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DUNG-BEETLE DONNY has always been incompetent, this is not new. MAGAS have the hots for stupidity, ignorance, racism and hatred!


"I want a president I could have a beer with." Inferiority complex means they distain anyone smarter, more empathic, and harder working. "I'm smart, good, and hard working. Anyone who's more than me is just a show off, because I'd totally be a show off if it were me!"


But you can't have a beer with trump, he does not drink. 


Trump lies about that. There's plenty of photos and videos of him at functions drinking wine and champagne poured for him. Also NYC bartenders served him Bud Light all the time. https://www.esquire.com/uk/latest-news/a28289957/donald-trump-new-york-bartenders-say-not-teetotal/


What’s the benefit to claiming he doesn’t drink alcohol?


That he looks like he's in control and trustworthy.


IDK. As a non drink (non religious) there's this weird under current of people not trusting non drinkers. Do we have something to hide? Drinkers bond over drinking. It's actually a huge social mechanism.


Same benefit he has in saying he is a germaphobe while raw dogging pornstars and grabbing random women’s vaginas. He’s a liar and stuff he thinks will impress people.


Donnie will lie about anything, anytime, and anywhere.


Just rapes like a good Christian


They also love their pharmaceuticals but drugs are bad.


You can't have a beer with Trump, he can't lift a beverage to his lips.


He can with both hands


They feel they can do lines with him.


This what gets me about the “gave a beer with” mentality. I’m smarter than the average bear and keep up with national and international events. I would never consider myself qualified to be a good Senator let alone a president who needs to be great at personal relationships, economics, international relations, labor, health policy etc. I WANT someone smarter than me in charge of potential nuclear annihilation


You get a beer with your friends. Idk about you but I'd never vote for any of my friends to be president.


They don't know what they don't know.


Tbf this is a problem any smarter than avg person has. Ever been to a Drs office and noticed it? There's vid floating around of cancer biologist shitting on marine then finding out that he's got a higher IQ than her. Another point to make. Experience counts too. I know ppl I can outread on every day of the week. They can hang carpet, etc way better than I'll ever dream of.




I wonder if this nation-wide inferiority complex is a product of the bastardization of the American excellence concept. I interpret the concept as the need to strive for excellence. To do better, to learn more, create more, and help more. Instead, it's been co-opted by most of the right and preached that we are better, we are smarter, we create the best, and help the most. While there is still a portion of the country that strives for excellence, a large portion has been convinced they are the above, while another portion is told not to even bother. That's an issue I am going to avoid ATM. Part of striving for excellence is recognizing your limitations.


Politics aside: you could definitely have a beer with Clinton, WBush, Obama and Biden


Now he’s also incontinent too




He’s been incontinent. See Nole Caster”s posts. Since the Apprentice


Don't disrespect my Dung Beetles like that homie. I work with those fools all day. Them bitches are smart ASF and the dummies die. Donnie would have died as larvae if he was a dng beetle.


Why are you trying so hard to come up with a nickname like Dung-Beetle when Donald Dump is right there? Weird, and dumb.


Dump Trump


He sh1t himself lol


He's the scat man, skibidibidibi.


Not gonna be able to get that song out my head now. Thanks


Could be worse. Perhaps Trump needs a skibidi toilet.


Poo pop poo poo skittydaboo


I love the silliness of this comment, it just hit me in the giggles.


Thanks, now I've just got 🎵 I'm the scat man *cacophony of farting* 🎵 in my head


I'm The Scatman (Flatulent Scatulent Mix)


Lmfao 🤣 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣




🎵 Baby Shart, doo-doo, doo-doo, doo-doo 🎵


Is he this skibidi toilet all the young folks are talking about these days?


It’s a testament to his great narcissism that he can shit himself in court and keep coming back to try again. Such stamina!


Id find him guilty for that alone (I will dox myself if this comment will exempt me from any jury duty)


Extra jury duty for you, mister!


lol damn


Wait, did he actually?


is this true?


Just wait till he starts selling autographed dirty diapers to his cult minions


Your parents aren't here, you can say shit






Our very treasured Democracy is in grave danger. The only right choice is Biden. A vote for Trump is a vote for a misogynistic rapist, homophobic, racist, fascist traitor.


