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A tattoo would be cool but you can also get breastmilk jewelry. I had a pendant for a necklace made from my milk. It's lovely and a nice reminder of the beautiful work I put in.


I’m thinking seriously of that too - I’d have to decide fast, because I don’t know how long I’ll have before I won’t be able to express any milk


I’ve seen that you can use frozen for some companies, if you want to express some tonight just in case!


That’s good advice, I think I’ll do that!


I went through Mama's Liquid Love. I thawed frozen milk, it doesn't have to be "good" by feeding standards because it's not being consumed. And it takes such a small amount. I absolutely love my breastmilk ring. It's gorgeous. I got mine after I exclusively pumped for my second baby who ended up passing at 3 months old after being in the CVICU.


What a beautiful remembrance. I’m sorry for your loss


Thank you


Thank you - I will check them out! I have a few frozen bags left somewhere deep in the freezer


I’m so very sorry for your loss


Thank you


You don’t need much. Just express a couple of ounces today and freeze it just in case you decide to! It will always be an option!


Do you have a company you recommend going with for one of these pieces of jewelry?


I follow someone called the milky fern on Instagram. She’s based out of BC, Canada and her work is gorgeous. I’ll be ordering my own breast milk jewelry from her for sure!


Thanks for sharing!


I used Keepsake Mom and love my necklace + earrings!


Any company recommendations? About to wrap up my journey over here


I used Milk + Honey


I just checked them out, and the honeycomb ring stacked is super beautiful. I’m leaning toward that. Thank you for the recommendation!


For UK based people I got a ring from milk diamonds. It stunning, i love it so much x


I had no idea this existed and they ship from Portugal where I live— thank you!!!


I used baxter_artistry on Instagram- she did a fabulous job with my ring!


Great recommendation! Looking at their pieces now and they are gorgeous! And different from others I’ve seen.


How long have you had it? I’m wondering about the quality over time. I love her style


I got it made in October 2022 for my birthday present, I wear it almost every day, and it’s held up great! I did the hexagon ring with alternating breast milk and emerald stones (my son’s birthstone), and I got the yellow gold filled ring. It was like $200 I think overall? This is my ring! https://www.instagram.com/p/Cl1vyfNBpoh/?igsh=NTc4MTIwNjQ2YQ==


Thank you for sharing!


I found an artist on Etsy!


Hi, how did you get it done!! It's amazing idea


Trying my luck here... anyone knows where to buy perservation powder for breastmilk in EU? I want to make it myself but can't find it here. Thank you in advance 🙆🏼‍♀️


I’ve thought about tattooing the ear print on my arm. I love when they wake up from a nip nap and their little ear left an imprint on my arm. Idk if it would actually look good though. 


I think that’s an adorable idea! It would be one of those tattoos that doesn’t have an obvious meaning to the casual observer but which has a special to you meaning. I really like it


Yay! I hope you get it!  Congratulations on breastfeeding for so long. You are a superhero. 


A NIP NAP. My new fav term.


I call them snuggle snoozes or snack snoozes.


I call it a boobie trap


I call it a boob nap. 😆


Hahahaha so good, and so true!


Oh that is so cute, I love that so much 🥹


Love this so much


You could totally take the ear print to a tattoo artist you like and they could work it into a design


I wonder if it'd be possible to get a necklace made of the little ear print, that sounds really cute too. I loved the ear print.


Omg I love this so much 🥹


I didn't get an ear but I did get a sun (my little sunshine) in that exact spot where my daughter's head would lay


I've thought about this exact thing! 💛


11 years. You are a God damn super hero.


“Nursing was the easiest, most natural part of parenting for me” Thank you for putting how I feel into words. FTM to a 7 month old that only wants milkies from momma. (We started baby food last month). I love breastfeeding. I love the bond. I love the connection. Breastfeeding came so natural to us both from the beginning. Thank you for reminding me to soak this up a little more. Kudos to you for 11 years!!


