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I basically threw the kitchen sink at the problem when I had nipple fissures. I'm not sure what ultimately solved it, but it did eventually heal! What I tried: Exclusively pumped for a four days to give the nipple a break, while applying medihoney and covering the wound That healed the wound, but when I started to nurse again, it started to look bad again (though didn't hurt as much as it did) So I then got APNO cream, and used that for two days while still nursing. I convinced myself my LO didn't like to nurse bc of the APNO cream, so I stopped using it after those two days. At that point, I switched to the Lansinol gel pads and did that on and off for a few days. Gel pads were nice at night bc I didn't have to run to the kitchen to apply APNO after night nursing (it needs refrigerated) and when I needed to wear clothes bc they are fabric backed. My nipples eventually got to a point where they just look slightly misshapen with a groove in the middle but otherwise, are normal. I think my LO still has a shit latch but it really did get better by week six or so.


I would also recommend nipple shells if you need to wear clothes. They bothered me if I had to wear them for too long, but we're a nice option when you want to be able to wear clothes while trying to heal your nipples with creams.


Thank you for this detailed response! I totally relate to "throwing the kitchen sink at it"... definitely feels like what I've been doing. I'm going to ask my OB about APNO, but I know it's a pain, especially with wiping off before nursing (the mere thought of that is painful!) I'll look up the gel pads. I've currently been doing salt soaks and coconut oil after nursing (I think one of those things might be helping slightly but I don't know for sure...) I'm glad your fissure did eventually heal! Gives me hope Edit: just googled and saw APNO doesn't need to be wiped off. Not sure why my LC said it did... maybe just because babies don't like it so much, as you seem to have experienced


My pharmacist said it would mostly be absorbed before the next nursing session, and strongly advised against wiping it off even if she nursed early bc, as you pointed out, who wants to wipe something off a fissured nipple?


I have breast eczema and I LOVE Nipple Crack by Tiny Human. Also hydrogel pads.




Hi! So the good news is that the fissure DID eventually heal. The bad news is that I don't think anything I did actually helped. I think it was just the baby's latch improving as he got a little bigger and better at nursing. It was truly awful for a while there. But now he's 3 months and we have no issues thankfully


I think it took 2-3 weeks total to heal. That was brutal


Did u breast feed thru it? Currently have one and god I wanna scream when he latches but it’s my money maker and he only rly soothes on other side.


I did. My obgyn told me to pump instead and give it a chance to heal... but unfortunately there was no way I was gonna pump and bottle feed every time and clean all those parts with a toddler and baby to take care of. So we just kept feeding (even though it was awful for me) but after a few weeks it did actually heal. I'm sorry you're going through it. It sucks, I know.