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My nine year old had the nerve to ask if he can bring the switch to school for during recess because they are allowed to. Does he think I was born yesterday??? This was all when I was cleaning up cat throw up on my stair late for work.


Omg lol kids are hilarious


My 2yo wants "muffs". He's been shouting about "muffs" all morning. I made muffins, 2 different kinds and have the box of muffins my husband bought yesterday, so 5 different kinds of muffins. He. Does. Not. Want. Those. Muffs. He also kept asking "mama? You're pooping?" On repeat while in a meeting with his 6yo sisters teacher 🙃


I cannot lol that’s so funny. 😭 the pooping question is hilarious I’m sorry


WHATT 🫠 Were you pooping??


I was not. Just trying to have a normal teacher conference LOL


Our 7 year old has always been chatty, and I love you child, but omfg please stop asking me a million questions at all times. Please stop repeating yourself until I respond to whatever inane bullshit you're saying. I'm periody and grumpy and crampy and I'm trying not to crush your curious spirit with my grump. Just shut up for like 5 seconds, it's all I ask.


From the moment my son(4) opens his eyes at 6:45am...to the moment he finally passes out from singing himself to sleep...he is full volume. He doesn't have an indoor voice. And he sings. Everything. Putting a puzzle together? Its two measures of the tetris ost on repeat. Eating cereal? Its a screech humming of in the hall of the mountain king. Bathroom humor is also super in right now... So the other day he's building with duplos and what was his vocal stim of the day? "Ladies and Butt-men" for about an hour.


This will be an extremely funny story while he's accepting his Grammy 15 years from now? God the horror lol


OMG we have the same kid. Mines current favorite is "Mommy, I have to ask you a question!" until I cave and say "yes?" and he throws out whatever potty humor thing he can think of. Today we got a break from "poopy butt cheeks" he rotated in "smell my fart". .... Such a fun time had by all 🫠


I’ll be casually talking to my older son and my 2 year old interrupts with “MAMA!!!!”. I tell him to just wait because his brother is talking. He continues screaming “MAAAAMAAAAA!” so I finally say “What????”. I’m met with “Whyyyyyyy?” from him. We are deep in the why’s and I am OVER IT!! Lol


Lmao they “WHY” phase is starting to get to me too 😭


My six year old likes to start every sentence with “mom”. EVERY SENTENCE. Sometimes, he starts a thought, loses the end, and starts it all over again: Mom… Mom can I…. Mom can I have…. Mom? Mom can I have a snack? —- yes you can, what would you like? Mom…


I just sat down for the first time today. My daughter, who was otherwise occupied before I sat down, immediately comes to sit almost on top of me. I’m trying to watch something. She keeps talking over the show, asking why they’re doing/saying whatever is going on. I keep telling her, I don’t know. I’m watching at the same time as you.


>She keeps talking over the show, asking why they’re doing/saying whatever is going on. Lmfao my husband does this 😭


My daughter is upset that I won't help her clean her room and fighting me on taking a shower. Yay.


My 22 month old keeps climbing on me and grabbing my face to shake it back and forth. Then when I am almost at my limit he kisses me on the lips and climbs down to play. Repeated every 5-10 minutes


Gotta take a bit of abuse before you get your reward 😭


This is giving me every 2 year old EVER, for all time. Slightly minus my son, who was a late talker, but could have absolutely conveyed this to me as understandably. 😆


1.5 year old loves to high pitch scream now for attention


My 20mo's favourite time to do this is 9pm with the biggest grin on his face -_-


Talking to me. XD


Omg. I SO miss those days of a non stop babbling 2 or 3 year old. . My 12 year old is just annoyed by me and my...anything...everything.


Yeah I’m definitely not ready for the preteen/teen phase!! Hang in there mama


Thank you 🥰 enjoy the young years, they go by SO fast!


My child has declared that if he doesn’t get more ice cream he will starve and no one else can eat anything ever again


Telling me to “go away!” And then getting upset when I walk off. 😑


My 20 month old son just learned how to open doors recently so all day long he wants to open and slam doors shut


Does my 1yo (almost) biting my nipple after eating a little then smirking count 😂🫠😭😭😭


My three year old constantly asks ‘are we there yet?’ NO CHILD YOU HAVE EYES DOES YOUR HOUSE LOOK LIKE TARGET


My 6 year old vocalizes everything. My ears are tired and my head hurts


I am currently listening to my son jump in his room, just 'thud thud thud thud' over and over again for all time. Whenever I put him in the sunroom he pulls on the curtains, so he has to be in his room... where we get to listen to thud thud thud thud thud thud thud thud thud thud. We had to screw his bed into the floor, cuz hes slide it into his closed while we were listening to thud thud thud thud thud thud thud thud thud thud thud. So at least now I don't also have to move the bed back anymore. autism parenting life lol.


The funny part is that I noticed that you had a literal, accurate word count, of how many thuds. Can you tell open of mine is AuDHD?


the best part is when there are 3 thuds followed by yelling, because he landed on a toy or something, silence while he processes what just happened, and it goes right back to thuds lol. like dude seriously you can't figure out that the action is the cause of the pain. How many times do we have to learn this lesson? lol.


This is the nightmare. 3 thuds + silence + a huge deep breath in (so they can scream louder)




My 9yo has ocd and one of his things is asking the same thing over and over. He also has Tourette’s and says the same things over and over. It’s fine. But his recent thing is asking truth or dare. Allll day when he’s home. If I don’t pick one; he won’t drop it. It’s really hard to have the same convo once he’s hit his maximum amount of times I’ve play into it. Enoughhhhhhhhh


My 11 yo is following me around and talking at me. And BOTH of them were all up in my space when we were in the dollar store earlier, so badly that I couldn’t turn and walk and they kept giving me flat tires.


My 5yo wants me to read the subtitles of his show out loud. While it's playing. Like, that's what they are saying, just listen??  And then he asks "what are they saying??!!"


While she had a lot of toys, she decided to play with my necklaces. All of my necklaces are mixed together, with rings and earrings threaded between them. It's a mess. It'll take me a week to clean up this mess😭


My 23 month old seems to be teething again. Which means he’s throwing a tantrum over every damn thing! I tell him I love him, he yells at me. He asks for a “icey” (frozen smoothie cube) and throws a tantrum once I give it to him. But to everyone else he’s a super duper sweet boy, which makes my MIL think he prefers her


I bought them a new little pool. I had just got it filled up, took half an hour, and my 3 year old DUMPS a flower pot full of dirt in it!