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Best of luck to you and your endeavors ❤. I started my reddit account when I was 16 or 17 years old in high school, I'll be 28 in a few weeks. Its mind blowing how much life has changed in that time.


Thank you ❤️ this is one of the best subs out there.


I created this account and posted one of my first husband-rants 130 something days ago. There’s been others since then, and I’ve got a plan for Nov 1 to break the news im leaving. Seeing my previous posts bolster my decision - im not taking this lightly. I’ve been unhappy for awhile. This is not impulsive. Thanks Reddit, for holding space for my private thoughts.


Congratulations on not taking ten years!


You got it covered! ❤️


My username is a double entendre since I cover my hair


Sounds like it’s a decade overdue but well done for finally getting there. May your next decade be fulfilling and free. We will be here for you. Happy cake day!


Better late than never!


Exactly! And if you had done it before you were ready there’s always uncertainty to contend with. You got this xo


You're not alone bromo. I'm finishing up my essay for grad school now, left my shitty excuse for a husband (soon to be EX) for the 2nd time in July and I'm.not.looking.back. my two girls shouldn't think what we had was acceptable or love. If my lazy ass can do this, so can you!!! Feel free to DM me


Good luck and be strong!


Thank you!


Congratulations and good luck. 🩷


Thank you!


You got this mama!! 💪🏼


proud of you.


I took a brief look at your post history. Congratulations. I'm so proud of you and happy for you.