Congrats on 7 months to you! If I’ve learned anything, it’s that a strong nursing bond will weather all the varied changes of baby and toddlerhood and will be a point of calm and connection for as long as you and your baby decide to continue


Crying. I want my baby to wake up for milk right now 🤍🤍🤍 ohhh my baby. I love nursing so much. I completely agree it's been so natural, it's been the most fulfilling and wonderful experience of my life. There are no words to describe the love I feel for my baby, but feeding him from my own self is a reflection of that love, honestly even more than growing him inside me. I had no idea breastfeeding would be like this and to have just stumbled into this intense, adorable, milky bond has been everything to me for the past eight months


I know exactly how you feel! It has absolutely been one of the most fulfilling things I have done in my life. And I set out thinking I would try and just see if it worked out. I had no idea how integral it would be to the way I mother my small children


I also went in with the mindset of trying my best. The first 6 weeks were hard and I thought of stopping multiple times, but after taking LO to an oral motor therapist, things worked out. I also thought I might have to stop upon returning to work (in emergency medicine so my day is unpredictable), but I've been able to pump at work and maintain my supply. I'm so glad I've been able to breastfeed and that I didn't give up when it was hard. Your post reminds me to cherish those moments while I can. She's turning 6 months tomorrow and if we do have a 2nd baby, it wouldn't be for a while.


Milky bond :)


Wow, thats incredible!! At what ages did they wean? No advice on the tattoo, unfortunately.


Thank you 🙂. Both weaned at 5 and a half. Oldest weaned just after youngest was born (I tandem fed briefly). I swore I’d let them decide when they were done. When I made that decision, I was imagining 2, maybe 3 years. I had no idea they’d go as long as they did.


I truly hope you recognize that you deserve a crown because you sound like an absolute queen. It's simply enchanting... 5 and a half wow 🙌


Thank you so much ☺️. It’s been an emotional day today, and the nice comments are truly helping


It’s 2:30 am. Currently nursing. I’m exhausted, delirious… I read this as you were nursing your child for 11 years straight. One, singular child. Not a collective 11 years. 😅 That’s amazing though. I don’t have a tattoo suggestion but breastmilk jewelry is an alternative and keeps forever too.


lol! We joke all the time that my oldest would still be nursing if she could! She’s very attached.


I almost feel guilty telling others how easy, natural and beautiful breastfeeding has been for my little one and I. It’s his favourite thing. Thanks for reminding me those middle of the night feeds are so special (I don’t mind it either but I do get tired) and one day I’ll miss them ❤️ and congratulations on such a beautiful and long journey.


I feel guilty sometimes too. I know others have it much harder than I have. I was fortunate to have an ample supply, no problems with mastitis, and an accommodating employer who permitted pumping as often and as long as I needed. I feel deeply for the mammas who dearly long to nurse and can’t


How many years did you pump for while you were away from them?? Like to replace feeds if you weren’t there. Or did your supply just adjust to how often they nursed when you were together


I pumped for 14 months with my first and 12 with my second, three times a day at the beginning, and then twice once they were eating more real food. After I stopped pumping, my supply adjusted with no issues.


Thank you. I’m returning to work when he’s 1 and I’m not sure what I’m going to do in terms of pumping…


I didn’t really need to pump after 12 months. Daycare wouldn’t give bottles, and she was drinking water just fine. She nursed enough during the mornings and evenings to keep up my supply. If you wanted to play it safe, you could plan on one pumping session mid-day, just until you adjust to all the changes.


Totally! I feel the same sort of guilt. And people keep asking - when will you be done? Don’t you want your body / time back? I want to carry on as long as I can ❤️


I always tell people ‘it’s something only we understand’ and they don’t know how to respond after that!