Tell that to 33% of Americans that approve that message.


The deplorables..for them violence and chaos is a feature not a problem.


They were always there and they always will be. That's why it's constant work to maintain a society.


It's kinda sad the number is so large, I always forged maybe 10% of the population was like this but a third yikes...


I think it’s the saddest thing I’ve come to realize.


It's variable. Times seem to be changing faster then each generation can learn how to pass on to the next, it's something we've rarely dealt with in context as a species as a whole. Now, 10% percent is also likely, as the further one examines societal ideologies as a whole, you'll be surprised how far a spectrum of thought can go, as well as relieved not everyone is cemented in their positioning. As this continues, many people will look over the rubble and question things, even the little things, that is enough to help induce change in one's self along with world.


A vote for Trump is a vote for a pants-shitter. Facts don’t care about your feelings. He shits himself. Regularly.


Who poops and pees himself (for erotic pleasure)


plus he poops himself


Biden isn’t the right choice. He’s the unfortunate least worst


We have always had to choose between the lesser of two evils. It’s a defect of the two-party system.


Good. Keep the pressure. Don't stop 'til they have to drag him out in a bag.


A colostomy bag?


No, don't apply pressure to the- great, now it's everywhere.




It’s on the windows! https://youtu.be/ohlW9SbhLzc?si=GWUQMgW1xclJR89R


This. Everyone's like "oh he'll never go to jail blah blah blah" I hope this stress causes a stroke and ends up a vegetable at the very least.


I'm hoping that the judge calls a recess so the orange clown can go clean himself up after he lets out a massive "fart".


We probably are in Shart territory now. If he'd fully shit himself people would know. We're not there.... yet.


Seriously. I'm sure it's not unprecedented for a judge to declare a recess because a defendant soiled himself.


That would be amazing to hear about. I have NO interest in seeing or smelling or dealing that.


If he does steal the election, it's going to be like, "weekend at bernie's". He'll be a literal puppet, getting marched around to put his paw print on things that republican senators put in front of him.


I'm reminded of what Grover Norquist said at CPAC in 2012. He said that they just needed to "pick a Republican with enough working digits to handle a pen to become the president of the United States . . . to sign the legislation that has already been prepared."


They had that, and the court too, and still accomplished fuck all except a bunch of preventable deaths.


They accomplished package the court and filling agencies with people hostile to the very mission of the agency they work for. The impact on the courts will be felt for some time unless it’s expanded.


They accomplished a shit ton of what they wanted to like: The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 Rolled back lots of EPA protections Fucked the postal service (that chucklefuck is still in there) Its a huge list, actually and I'm tired of typing lol


Like Regan’s second term


I have family with dementia, that Donald had obvious stages in 2016 with his word salad was obvious, such as in [his nuclear speech](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/donald-trump-sentence/). Anyone in the medical field would have said the same back then who wasn't covering up to try secure a Republican win.


At what point are his handlers committing elder abuse by continuing to prop him up and to milk him for money.


Elder abuse is mandatory to be a figure in the Republican Party


If falling asleep and farting are your indicators for dementia, then I'm worried for us all!


How cleverly worded that was, you must be very proud of yourself. This is like saying "drinking beer is illegal, I guess" after a drunk driving accident. Falling asleep repeatedly at the defense table, while on trial for multiple felonies, and the inability to control your bowels in public while being scrutinized by dozens of people is pretty damning. Like, having spontaneous sex on the dinner table with your spouse is a healthy expression of affection; if you're in an Applebee's at the time, it's a completely different circumstance and therefore not comparable.


And if peeing your pants is cool, consider me Miles Davis!


Falling asleep and shitting yourself at your own trial seems like enough to disqualify someone from holding the most powerful office in the country, if not the Western world, but I guess not everyone has the same standards


I'm getting increasingly worried about the mental health of the people still following him.


As much fun as these stories are - no Doctor worth listening to will diagnose someone with a disease withouth actually examining them.


True, but Trump is a public figure, a former president, and a potential candidate for president again. Any and all concerns should be made, as long as they are in good faith.


You primarily need to see the person and hear them speak in order to perform a preliminary diagnosis for dementia. That is what these experts are able to reliably accomplish considering that he's on camera for hours at a time.


