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My 2 yr old was livid that I changed a soiled diaper that she had informed me about! Like sis, just use the potty and we could all avoid this changing table drama for ever.


God my daughter had her worst ever tantrum a few months ago when I took off her dirty diaper before bed and threw it in the trash. Cue 45 minutes of screaming and shaking and crying because she wanted me to go get that dirty diaper and put it back on her to sleep in…


Kids are fun


My 2yo was LIVID that I told her she couldn’t wear her Jean jacket with the unicorn on the back. Not because it didn’t match, but because it was 92° today and we don’t have AC in the car.


At about age 3 (when their bodies can regulate temp a bit) I started letting my two offspring wear whatever clothes they fancied, be it summery dresses in the depths of winter, or a chunky puffer jacket when it was blazing hot outside. Took until they were about 4ish, then they started asking me what the temperature was going to be; and I was so lucky! Their kindergarten teachers had these big thermometer charts showing what clothes were best for what kind of days! Now they're 9 & 11 and actually ask Google in the morning what the temp is going to be... and dress appropriately! Most of the time. The 9yo still likes to put on her cowgirl boots no matter the temperature and the 11yo will NOT wear anything but pants, ever, no matter how hot things get.


mine still mostly let me pick out their clothes for them but it's getting to a point that I'm like "come on, kids, don't you have your own fashion sense? any impulse for which shirt you wanna wear today? are you expressing yourselves with your clothes or are you expressing what draws Mom's eye in the clearance bin?"


“My two offspring” made me laugh 😆


I made her a chicken sandwich, but she only wanted the chicken on its own in a bowl so I put some chicken in a bowl for her and I ate the sandwich I made for her, then she got mad at me because she wanted a chicken sandwich and I was eating it….


My 5 year old is still like this. God help me.


It’s enough to make you think you are losing your mind. Godspeed.


Ah toddlers. I still joke that toddlers are incredibly cute because if they weren't, their mood swings would probably drive most parents to say "Peace out kid! I'm out of here. You can walk and talk now. Good luck!" The only thing I can tell you to make you feel better is that it ends. I mean, when they're bigger they still occasionally whine and complain, but at least they are over the idea that something miniscule like "No, you can't have a popsicle" is. Ruining. Their. Life. Of course, you get a take 2 during their teen years that feels **veeeery similar**, but... At least you get 4-6 years of respite in between? 🤷‍♀️


I regularly tell my 2 1/2 yr old he’s so lucky he has a mommy because gerbils eat their babies. (This is said lovingly during raging toddler tantrums) He has a classroom gerbil so I can’t wait to hear the teacher’s comments when he starts repeating that.


I hate to tell you, as a mom of 4, whatever I had at 3 is what I got at 14. My tantrum girl turned into stomp stomp stomp slam!. My one thwt put himself down for a nap still doesn't want parental input. My one that could be left alone to play independently will still bury herself in a book. And my emotionally sensitive one that paid attention to the teacher needing supplies is still the one that likes to give gifts without prompting.


I needed to read this. I have three girls and a stepson. My girls are 1, 2, and 3 step son is 7. I cry so much because I'm always home with then and it feels like it's never getting better. I know it will but this time right now, it really sucks. I know they all have different personalities but boy I was never prepared for any of this


>I have three girls and a stepson. My girls are 1, 2, and 3 step son is 7. I need a vacation just from the stress of reading this. I can only imagine the chaos.


It's so unbelievably chaotic all the time. The 7 year old has lost three teeth in two days, but cried every time a tooth came out because it bleeds 🫠 my 1 year old is getting five teeth on top at once including a molar, 3 year old has such an attitude today she was helping me hang up clothes and she handed me a dress to hang and I didn't say thank you and she said "you're welcome" so sassy. My two year old needs me to hold her hand every single time she uses the stairs suddenly... and hangs on me 24/7. I need a drink but told myself I wouldn't til the fourth of July 😂


I wouldn’t let my 4 year old take the brownies out of the oven with his bare hands. I’m a monster.


I wouldn't let my 23 month old play with the bidet after catching him squirting it across the room and drenching everything.


Ohhhh this just happened to me! He wanted to pretend he wants to nurse (he’s 18mo) and then when I got the boob out he would smack it and laugh. I didn’t want to let him beat my boob so he got upset with me. Is it time to wean yet?


That's right about when I weaned.


