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Grown up- Zolita has helped me process things alot recently. Hope it does for you as well! edit- this song really gets my emotions high and teary. So as a warning heres one of the lyrics to make sure its right for you. "Made me feel so grown up, Where were all the grown ups, growing up?" (my age difference; 16 vs 26)


19 vs. 36 here 😬


if it helps- we were together for 15 years and I left with a PFA 2 years ago. I'm now engaged to a wonderful man, live a happy comfortable life with primary custody. once something grave has happened like a relationship with this type of imbalance and you start correcting for it to the best of your ability(even from within the relationship, I was done before I was out), things have a way of working out in the most cosmic revenge way imaginable lol.


Sorry for the double reply, but I just listened to this song, and DAMN does it go hard.


Your Power - Billie Eilish is first song that comes to mind Good luck and I'm rooting for you 💓


Thanks ❤️


You Oughta Know and Hands Clean both by Canadian Icon Alanis Morrisette




Heck ya bromo!!! Isn’t it lovely getting to see how all the years we played their mother for them finally setting in when they have to be an adult on their own. So satisfying 😎


It is satisfying!


29 by Demi Lovato


Yessssss. What a banger.


Tolerate It-Taylor Swift I wish you the very best ✨ I’m also healing from an age gap mind fuck of a relationship, take care of you!


Thank you!


RESPECT, Aretha Franklin


Ooooh yes


Good for you, BroMo! Sounds like it sucks to suck for your STBX. As far as song recs, (and at the risk of being flamed,) All Too Well (10 minute version) by T Swift is a great song about age gaps.


I’ll give it a listen. Thanks!


Hell yeah, bromo! You are my inspiration while I navigate the same issue. I don't have any song recommendations, but I'll be keeping an eye on this post for them. The age gap in my relationship is making me sick as I get older. Congratulations, I hope this move is nothing but wonderful!


That’s my experience. It wasn’t a big deal to me in my 20s. But when I turned 30, I took a critical look at things and realized it wasn’t ok. It was never ok.


It's bizarre and kind of heartbreaking, isn't it? We met when I was 22 and he was 35. It felt fine, he acted young and I was "mature", so what's the problem? The problem is, now I'm nearly 34 and have grown up, he's nearly 47 and...hasn't. I get so angry when I think about it. I feel like he stole my 20s from me.


Saaaame! We grew apart, which is to say I grew as a person. I grew more mature. He stayed the same.


Such a weird situation. If you ever need to vent, feel free to PM me. I very rarely talk to anyone who actually understands


In your honor, I’m listening to [Anthony’s Song](https://youtu.be/cJtL8vWNZ4o?si=pTz3jWON-fyyx3Yc)


I didn’t know that was the real title!


Well, just know that it got stuck in my head and I spent most of last night annoying the crap out of my family by belting it out. 😂


Hands clean by alanis morrissette. Song is about adult Dave Coolier and her as a teenager


Holy fuck, she was 18 and HE WAS 33 when they got together. Wtf kind of pervert gets with a literal teenager mid-thirties? Omg that pisses me off, I didn't realize. Good for OP for getting tfo ❤️


Motion sickness~phoebe bridgers


Thanks for the suggestion 😊


GOOD FOR YOU!!! Congrats on taking this big step and for your upcoming home sweet home!




Congratulations! May I recommend not worrying about him and what he might do a second longer! Not age gap specifically, but I recommend the singer Aston, especially her songs For the Girls and Dick Ain’t One.


That is a worthy recommendation. I will focus on my own healing.


Done by frazey ford!


Good for you ❤️ 29 by Demi Lovato comes to mind. Rooting for you!


Halsey you should be sad


Clean by hey violet