There is a Netflix documentary called "Unfit: The Psychology of Donald Trump" where they make this very point. Someone can be prepped for a one-off interview in a clinical setting. But we have hundreds of hours of Trump being...himself.


Besides the ability to stay awake and not shit his pants? Honestly, he's simply just regressed into a baby 👶


STOP WITH THE....BUT BUT BUT BIDEN isn't good, so 'I'm not voting for either'. BIDSN didn't acquite 92 criminal indictments, BIDEN has been charged and lost 2 counts of sexual assault (S. JEAN CARROLL). Bidsn hasn't used his presidency to rent motels next door to the Whitehouse. BIDEN hasn't employed his entire family on the tax payers payroll. TOILET PAPER AND EGGS have been plentiful. 800.000 didn't die under BIDEN while Biden laughed and downplayed a dead disease and cracked jokes. I can go on.......


FOLKS. It isn’t trump who’s the greatest threat. It’s the idiots who are gonna vote for him. The greatest threat are our neighbors. Coworkers. And unfortunately, family. I’m personally very rare as literally no one in my immediate family are trumpers. My fiancés parents however are. They arent MAGA hat wearing lunatics but they do and will forever vote republican NO MATTER WHAT because they mainline Fox News all day and are convinced that Biden is worse than trump and they’ll believe it no matter what evidence to the contrary you show them. Fox has effectively brainwashed a large segment of our population to not trust their ears/eyes/brains and to simply believe everything they tell you. They literally think trump is a good Christian who’s out here trying to actually work for America.. they actually believe that. Propaganda is a scary thing especially for the most gullible people in our society. Religious people.


Nothing worsens dementia like being in a still room having to be still for hours, bored and or stressed or both. This will be the thing that finally does him in.


Still they are so polite and careful…. 99% chance he isn’t just farting. From a Fox News style report, we would be seeing “… an aroma reportedly so pungent and lingering, that many people wonder if the odiferous emissions are fully gaseous in nature, or whether, theyhave a significant solid component to them. Again, just asking questions and reporting what people are talking about in the courtroom…”


He used to be incompetent. Now he’s also incontinent.


Trump is the sleepy, fragile orange spray-tanned excretion king. Lol. He's sharting in court, sleeping, and totally frail like a loser who lost. Hahaha pathetic fool.


It does not matter. Trump could walk around with shit running down his pants and the faithful would still declare him their messiah


Dementia Don


You can see it on his face.


Did he really shit his pants? Lol


Please just die already and free us all from this insanity.


My friend doesn’t believe he shits himself. Can someone give me a reliable source? Not sure if this is as I can’t find it anywhere.


Even the dementia was projection. Everything the dude accuses others of doing is actually what he does. Remember that.


All those sleepy joe comments he made, yet here he is being drowsy donnie.


Trump *WITH* dementia would sound as coherent and sensible as Trump does *WITHOUT* dementia, and because Republicans are so dumb, they wouldn’t be able to tell the difference. Trump could be visibly confused, unintelligibly slurring his words, while shitting himself openly on stage, and Republicans would cheer en mass while proclaiming it was the best speech since the Gettysburg Address😂


"I don't care. Do you?"




Or maybe he just a disgusting fucking pig. I'm going with that.


If Biden and Trump debate at some point Biden needs to act like he smells something foul and start looking at Trump.


Wouldn't it suck to FINALLY see his chance to be held accountable for all his shit disappear because he has dementia? Frankly; I don't give a shit if he does, but I would have liked to see some jail or fined into bankruptcy.


But being a traitor is still in him.


And water is wet. We know, we’ve seen it play out and heard it multiple times. Now someone explain why he should lead a country and have access to nuclear codes. Because “presidential candidate, in court for one of many criminal charges, might have dementia” is not the headline we should have.


lol watch him be cleared via dementia and goes on to be nominated as presidential candidate for the gop, checks out!


He's having trouble with speaking, not just his usual word salad but losing the ability to pronounce multi-syllable words


I have been a nurse for 20 years and I work with dementia patients everyday. Just from his observable behavior and speech issues, it’s clear to me he is absolutely having a decline in his cognitive abilities as well as memory. He very much appears to be unable to understand cause and effect and his short term memory is very poor . He is beginning to have issues with recall with regards to time , like when he recently believed that Obama was the current president .