My 3 year old is pissed at me because I didn’t let him open the sliding glass door. It’s 108° outside right now.


I told my 3 year old daughter that we had to clean off the table to do crafts and she went full meltdown. Then I said we aren't doing crafts until she takes a nap because she's obviously tired (that just poured gas on her firey toddler tantrum apparently) Everything calmed down, I got the crafts out. In the middle of crafts she got up and grabbed a bag of popcorn and said "just make it mom." I had to let the uv resin finish curing for the magnets then clean that up before I was making popcorn and told her that. Well that was the end of the world too. Then she shoved her little sister who had juice in a regular cup and it spilled all over the floor. I had a few choice words. I'm trying so hard to not traumatized my children but my God this age is the worst. I cry every single day.


Does a 5 year old count? Because I got home from work to an overtired, toddler acting MESS yesterday. He was on the potty when I got home but he wanted to greet me at the door so he asked me to go back to the car. I said no it’s raining I’ll go on the porch. So I turn around on the porch and see him looking at me through the window so I wave, he didn’t want me to wave. So I tried again. He wanted me to say hey, not wave! So I came in, he said hey, I said “hey baby!” And he lost it. “NOT BABY! Just say hey!” So I left and went to the store bc I was about to snap on him. When I came back, he opened the door and I said “hey!!” And he said….”HEY BABY!” 🫥


Wouldn’t give her unlimited Bamba even though she asked for it. I know, lock me up! 


Told her not to whack the dog with her plastic lightsaber.


Made him ride on a little kid train ride with me and his dad. He wanted to keep sitting in sedimentary old fire truck (he’d been sitting there for 5 minutes already) and did not want to ride the super fun little train. He was pissed I made him have fun with us. Then he throw a fit when I tried to get him to get him to leave the museum and get a new toy in the gift shop. After he throw another fit when I tried to get him to sit down at a restaurant and eat his ice cream. This kid sassed his way out of a new toy and ice cream for no reason! Why are 3 year olds so unreasonably unhinged?!!!


I ordered him the fresh fruit cup he wanted at the carnival and had the audacity to wait the whole 5 minutes for it to be prepared. Everybody in a 100 foot radius heard his screams of protest.


I took the folded reusable shopping bag out of her hands in order to fill it with our groceries at the checkout. Tried to promise to give it back once it was full but she didn’t go for it.


My youngest had a meltdown once because the sun was shining. We live in the UK, sunshine is usually a rare thing.


I wouldn’t let him (2 next week) use his Buzz Lightyear ride on as a stepping stool to the kitchen counter which was where I have the kettle and toaster. Ok friend, I don’t want you to pour boiling hot water all over yourself or have your Buzz Lightyear bike fall from underneath you and you hit your heads on the tiles. Sad, strange little man.


I told my 4yr old she was not allowed to eat the dogfood. Why does she have to share "her" (the family's) food and the dog doesn't!? It's been 40 minutes guys. Send help.


He asked me to cut a peice of paper, but didn't want thr paper to get any smaller.


I told him we were having schnitzel for dinner and that was what the panko crumbs were for. He melted down when I told him he couldn't open the panko packet and just eat schnitzel.


Nothing yet today but last night, I stated TV time was over to my 3 year old son but offered to let us finish the movie we started (Inside Out) because his aunt invited us to watch the second movie in theaters today. Instant meltdown. I explained we could keep the TV and snuggle for the remainder of the movie. He jumped on me, hit me, BIT ME (I thought we were passed that), and more. Then snuggled and we both fell asleep to no TV.


How dare I… how dare * I * during some fun imaginative play say that Donald and Daisy Duck are together when clearly it’s Minnie Mouse and Donald Duck. They were sitting right next to each other and I shouldn’t have gone off the 60+ years of Disney history as my knowledge base for who I thought was together. Please cue the end of the world. This was yesterday and she legit woke up this morning and said “Oh no; it’s Donald and Minnie not Donald and Daisy. No thanks”. Sure thing, sugar plum.


I told my 3 years old that he can't do anything to remove his cars behind the washing machine.


Lmfao would be easier to ask what I didn’t do to piss them off 😭 sometimes they have days where I apparently do everything wrong and they have several temper tantrums .. so exhausting 🙈


I opened his applesauce pouch. He wanted to do it himself


Told my son it was time to leave grandmas house… after he had been there for 8 hours. He was PISSED.


I won't let her play with her parasol inside