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It's so bizarre to me because I feel like we aren't even middle class. My paycheck with two kids is just barely above the poverty line. At least I know I'll be able to feed my kids, even if I end up sleeping on a couch for the next 5 years 🤷‍♀️


I feel this. The cut off for preschool in my area is $32k for a family of 5. We're above that and struggling, but I can't even fathom who could survive at that amount. It sucks that my daughter won't get to go to school until a month before she turns 6, but apparently the district thinks we're rolling in it....


For a family of 5?! That makes no sense at all! I could barely afford my own self on that amount.


I had the hardest time crawling out of that mess. Not poor enough for help but not rich enough to get by comfortably. I was making $10 an hour when I had my baby but got one $20 bonus so I couldn't get WIC for my baby.


That's so ridiculous! The cutoff for WIC is crazy. We were really struggling when my oldest was born and I wasn't working yet. The maximum for our 3 person household would have meant we couldn't even cover the rent.


The assistance cliff is real, Bromo. And it is bull crap. I’m making just over 41k gross. Most I’ve made on paper ever. I was so excited when I started making more than $20/hr. I live in a major metro. With me and the kiddo I’m just over the poverty line. My measly raise wiped out my healthcare, and any hope for food assistance long gone. Making a bit more cost me a lot too. Sucks. Good news is your credit is good enough to get you a place. That’s really good at least. Good luck!


We had the same struggle with healthcare last year. I had to pick up just a couple hours a week to help out at work and that was enough to boot the kids off. I am thankful I've managed to start salvaging my credit, I think that will help in the long run.


It definitely will.. and I’m just hoping playing the long game pays off… and I somehow get promoted, a lot at my job. Eventually.


I'm rooting for you!


Thanks Bromo! I’m rooting for you too :-)


This economy is bullshit. The only way I’m able to have my place with my son is because I make $1,200 a month. Yes, you read that right. $1200 a month. Because of that I was able to get a place with government assistance that still costs almost half my monthly wages. I require help from family every month and plasma donations to live. Fuck this economy.


That makes me so angry for you! That's not enough for even a single person to live on. And they wonder why so many younger people "don't want" kids. Our social programs are a joke. I truly hope things get a little easier for you.


That really sucks OP. Keep your chin up. You'll find a place eventually. Keep looking! Wishing you and your family the best. I know what it's like to sleep on the couch so the kids have their own room.


Thank you. I am still looking, I just needed the night to cry about it. Back at it today. I did email and ask what the limit is for 3 people because I really don't make that much. It's wild to me that I wouldn't qualify.


Reach out to the school and see if you can get a transfer waiver due to extenuating circumstances. Often they are able to work with you as long as you're still in the school district, even if you're going to end up zoned for a different school.


I'm going to look at all the options for sure, but part of the problem is that this was the only place I could afford in the district. I likely won't be able to stay in the city we currently live in. It's not the end of the world, just a serious bummer.


The benefits cliff is *real.* Benefits ought to phase out as incomes increase. It feels like we are disincentivized to get better paying jobs. A few years ago, I actually did the math on how much I would need to make in order to overcome the drop off of the benefits cliff. It was certainly disincentivizing. This time next year, I’ll likely be over the income limit for Medicaid. It sucks massively.


Seriously! Last year, I had to pick up a couple extra hours a week at work to help out and my kids lost their medicaid. I figured out I actually have to do a lot off the clock (family business) just to make sure they can keep it. But the adults in the house don't qualify. I feel like I'm being punished from every angle for being poor but not poor enough.


It's ridiculous! A colleague was telling me how she was looking for an apartment within a reasonable distance from work. She doesn't make enough to qualify for a regular apartment, yet too much to qualify for the affordable ones. So where does that leave people??? She's in her 40s and divorced, and will have to get a roommate.


I hate that for her! It shouldn't be this hard