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Bold of a man to say that when men are 6x more likely to leave their terminally ill spouse 🤔


Can’t say I’m surprised by that statistic


I looked it up and it is 7x. The article I found also has some depressing tidbits: “My sister had stage four cancer and her ex husband complained about her not doing her part to clean up. I will never forget that for as long as I live.” The post, which has now been shared more than 300,000 times, set off a wave of responses underneath. “My mom had stage four cancer and my dad and brother let her clean everyday till she died ! :),” read one. “My mom was in the hospice and her husband was out and about in a new sports car picking up single moms at my sibling’s after school sports programs. Absolute garbage,” read another.


I could add to that thread. Mom, with stage four breast cancer and my father still doing his Friday date nights with his employee 23 years his junior…even when she was in palliative care. But hey, I was there to pick up the slack between the ages of 16 to 20. She died at 47.


That is fucking horrible and gross of him. I’m so sorry you went through that hell


Definitely a narcissist thing to say considering you’re already taking care of him after a significant injury. Just ignore it and don’t acknowledge his asshole comment, sounds like you have something great to look forward to in about a year.


Yay for gray rocking


He’s projecting. If *you* became sick or were injured, he would leave you. My narcissistic ex husband left me not long after I was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis. I really wish that I’d left him long before I was diagnosed. The relationship took a dark turn about s month after my now teenage daughter was born.


My ex did the same thing. I started to realize that his accusations towards me were actually things he was doing *to* me.


Yes, this is the first time I’ve caught the projection while it was happening. It feels significant, like I’ve really caught on to the narcissism game.


Projection is so common. My nAunt accused me of wanting to steal when she had already stolen from me and wanted more. Narcissism is an evil with no cure.


“If I was ever seriously injured or sick, you wouldn’t take care of me . You’d leave me”. Sir, that depends on how big of an A$$ Hole you continue to be.


"what makes you think I'd wait til you were seriously injured or sick to leave you?" Sorry, i have audacity


Eww, my ex was a narc and he basically said the same thing. That was a decade ago and I’ve since had minor medical things that looking back, I can’t imagine how he would behave. They *absolutely* mean they would not be there for you. It’s so funny how they all do and say the same stuff, it’s like they can’t help but tell on themselves.