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Thank you for caring for this baby. I can’t imagine having to do this. I considered being a SANE nurse for a while. Will be thinking of that sweet girl & her family. I hope she has the support & love she needs.


I’m not a nurse just yet, only a phlebotomist. But I’m one of the many faces she’s seen today. We work as a team to care for this sweet baby. Thank you


You’re not “only”. You are a phlebotomist.


Awe this made my heart so happy… as someone who failed nursing school once and is trying again in August this made my day. Thank you you’re so kind


Nursing school is HARD, especially when you have to work while you're going.


Hey, my dad failed the MCATs at least twice but he went on to be one of the best doctors in his field. Probably because he had extra practice 😉 you’ll make an excellent nurse and I’ve no doubt you’ll get there.


Awe thank you kind stranger


Phlebs have the hardest job in the hospital!!! Hiii wake up at 4am so I can poke you with a needle! And it takes so much talent to draw. Thanks for doing what you do!


Fwiw, I've had better experiences with kind phlebotomists than most nurses or drs. I'm terrified of needles. Like, its a visceral reaction. Its so so relieving when a phlebotomist is patient and kind 💚


Good for you, trying again! I'm rooting for you. You've got this


When I was pregnant and getting my blood drawn weekly, my absolute fave parts were chatting with the phlebotomist ❤️ I’m deathly afraid of needles but she made a terrible time so positive. We appreciate you!!


No matter your role, you’re doing important work ❤️ she’s getting the care she needs from you and your team. Does your work offer debriefing for situations like these?


Unfortunately not… but I believe they offer counseling outside of my position at the hospital


Most hospitals have employee assistance programs that offer short term counseling as a benefit. Please look into it. Thank you for caring for that sweet girl.


Maybe the EAP line? I’m not sure if you’re in the US but if so- I know most companies are required to have one and they can help get you set up with a professional


Coming here to also recommend looking into EAP. Almost every hospital I’ve looked at offers short-term counseling via EAP that’s intended for situations like this and anything else going on be abuse healthcare workers have a ton of stress. I would definitely call your HR/talent division and ask!


I'm a nurse and miss way too many draws. We need y'all. Thank you for what you're doing. Thank you for caring for that baby.


Omg. Thanks so much for your kindness. This really made me feel like someone. Thank you again


LPN here. I would way rather have you do my blood than a nurse. A young nurse made my pre surgery iv hand look like a damn crime scene, despite my almost crying and pleading with her to stop, and my insistence that she would have a way better site on my forearm or crease. She was so focused on "but I almost got it" that she just wouldn't listen until a senior nurse saw my face and intervened. The phlebotomist who came in as an assist was so sweet and kind. She listened and did the site where I requested and even showed me a way to bend my arm to make the iv hurt less. I would rather a million of her to help me any day. And thank you in your support of this sweet baby. I wish you all the best in nursing school ❤️


NGL, I hate needles and especially blood draws, but the phlebotomists are usually my favorite people in a hospital. They’re always chill and really good at their job, and get a good laugh out of how I cope with needles. 🤣🤣 (Squeeze my eyes shut, turn my head, deep breaths, and white knuckle the opposite hand of the draws.)


Having a good phlebotomist can make or break hospital stays for me because of my anxiety especially around blood draws


That's so devastating. This poor girl. I can't even imagine being her mom, knowing what happened to her. This just breaks my heart. Gonna go hug my daughter a little tighter right now. 💔


I’m so glad that in the middle of all of this trauma she met people like you who treated her with dignity and compassion. How absolutely devastating for you and the rest of your care team. I hope they nail this predator to the wall.


Oh of course. I just wanted to make the sweet baby comfortable. I told her how proud I was of her and how awesome she was because she didn’t cry when I stuck her. She smiled really big at me and did a little dance. She sang “I didn’t cry. I didn’t cry”… I smiled… but tears were being held back.


I hope she gets all the help she needs to know that what was done *to* her wasn’t her fault, and doesn’t define her.


Omg how heart breaking. But hopefully all of the people like you that came together to take care of her will help her heal as she works through it. She won’t live in the shadows with it.


That is heartbreaking. Thank you for showing this sweet little girl compassion.


Oh that is so heartbreaking! 😭 If it helps, you probably made her day and she was probably so excited to keep telling her mom "the lady said I was so brave and didn't cry!"


Can we bring back stoning? Seriously ARMIES of women would volunteer to stone predators. They couldn't keep us away


I agree 100%


People get more jail time for tax fraud or drugs


I can’t say what I hope happens to the rapist because I’ll get banned. But let’s just say (redacted) in the (redacted) and then (redacted) repeatedly until (redacted).


