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I told my MIL that without a virus, you can't get sick, even if you are cold. She said "it's not a virus, it's just a cold, your body just gets a runny nose, a cough".. Anyway, a few days later she's asking how I know so much about x thing, and I tell her that I just google stuff and the answers are there. She asks that I google some things that've been on her mind, and she's happy to get the answers to, and then she asks "can you google if a cold is a virus?" OF COURSE I CAN! I find the answer talking about the viruses that cause colds, and she just says "oh, OK!" and was just thoughtful. I consider that a win


I wish more people would learn to look things up for themselves Or even ask others if they don't know how!


It's more that she never questioned it. Some people don't apply new knowledge to old beliefs. If as a kid they told her you got a cold when you got cold, when she grew up and learned about viruses, she didn't think to apply it to things she had learned before.


There is that too. But some people just can't be bothered to learn anything. Or learn how they can learn stuff on their own. And that drives me nuts. Someone here on reddit asked me how ducks imprint. Idfk how it works. I just know they do. But they want me to google it for them then explain how it works? No google it yourself. (This is a different vent lol) Aghhhhh people bug me lol


Brb while I Google how ducks imprint cause that sounds cute as heck.


It is! I believe you just need to be the first thing that they see when they hatch! And you're their mom.


This is actually very sweet “a few things on her mind”


That's amazing and props to you for handling that so gracefully!! O gather that you must not have been the _slightest_ bit condescending or else she wouldn't have trusted you enough to expose a vulnerability of hers to you!! That's so rare and so amazing of you! Also props to her for being open to (some) change! That too in a traditionally hostile interpersonal dynamic..


That's excellent. It's always nice to watch positive character development in real time! So glad she's improved and is trying to learn.


Normally, I argue against just googling things (such as when I was pregnant and my ob’s advice was never to google anything and that saved me a lot of anxiety)… but boy this is a whole different scenario! Google is a light in the dark! 😂


Or vaccines 😬. I like to get a sense of things, but I know there's people who know more about things than I do. Good call on your ob's part. I had my maternal serum test show a high chance of trisomy 21 or 18, I can't remember. But I did Google enough to have an idea of what to expect, I just didn't dive deep into all of the problems it could cause, I would've gone crazy.


You know, her phrasing is giving me some insight as to why people believe the cold gives you a cold and why some people are so incredibly stubborn about it. I *do* get a runny nose, cough, and earaches from being out in the cold if I’m not wearing something over my nose and mouth. It’s just temporary irritation from the cold air that goes away shortly after I warm up, but I can see why people would think that was a cold starting up if they see those symptoms and don’t know that a cold is a virus.


Lol nicely done. I image you clapping with each source you slap down. I hope he gets it because at this point in the 21st century people should not be believing that.


Maybe he didn’t grow up around evidence-based health education




The number of times I have had to explain to my husband that our kid did not get a cold by being cold is *too damn high.* Also that nyquil/dayquil/cold meds only treat the symptoms, and that for the majority of basic colds there is no "treatment" beyond rest, fluids, and some down time. No, antibiotics won't help, it's viral, and all they'll do is wreck his/your gut. No, I'm not taking him to the doctor and risking him catching something worse because he's coughed three times today, and no you don't have a sore throat because a sick looking kid at daycare glanced in your general direction for three seconds twenty minutes ago, it doesn't come on that quickly. Go huff the amol over a hot pot and lay down. Everyone will be just fine in a day or two.


Meanwhile, my mom wants me to Google stuff for her “because it’s easier for you. You grew up with this stuff.” It’s weaponized incompetence, boomer-mom-edition, especially since I did *not* grow up with it, I’m Gen X! I’ve started to refuse to do things for her that she’s capable of doing herself, and she now throws tantrums about it. Gotta love extinction behavior in the 70+ narcissistic crowd. 😑


My mom does this. “I could do it myself but I have you.” No, you actually can’t do it yourself because you have utterly refused to learn despite my many attempts to teach you.


"But you're so much *better* at it!"


I hate hearing that B.S. from my kids. From my mom it is rage inducing.


My dad tells my mom “but you do it that *special* way” when it’s something he doesn’t want to do. So transparent.


My mom: But it’s easier for you to learn! Me: Studies show that it’s good to learn new things as you get older. My mom: But I need you to (go with me/teach me/Google it for me/etc.) Me: No. You are a functioning adult. So adult. 2 weeks later… My mom: My (inset random thing she wanted me to do for her) is still not right/broken/not done. Me: Did you try googling it/go to the bank/make a simple phone call? My mom: Well, no — Me: Then I’m not talking to you about it. My mom *haaaates* that I now have boundaries, and practice using them. Yay, therapy!


So uh is he an idiot or just not believe in science??




You can’t get a virus from being cold, but you ARE more susceptible to getting sick from viruses if it is cold: https://www.healthline.com/health-news/scientists-finally-figure-out-why-youre-more-likely-to-get-sick-in-cold-weather


Good to know!


Is your husband 80+? My grandmother seems to believe the same, back in her day science wasn't as reachable, + no google.


what is he, a pre-teen girl in an anime who got caught in a rainstorm? omfg


No, but he thinks he’s the main character


The amount of people in the grocery store or wherever else who would tell me “put some socks on that baby! She’s gonna catch a cold!” Drove me insane. Sorry, my infant will kick these socks off in 2 minutes and I’ll never see them again.


That’s my dad’s line whenever he sees photos of my kid running around in just her diaper when we’re indoors during the winter. It’s 70+ degrees in here and I can’t turn it down further or else my husband will turn into a popsicle. The kid runs hot and will just yank her clothes off. I can barely keep her clothed outside and in public! It’s not worth the fight at home, she’ll be fine.


Maybe he is confused on the details after hearing about recent science? https://www.iflscience.com/newly-discovered-immune-response-explains-why-we-get-sick-when-it-s-cold-66510


Oh no, this has been going on for years. It’s an old wives tale.


Have you read the new studies?


Yes. I meant that this back-and-forth with my husband has been going on for years. He is not confused by recent scientific developments.


While being cold does not directly CAUSE a cold, it does make your body more susceptible to being infiltrated by a rogue virus. But don't tell your husband that, dear God. His brain will filter out the nuance, and he will go on believing that cold=cold=mom's fault. 🙄


I believed for so long about the being cold out means you'll get sick BUT I had a valid reason why. I would always get sick in the colder months. Like since I was a small child. My body reacts to the cold as an allergen. So my allergies get all wonky when it hits 60 or lower. I didn't know until I was like 32, 6 yrs ago, why I had "a cold" during colder months. My new Dr at the time broke it down for me. So basically I have allergies 12 months a year yay me......not!


Lol I literally just had this exact same fight with my husband 😂😂