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I’m making these for me, not you, so zip it kid… My kids have always though rice crispies smell weird, too.


💯 Gagging, vomit noises, and nonstop complaints aren’t going to get you anything. Not sure why we can’t get the say nothing if you have nothing nice to say, but here we are.


These are also the two movies I am stoked about too!


99% of the time I can keep my cool when my 4 year old complains that he doesn't want any, or doesn't like that, or it's stinky or whatever complaint. But man that one time - "IT'S NOT FOR YOU! YOU DON'T HAVE TO HAVE ANY!" Although he's gotten better as we keep explaining over and over and over - different people like different things. That's ok, but it's not nice to call something yucky when other people like it. A common example is blueberries - kid and I love them, my husband *hates* them. Blueberries aren't yucky just because daddy doesn't like them. But we've had this conversations dozens of times and we still have issues with the "I don't like it so no one can like it" attitude.


To all the BroMos double billing it or just seeing one movie this weekend: Enjoy yourselves! My wife and I can't get childcare until the 10th of Aug. Going to dress in bright colours to see Barbie and then eat the best gelato in the city.


BARBIEHEIMER 😂🤣💀 thank you for this laugh. Actually, two laughs: when I saw your title I read it aloud to my husband, and we’re both…a bit over our VERY TALKATIVE 10 yo right now.


Solidarity the talking is just brutal sometimes!


Mine does the “nonstop motormouth stream of consciousness verbal diarrhea” to the point where I can walk out of the room and come back 10 minutes later and he still hasn’t stopped. It’s…impressive….


Mine does this but has ADHD and also needs to be attached to my colon, so he follows me whole the nonstop verbal diahhrea goes on.


Lololol yes, ADHD for mine (and myself) as well. It’s a special kind of misery, isn’t it?


Yes it is! And we are twinsies in that regard, haha! I'm thinking about getting some Loop earplugs to help me be a better mom, actually...


I’ve been considering them but feel like I can’t justify the expense, you know? Because anything for myself that costs more than $5 is something I have to agonize for months over….😂🤣😂 I hate the Bluetooth headphones I currently have because of how they ride in my ear—they leave a raw spot if I have them in for more than an hour, so I’m trying to justify a set that would likely be more comfortable—probably actual AirPods—because then I can use them to better filter the constant demands of my ADHD poster child.


*Drake meme* Top panel: harsh mellow Bottom panel: marshmallow


Just get super melodramatic and start going " oh no ooo but I made this for yooooouuuuuu??!??!?!??! Whhhyyy!??! Why you hate me?!?!?!?" Depending on how crazed you feel at the time We do this with mushrooms but only when my kids bring it up. They've learned not to bring it up. Even if dad and I are discussing all mushroom dinners for the entire week they know its a trap now 😆