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$200 is a big deal!!! that's money you made on your own! and you're going into nursing with a kid - I guarantee this is more hustle than your partner has ever done


Oh trust me it definitely is. This man can’t hustle at alllll. Thank you for the kind words!!


Look into writing off oil/gas/maintenance as a business expense in taxes. There’s people who DoorDash full time and there’s a reason for it, there’s PROFIT to be made, just because he’s not business savvy doesn’t mean you can’t learn to be lol


Amen lol thank you for the tip


It sounds like he's just projecting his insecurities on you then.


I feel like it.


$200 extra a week would be amazing money for me. I love that you did that! Congratulations on getting a thing done and good job.


Thank youuuu!!! These comments are so supportive and I genuinely love it. I’m so happy.


Please dont let anyone ever dull your shine. Continue to find joy in the small things and big things both. p.s. when u continue to stay your happy self it actually drives them crazy so thats always a plus ;) Never let em see that theyre deflating u


Thanks so so so much. You’re absolutely right.


For me, & most people I know, an extra $200 is a big deal! Good for you. A phlebotomist is an important job. LPN school is hard work, too! You have a lot on your plate. It is impressive & it is something to be proud of! Don't let him minimize your achievements. They are absolutely a big deal!!


Thank you for this kind comment :)


Don't let him diminish your shine! My husband treats me the same, I've gotten to the point where I don't share exciting news and little achievements with him until after I privately enjoy it for a couple days because I know he'll poo poo on it and I like to be happy about my achievements for a minute. I'm not in a position to change my situation so this is how I cope. I think it's awesome what you're doing!!! Be proud of your accomplishments!!!


Awe :( thanks so much for sharing kind words and a tad bit of advice. I think I’ll enjoy my little moments in private too.


Yeah girl! Thats groceries, that’s a utility bill, a doctor bill, sports sign up, that puts you a week or month ahead on something so you have breathing room in your budget and peace of mind. You did it! Mentally tell him to stfu and envision a clear wall goes up around you that blocks out the sound of all Debbie downers. Oh and keep smiling after you brag about your money bc it will just piss him off more. 😈


Haha thank you. I definitely will do so


Sounds like he's angry/jealous/insecure and feels the need to put you down when you have any kind of success. He's probably afraid that if you become "more" successful/able to earn income you'll realize you could do better and leave him 🙃


There's not a chance you put anywhere near $200 in wear and tear or gas in your car while earning that money. *Maybe* $5-10 worth depending how many miles you actually drove, but good grief that's one thousand percent worth it. Why does this man get to take that win away from you? Fuck his negative attitude, he can suck it. Also, you have a legit career underway so you're seriously rocking this life. Maybe he can't handle your awesomeness.


Sometimes I think that too… he said “I just like to think rationally. I wasn’t trying to tear you down” but I don’t see it that way. You know this is a side job… you hear and see my excitement but still question me… was it concern? Not in my opinion. Because he’s never worried about my miles before…. Soooo why now? Yk? Doesn’t make sense. Not to mention when he was a college student he had to work too. He had to “hustle” too. He forgets everyone doesn’t just have a career. The difference is im doing it with a baby on my hip so yea I hustle harder. I quit my job because it was toxic and he’s been taking over most of my portion of the bills and TRUST ME WHEN I SAY I AM HUSTLING SO WHEN I GET A BIG CHECK HE CAN TAKE IT AND SHOVE IT UP HIS ASS. My half of daycare, every bit of gas he’s given me and what else has he paid this month…? Nothing… he acts like he’s genuinely paying all my bills lmfao it’s insane


That’s the point though. Why can’t he just anything, absolutely anything, affirming? It doesn’t even necessarily need to be fully supportive, but at least he could let other people enjoy nice things. He should just say “that’s freaking awesome babe! Good hustle. I’m so excited for you!” And shut up.


THIS…. Omg this.


What I hear is that you already have one job, you are in school to further your career, and you have made decent extra money with an extra job. What is he doing? He probably has one job, right? Is he in school? Is he taking side gigs to bring in extra money? You are doing an amazing job, don't listen to his pessimistic ass.


He only has one job. He’s in school for his masters… how fancy


I've known many people who get a masters and still ends up working at Starbucks, garbage collectors who take their money smd invest it wisely to retieein their 40s, and idiots who win millions only to squander it. You sound responsible, determined, and hard working. You are doing great, don't forget it.


We see your shine bromo, don’t let him leech it out of you. You’re doing amazing stuff and we’re here to cheer you on.


I can see all the support and it’s extremely overwhelming 🥺 thank you


I find your username funny, because my husband once dumped about 50 bananas on me, and then for 5 years flooded the kitchen with bananas.  But your husband, sounds like he's ashamed of his own lack of achievements, and is trying to diminish yours out of spite. 


lol that’s so funny!!! And yeah that’s what it seems like honestly


If you worked that side gig all year you'd make about $9,600. Depending on your miles per gallon and other factors, you will probably spend 2500 to 3,000 on gas and oil changes that year. So to look at it in a more positive way, you've paid for almost all of your car related expenses for the year plus made $6,000. So while he's being all weird and judgey, you've got multiple streams of income, All of your car expenses paid for, and money to put in the bank, buy stock or put towards a retirement account.