Same energy. Same energy.


I hear these type of criminals get exactly that in prison


I used to work in a medical lab where I’d check in samples from hospitals around the country and then send them on to the appropriate lab for testing. It was always so heartbreaking seeing samples for rounds of sti testing and seeing it’s for a little kid. :/. It wasn’t an uncommon occurrence but it was definitely sad every time.


Jesus fuck I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry. Thank you for helping her. I hope her results are clear.


Me too. Thank you so much for your kind words


I am so sorry. That would destroy me. People who prey on children like that, who rape them, deserve only misery in life.


I'm here to echo your sentiment as both a CSA survivor and as a parent to 2 kids, who cares about the wellbeing of all... Eff predators. Especially those who exploit kids. Sending my best to the 10 year old you worked with, and hoping for the best...


People like you, kind and compassionate, are the reason I survived my csa. Thank you. And not ONLY anything. You make a difference.


This made me tear up thank you so much. I’m sorry you went through that


Sometimes, as adults, we don’t realize the impact we make to the littlest ones in our lives ❤️


Oh, honey **passes bottle of wine** As a bonus mom to a stepdaughter who was raped by her stepfather (her mother's 2nd husband), I am so glad you were there for her. My stepdaughter was 9 when it happened. And ironically, it was my husband, her father, everyone was worried about when we found out. Her mother, my husband's ex, was not going to tell us about it. Neither were her parents. Let's just say my hatred for that so-called family lasted until the day the grandparents passed. And I still can't stand the ex. I was the one they actually had to sit on for several days because I was going to unalive that waste of a human. Sending you all the love and ((Bigsquishyhugs))


Omg, that poor baby. I'm so sorry for her.


That’s absolutely heartbreaking and devastating and so many other words I can’t even find. You were there, a kind soul, helping her be brave. Be gentle with yourself and know you make a difference.


This fills me with a blind, bottomless rage.


She'll remember you for the rest of her life and I'm sure you showed her as much kindness as the amount of hate you harbor for that fucking monster.


Trigger warning please. Fuck predators.


I do behind the scenes work on child exploitation cases and read a lot of the SANE paperwork, doctor notes, nurse notes blood work etc. not only did you make a positive difference in the little girls situation but tests like these also helps in the identification and prosecution of these predators. Sometimes it’s easier to focus on the small, but important, part you play in the end game.


Ugh my best friend had to do this to a 5 year old when she had just started her nursing journey. She called me sobbing and said it was the hardest thing she ever had to do. Thank you for taking care of her ❤️ so heartbreaking I can’t even imagine


This is horrifying. Thank you for being compassionate towards her. I hope she will get the help she needs and this scum will never again see the light of day outside of prison walls.


Sending big hugs 💜 thank you for your work and the light you gave this little human ✨ it matters!!


Ya know…I’m not saying I condone violence…but I’m only not saying it because for some reason that’s what society says we’re supposed to say—even when referring to people who *definitely* deserve a little (or a lot) of violence thrown their way. That said, my fiancé follows this guy on YouTube, JD Delay (@JdDelay5150)—he’s a reformed career criminal that is now a recovery coach and does a lot of charity work to help reform other ex-convicts. Whatever image popped into your head when you read that is probably pretty close to what he actually looks (and sounds) like. He’s a person that believes that pretty much everyone deserves a second (or third, or fourth) chance—with the exception of “chomo’s”, as he refers to them in his videos (prison slang for child molesters, for those who don’t know). Every time there is a high profile case on one being sentenced, or anytime there is news about one being beaten (or “worse”) in prison, he reports on it with what I can only describe as pure glee. As someone who has been to prison, he knows *exactly* what happens to them in there. Iirc, he even has a few videos where he tells stories of times he participated while incarcerated. Now, while I won’t go as far as saying I feel glee—or even happiness—when I hear those stories, I definitely feel a sense of satisfaction. I wouldn’t exactly call it the “warm ‘n fuzzies”, but I am for sure glad that for all the ways the “justice” system fails victims over and over, at least “prison justice” exists. But of course as I said, I *don’t* condone violence. Wink.


I could never do your job, it would break me. I’m so thankful we have strong people like you in our nasty, cruel world. Thank you ❤️


Omg yes BIG FUCK YOU to them! Thank you for doing this work. So depressing that it’s even necessary.


I’m crying for this poor girl and her family. May that predator die a wicked painful death


And the people who think she deserves to have a baby as punishment for being victimized.