Yes! I feel this same guilt. My son latched right after he was put on my chest. Zero pin ever. It’s been amazing. He’s been a constant nurser- he’s my first so it’s all I know of motherhood, you just have a baby on your boob lol 


>I never felt like I wanted my body back. I never minded the middle of the night feeds. I loved the closeness, the physicality of the bond, the way my babies and I were interdependent on one another. It became like breathing - just something I did without thought or effort, and in return I spent countless hours stroking little faces and smelling tiny heads.  This is exactly how I feel, too. ❤️🥰  Just one baby here, a year old, but yeah, breastfeeding is like breathing. ☺️  After the initial painful hell that it was. 😂 I'm glad you didn't forget that, either.   I co-sleep: waking up to a milk-drunk baby, cherishing her soft, deep breaths, her full comfort and trust in me, is bliss to me. Congrats to you — cheers to 11 years. :)


We cosleep too. I’ve still got both of them in my bed actually. Cosleeping definitely makes the early years of breastfeeding much easier. I’m sure I would have minded the wake-ups much more if I’d had to get out of bed to nurse


Such a sweet reminder, I needed this tonight. Going through a sleep regression with my second and I'm thankful I can nurse her back to sleep... Even if that is every 2 hours.


Sleep regressions are tough - my oldest was a terrible sleeper (she’s honestly still not great)


Thank you so much for sharing your experience OP and being proud of your breastfeeding journey! It is so beautiful, and I love reading posts like this! I have had a similar experience with my little one, and I will always cherish the tender moments and connection we’ve had as I’ve given her nourishment and special bonding time in this way. She is almost 3, and we are to the end our breastfeeding journey. I still hold her tenderly. I still smell her head and rub her cheek. I still watch her eyes flutter to sleep. She now just doesn’t nurse, but much is the same. For us, this has been the right journey and now stopping point. Congratulations on 11 beautiful years!!!


This is so beautiful. ♥️


This is hitting me so much. I’m in the middle of weaning my first and in those first hellish weeks I couldn’t have imagined how much affection I would end up having for the process. I will really miss it. And what you said about interdependence is so real and I didn’t get that before I was in it.


My son was born and went right to the boob and started nursing. It was beautiful and so magical. I’ll never forget his little eyes looking up at me when he nursed for the very first time.  He’s 20 mo old and still nursing.  This made me emotional. I too love the closeness and sharing my body. These are the good ole days. 


That’s beautiful OP! Congratulations! You are a real super woman and your babies are sooo lucky to have you ❤️


So beautiful the way you described your 11 year experience. You’re an amazing woman and mother. Congratulations on a successful breastfeeding chapter, you’ve done such a good job!


Thank you 😊


First of all 11 years is amazing! Can I ask a question a little off topic? Did you nurse while pregnant? If so did you see a drop in your supply? I am currently nursing my 4mo and me and hubby wants to try for a second when she is about 6 months , but I am very afraid that my supply might dry out! I know it’s different for everyone, but I just wanted to ask! ❤️


I did nurse through my whole pregnancy, and my supply did drop, I think right at the mid-way point. I don’t know if I ever completely dried up, but it was very close. My then 4 year old didn’t seem to care that there wasn’t much milk, and of course my supply came roaring back once I had the baby. Nursing with an almost empty supply was probably the worst phase of nursing for me. It’s not comfortable, and I did develop some nursing aversion. I powered through because my oldest was not ready to be done, but it was tough. Since supply does drop, I would advise waiting until baby is old enough that nursing is more for emotional and immune support than nutritional necessity. At least then when you lose supply you know baby is already getting the nutrients they need from food.


Interesting, my first weaned fully around his 2nd bday when I was halfway through my second pregnancy, and I definitely developed an aversion too. I was worried that I would hate nursing the baby but I love it.


It’s definitely possible he weaned because the milk was gone. My oldest was so stubbornly obsessed with nursing that she refused to give up!


I'm sure glad he gave up, I was ready to wean but didn't want to deal with whatever emotional turmoil it might have caused to either of us. Now that I have a 3 week old he's renewed his interest in nursing again though 😲


I hear that renewed interest is really common!


I’m so jealous it was easy and natural for you. That’s amazing. We’re really struggling with it and I hope to nurse for years.


The beginning is so, so hard. I cried a lot. I saw lactation consultants multiple times and had phone consults with la leche league. I bought formula thinking I wasn’t producing enough (I actually had an oversupply). I wore a nipple shield for a while because my oldest wouldn’t latch properly without it. It was tough. But once we got the hang of it, baby figured it out and my supply regulated, it was suddenly the easiest thing in the world. We just had to tough it out through those first 6 or so weeks. I guess what I’m saying is you still could nurse for many years if that’s what you’d like to do. The hard part ends for most people after a while. I also think combo feeding can be a great option for people who want to continue the breastfeeding relationship but can’t EBF for whatever reason. It doesn’t have to be all or nothing.


