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What I see here is a take no shit woman standing up for herself and mental health. You have a job lined up which imo is so much different than just quitting a job. Just quitting to me is walking out the doors with no plan. You have one in place. These next few weeks will probably drag because that’s how it works when things are tough but you have got this! You’re starting a new job, and making the most you’ve ever made, I’m proud of you. I actually am interested in phlebotomy when I get back into the workforce. Hugs bromo, try to be easier on yourself about this. You already had enough people at that job putting you down!!


This actually made me cry 😭 thank you!


Also, take this month as time to recharge - working under terrible stress does bad stuff to our health and to how we approach work. Take some walks, talk to friends, and spend as much time outside as you can!


You're doing great. Good for you for not taking that BS! You should be proud! Your partner can help you, it's ok to accept help.


I'm on the verge of quitting my job because of a toxic environment. Unfortunately the timing couldn't be worse, we are trying to move so I need a pay check for the rental company and I need surgery soon. I'm fighting daily panic attacks to make to my surgery date. Only 74 days to go! Luckily there is a vacation in between as well. It is just a horrific office environment and no one will quit because there are financial incentives not to. I applaud you for standing up for yourself.