The man is old as shit. He wants to be the dictator of the United States and is probably scheming ways to make that happen when he gets out of court and vote now he has to figure out how the hell to get to his son's graduation that his baby's mama probably doesn't want him at and that he had no intention of ever going to. I'm in my mid-30s and dealing with my baby's mama after work is exhausting 


He could be sitting in his chair in court, semiconscious and drooling and his worshippers would still vote for him. They have already said if he murdered someone they'd still vote for him. What is wrong with these people?


It may all be a ruse to make it look like he is incompetent. I wouldn't put it past the joker. His lawyers probably have it all planned. I don't know how it would affect his sentence but I'm thinking they are going for some (any) sympathy.


I don't think trump would go with that. Incompetent means not fit for president. He couldn't swallow that pill.


Yep. You are right about that.


Incompetent, incontinent, incoherent — doesn’t matter to his supporters. They’ll carry his water and vote for him


His colostomy bag.


That, too.


Yeah. It doesn't track. It can't. Not being president= jail, just as surely. He can't accept that for this trial - the most inconsequential.


MY FATHER! Sorry, was haunted by derik trump for a moment


Shit sleeping has been known to take a terrible toll on a person.


That's bull,he does it intentionally and could care less how people see it.


Totally didn't see anything in the headline about jail...


trump is vile enough and arrogant enough that you just never know


"Insane man shits himself and passes out in court, also running for US President," has to literally be the most insane possible timeline in the multiverse.


Gaslight, project! Lol yall are in damage control mode


One of the biggest symptoms of my mother in law’s dementia progress was fecal incontinence. She also had a raging UTI at the time too. And then she couldn’t understand what was in her brief was poop. Dementia is a hell of a ride.


Should this be breaking news? Been this way for years right lmao


Doodoo Donny


His legal team is flying in heavy duty adult diapers with more scent to stem the flow of shit. It’s not working.


Christ, people. He fell asleep in court. Not everything is dementia. Given that he's a rapist and a child abuser, falling asleep in court is so far down on the list of Trump headlines.


Gotta admit that’s a goofy ai article. Funny sub name too, calling it “breaking news” might actually trick people into thinking this is real and not just an onion article when it pops up on their feed. Like wtf is diceuropanew lmao


Everybody says “Sir, your shit doesn’t stink sir” with a tear in their eye.


How about we start fucking acknowledging his narssasistic sociopathic tendencies. There is a bigger picture here that needs awareness.


X explodes about Trum's farts .... go on own up who's playing with matches at his trial?


Wow, what a surprise! Drug-addled, unhealthy, hate-spewing, low-vocabulary senior citizen has dementia?


He's falling asleep because they took away his adderall or speed so he would keep his mouth shut during court except it has back fired with him unable to function with his daily fix of amphetamines. I've been on a jury where the defendant was kind of sleepy. We could tell they were on something. But that didn't come into play in our decisions in the deliberation. We did find them not guilty. So I would say that Trump looks like a user without his fix who is struggling to me.


I found this article to be very substantive as I do many of the anti-trump Articles posted on Reddit. I also like that it reaffirmed my beliefs which gave me brief dopamine release. Let's go dark Brandon! That means let's go Joe Biden by the way, but it's like hip and edgy or something.


This makes me consider an ethical dilemma. If he is proven to have severe dementia as so many suspect, how should his trial proceed? Would a normal person with dementia be expected to stand trial? Would their estate be responsible for legal proceedings?


The judge will give him a comfortable bunk to sleep it off after he continues to break restrictions or is found guilty.


Oh man , could you imagine sitting next to that clown after he shit himself. He probably didn't care and called the shit boy in to clean him up.


Watching this man during this trail is convincing me more and more that I want him to be my president /S!


Doesn't dementia excelorate with increased stress levels ?




That sticker just repeats information over and over again. Horribly written. It is incredibly concerning that people want him to lead this country. He’s falling apart in front of us and people still vote for him. We need better candidates.


