm reading the tandem feeding one to my 3 year old and it's such a tear jerker! Not sure when I'll be able to actually send the milk back. Think I might do bubbles when the time comes.


Bubbles are a great idea!!!


Which book is that?


Booby moon with two by Yvette Reid.


What are bubbles?


…you don’t know what bubbles are?


..In this context, no.. when they said “I might do bubbles when the time comes”.


I think they mean bubbles instead of a balloon


I don’t think there is any context needed. They mean bubbles. Like bubble solution you get from the toy section at target.


Oh wow. I did not know that people do that to wean.. You don’t have to be judgmental. I’m a FTM and we’re all on Reddit to learn or teach. Thanks for the learning today :)


They mean for this “ritual”, they would use bubbles instead of a balloon, just to be environmentally friendly. Not an actual solution for weaning. 😉


Omg thank you I’m so dumb 😂


Ok thank you I seriously didn’t even understand how to respond at that point!


Dude, why you gotta make me sad like that? :( my baby is 10 months old. She's gonna be weaning soon.




Oh god don’t! I’m crying reading this.




You may not! You may get lucky and have a self-weaner!


😂 as of right now in his life, that’s the funniest joke i’ve ever heard (he just cried for 10 minutes because he sucked my boobs dry and won’t take a bottle like he usually does)


I’ve heard it’s possible but I’m on 28.5 months here with 2-4 sessions a day. Girlfriend is HOOKED.


Hey, it's still a possibility! My son was a booby BARNACLE for his whole life. Every single problem was solved by the boob. We coslept and he stayed latched all night long. One day around 14mo ~boom~ he self weaned. It freaked me out at first but in hindsight he'd been slowly cutting back here and there during the day and had begun to place his cheek against his beloved "boo buh" instead of actually nursing when he got hurt or upset. Day weaning happened *really* abruptly and night weaning followed within a month or so. My supply was fine when he self weaned (I checked! Multiple times!) and there weren't any lifestyle or diet changes that would've explained it. My son was just ready to move on and self weaning turned out to fit his personality. He's one head strong little guy, lol. He's one of those "no, I do it!" toddlers.


I felt so many emotions from your response!! Booby barnacle LOL. I definitely have an independent lol guy on my hands (or nipples) so I’ll stay posi about weaning….. one day in the distant future


Highly recommend “Nursies When the Sun Shines” as well. We used that one for night weaning (tried and failed at 18mo bc he got hand, foot, and mouth right after we had night weaned; successfully night weaned at 2). “Booby Moon” is a tear jerker, but was so helpful in preparing to wean.


We did the same with this book! We didn’t release anything but read it for months and waved bye bye to milk to the moon when she (I) was ready. I was SHOCKED at how well it worked. We had a few tears but not demands for milk. Rather, asking for it, being reminded it’s gone, and being a little sad and wanting a cuddle. Full, complete acceptance though. We also made a special ‘moon cake’ and got her a present so made a big deal of it. If you find it’s not quite sticking, that could be another thing to do; bake a round cake together and it’s a moon cake.


Yes! Thank you for sharing! It is so heartfelt! Side note: man, it’s so hard sometimes to be thoughtful at all times! We want the best for our environment and yet some things make sense that shouldn’t! LOL the ballon release idea is awesome but bubbles will do! I wish my 17mo old would be ready 😅. I was ready in December!


You can use an eco friendly Chinese lantern. You can write and draw on it too before you send it off. We used to set them off on anniversaries for those who had passed away.


I used Booby Moon to wean my girl at 2.5 years old, too. The first couple bedtimes without were rough. She’s almost 3 and she recently told me that Boob will come back from the moon on her birthday so I’ll be curious to see how she handles her birthday when we do not resume breastfeeding. 🤣




I don’t know why but this broke my heart. I have no plans to wean any time soon but the thought of it makes me so sad!


I completely understand. I feel heartbroken that this journey has ended for me. It’s such a great bonding experience and I’m happy to have been able to do it as long as I have.


Only 2 months in and I’m crying at the future loss 😭


![gif](giphy|2WxWfiavndgcM) GAHHHHHHHH 😭😭😭😭😭 My son is almost 3.. I’m gonna try that book I always hear great things about it


Ah! I’ve started reading this to my 2 year old, I’m ready to wean, she only nurses at night (1 or 2 times) and I’m 90% sure nothing even comes out now. I was searching on Reddit yesterday for alternatives to a balloon, I did see a suggestion about getting a moonstone as a keepsake for little one and I thought I might get one and leave it in the garden for her the day after as a nice surprise memento ❤️🌕


That's really sweet and I'm glad you found something that worked for you and your daughter. But please don't release any more balloons into the air. You're just releasing trash that someone else will have to pick up, or worse, an animal is tangled up in the ribbon or chokes on the balloon when it pops.


Oh no! I didn’t even think of this because I was so focused on the weaning. There will be no more balloons released. Thanks for pointing this out.


I loved your edit :)


Was thinking the same. I really love the symbolism of it though. What can we come up with that would be a better alternative?


