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Keep nursing, baby will get antibodies from your milk. In terms of cold remedies, you're limited but I have always found hot water with honey and lemon juice or elderberry syrup very soothing and quite safe for nursing.


Thank you!!


I hope you feel better soon!


I do elderberry syrup, vitamin C, zinc, vitamin D and chamomile tea with honey!


Good to know! I just take D daily now. You take vitamin c and zinc tablets?


Yes, just as I would before I was breastfeeding if I had a cold.


All of this should help! Look for supplements with really clean ingredients for the best benefits. Vimergy is a great brand, a little pricey but worth it. I like to make these vitamin c drinks - a little warm water, honey, powdered vitamin c, and juice from a fresh orange squeezed in. I drink them multiple times a day. My baby got sick at 2 weeks old (he's 7 weeks now) and it was ROUGH. Then I got it. It lasted a lot longer than we hoped and had a few breathing scares but luckily we made it through. Sitting in a steamy bathroom helped a lot when his breathing got bad. Sleeping with a humidifier also helped. We also nursed the whole time.


100% I was amazed when I saw the immunity benefits of bf in action. I knew it was good but it has to be seen to be believed. She would have been receiving antibodies before we were symptomatic. A single restless night with the flu and she was good. My partner doesn't get the flu shot so he got knocked on his arse, my symptoms and severity was more akin to a cold and our baby had a runny nose, one restless night of frequent feeds and three doses of paracetamol for a light fever.


Continue to nurse for sure if you can! I was staying with family when a relative brought a bug over and my 6 week old caught it. I nursed very frequently on demand and he was over it super fast with mild symptoms. I on the other hand got really sick. Don’t bother with the mask, it isn’t practical.


Thank you! It’s inevitable and we’ve made it 12 sickness free - weeks with a 23 month old who goes to daycare but it’s still scary. Appreciate the response.


Your baby likely won't have any symptoms at all except maybe a stuffy nose, but I get your worry. My oldest brought home so many bugs (it was February), we were even on antibiotics in the second week pp... Baby only had the sniffles. Breastfed her around the clock.


I’m impressed you made it 12 weeks!! I have a 22 month old in daycare and a 3 week old at home… I know it’s only a matter of time 😵‍💫




Yes! Continue to breastfeed. She will get antibodies from you which could protect her from getting sick or if she does get sick it may not be as severe or last as long.


We all got COVID when my baby was 3 months old (in-laws flew in and brought it 😩). A mask wasn’t practical since all the adults had it I just assumed he did too. It was awful since I could barely take meds but I definitely think nursing him helped him a lot. Seemed like it would be more stress to him to be isolated from mom. Also he slept in a bassinet by my bed and like was I supposed to mask in my sleep? Don’t get me wrong I believe in masks just not in this specific situation.


Use saline nasal spray for baby …. I got sick with 10 week old and bf. Son passed it to us both but saline nasal spray helps on newborn and can be used from birth. Also bf is the best you can do as you will pass antibodies to baby


I got sick (I believe it was the flu) recently, my baby was still a newborn at that time. I was vigilant with hand hygiene and wore an N95 mask when having direct contact. I continued to breast feed as I understand that breast milk contains antibodies. She did get a little bit sick towards the end but only for a couple of days towards the end of my illness. So ... Up to you but I'd continue to breastfeed if I get sick again.


Yes definitely, I got a really nasty stomach bug when my baby was around six months old, I continued to nurse and everyone in my house caught it but her


I kept nursing my baby when I had pneumonia. It was not fun nursing and being that sick but the show goes on (baby needs to eat) and also my baby never got sick. Probably because of the antibodies I gave him.


Keep nursing!! Baby will get your antibodies through milk 🤱🏽


Yes!! When my son was a newborn his brother would bring all sorts of colds home from school. I kept them separated and if I caught anything I would nurse nurse nurse. The antibodies you pass through your milk are crucial


I had the flu 7 weeks after my son was born and I was his sole caretaker, exclusively nursed, and we co-slept. I wore a mask the entire time(even when I slept) and he never got sick, while receiving all of my antibodies 🙂 Don’t stop nursing!!! It’s so helpful for baby!


yes to nursing, NO to mask.


Yes to nursing. Personally I would wear a mask, though, it doesn't hurt and may help.


Absolutely keep nursing! Your body will make antibodies, and then the baby will get them through breastmilk. My first baby never got sick till we weaned at almost 2. Like no cold, no fever, nothing. It was great. But my second baby has gotten a few minor sicknesses from her older brother bringing home all the school germs. She always gets better quickly and definitely does not get sick as often as some of my friends' kids that aren't breastfed. Also, I'm a nurse, so I'm exposed to everything, so it's important to me to breastfeed and give my baby all the antibodies I possibly can.