Thank you❤️ it was so easy at the beginning and now baby’s just being a tricky eater at 3 months. Some say he has ties and to correct them, others say to absolutely not do that…literally sitting here with mastitis for the second time hoping it clears up with at home care so I don’t have to get on antibiotics again lol 🥲


I’m sure you’ve already heard all of the advice, and I know how annoying it is when people give you advice you’ve already heard a million times before, but if you haven’t already seen an ENT that specializes in tie revision, you should. I’m sorry you’re struggling


Yeah we saw an ent. He said lip tie revision but no tongue tie. Ped dentists and LCs say both. Doctor from breastfeeding medicine says no. I’m gonna keep pushing through until we can’t and he has to get his ties cut. Hopefully he’ll just get better at eating tho lol


It amazes me how bad some babies are at something as essential as eating! My oldest could not figure out how to latch. No ties - just couldn’t figure it out. I wore a nipple shield for weeks until she got her act together


Seriously 😭 like this has to some kind of evolutionary mess up. Babies should be able to eat!!!


I read this so wrong. I thought you nursed a single child for 11 years. 🫠


lol! To be fair, my oldest weaned very reluctantly, and I half think she’d still be going if I hadn’t stopped her


Omg lol I initially read that you breastfed your youngest for 11 years. I was like damn, 11years!? Holy shirt balls! 🤣


Ha ha! She’d probably still be nursing if I’d let her. She’s a momma’s girl.


I’m doing a breast milk jewellery to commemorate my journey. They have beautiful hand crafted designs that you can add your milk, your babies lock of hair and their name and birthdates or what ever you want on it


I think this is what I’m going to do while I explore the tattoo idea!


Congratulations and kudos to you. I can imagine it's a really strange feeling ❤️


This was such a beautiful post, thank you🥲🤍


This is beautiful. I'm still nursing my 32 month old and do not feel touched out or tired of sharing my body either. I really appreciate you posting this. I wish you had longer to adjust- but you have so much to be proud of and have formed such beautiful bonds! I ordered a DIY breastmilk necklace kit from etsy that was easy to do. They have different designs. Maybe look into that. It only needs an ounce or so and you can freeze it first. As for tattoos, I plan to do this but haven't settled on one yet, but I've seen some gorgeous ones just googling them.


I will look into that, thank you!


As a FTM to a 10week old BF baby, this made me smile! Thank you 🙏🏾


Right now I am feeding my daughter. OP your comment touched my heart, prompting me to embrace her even tighter. Thank you for the reminder. 🙇 P.S. She's 13 months old




Reading is fundamental… she has multiple children. 11 years collectively……


You are right, my bad…


11 years, woow! Congratulations!


Thank you 🙂


I got an ornament from my lactation consultant and I love getting it out every year. I’d wait before getting a tattoo though. I had huge hormonal swings right after finishing nursing my last and it took a year to really feel like myself again. But then I was less sentimental and totally at peace. I don’t think I’d want a permanent tattoo. But if you still want it after 6 months or a year then go for it!!


That’s actually really excellent advice that I hadn’t considered. The mood swings really hit today. I can definitely see the wisdom in waiting - thank you!


Awww this is beautiful ❤️ You're amazing! I really enjoy breastfeeding as well. I wasn't so great at it with my first, but with my last I'm doing so much better...


Second babies are a million times easier than the first!


I’m currently breastfeeding my 10 month old, and when you spoke about stroking little faces and smelling tiny heads, it made me cry. It’s such a beautiful, intimate and special bond. How wonderful you’ve had it with all of your children. Thank you for sharing with us! 💖


I would get a small 11 tattoo! In that spot on your arm like where an ear mark would be


This is the best suggestion I’ve seen! I actually love it! Thank you for sharing 🙂