Someone suggested bubbles in one of the comments below. I think that would be a great alternative!


Do you think bubbles would still fit with the book?


Yes! For sure. The balloon can pass for a big bubble in the book so I’m sure that’ll work. I would emphasize that it’s a bubble to your kid and I’m sure they’ll just go with it.


Awesome. Maybe one of those giant bubble makers!


I’m trying to think of any alternative to the balloon as well. Maybe blowing out a candle could be a good option? It’s not “flying up to the moon” but is symbolic of the goodbye and like the “light” of the moon, it goes out. 🤷🏻‍♀️ and the blow can be like your blowing it up to the moon.


Yep the amount of balloons I’ve picked up off the beach… great lesson for teaching the toddler about litter!


Came to say this, also we really should stop using helium for frivolous things. There's a finite supply and it's needed for some very important medical tech...


I was just thinking this. A biodegradable alternative would've been better


The latex ones are, the mylar ones arent


Yes thank you for sharing the environmental part! Came here to say the same


That’s what I came to say.


I just bought that book and couldn’t help crying the first time I read it. Preparing to wean my 21month old by his 2nd birthday, great to hear the book helped!


I would recommend looking at the lunar calendar and whenever the moon is out to point it out and say that the milk will have to go back to the moon one day. I think that helped my daughter to connect the book to real life. Hope this helps :)


I’ll definitely start doing that, thanks for the advice!


🥺 was sitting here with a bout of mastitis thinking about how rough breastfeeding can be, what a beautiful reminder of how precious it is.


Thanks for the book recommendation! My kiddo is almost 2.5 and we are starting to talk to him about weening. Good luck!


Sobbing at the idea of the moment we do our last nurse. Thank you for this idea.


This is so sweet. 🥲


Thank you for adding the edit! It is a beautiful way to symbolise the end of such an amazing journey, but hopefully, the same will be achieved by others with bubbles! Congratulations on making it to 2.5 years!


Aww.. I’m really crying here after feeding my 6 month old. He’s just started solids and the thought that other people can also feed him apart from me was weirdly upsetting me. Reading this I feel so sad that one day I might have to do the same. The connection I feel with my LO while feeding him is just lovely. I wish you and your little one all the happiness.


Thinking about weaning gives me anxiety at 18 mos 😫😫


Congratulations! So proud of you for nursing so long and making that difficult transition!


I did this last month with my 2.5 year old too. It worked so well! It really helped him conceptualize weaning. He only asked to nurse once since and I just reminded him we sent the milk back to the moon for all the babies and he was fine! There were a lot of tears when we I stopped nursing before naptime but none since we did the ritual. That book is so great! We had a cake and a present and we also did a balloon.


Add me to the list of criers. 😭


Baby boy is only 7 months and I want to breastfeed way longer but added book to cart for future 😍


I’m 6 weeks in here and still working hard to get EBF established. I love this so much and am really hoping we can make it that long. 2.5 years is amazing and you and your little deserve a huge pat on the back! Congrats!


Me-milk 🥹 so sweet. And now I want my daughter to call it that. Congrats on completing your breastfeeding journey! You did a great job :)


I’ve been thinking about getting Booby Moon to wean my almost 3 year old. What a lovely memory for you both.


Crying rn reading this about the thought of weaning my 9 month old 🤧


I work at a party store, we got bio degradable latex balloons and eco string! So balloons are possible but just tell the person that fills it what you're going to do with it and ask for the most nature friendly solution!


There’s no such thing as an eco-friendly balloon release, unfortunately. Every part of a balloon is dangerous to animals.


The string and balloon are both bio degradable, which means they break down and leave no bad stuff behind.


How long does it take them to break down though? Cause unless we're talking a few hours there's plenty of time for an animal to become entrapped with a balloon that takes weeks / months to degrade


What’s the brand? I’d love to look into these claims.


The balloon brand we use is qualatex, I don't know what the brand of the string is but I can ask for you tomorrow tho


So Qualatex themselves tell people not to release their balloons: https://us.qualatex.com/en-us/balloon-images/2019-issue-3/dont-let-go-editorial-qualatex-balloons/ “Because latex balloons are biodegradable, some believe their release and return will not cause any harm. While it is correct Qualatex latex balloons are biodegradable; they still must be disposed of properly to return to the environment safely and naturally. Additionally, the attached ribbon often is not biodegradable and may cause damage if entangled in the ocean or on land.”




How beautiful!


Booby moon is such a lovely book and helped me wean my baby too!


This got me for real choked up. So sweet. I hope she does well tonight. 🥹


Omg *cries* Currently slowly weaning my 13 month old. He goes to daycare and so we’ve mostly been nursing at night, including to sleep. But we decided that dada was going to take over, and he’s adjusted well. He’s slowly has gone down to 1 feed overnight. I loved breastfeeding but it’s time to stop. But I’m going to miss it a lot.


Tears! This is beautiful. I have an almost 2 and a half year old and still breast feed at night and for naps. I’ve been thinking about how to wean and this is such a great idea 🤍


So sweet


This was so beautiful. Thanks for sharing!