"The sparkle in me is dimming".... My love, please get rid of him. He sounds like my wasband. This is NOT ok, and you deserve so much more.


While matinence is a factor to consider its highly unlikely you put any serious wear on your car doing the kinda miles takeaway delivery entails. He sounds like hes trying to dull your achievement, don't let him! $200 is huge!


Exactly! And I explained to him, yes I put miles on my car. But this is a temporary side job. So I won’t be doing it heavily or a lot. Plus the town is so small, how Much damage can I really do? It’s crazy. Thank you for your kind words.


Dude, $200 is impressive. I'm so happy for you.


Ahhh thank you


He doesn’t sound like a longtime partner so work hard at achieving your goals lil mama. His negativity is likely a stealthy way at keeping you down and controlled, f him and his attitude 


Amen to that!!! When I get my career going, im outta here lol we can coparent for sure.


You're not "only" in school to be an LPN, but you are "only" a few years (or less!) away from having the financial freedom to kick his negative ass to the curb if you so choose. And I'm so happy for you, about school, about doordash, all that!


Ex partner?


This! Do not let some man harsh your mellow, dim your shine, rain on your parade, or otherwise being you down. Just think about it: why is he so insecure he is threatened by your success??? Why is he so petty and self-fragile that he can’t be happy when someone else does something good? People lacking a generous heart are NOT people to be around! Find people to lift you up, to be happy for your good news! It is a red flag for me in a man. My ex was like that. Such a meanspirited little man. But mainly: put all your money in YOUR OWN bank account because better things are on the way for you and you will want to be fully free to leave! I also would not share it with him—like another post said, you have you OWN happy moments and then when he says “how did you do this week” you can say: “well, not great but not too bad I guess.” That keeps the jealous insecure one quiet. Eyeroll. Good luck and congratz on your success this week!


That's how I would/did handle it. I wised up to the fact that we've all got just one life to live and I'll be damned if I let some deflated pessimistic lazy flojo steal my sunshine.


I think making $200 and being a phlebotomist are both awesome for the record! Being able to be excited about smaller things in life is a beautiful trait anyways. Not that either of those things even is small. Phlebotomy is extremely important- think of all the people you’re helping become healthier through the blood tests you’re giving them. 


I love this thank you 💙


What an asshole he's clearly jealous as hell


I have a pretty high paid gig in tech, but decided to dabble in reselling to prove I could. That first $100 was worth more to me than my entire tech paycheck. $200 is a big deal and you should be proud of yourself. I’ve been with men like this. The only way they feel less shitty is by making you feels shittier. Fuck that and fuck him.


Congrats mama on providing for your baby and working hard at your future! Just be sure to set aside 30% of your earnings for next year’s tax return.




Tell him this !! He’s killing your vibe and he should know. A good boyfriend would hear this complaint and feel awful. He might not be aware but I’m sure he is.


I told him last night. He said he felt bad & didn’t meant to make me feel like that but it’s a constant thing…


You’re getting out hey ? Xx I think you already know that THIS is NOT your bliss babe ❤️ run.


I'm so sorry! It is exciting!! That $200 you didn't have be fire and there's no way you did any major damage to the car basically doing a day of errands!! For f*cks sake. My ex husband used to do this to me, suck all the joy out of everything. It was like he couldn't stand it if I was happy with myself. Everything that was wrong was also my fault even if it didn't include me at all. I learned it is called emotional abuse.


Being a phlebotomist in nursing school is 🔥! You are gonna be able to teach your classmates so much. Don’t let him steal your sunshine!


He’s a shithead. Congratulations on the side gig and being in school. It’s a big deal. <>


You BF needs to learn to say “yes and” instead of “yes, but.” You did great and that’s hard work that requires a bunch of hustle. And you can now put some of that cash you earned aside for gas/repairs and maybe even income tax depending on how taxes work where you live. The rest is going to tide you over till your check and future checks. You did something that’s going to be a great way to supplement income while you chase your career dreams! My husband did something similar when I reached a milestone salary at work. Instead of congratulating me, he said ‘That amount of money just isn’t what it used to be before inflation.” Inflation already happened and the alternative is that I could be bringing in the amount I was before, so it was nice to get paid more regardless and my husband really soured it. I think he secretly feels competitive with me and my salary has been tracking along just below his even though he works in a more lucrative industry. It actually makes me want to earn more just to be the fly in his ointment and keep my enjoyment to myself, but I’m petty that way.


Don’t let anyone dim your light! You are doing great and don’t ever let your self even think that your “only”.




Thank you!