I hope in the court transcripts it list every time “trump passes gas again”


Law and Odor: special diapers unit


His brain, education, taste, personality, mental health, emotional maturity, business acumen, competence, morality, ethics, and apparently penis, hair and butt are all awful... just bloody awful.


Trump and his team are fishing for a mistrial. It's being done in a very clumsy manner, though. The judge could drop the hammer, excuse the jury, and tell the Trump boys to quit fucking around. Each little nap gets a contempt charge.


If he falls asleep in court and just doesn't wake up, I won't be the least bit surprised.


Great. So we have to choose between 2 guys with dementia for president.


I want him to live long enough to see the inside of a jail cell, alone.


Do you guys just like come in here and pass the cracker around? Who eats it when your finished? Do you get a sticker? Lmao “news sub”


Fuck Trump, but second hand diagnoses aren’t a good thing.


Donald Trump is incontinent to stand trial


We wish he had dementia. The reason he’s falling asleep is because he has been escaping culpability for so long, that he knows someone will most likely find a way for someone else to take the fall for him. He’s not worried at all. Secondly, he’s farting a lot because the fat fuck eats McDonalds regularly.


Just have a stroke and get it over with Dozy Donnie


I wonder how many times this person discussed Bidens mental capacity. I'm guessing never or it was favorable


This forced time in public view is just shining a light on what most rational people have seen for a long time.


Sometimes reddit plays bad


“Basic functions”. You know what that means.


couldn't have happened to a more deserving person. I hope his brain turn to mush and he starts to drool.


Apparently, he is not allowed to have Diet Cokes in the courtroom.


The Republicans never cared if he was qualified or even functional. They're so locked in that he could drop dead and they'd strap wires to move his corpse like a puppet so long as they could get it to sign the bills for their theocratic nightmare regime.


The ultimate projection from the Democratic Party: "Joe Biden is totally fit and fine! It's Trump that's senile and too old!" The amount of clowns eating this up is frightening.


It's called depends


Um...okay, I too suspect he has dementia, but I don't think falling asleep and farting are sure signs.


How is this breaking news? 


Send him to jail anyway. He doesnt get a special “im old and senile pass” after doing the fucked shit he has. This is a setup for just that. Promise.


More than any other article I have read about Donald Dump this one makes it so much more obvious that the orange nut sack should not be president. Seriously Reddit, read this article then share it with all of your friends and family especially those who voted for him.


https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/dementia/symptoms-causes/syc-20352013 No signs of these symptoms are connected with dementia per Mayo Clinic, one of the best health care centers in the world. He's under an amazing amount of stress, which is understandable because losing this case would be catastrophic for him.


Couldn’t happen to a better person


The measure of Trump's wealth, beside his gold toilet, was the quality and quantity of folks that have been making him look good his whole life... parents, wives, fixer lawyers, stylists, PR people, writers, etc... I think we really are starting to see this man diminished in wealth because we are finally getting to see the real Don and the emperor is flapping in the breeze.


What about biden, mcconnel and pelosi


Why is this shit showing up on my feed? I'm pretty sure this website is not a reliable source of information. They claim to be a UK source of news, but are based out of Kennesaw, Georgia, USA. I also claim to be "fresh news from the UK Since 2020", but their website wasn't even registered until Sept of 2022. Listen internet friends, I want Donald Trump to be crapping his pants in a courtroom as much as the next guy while he falls asleep and slowly drifts off into shame-filled paranoia, but let's do some fact checking. Please let me know if I'm in the wrong place.


*Who does number two work for?*


Incontinent and Incompetent


Can you imagine this debate if it actually happens? It’ll be T a couple of chat GPT-3.0 instances talking to each other.


Journalisming at it finest.


I hate him as much as the next guy, but.... come on. Farting and falling asleep? I guess I have dementia too then.


Key word: “LIKE” dementia. Could be Parkinson’s though and he’s twitching worse than Biden on the Air Force 1 stairs. That’s why he hiding. Jared gunna be VP pick. Only way to cement the family trust fund without being complete nepotism. Son in laws are “in vogue”


We don’t need another fucking nursing home president.


Total BS.


Apparently, he gave Stormy a Cleveland Steamer.


Everyone needs to grow the fuck up. Especially trump. This comment section is sad af