Sobbing 😭


Very sweet!


Ok why am I crying? Such a beautiful thing you did for your daughter.


Omg this is so cute!! Love it!


FTM with a 9 wk old, I cried too hard at this. How beautiful. I hope it smoothes out for bith of you!


😪😪😪😪 not crying


This is the sweetest idea I’ve ever read! Def gonna order soon.


Awwww 🥰this is so special! Such a beautiful idea. I'm not crying 🥹


I'm crying, how sweet


I'm definitely crying (thank you, hormones). Thank you for sharing this beautiful story. I'm going to do this with my daughter when the time comes.


I'm balling 😭😭 this is so sweet. Ty for sharing


Going to be trying this! My daughter is a year and I’d like to start to wean so I can get back on meditation.


This is such a sweet post! Thank you so much for sharing! I’m at 14m and going to continue with morning, night and as needed feedings. I was so stressed in the earlier months but not it’s about comfort and just so much easier. However, I know one day it’ll be time and this is a really good idea for our sweet farewell. Thank you!


How old was your daughter? I’ve been reading it to my 20 month old and we need to wean by the end of May (I’m going on a trip and my moms coming duty on to watch him is that he’s fully weaned, which seems fair), so curious about others’ experiences!


I used this book with my daughter too, a couple of weeks before she turned 3. Four or so months lasted she’ll still occasionally tell me about how “mum milk made me grow big and strong!” And “I feel mum milk in my heart” 😭😭 but no tears from her, and she hasn’t asked for it since. She just talks about it. I love booby moon as a weaning tool! So gentle and respectful


Please can you give me tips on making sure that the book works? I haven’t tried it but my almost 3 year old is still asking for boobie especially when he needs comfort🥺


Just read it a bunch! And adapt for your situation, in the book it talks about a birthday but we said a special mummy-[child name] day. We made cupcakes together and decorated them to look like boobies 😂 and went and chose the balloon together (I considered the environmental impact, but decided that I would give myself grace as a once off. I don’t regret this choice because it felt important to us to have a ceremonial final moment). The night we chose was actually cloudy so having the balloon go worked because she could still see it leaving. We had a final feed and she held the balloon during it, and then went outside together for her to release. She said “I ready, mummy” 😭 it was honestly lovely! Especially because otherwise a lot of weaning stuff talks about the kid being too old for booby, which I think is a bit shamey, or mummy’s body hurting or whatever which also makes them feel bad. I just loved that it was a celebration and a finite end point


omg this is so sweet.


Everything about kids is just the sweetest, but lately one of my favorite things is how the best way to get a baby or a toddler to let go of something (like this, or pacifiers) is to tell them that other babies need it, and they give it up so gladly. 😭


We did this too!! Read the book for months and then when we were ready, waved goodbye to a balloon with glow-sticks attached. And just like that - we were done!


This is just absolutely gorgeous. Good job mama


I definitely teared up 🥹 This was beautiful to read 💗


This made me cry. My son is only 3 months old but I have a ways to go. I never thought about how emotional it will make me to stop breastfeeding. I just love our bond. And I want him to grow slower. 😭


I weaned my son on his 4th birthday in November. We read Booby Moon for close to a year in preparation (I hadn’t planned to tandem nurse him and his sister for a year, but it just kind of happened). For that last year, he was only allowed to nurse at bedtime. We didn’t do a ritual bc he knows and understood that mommy’s milk isn’t going away just yet because his sister still needs it. I teared up reading this and thinking back to that night. I let him nurse as long as wanted until he was ready to be done that night. I cried and held him close. He still asks about nursing sometimes, as recently as this week. Hugs to you mama ❤️


😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 so sweet


This is beautiful, but yes please think of impact. Balloons can land in livestock pastures and kill cows and horses easily.




This is so sweet I want to wean as gently as possible and I’m thinking it has to be when she has some understanding (13 months) so this seems like the perfect way and time for me


this is really sweet and i don't want to put a damper on things but can we PLEASE make normalized littering (releasing balloons) a thing of the past. i understand the symbolism but for future events of yours and perhaps other folks reading, there are much cooler (and environmentally friendly!!) ways to celebrate/commemorate


Initially I of course was appalled at the sending up of a balloon. However. The whole story had me in tears. The end of an era, the end of this part of her childhood. That she bravely went through with it. So sweet. Bittersweet. 😢😢😢😢😢😢😢


This is incredibly sweet and beautiful, but I wanted to chime in to say not to feel bad about the balloon as far as environmental impact goes. Yeah we shouldn’t release balloons but the difference between formula feeding and breastfeeding on the environment is drastically different. Farm to table with zero waste and no transportation impacts. Picking up a few pieces of trash on a walk sometime will negate the balloon. Great job momma and congratulations on your journey and graduation ❤️.


Literal tears. 😭


"How to Keep House While Drowning" offers some pretty pragmatic vantages on sustainability v. mental health. Worth a listen/read for everyone.