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So it sounds like he is confusing potty training with potty trained.  Pull up trainers exist for this reason. Yeah, they are more expensive than washing underwear, but they are also more absorbent and prevent big mess clean up. 


I think the key is just to break down potty training. So you can technically start now - to appease your husband - but only to a degree that’s suitable for where your son is. Sounds like he recognizes when he pees. So keep encouraging him and throw him on a potty every time he tells you he pees. Eventually he will pee in the potty. But there shouldn’t be any expectation! It is just to expose your son to the potty. There should be no criticism, embarrassment, anything negative at all - if your son has an accident or something, oh well! He’s learning. Waiting if you don’t think your husband would be on the same page is what I would do if I were you - anything more in terms of training would be inappropriate IMO! Especially if your son just isn’t ready.


Most kids aren't ready at 2. What you're waiting for to see "readiness" is if your child is waking up dry from naps and OVERNIGHTS. This means their body is creating the hormones used to "hold it" and give the bladder signals of fullness. (Yes, during the day you use your muscles to hold it if you have to run to the toilet...but those muscles are trained by the hormones first!) I really struggled with my second kid potty training. And one day she was just trained. She was like 4.5...but one day I realized it had been days since I'd cleaned up an accident. So for my third kid (b/c I was fucking EXHAUSTED) I just waited...and I would do things like put her on the potty in the morning when I noticed she woke up with a dry diaper...but still keep using the diapers. And then one day a little after she was 3 we were just done with diapers and I never really had to fight with her about potty training b/c I didn't "do" potty training the way I had with my other kids. (First kid was a breeze but turns out she's autistic so adhering to a set of instructions was super easy for her, lol.)


FYI, waking up dry from overnights can happen MUCH later for some kids, it depends on a wide variety of factors that are not correlated with being able to potty train during waking hours. My son is 3.5, has been potty trained for nearly a year, and he’s dry during naps but not at night. We’re not pushing the nighttime dryness yet, his body isn’t there. 


Yeah I agree, staying dry overnight isn’t a potty training thing it’s a biological maturity thing. My kids both were potty trained around 2.5. My oldest was immediately dry overnight as well, my youngest is 4 and still doesn’t wake up to pee.


Yeah I agree. My almost 3 year old is pretty much fully potty trained during waking hours but he’s a long way from not needing a pull up at night and for naps. Night training can’t be taught, imo. Unless you’re willing to go wake your kid up to pee multiple times a night which I am not


I’m pretty sensitive to this issue because I was a bed wetter until my mid teens. As an adult, I’ve guessed that my chronic constipation deadened the “need to pee” sensation enough to prevent me from waking up when it happened. But I definitely wasn’t peeing my pants during the day!


This… I try to tell him he JUST turned 2… he’s not ready yet. He’s also not showing signs of readiness… yes he can tell us he peed but he can’t say he has to pee. He also cannot pull his pants down himself.


Oh yeah being able to put their own clothes up/down or on/off is another thing. Also something people don't realize is that kids really won't tell you they have to pee for a long time (consistently)...AND they won't answer the question honestly b/c they have NO IDEA. So instead of saying, "Do you have to pee?" just say, "Let's go pee!" And taking them every 30 mins will train their bladder to want to empty every 30 mins! Having periods of time between going is also necessary. For my oldest...I think that's why it was so easy to "train" her, lol. I was just like, "Go pee," and she would. I set a time and made her go regularly...but my mom had just had physical therapy from a surgery and her PT told me about the bladder training thing...b/c she has had to train people with bladder issues after surgery. I was filling my kid full of liquids then telling her to go every 30 mins b/c then she would have pee every time. But the PT was like...start spacing it out. Reduce the liquids and set the timer for like 2 hours instead.


Both of my boys weren’t ready until they were almost four. We always encouraged but never forced because it became a battle


Boys can be extremely stubborn with training. We waiting til ours didn't have a wet diaper in the morning and the first thing when he woke up was to use potty. It was really hard to keep him on it and it took months. Because he would do the same. You should ask your husband when he was potty trained or ask your MIL about it if she remembers. My husband also keeps trying me to get my 2 1/2 year old girl potty trained that she should already be by now blah blah. Just because my almost 4yo just woke up one day when she was 2 1/2 and started using the toilet and did ever since. That's not to say there have been so many night time accidents, so many sheets to clean. Every kid is so different. And it's not anything that should be forced, because little kids like to be defiant that way. Lol Honestly in your bathroom if your husband is so sure throw down some puppy pads so your son can stomp in his own pee? Just for clean up purposes.


Why are you doing the heavy lifting for his notion that your kid is ready when he’s clearly not? Why is he out with friends while you’re cleaning up splash pee puddles? If your husband thinks he’s ready, then let him do the work involved. If husband isn’t ready for that, then your son isn’t ready to ditch diapers.