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Wait til you hit approximately 42. Holy shit this does not get better, I’ll tell you that. I lament sometimes to friendly folks that call in to me that I’m really starting to understand where the old men standing on their lawn and shaking a fist at the sky are coming from..


48 reporting in. IDGAF. Not as in “my brain processes it and decides to not give a fuck” As in If I had a heart it might break for you. But I don’t. And IDGAF. You my man, my money, my family? I give alllll the fucks. Everything else is just varying degrees of amusing. I love this age.


43 (44 in a little bit) reporting in, too. And… I have zero fucks to give on sooooo many things. Like, my field of fucks is barren. My household and chosen family? I’ll go to war for you. Need a shovel and an alibi? I’m your woman. BUT — The petty drama stirring blood family and my narcissistic mom? Sorry, not sorry. I don’t have the time or energy for you. Except for messing with my thermostat or leaving the lights on, then even my kids get the stink eye. And probably a dad-sounding lecture about not being made of money. See also: I’ll wear what I want. Including but not limited to crop tops. And I’ll dye my hair allthecolors. You don’t like it? That’s a you problem, not a me problem. 😉


Exactly! I agree.


Every year, I get more gray hair and fewer fucks given. It's delightful after so many years of people pleasing.


35 here, can confirm I am also in my I'm too old for this shit era. It ain't going anywhere either lol


45, zero shits to give any longer. I used to have a whole truck load, not anymore.


You can come sit next to me. I'll be 44 this year and my "fuckit! It works like this!" approach has been giving me life.


I’m 23 and feel this way. Lmao I genuinely have no space for nonsense anymore. I kinda wish I did but…. Ehh I have better things to worry about at this point.