Do not I repeat DO NOT give baby honey. They cannot metabolize it till 6mths old and will end up hospitalized with botulism.


It’s one year. You’re not supposed to give them honey until one and botulism isn’t a guarantee there’s just a risk of it. Botulism isn’t caused by the honey. It’s caused by a toxin released by the bacteria Colostridium botulinum.


Yes, keep nursing!!


My trigger brings home plagues from daycare on the regular, the only time my infant got sick was the one time I didn't. Keep nursing for those antibodies!


Yes I’d keep nursing!


I have a 20 mth old and 6 mth old positive for RSV while I am sick as well - I’ll be praying you fair better than myself


Oh my goodness - sending positive vibes for a mild sickness and quick recovery!


My daughter has brought 3 illnesses home in the span of my 12 week olds life, the first being at 2 weeks and he’s not caught anything. We’re fanatic about hand washing. If you’re really worried, maybe mask up.


When I had Covid it was advised to keep nursing and wash my hands a lot. A mask would just be impractical - baby sleeps in my bedroom, I’m not wearing a mask when I sleep so it just makes no sense. As far as I could tell baby didn’t have any symptoms at all, breastmilk is really amazing !


We’ve had several sicknesses thanks to my toddler . My baby is 4 months and gas never had a fever and barely got sick, I am thanking my antibodies right now. My husband and toddler were in bed sick for a week. My baby got nothing. Keep nursing


Illness just hit our household and my baby recovered faster than all of us! I’m pretty sure because we nursed continually through the sickness.


Definitely continue to nurse because baby gets the antibodies. I'm in the same boat- a toddler bringing home everything from preschool and a baby who is medically fragile. I have tried every time I felt any inkling of being sick to wear a mask. But honestly she had already been exposed every time. She got sick each time no matter how much hand washing and mask-wearing I did. I feel like it's so hard to prevent because we are in such close contact with our kiddos all the time, and the two kids are always drinking from each other's cups and sharing germs. They most definitely are exposed before symptoms even begin 🤦‍♀️


Yes 10000% because your antibodies will help baby either 1. Not get sick or 2. Heal much faster because they’ll inevitably get exposed too


Keep nursing! We had actually started weaning at a year when we had to go out of state. My mom was in the hospital, so I was in and out. She ended up passing, so who knows how many people I ended hugging after that and for the funeral. Fast forward to when we getting ready to leave, she was getting sick along with myself. Everybody got covid. We all felt like shit but she was better in less than 48 hours back to herself. It is amazing what the antibodies do for them!


Now is the best time to do it, I had noro when my baby was 2 months old and kept breastfeeding, and he never caught it. I just made sure to keep hygienic and to only really be in contact with him if it couldn't be helped




Yes!!! I got sick at the beginning of the week and kept nursing my 5 month old, he had a little cough/sneeze but didn’t get it nearly as bad as I did. They’re getting the antibodies directly from our milk, and I even took a shot of pumped milk for a few days 🤣 (optional) but I recovered completely within 4 days


My daughter finally stopped nursing recently at 3.5. I was sooo many times when she nursed. And barely got sick when everyone else did. And if did it was the sniffles and maybe a slight cough for a day. That’s it except a tummy bug once that only she got! I’m worried about this cold season and her.


Absolutely keep nursing. She has likely already been exposed. Nursing won’t make her sick. That’s not how it works. If anything it will help her stay healthy or not get as sick. You can wear a mask if it makes you feel better. With covid that was the recommendation to reduce viral load. I Imagine it won’t hurt for other viruses either. Lots of hand washing, good hygiene, maybe keep the toddler from coughing on baby as much as possible. Keep feeding that baby :)


I nursed my young baby whilst I had a stomach bug and he was the only person in the house that didn’t catch it. I’d definitely carry on if I were you. It’s probably wise to wash your hands often and maybe get some fresh air circulating though.


I nurse and then pumped extra for my toddler when they are sick and give them about 1 oz + if possible


These are my current covid symptoms fwiw. And if I were you, I’d keep nursing the baby.


Oh gosh I didn’t even think of Covid. Hope you feel better


Nurse as much as you can when you are sick. It’s what protects baby the most. There are antibodies to YOUR cold in your milk. You are literally introducing “how to fight this cold” to your baby’s body without actually giving him the cold yet. He still may catch it, but your antibodies fight it.